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If stacking damage onto 1 attack is the goal, Rogue is already a decent chassis because of Sneak Attack. Pull Booming Blade for more dice as you go. Alternately, you could do something abserd and stack various smite-like abilities. Paladin 2, Hexblade 5, Whispers Bard 3 will get you 3x different effects and you'll still be Cha SAD. And it might not even be all that unplayable. Start Pally for heavy armor, then Race Hex 5 and you're still fairly on pace for Extra Attack. Probably finish straight Bard for spells, slots, and bardic die increases. Edit: If the above is off-concept and you're locked into Eldritch Knight, Shadow Blade and a ton of attacks sounds really fun. Edit 2: Just re-read. "You can buy any ability from any class or subclass." I'm gonna rethink. Multiple smite-like abilities still stands, but I'm out of my depth otherwise.


Here’s a cheesy way to one-round something if you can get any spell from any list and any class ability. 1) Get Haste, Longstrider, the Glory Paladin’s Aura that increases your movement speed by 10, and anything that can increase movement speed. Bonus points if you can buy the Tabaxi racial ability to double their movement speed. 2) Get Spike Growth from the Druid spell list. 3) Get the Arcane Abeyance feature from the Chronurgy Wizard subclass and put Haste in it. Have one of your party members use it on you. If they all have stuff to concentrate on, get Find Familiar and give the bead to it. 3) Max out Strength. 4) Get proficiency and Expertise in Athletics. 5) Get Rage for advantage on Strength checks. 6) Get the Rune Knight’s feature of making you a Huge creature. 7) Get the Rogue’s Reliable Talent feature so you can never roll below a 10 on an Athletics check. 8) Get a Powerful Build trait so you can lift one size larger than yourself (not necessary, but is nice to have). 9) At least one Extra Attack for safety. 10) Action Surge. Now that you have all that, here’s what you do: 1) Pre-cast all of your buffs beforehand. 2) Cast Spike Growth on the ground near your enemy, with them at the edge. For every 5 feet of movement, it takes 2d4 damage. 3) Grapple the enemy. At your size and build you can grapple any creature, no matter their size. With your Strength score maxed out, doubled proficiency, having a minimum of a 10 on the die, having multiple attacks to try, *and* having advantage, your chances are very good of that happening. Because this is a check and not a saving throw, Legendary Resistances don’t apply. 4) Here’s where it all comes together. You can move at half speed when grappling an enemy. With your insane speed, that won’t be much of an issue. You take your opponent, and you drag them back and forth across the spikes, dealing 2d4 damage every 5 feet. With enough buffs and extra actions from Haste and Action Surge, you can one-round basically anything once everything is set up. There are a million ways this can go wrong or be outright negated, but it *is* a way to deal tons of damage.


This is so well thought out. Thank you for this. Unfortunately we already have a speed demon, but everything else works perfectly


The speed is only half of the equation. You also need the strength and specific spells (which don’t rely on spellcasting modifiers) to be able to do it. You can’t grapple and one-shot a Tarrasque if you are a Gnome with 8 Strength. One other thing you can add: Hexblade’s Curse. You add your proficiency bonus to every damage roll. As you can imagine, that’s going to add up fast with the number of damage rolls you are going to do.


If it requires being partially a wizard, I think bladesinger paladin could be fun. Grab booming blade, plus divine smite, plus lots of other modifier and go to town


You can get any combo of class features and subclass features? Wizard spell casting Divine Smite Sneak attack Action Surge Extra attack Dread ambusher The amount of Nova damage on this build could be insane


That’s my original idea. But I’ll have to check out Dread ambusher.


I really wanna know how that system works I'm curious and wanna use it


If you mean literally one shot anything then I would suggest a forge cleric that is also using GFB or BB.  Second suggestion is an elven accuracy BB using rogue.   The cleric  https://www.reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/y8f63v/subverting_expectations_the_real_smite_machine/ Though transmuting the damage into something not fire might be essential later on 


Stack everything that increases damage, if that's what you are going for -Rogue's Sneak attack (1/turn half your Rouge Level in d6 rounded up) -Ranger's Favorite Foe (Concentration) (1/turn 1d4) -Paladins Divine Smite (2d8 + 1d8 for every spell level above 1st) -Paladin's Improved Divine Smite (1d8) -Warlock's Eldrich Smite (1d8 + 1d8 for every Warlock Spell Slot above 1st) -Hunters Mark/Hex (Concentration) (1d6 for one enemy) -Divine Favour (Concentration) (1d4, no need to relocate) - Cleric's Blessed Strike (1/turn 1d8) -Artilerist Artificer's Arcane Jolt (Int/day 2d6) -Sword Bard's Blade Flourish (Bardic Inspiration Die) -Strike of the Giants (Depending on the strike between 1d4 and 1d10 PB/day 1/turn) -Gift of the chromatic dragon (1d4) -Great Weapon Master: Power attack (Flat +10 for -5 accuracy) And now if you want to get absurd use Glyph of wardings in a genie vassil (Genie Warlock 1) since you are only moving the enterence and not the position of the glyph (Requires buy in from your DM and personally I would't allow it. Take Creation Bard to offset the cost of glyph of warding and take like a week of downtime. Fill your Vassil with Buffs (like all types of smite, haste, divine favour, elemental weapon, etc. and with one setup round go in there with an action, supercharge yourself with some codeword, or open a book you stored all your spells in triggering all glyphs, go out there with a bonus action and destroy any one target that looked at you the wrong way with a hypercharged attack.


Don't know what you can buy or the costs, but here is my wish list for you: - Fighter 20 extra attack (4) - Paladin Smite - Polearm Master - GWM - Higher spell slots for smiting - Action Surge - Unleash Incarnation (Echo Knight) - Dread Ambusher (Gloomstalker) For single target damage, that's 6 attacks with your action on the first round of combat, 12 if you action surge and 13 for using your bonus action. Smite on all of them or at least on crits and get a good magic weapon with damage riders like a flame tongue? Nothing will survive. Get wizard control spells for utility and AoE if someone else doesn't already.


1. Crit fisher: Half - Orc Eldritch Knight Fighter (11 lvls), shadow Sorcerer (9 levels) Hold Person/Monster unload on them, paralyzed condition is insta crit. 2. 2 Levels in Tempest Cperic for channel div, 18 lvls Order of Scribes Wizard, make your most powerful spell a lightning or thunder spell then max the damage. Example: copy Prismatic Wall (9th lvl) into your spellbook, it's yellow barrier does lightning damage. Take Meteor Swarm, make it lightning, max it. 40 × 6 of lightning damage across 4 points (also it doesn't say they can't overlap) so anything that DOES pass all 4 saves is still taking 160 d6 ÷2 = 480 lightning damage


If you can buy things by using Xp then get vorpal sword and convergent future ability from chronurgist wizard. And also get immunity to exhaustion via regular wizardry trick like true polymorph, shapechange spell or something similar. Try to hit a creature and use convergent future to make the roll the number needed to succeed in beheading the enemy (natural 20) This is instantly kill any enemy that can be killed using the nat 20 trait of vorpal sword. There are many enemies that would be immune to this attack.