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Just to clarify; I am a Christian, in my DNA results I found only DNA from the levant and 3 something percent from Coptic Egyptians which they're Christians too, it's strange and interesting. And less than 1% Greek


What site?


23andme then I put the results in my true ancestry


How do you do that


Where are you from and what is your main component?


I live in the holy land and levantine


I saw your first post got removed. So I will repost my comment for anyone curious about the slight genetic difference between Palestinian Christians and Muslims Palestinian Christians are the closest modern people to Roman Era Judea/Levant (or within top couple closest populations at very least, along with Samaritans, other Levantine Christians, and Druze). Christian communities in the Middle East form very endogamous, isolated communities so they usually retain the most of the indigenous ancestry from their respective lands, for example Copts. Muslim Arabs, like Palestinian Muslims, also have majority of their ancestry from the indigenous people of their respective lands, but they also have on average more foreign admixture from neighboring and further away lands. With the spread of Islam brought more interconnectedness in the MENA world. So more “cosmopolitanism” in ancestry of Muslim communities. Christian communities have been historically more isolated, and the Muslim populations typically used to be part of the medieval Christian communities that later converted to Islam. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both largely descended from Canaanites. The Christians (like from cities like [Beit Sahour](https://youtu.be/ktqrZcEDS0c?si=2DqjVmleGyn3WQUz), a city near Bethlehem in West Bank that is 80% Christian), just have less foreign admixture. Also for Christians in general who see this, the people in the Bible wouldve generally been like modern Palestinian Christians, Samaritans, etc in looks and genetics More videos on Palestinian Christians. [The stones cry out - Voices of the Palestinian Christians](https://youtu.be/pWPijzzinKg?si=r_v5GzvLU0HDfM_g) [Beit Sahour, a living heritage](https://youtu.be/5p5RwnJucyU?si=wTLiqlB6k19fOKPN)


Thank you for educating me :)


Are you or your family from West Bank?


No, none actually


Which region? If don’t mind me asking




I have seen clusters of samples from people in Nablus (both Christians and Muslims) that cluster extremely closely with Samaritan samples. Based on this, it's likely there are or were (over the last century) some villages that were more endogamous than others, which preserved genetics that closely mirrored those of populations from Roman Era time-frames.


I am not saying that this would entirely disprove your point but isn't it known that Nablus had a Samaritan population in the past and that people converted to Christianity and Islam? Wouldn't that be a bigger or at least equally significant factor?


I fully agree with your point and I should have clarified my statement. I'm aware there is a large population in that area, of both religious groups, that's descended from Samaritans. I'm just speculating on the likelihood that there are or were other isolated unsampled communities which retained genetic profiles similar to the Roman Era time frame until more recent or modern times. For example, I'm speculating that in the early 1900s there may have been other isolated communities that retained these genetic characteristics.


Totally could be, but the challenge is identifying them.


Good comment and absolutely right!


Thank you!


peoples at Beit Sahour converted later or that place already isolated? Thanks fot your infos.


Likely among the first people to convert to Christianity. Most Palestinian Christians likely converted to it within that few hundred years after the introduction of Christianity and before the introduction of Islam, likely end of Roman Empire or earlier. Muslim populations likely slowly converted from the medieval Christian population to Islam. It is believed either by the Crusades, Palestinians were already majority Muslim, or due to the Crusades was when Palestine lost Christians being majority.


I'd be interested to see a haplogroup breakdown for Palestinian Christians and all Levantine Christians. We obviously know about more distant haplogroups very well, but I haven't seen anything discussing the lineages at around the time of Jesus/the advent of Judaism. I would assume there would be significant overlap with Jewish and Samaritan paternal lineages. The geneticist Razib Khan tweeted today that he can confirm that one Lebanese Maronite carries J-Z18271, which is the Cohen lineage. Pretty cool stuff.


> The geneticist Razib Khan tweeted today that he can confirm that one Lebanese Maronite carries J-Z18271, which is the Cohen lineage. Pretty cool stuff. https://twitter.com/razibkhan/status/1716242084733034809


I feel silly, but 23andMe doesn't show ancestry from Jesus times though. Right? 


Canaanite/Semite/Levantine can be from any of the many ethnic groups that inhabited the land in both sides of the river Jordan. Sadly there is no much data on the specific ethnic groups. But I’m happy to see such a level of indigenous DNA in you and that your family still lives there.


I am happy too


Nice result.


Thank you!


Is this on 23 and me? What site is this?


MyTrueAncestry https://mytrueancestry.com/en/


Gedmatch had it for free, at least last time I did it 2 years ago.


Gedmatch had ancient ancestry report ?


They have a bunch like dodecad but they are very different and you’ll have to look up explanations. There is one that matches you with individual VERY ancient humans like Otzi the Iceman.


If I may, I would like to ask: Do you identify as a Canaanite or as an Arab? I ask because I've seen in modern discourse the elimination of nuance within MENA identities, where peoples who would have been called Phoenician, Amazigh, Egyptian, Syriac/Mespotamian and Canaanite are called now just "Arab". An example would be modern Lebanese and southern Syrian people being called Arabs, when in fact their closest genetic ancestor are the Phoenicians.


Tbh I know I am technically a Canaanite and they're my ancestors and all, and not many here would identify against the "Arab" ethnicity, well, Arabian culture is part of my culture too, so I consider myself both in a way? Idk, it's complicated


It's like an American of British descent identifying as just American, not really identifying as an Anglo-Saxon even though they are descended from them. Is that right?


It's funny because, if I recall correctly, there's a strong subset of white Americans who still, to this day, strongly identify with their Anglo-Saxon heritage. The WASP's show the duality of ethnicity and nationality. Also, most white Americans are of Germanic ancestry (German, Scandinavian and so on), so it makes sense that most of the white people in the US don't identify as Anglo-Saxons because they are not. P.d.: Most white Americans are very aware of their ethnicity, and they usually bore and annoy the Europeans by claiming to be part of their national group when they only share, and most times only partly, ethnicity.


For what it’s worth, I think there’s reason to believe that English descent in the US is massively undercounted.


They don't just annoy the Europeans lol. I'm a 100% Ashkenazi in America and it's a common occurrence for 1/4 Ashkenazi people who look Swedish to tell me about how Jewish they are despite celebrating Christmas.


Anglo Saxons lived in the early middle ages. That's relatively recent so it's not far fetched to identify with them. The Dome of the Rock was built during this era and Palestinians identify with and hold it in high regard after all. Identifying as a Canaanite tho? That's a stretch.


So would you say you're an arabized Canaanite? Ethnically Canaanite but culturally arabesque?


Not OP, but my understanding is that that’s the case for most of the Muslim Middle East. A few other examples, my Algerian neighbor speaks Arabic and French, but told me he identifies more as Berber. Egyptians are generally still the same genetically as the historic Egyptians but also adopted Arabic culture, language, etc.


wouldn’t arabized canaanite pretty much be a synonym for palestinian?


No, because while 40-60% of Palestinians have canaanite DNA, many Palestinians are also Arabs. Christian Palestinians tend to have more canaanite DNA, Arab Palestinians in general, not as much. People of the middle east have mixed with each other over the years, everyone’s pretty similar genetics wise and even in their appearance.


TLDR: Palestinian


as a palestinian with mostly canaanite dna i still identity as an arab because i speak arabic which connects us to other arab nations culture-wise, i guess. i dont speak canaanite language or practice any sort of canaanite culture from my knowledge, so it seems weird to say im canaanite. i never really thought about it. but like the american british dude in the replies said, you dont see white americans casually referring to themselves as anglo-saxons, or at least i havent seen it.


I feel you


very cool


Thank you!




How do you get ancient sample breakdown


Download your DNA genome and upload it to my true ancestry


omg that is a great tip ty!!


Thanks for just having fun with your results and not making any political point with genetics.




Palestinians aren't arabs but some people get scared and will flame thinking that if Palestinians arent arabs then they have no right to claim their land which is the opposite lol


I do agree lol


Palestinians are Arabs. Arab isn’t a genetic identity it’s a cultural one. They are Arab and indigenous to Palestine, just like Egyptians are Arab and indigenous to Egypt, or Moroccans, or Iraqi, etc


Lmao you guys made that culture bullshit up. This communtiy is about genes not culture. Besides there is nothing in common about culture. Keep Morocco outside your delusionals


You gotta be mentally stagnated, because there is no way your normal. I am part-Moroccan and part-Libyan you know nothing about Arab history or identity or anything about mena. Take your blood quantum mental illness elsewhere.


Im half bla bla bla. If you studied real history you wouldnt be shitting here qith your nonsense lol blud thinks if he is arb then he is superior 😂😂😂


What are you talking about? Lmao 😭 there is no way your normal did your test show any inherited mental illnesses? Arab is a cultural identity nobodies talking about superiority. Get help Ratio + your white


A sick person mentally talking about meantl health while he says Arab is a culture 🤣🤣. My god how many ignorant people are still living in 2023🤣🤣🤣 Im pure Moroccan I got nothing to do with Arabs our culire is way different than yours my half guy 😘


Yeah your mentally ill 💀 Arab is a cultural identity just like Amazigh is a cultural identity. Or Hispanic etc. Stop embarrassing yourself


"Stop embarassing yourself" this is why you are mentally ill and will never grow up because there was no place for embarrassment here unless you felt it for yourself 😂😂😂


What's your haplogroup if you don't mind sharing it?


R2 group, I saw the maternal one only! I am not sure what it means though.


Here's [some more information ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_R_%28mtDNA%29?wprov=sfla1) on mt-DNA Haplogroup R and its subclades.


Many Jews will share a similar ancient profile, but with different admixtures. I was watching a video on youtube which mentions the genetics, and everyone there descends from those ancestors. It's something I wish could unite more people.


Yes. We are all cousins and should unite as people




I agree.


Yes. Basically every Jewish group (with the exception of Yemenite, Ethiopian, Kaifeng, and Indian Jews) is majority Levantine on their Paternal line and then the Maternal Line is always overwhelmingly non-Levantine, which is a result of conversion. Most major Jewish ethnic groups are in the range of 30-50% Levantine. There are a lot of similarities despite what public discourse suggests.


I believe Mizrahis does have a bigger percentage than Ashkenazis, which may be 20% in comparison to 40%


Some Mizrahi groups do have bigger Levantine chunks than Ashkenazis, but your percentages are off. I've yet to see any compelling evidence Ashkenazis are below 30-35 percent Levantine. Certainly not 20%. Based on the vast majority of Ashkenazi paternal lineages being Middle Eastern in origin, 20% is very hard to believe. Many studies have concluded it's as high as 40-50%. Many Mizrahi groups are also around 50%, not 40.


Ashkenazis are typically 40-55% MENA with the grand majority of that being Levantine (they also carry North African) Mizrahis can almost be as Levantine as a Palestinian/Lebanese/Syrian.


Well, actually, Ashkenazi jews have a lot more than 20%, and now, with the new update, it's even higher. Mizrahi jews have more than 40% , for example, as a North African jew, I score more than 40%. My lowest is around 50% , and when it's 50%, my North african % is around 30%, and even 38%, so around 88% mena. But on most calculators , I score between 60% to 80% canaanite/ Phoenician /Amorite/ Eblaite, and i score even more on some other calculators. But it mostly 60% to 80%.


I’m ashkenazi and my maternal haplogroup is R0A2 which it says is Levantine?


I don't know much about R0A2 but I will ask someone about it who helped me trace back my ancestry if you want?


Aren’t Ethiopian and Indian Jews mostly genetically identical to surrounding populations of Ethiopia and India (showing conversion) with no relation to Levantine populations : -https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC379128 -https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2323359




I got levantine and used a different website and uploaded my dna file to it


is this report what you get for the free version or paid?


I did it too it's free


Yes free


cool it'll try it, I remember wanting to do it a while ago but didn't kniow whether the free version was any good


just got mine, have to say i'm not the biggest fan, seems not the most accurate for me has me as predominantly canaanite (i'm mizrahi jewish) with no mention to any arabian ancestry (im part yemeni), so it seems it's just based off on where you plot


Can you share it with me? I want to see


Well, keep in mind Mizrahi jews are close in dna to Palestinians


oh yeah of course they are, no doubt. just the lack of any arabian whatsoever for me depsite being part yemeni is giving that it's not 100% accurate DMd you my results, almost identical


Woohoo! Do you consider yourself Arab?


Levantine Arab is different, but yeah, in a way


Well, you have no Arab DNA but you called yourself Israeli Arab, so I was curious. Hello, cousin from American Jew!


Hello!! Well, I have levantine blood, and I am Palestinian who lives in israel. That's why I said Israeli Arab, I speak Arabic as my mother tongue! My ancestors did speak Aramaic through, we still have it in some prayers!


You arent arab. Accept it. Brain washing began in the last century. Even North Africans were Arabized


if he speaks Arabic and has Arab culture and identifies himself with the Arab people, how is he not an Arab? so what if he has no Arab DNA? since when does DNA determine ethnicity? should he go back to being a Canaanite? the pagans who burned their children alive? yeah, right. The Canaanites weren't even a thing anymore in the 7th century


Never knew DNA tests could go so far back




I think she said she is from Israel, maybe from the Galilee? Nazareth perhaps


Near Nazareth actually, but I do identify with both identities




I have Eurogenes K15 Results not sure if it is the same


That’s super cool


very cool!!!


Thank you!


i am adopted (live in usa, coast salish land), and just did my ancestry and found out i an irish and albanian which i never knew before like a month ago 😭 all my ancestors seem to be catholics and i can’t find any records really prior to like 1890.


Do you know what city your from, I visited some northern Israeli majority Arab cities in march and I loved all of them.


Near Nazareth


Why do you consider yourself arab if your ancestors aren't arab?


Because this is the language I speak today and yes it's true there are some things from cannanintes that we still use like Palestinian traditional clothes, everything is different now


Your dialect isnt arabic in the first place . You have alot of words that arent in the arabic dictionnary but they are from other languages


Arab is more of a cultural identifier in much of Middle East from my understanding rather than genetics




War crimes are war crimes even when committed by allies, and should be called out for what they are.


Well, yes, I agree, but i just wanted to show my results


Where’s all the “hate” you were talking about? It’s not call that you were spewing anti semitic bullshit too.


Stop trying to make problems. There was nothing antisemitic. You're punching air right now with assumptions. Leave the post if you're going to fight here.


Always that guy


Bet you score a big chunk of Egyptian % on 23andme


Is 3% a big chunk to you? 96% levantine here, buddy.


Where abouts did you post your 23andme results? Are you Muslim or Christian?


I did you can go and see, and I am Christian


Ah now I get you - you confused me by labeling yourself as an Israeli Arab - technically your not an Arab culturally or genetically. Like others have stated below your very much Levantine :)


Yeah, I am, though. They call us Shami Arabs as in levantine arabs although the Arabs from the gulf recognise our difference more than we do, which is strange


I understand and respect that but at the same time it kinda doesn’t make sense to me. From a genetic perspective the only people who are real Arabs are “Arabians” where as culturally anyone from North Africa to Syria who is Muslim considers themselves an Arab “Culturally” lol Your kinda neither. Genetically your Levantine and culturally your Christian. But of course you can identify how ever you want - I just mean it kinda don’t make sense to me looking from a western perspective.




מעניין מאוד! אפשר לשאול איך עושים את זה ואת 23andme מהארץ?


את/ה יכול להזמין מאתר שלהם, יש הסבר בתוך הקופסה!


חשבתי שהם לא מגיעים לארץ. תודה!


Haplogroups of u don’t mind?




How did you get the Ancient Sample Breakdown?


You're not really "Arab" ethnically. You're ethnically Hebrew and Arabic speaking. "Arab" was never really an ethnos. Originally, Arab means desert (Araba) dweller, but later on, due to lsIamic imperialism, speakers of Arabic were called "Arabs". There is also the concept of someone being a Pan-Arabist in modern times. None of these 3 options are an ethnos.