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The tongue out during that whole drunk kitchen scene made my skin crawl and ovaries shrivel up. I’m now post menopausal.


It’s giving Gollum.


💯 😂


That was weird but I mean at least he’s dating someone his age and not a 19 year old Thai girl 


The bar for this show is so low😂


At this point it’s basically Satan’s Tavern




That was weird but I mean at least he’s not sacrificing virgins on the full moon yknow


The bar is the sewage that runnith beneath our feet.


He intentionally picked a 41 year old single mom to go on the show w so when he discards her in the end he can use the excuse that she didn't want kids, she's just a prop for his narc fame-seeking.


Lmao, such ick vibes and the way he spoke to her when he was cooking plain ass bangers and mash, acted like he was making a 5 course meal


Yes. Michelin star


He’s a double creepy f*cker for sure.


I felt nauseous when he did that 🤢


Lizard overlord conspiracy #confirmed


Thought it was Ronald


I thought it was too😂


Such a punchable face


He's scary bro! Giving wife beater vibes.


He's already displayed abusive traits and actions for sure.


Absolutely this! Domestic violence theater shit for sure.


Thanks, I hate it.


his teeth look like his main goal is to blow up & then act like he don't know nobody


Solid reference.


This guy is so weird and so desperate to have kids. Like you’re so old don’t have kids now. You don’t have the energy.


Definition of punchable face


I hate this for my eyes tbh


Such a repulsive reptile.


I would love the snip that right off


I’m a guy and that was just so gross and repulsive. She would have ran out of there.


Ick, ick, and some more ick!


I couldn't figure out who this was at first. OMG that tongue during those scenes was gross! I can only imagine what he does behind closed doors.


I hope she gets away from him. He's shown he is abusive and I really worry for her. She deserves so much better.


Ew David.


And my ovaries just shriveled up.


Ick ick ick


Right? Barf


He's so gross. Run, Nui!


Utterly repulsive man. Tony‘s energy and on-camera abuse has blown me away. I have never had such a visceral reaction to a 90 Day Fiance cast member. I’m British, male and gay 🇬🇧👋🏻 A lot of the bias here on the subreddit, for years, is always against the male partners… however vile and mercurial the female partner - take Jasmine as an example, or Natalie, they get a free-pass… but Ed is the devil (and oh, let’s make fun of his medical condition…) I guess it’s to be expected from the demographic watching these shows. For example, what’s everybody’s problem with Rob? That he doesn‘t have a nice home? Yet I’ve seen people here calling him “abusive”. Perhaps nobody is watching 90 Day UK… Tony is very problematic. He is this inflexible, condescending, ex-military, Incel-vibe aggressive douchebag and NOBODY is saying anything. Perhaps there‘s always hate for younger attractive guys who are unattainable to a lot of you or maybe remind you of people you dated or had crushes on - you all made fun of muscular Patrick, why? Because he had a ‘big baby head’ compared to his body or some nonsense. But here we have Tony, middle-aged, past his prime, filling his face with derma-filler and being an absolute a-hole as he is unashamedly snapping and telling-off Nui… but he’s flying under your radar. I’m British. I’ve met a few guys like this. They are rare, but you’ll encounter them once in a while. As much as we disliked Darcey’s Tom, he was petty, a pretender and his crappy behaviour showed some vulnerability. But Tony is the real-deal, absolutely mean and horrible. He is bubbling with angry… and to think this is his ‘best face’ for the camera. How on earth is he behaving behind closed doors when the camera are gone? Most English guys are progressive, modern and have healthy senses of humour. This guy is ANGRY. The fact he is ex-military, that fact he is looking abroad for a partner (these type of men are well-known to have a perception of women from certain countries as being ’traditional women’, versus the independent women from their own Western countries) The fact he claims to be ‘renting his home’ and can’t show her his real life, where he’s been living, his social circle, his loved-ones… The fact he got so worked up about cooking “Bangers and mash” - just felt sinister. Bangers & Mash, by the way, is honestly NOT traditional British food. So many European countries cook sausages with a simple side. Bangers & Mash is simple children‘s food, or something served in a school canteen. A ‘Beef Wellington’ might be considered a traditional British dish. Cooking pre-made sausages and mashing some potatoes is not what anybody here in England considers a date-worthy meal. He seems so utterly problematic and I am surprised the subreddit isn’t on fire with more people outraged at him. 90 Day UK has already shared a spoiler showing him throwing Nui out… I hope she gets back to her own country and cuts off contact with him. He really makes me nervous.


"I guess it’s to be expected from the demographic watching these shows. For example, what’s everybody’s problem with Rob? That he doesn‘t have a nice home? Yet I’ve seen people here calling him 'abusive'. Perhaps nobody is watching 90 Day UK…" What? We are all knives-out for Rob, especially those of us who have been in an emotionally-abusive narcissistic relationship with someone.


The dude is saying that the hate towards Rob is unjustified. That Rob isn't abusive and that Tony, UK, is, comparatively. He's highlighting Tony as an abuser... While trying to aid a different one and sweep his abuse under the rug because he's gay and thirsty for Rob. That's what we can assume from their ramble. He's right about Tony. Completely wrong about Rob 🙄


Sophie’s mom posted vids that 100% proved Rob is an abusive asshole


Yes, a drug-addled narcissist‘s alcohol fuelled texts provide the DEFINITIVE proof!


It was literally videos Sophie took herself…


I am “aiding Rob”. Jesus Christ.


Yes, you are quite literally helping him if you're trying to excuse his behavior by deflecting and saying "X is worse". Rob is independent of Tony. And Rob is, quite literally, an abuser. This much is known especially after seeing the leaked videos.


Emotionally-abusive narcissistic relationships? I’m sorry to hear that. So many bad men about! Though I can’t help wonder what they are telling their friend’s about your behaviour… 🫣 A nag? Hard-work? Joyless? Took herself way too seriously? Bi-polar? Hormonal? The large **majority** of relationships are a two-way street. It fascinates me how a large **minority** of people recognise that. Rob has the patience of a saint ✝️ Can someone with a brain let me know what he’s meant to have done? Apart from not earn much money and when it comes to his looks, likely being out of most of you leagues. Someone claiming to have slept with him posted about him the other day and I’m still shocked something like that is allowed here. I genuinely find you all so utterly toxic.


But he made red onion gravy!  Seriously, we have plenty like him in the States. This is just a case of he’s not worth posting about. 


My immediate reaction to Tony was “this man is violent.” There was a post about him last week, maybe, and a lot of us said our alarms go off when we see this man because, sadly, we are domestic violence victims and we recognise abusive men easily.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. And thank you! I must have missed that post, I’ll go and search for it, glad to hear there is outrage - perhaps 90 Day UK is less watched than it’s American counterparts. I see so much outrage for Gino, Ed, Rob… here we have an actual man who’s (like you say) sending off ‘violent’ energy… and I just expected to see more about him. Thanks for validating my thoughts, I really think there’s something sinister to his personality.


It definitely gets watched less, so I hear ya. I cannot recall anyone on regular 90 Day that made me react the way that Tony did. The moment he said “I like order” made me so incredibly uncomfortable. The conversation in the kitchen about kids and the conversation the next day was full of emotional abuse. He disgusts me to my core.


We can certainly not excuse Jasmine, Natalie not Angela’s vile behaviors. I do believe Natalie has a true mental illness. Despite this, their behavior is abhorrent and unacceptable. Ed is a disgrace. He talks over everyone and is emotionally abusive. As for his looks: No, he is not a good looking guy. If his personality weee kind and fun, his appearance would be forgiven. His family does not speak to him for his choices and actions. There is so much verbal and emotional abuse on these shows. Then, you step into the physical abuse.. The throwing of drinks in the face. Destruction of property. Stealing of property. It is absolutely vile. Yet, here I am with a glass of wine in hand watching the show and commenting on Reddit. This Tony has a very popular opinion of himself and he seems to ooze the “vibe” of an abuser.


No, dumb ass.. The woman makes the eggs..








What season is this from?


UK season 3




That moment made me lose my lady boner .


Yall swear like some women don’t make these same kind of faces. But when y’all do it’s “a vibe” lol