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Some slaves returned from Brazil to the coast of West Africa, you could descend from some former slave with Indigenous American ancestry that was dilluted as the generations passed.


I thought of that, but there are literally only two locations that came up and they're pretty accurate to my family. The odds of someone with purely DNA from my mom and dad's tribes, and native DNA seems pretty low.


The locations are sourced from self inputted relative locations. Meaning if 5 of your DNA relatives put the same location down in Nigeria, it’ll show up. Do you have Gedmatch results on the Harappaworld calculator?


see comment below


It is a possibility but looks like just noise. What is surprising for me is the title of the post, what is 'weird' about the results? Subsahariana human populations had very little mobility for milenia, and just came out of the continent in more modern times due to slavery.


Not necessarily. Ethiopia, Morocco, and Egypt are the only African polities whose boundaries extended into West Asia and Europe at some point in history. There’s evidence of Cushitic-speaking groups in Arabia dating from 6,000 years ago. Some Ethiopian studies experts believe Islam was born as a reaction to Axumite rule in Arabia after the Persians expelled thousands of Ethiopian settlers back to East Africa in the 7th century. All the other Axumites were captured and enslaved by Arab tribes, Bilal being descended from one of these groups and an enslaved Arab man. Subsaharan African =/= West and Central Africa.


Umm... West Africa had several large-scale empires, including the Mali Empire and Songhai Empire. Please search up the boundaries of the Mali Empire so you can have an idea of how far it spread. I don't think that sort of size would've been possible without some travel involved. Also, look into the famed Malian Emperor Mansa Musa, who travelled all the way to Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the 1300s. Certain tribes like the Fula, Tuareg, and Dyula are also known for widespread travel and/or commerce.


They typically returned to Liberia and Sierra Leone. Never heard of returnees to Nigeria, during that era


Then you need to read a bit more.


Don't we all? That was a pretty lame comeback, by the way, colonizer


Seriously, just search up on it. Just search "Sierra Leone Creole people" and go to the "Settlements" section if there is one. Or just look into the history of Nigeria in general and see if there were people of African descent from any part of the Americas who moved to Nigeria. "Do it," as Chancellor Palpatine says.


That is the lowest Neanderthal results I have seen anywhere aside from my own results! I also have only 2 variants. I am Ghanaian by the way.


Neanderthals didn’t live in sub-Saharan Africa as far as anyone knows, so that makes sense.


Yes, the Neanderthal admix only happened with homo sapiens who left Africa. The same applies to Denisovans.


There were ancient back migrations of humans from Europe INTO North Africa, so all populations from the Sahel northward carry a small amount of Neanderthal DNA. This has also made its way into African populations south of the Sahel as well.


And east africa


Mind you those who spread Eurasian DNA into East Africa had little to no Neanderthal DNA.


I don't know about that since most of that Eurasian DNA in East Africa came from Europe via Western Asia during those interglacial periods.


Called basal Eurasian


How come we don't talk about that more often. Most humans literally have Neanderthall dna and yet we manage to hate on each other based on ethnic or racial differences. Don't know about others, but finding out that part really put things into perspective for me.


I'm mainly European with a little North African and have only <2% Neanderthal DNA.


I believe everyone has less that 2%, but OP and I have only 2 variants. How many variants do you have?


Ah gotcha. Didn't see the variants. 2 is pretty neat! I have 197. So a wee bit more. Lol!


How accurate are the ethnicity predictions of Igbo, Edo and Ijaw?


Spot on. Mom’s Itsekiri, Dad’s Bini.


Do not forget. Once you get beyond ten generations, the contribution of a single 100% pure blood ancestor will not register 0.1%. That 11th generation for 25 years/generation is 275 years ago or roughly 1750. This means any 1450-1750 interactions in the Americas and Africa might be weighted at effectively zero.


yeah the specific interaction that was referenced by my mom occurred during the 1500-late 1600s




It's common for West Africans to know their ancestry this far back. Storytelling kept the records going. It is only those of us whose ancestors were forcefully brought over during the Transatlantic Slave Trade that were not allowed to keep track of our family history


That's pretty cool that they're kept the story going and alive.


These arent weird at all except the native, which could just be noise. Us west africans are almost always 95-100% exactly what we think we are lol


99.7% Nigerian from the Igbo Land and 0.3% Sudanese. We got the same Paternal Haplogroup haha.


I too had a tiny sliver of Portuguese but otherwise 99.8% sub-saharan


What are your results?


Very cool! The Portuguese family story is interesting. Definitely a possibility they were of mixed Indigenous/West African descent. Do you mind posting your GEDMatch results if you feel like doing that? I don’t think I’ve seen any from Nigerians or West Africans in general and the deeper analysis may reveal whether there actually is minor Portuguese baked in somewhere. As for Neanderthal variants, most people from SSA have very little as Neanderthals never lived there so the minor DNA they score is typically from back migrations or distant mixing with North Africans or West/South Asians depending on where in Africa you’re from.


GEDMatch? Not sure what that is


Just looked into it and uploaded. For all projects except for MDLP, East Asian/Eurasian shows up in ranges of 0.2-3 percent.


Quite possible the East Asian is the Indigenous American you scored. I’m curious as to what you get when you run Eurogenes K13 and Harappaworld calculators.


pretty similar results on Eurogenes, Baltic came in at .08%, I’m ignoring that


Was the rest African?


yeah mostly


i think some south east asian as well but yeah african


Could you try EthioHelix? I’m curious to see your results


1.75 North African, 25.32 percent Eastern Bantu, 1.31 Khoi San, 61.08 West African, 0.27 Hadza, 5.94 Biaka Pygmy, 4.34 French-Omiotic


Dropping my Other Results: Eurogenes: SubSaharan: 94.99 NortheastAfrican: 2.25 EastAsian: 1.43 RedSea: 0.44 SouthAsian: 0.37 Oceanian: 0.24 Amerindian: 0.21 Baltic: 0.08 Dodecad: NeoAfrican: 59.39 SoutheastAsian: 1.32 EastAfrican: 9.1 PaleoAfrican: 30.19 Harappa: SoutheastAsian: 0.5 Papuan: 0.15 EastAfrican: 2.48 Pygmy: 3.15 WestAfrican: 93.73 puntDNA SubSaharan: 98.31 Siberian: 0.39 EastAsian: 1.3 Geodrosia: EastEurasian: 3.58 SubSaharan: 95.91 WestEurasian: 0.51


Can you share your results through message? If you don’t mind


See above


Very interesting no nilo-Saharan. On EthioHelix what were your single population sharing?


I saw you got East Asian and Papuan. I’m guessing it might be deep-rooted connections with East Asia. Likely, Igbo people have some kind of East Asian or San admixture. There's a study that reveals East Asian DNA in Africans. The Igbo people mixed with the Sans 9,000 years ago. I've found a bizarre cultural similarities between the Igbo in Nigeria and Papuans and its connection to the sudden appearance of haplogroup D in the Igbo region. The culture of the Igbo people shows close connections to the South East Asians like the Papuans (as well as the Pacific Islanders) more so than the Europeans or even the Northern Nigerians. Although the South East Asian and Igbo people are the most genetically distant, the cultures are still very close. **Note:** It's not just the Igbo. I've seen lots of tribes in the same region as the Igbo with the same light skin. Here are two interesting studies worth reading. [Modern human origins: multiregional evolution of autosomes and East Asia origin of Y and mtDNA](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/101410v6) [Ancient Admixture into Africa from the ancestors of non-Africans](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.01.127555v1.full) [Ancient humans traveled half the world to Asia before main migration out of Africa](https://www.science.org/content/article/ancient-humans-traveled-half-world-asia-main-migration-out-africa)


What are your haplogroups?


Maternal: L3e2b1a Paternal: E-P252(Ramesses III!)


Perhaps a bit off topic, but I have E-CTS1313 for my paternal line, which seems to be really rare. The last time I've checked any online databases and such, it seems maybe a handful of people at most across any platform has it, mostly in Nigeria. I'm African American - descendant of enslaved people, here - but I have found on AncestryDNA after someone helped me narrow down my fullly African descendant matches that I have many matches from Southeast Nigeria, particularly Igbo matches, but also Efik and Ibibio. Anyway, if anyone had any more updates on this haplogroup of share it, I'd be interested in knowing.


Same Y-haplogroup here too!


Our maternal haplogroup was nearly the same ):! L3e2a1b


Same paternal group here! We're practically kin. Time to reclaim Egypt for the family 🤣


I have heard of this before. Decendants of Ancient Egyptian Pharoahs in Nigeria. Very interesting.


Nah I just share the lineage with him, not descended


You mean you have common ancestors. Still interesting how far and wide and unexpected are the links that people keep funding. Is that haplogroup common in Nigeria?


I am from Ghana and I also share the same paternal lineage as Rameses III, my Haplogroup is E-M4254. The match with Ramesis is at the root of our Haplogroup lineage specifically E-V38. This haplogroup evolved around 40,000 years ago so it just means that we have the same paternal ancestor as Ramesis within the last 40,000 years. Also worth noting for context is that nearly all West/Central African males will show up as connected to Ramesis III when they take this test.


Team Ghana 🥳🥳 Don't tell the Nigerians. 🤫


Oh wow. We have the same maternal haplogroup!


I’m African American but 40% of my dna is just igbo tribe Nigerian nice to see other ppl from my tribe☺️


I only have 2 variants as well


It’s possible that you had Portuguese ancestors at some point, but you just didn’t happen to inherit any of their DNA.


You find many light skin Igbos and South easterners due to influence from native Americans. Yes, native americans crossed over to the Africa pre-colombus and their is some legend among the Igbos of arrival of copper skinned boat people. At last, today DNA is confirming that.


I don’t think the indigenous percentage is noise. You might be descended from a repatriated ex-slave.


>repatriated Yeah man, a huge part of the reason I wanted to look into the DNA stuff was because my family has a lot of weird features for West Africans and you can see it in me and all of my siblings. I've had a lot of body hair since I was young, which always got commented on in the black community I lived in. My dad has lighter brown eyes and a lot of my relatives are super light skinned,


Yeah im Igbo and most of my family is light skinned. Go google saro people and it’ll probably help u out.


This has always intrigued me about Nigeria. For a lot of North Africa and Northeast Africa, the variances in phenotype is automatically attributed to the high Eurasian ancestry in most of those populations and thus a lot more effort has been put into studying the genetics of those people. Nigeria doesn’t have that history yet of all the West African countries there’s such a higher amount of wildly different phenotypes for seemingly no reason as most Nigerians except for maybe the Shuwa cluster pretty closely together. Your hairiness and skin color don’t seem to be traits connected with colonialism. I’ve seen multiple documentations of early slave trading in the US describing certain groups of Nigerian captives as “yellow” or “red” in skin color. In the Caribbean and the US some slang terms for light skinned people come from references to Igbos so the diversity in skin color definitely pre-dates European colonialism. As for the body hair, I feel like the further you get from the Sahel the more body hair you’ll see on average. I’m AA but I thank my Nigerian genes everyday for my full connected beard lol.


Like all West Africans, the ancestors of the Igbo people came from North East Africa. The West Africans who live in the South Eastern and Delta regions of Nigeria, seem to be carrying the ancestral lineages of all the E haplogroups in Africa. That ancestral lineage is DE. Haplogroup DE and CT were formed in North East Africa. My opinion might not be a popular one with other black people, but I believe that the original Igbo people looked like the light-skinned man and woman [here](https://scontent-lis1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/339429125_724142609404642_6131386596340738779_n.jpg?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5614bc&_nc_ohc=1yfCEnKGrrIAX_TLPAT&_nc_ht=scontent-lis1-1.xx&oh=00_AfDX1AUE77WJOVo_qkFTdS4jnvNaLhYqqRXC7fhNH61SYg&oe=65079F72). But as more Sudanic groups related to Nilotes migrated south and mixed with the lighter ones, the Igbo became extremely diverse in skin tone. This is the reason why Nigerians are generally lighter skinned than other West Africans like Ghanaians. I believe the ancestors of Igbos moved up to from the south but many of their kingsmen went back south again. I have an even crazier theory, but I think that the ancestors of Igbo and Delta folks might have come from the Andaman Islands. I say this because haplogroup D is very rare in Africa and is mostly in south east Asia. I think tens of thousands of years ago, a group of Andamense moved back into Africa via south Africa and mixed with the Sans. Their descendants later migrated up north via the Nile and settled in Ethiopia. This was before the second out of Africa migration. Thousands of years later, they moved back south again. There seems to be some genetic signals in Africans pointing to South East Asia. I’ve linked one study below. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/101410v6


>As for the body hair, I feel like the further you get from the Sahel the more body hair you’ll see on average. I’m AA but I thank my Nigerian genes everyday for my full connected beard lol. It's the other way around. Sub Saharan Africans are less hairy than Sahelians, North Africans, Southern Europeans and Arabs. Some Sub Saharans like Nilotes have virtually no body hair. I'm Nigerian and it's unusual for us to have much body hair.


I"m damn near half Naija and got the struggle beard.


That's perfectly normal characteristics of regular southern Nigerians and Cameroonians. The people who have these lighter brown eyes (who are from the Igbo and Cameroonian regions) are the Proto Bantu speaking farmers. So it’s clear that the light skin found in the Southern Nigerian has nothing to do with Europeans. See Mona Lisa Chinda and daughter (tropically adapted light skin Africans without SLC24A5). Khoi-Sans are light (even without SLC24A5). Chinese, for example, are light and don’t carry the European SLC24A5 alleles. So is light skin African in origin? Possibly. But the light skin alleles (SLC24A5) associated with Caucasian groups are not African in origin. If any ancient human had light skin with lighter brown eyes in Africa, he/she would have most likely been a tropical African like the Igbo/Cameroonian people who have light skin (some even have blue eyes) but still have morphological tropical African features.


Same reason I did my DNA, except for the hairiness. I’m not hairy at all but we have a lot of light skin members with lighter eyes. I even have a few traits for blonde hairs and my mother has loose reddish/blonde hair. But nope…100 percent African.


Yep I’m 100% igbo have very reddish saturated light brown skin and light brown hair with blondish tones to it. Igbos vary a lot in appearance


I am Igbo and I have never seen any Igbo look like the way you described yourself.


Good for you. I’m igbo and I have, now what? Thats your business


studies have been done on eastern and southern African skin color genes. It turns out light skin genes date back a long time to even before Neanderthals existed. The common species humans and Neanderthals desecended from already had light and dark populations.


But some mutations did take place after modern looking people left Africa. No study has been done really on pigment genes of West Africans. However I have seen pics of Cameroonians with light eyes also Igbo and seen light light Igbo who are 100% African according to DNA tests


Fellow Edo, Oba ghato kpere! What are the other regions?


igbo as well


Yes I've seen the comment 👍🏽


Someone here had 1 variant


Are your parents from Nigeria? If you aren't African American then I'd take it as noise


Wow, Cool results bro😎👍


You shouldn't have 2% neanderthal if you are fully African, makes no sense at all


To put this in perspective, mine (mostly European ancestry) also says “less than 2%” and I have 294 relevant variants. OP had 2 relevant variants. So “less than 2%” is a very broad range and OP is at the very low end of that range.


Every African person I know who took this test scored 100% Subsaharan African with Neanderthal variants. You’re in for a rude awakening if you believe Neanderthal = Non African.


Well here is the issue with Neanderthal variants. There was an earlier OOA migration which introduced some Homosapiens DNA to Neanderthals. Then more humans left in a more recent OOA migration and mixed with those Neanderthals before Neanderthals went extinct. Then some of those mixed people moved back to NE & N Africa and south further mixing


some of the Neanderthal variants are actually human in origin not specific to them but introgressed


When they first sequenced Neanderthal DNA, it was believed only people whose ancestors had passed through the Neanderthal areas would have Neanderthal DNA. The accepted word was "everyone on earth has Neanderthal DNA except for subsaharan Africans, whose ancestors stayed in Africa and didn't pass through Neanderthal territory." But further DNA examination showed that Neanderthal DNA made its way to subsaharan Africa as well, from people migrating southwards into Africa. Maybe not a lot, but at least a little. Hence why OP has only very minimal Neanderthal DNA, but still has more than zero.


The .2 is just noise.


Seems likely, it’s been fun speculating though


I’d say you are 100% anything trace is a maybe at best


Aight, so here's what I think. I think one of your ancestors was an ex-slave from any part of the Americas who moved to Nigeria and married to another one of your ancestors. Eventually, after two or three centuries of their descendants marrying exclusively Nigerians with no Indigenous American and/or European DNA, that Indigenous American DNA would be buried so deep that you wouldn't even know that you have Indigenous American DNA unless you take a DNA test. That's what I think happened.


I thought that pure subsharian Africans were 100% homosapiens sapiens with 0% neanderthal.


Well, that’s not necessarily true. Most Subsaharan Africans except for Northeast Africa got their Neanderthal ancestry from Iberomaurisians


Neanderthals came from Africa Dufus🤷🤦




Wrong Dufus. They come from Homo Sapians who come from Africa.




Smh, that article was a opinion of the Arthur’s & not scientific fact. Again Dufus you’re wrong🤷


Cite sources or shut up.


You didn’t cite in scientific research you posted articles of opinions. 🤦🤦🤦


Neanderthal have skulls and skeletons which fall outside the normal range of humanity. So no they are not Homo sapiens. Its like saying a lion is a tiger


Well no not exactly they descend from a Homo genus that lived in Africa and was not them or us, but ancestral to both.


Highly recommend illustrative DNA, 23andme is highly tuned to modern population only, or even true ancestorey if you are curious about ancient DNA specially that they have a free teer unlike illustrative dna


It's only my opinion, but I disregard results with leas than 5%. Maybe I'm wrong though