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We also saw him cook a meal and change a diaper. That's already above 99% of men on this show.


Such a low bar to clear. My goodness. This is where we're at now.


We were watching the latest episode and I said "good for him!" What seemed like a real joke of a relationship now looks like quite an average marriage and a happy (if odd) family. Any man who will put on a chicken costume because that's all he's really qualified to do, and not bitch about it is A ok in my book.


This is true and he was so happy the whole time, I’m definitely not hating on Jose.


Plus he has a job and draws penis cards so that puts him above the rest. The bar is also low.


Well obviously that means he mentally disabled and can’t function unaided. /s


Without being asked


I love Jose so much. I'm all for it. Feel bad for Jesse though, can't imagine Jose being my step father.


Poor guy is the father figure for both of them, the voice of reason! 


Yeah, I don't think that grown man of like 19 claims that's his step dad


No of course not, technically true legally but that's it.


He's a horrendous rapper but that's the most gorgeous baby omg


That baby is just so freaking adorable OMG what a cutie pie 🥰


I thought that baby had on a wig. Such a beautiful head of hair!


The baby is beautiful, and Jose seems to be besotted with him! Louise’s older son is super cute and smart too (I can’t remember his name and I haven’t watched the recent episode yet!) Louise has beautiful eyes, and her face really lights up with Jose, goofy as he may be!


Literally the cutest baby I have ever seen in my entire life!!


Babies look all the same to me, but jesus I just got to that episode and that is a cute baby.


That is the cutest baby I have ever seen!


I have to admit he's growing on me too. How many of us would move somewhere else and commit to the chicken bit that much? In fact, my partner and I are so intrigued by this chicken man, we are seriously considering taking a detour to go see the chicken place. It's our very own 90DFUK pilgrimage.


Do it! Report back please!


I am going to have to! I'm in Canada, but will be close enough that I'd feel like an idiot not having gone 


This is your mission now.


I accept this.


We support this! 😅😍


The guy who owns that chicken shop is really smart to get him out there in the chicken costume! It's actually a job that suits him to a tee, enthusiastic about chickens, check, a chicken song, check, lively and chatty, check. I hope he brings in customers so he does keep the job. 


Borderline iq of 70, check.


Me too!! We love chicken man now 😍


Chicken is his thang


I kinda like Jose lol I would never MARRY him but he does seem to be a nice guy and yeah, super positive. The other night I watched the episode where he was held at immigration at the airport and Louise told the story of him washing her feet and putting her socks and shoes on. She said no one else she's been with had done something that nice for her. After that I'm a lot less critical of them. She's obviously been in garbage relationships so his consistent doofy positivity must be such a nice change of pace for her.


I would never marry him but I'd absolutely party with him


That part, he seems like he'd be a hoot to bump into on a night out but not to take home to mommy chicken


Mother Hen, if you will haha


I was thinking that today. They would drive me crazy in a relationship with either of them however I think they are sweet and work well together.


I think he’s funny as hell! I couldn’t get that phrase “I love you chicken” out of my mind, I was always singing it!


I love how in one scene he was like "Remember? I love you cheeeeecken" as if he hadn't sang it three or four times in the last two minutes


Ignorance *truly is* bliss


I thought he was a complete idiot at first, but I am starting to like him. He is just so happy and full of life.


I’ve liked him from the start and I hope they get a spin off! He’s so funny and full of zest.


I like Jose. It seems like it would be hard to be in a sad mood around him, and, more importantly he seems to love his wife and son.


Yes he really does seem to love her and his child .


I'm impressed with how realistic his chicken impersonation sounds.


The first time he did it, he was off screen and I thought the producers had added a sound effect of a chicken. It's a shockingly impressive impersonation. Maybe he's part chicken?


I have to wonder how much chicken this man eats…




Man knows his chicken.


I fully agree. Even that terrible song he rapped, which was very sweet and probably would have been infinitely more nuanced in his native language, was earnest and charming. He seems like a good and caring person, and that easily puts him far and ahead of a whole bunch of others not only in the show, but everywhere.


Do you know what a Pisket is?


A bunch of little fish on a plate.


Honestly I love these two. They're both dumb but they love each other. Hope it lasts for them.


I said the same while I watched the episode; this guy has great energy. I know he’s getting a fantastic edit because they’re darlings of the show, but they are fun to watch lol.


He has 2m followers on Instagram, the whole no money story they are pushing is purely for views he’s probably making bank


I doubt he's making bank, they get paid £1000 per episode, and if they were earning a lot, they wouldn't need to come back on the show. They're definitely doing it for the money but they're entertaining and fun to watch


2 million? 😳


Yeah it’s crazy really, whether or not they’re real accounts who knows but the link is here; https://www.instagram.com/joseskate?igsh=MXYzam5vcndpdnlsaA==


This is a perfect description of Jose! I was literally thinking the same thing while I watched the latest episode! He’s definitely a buffoon but a cheerful, positive and funny one. His energy definitely rubs off on people, even through the TV!


I know they're a messy couple, but he has me rooting for their success. He has a great attitude about everything. 😭


He actually grew on me too, especially in comparison to the other men on the show who are all horrible


tbh i wish i was as chill about life as he is “jose you failed ur english test and are gonna be deported” its good. “jose youve been stuck in immigration for hours” yeah its good. he needs to do a master class on how to be so damn chill about everything🤣


"Jose, we have no money and a baby to take care of!" "Chicken baby, hahahaha"


literally! as long as he can sing about chicken, hes a happy man. i will always respect that🤣 ill never forget jesse telling louise how hes immature at the baby shower (i believe) whilst jose is in the living room playing with balloons😭 we all need to be a bit more jose i think!


I had a love/hate thing for him last season but he's grown on me.


He kind of seems like he has a mental disability and I used to work with adults with disabilities, I’m not trying to insult him with that. It just doesn’t seem like all the lights are on, it also kind of seems like she understands and accepts that so if it works for them then that’s great.


You can’t really make that deduction when he doesn’t speak English. He speaks simply which is understandable considering he’s learning English. He’s almost never interviewed in his native language. When he speak Spanish, he doesn’t sound like he has a disability.


He could be speaking any language and I could still come to this conclusion. It has nothing to do with English being his second language, do you think people who only speak English think anyone who speaks English as their second language has special needs? That’s so ridiculous… When a grown man puts his coat on declaring he’s going “off to work” and opens a closet door to go inside his “studio” to proudly play a keyboard well he sings songs about chicken love, I don’t really think it matters what language he’s speaking. He seems very happy, like he’s had loving and supportive family and friends but coming to this conclusion had absolutely nothing to do with how he speaks English.


I never said that only English speakers can be diagnosed as special needs. To clarify my point, if I as a native Spanish/English speaker had to give interviews in Mandarin I would be using toddler speak due to my limited grasp of the language. I would probably come off as special needs to native Mandarin speakers if TLC edited me to look “simple”. Jose very seldomly gets interviewed in Spanish with full translation. When he does speak Spanish, he sounds normal. Additionally, he’s improved his English a lot, passed the language tests to get into the UK unaided, can cook, and take care of a baby unaided. How is he special needs? He’s working as well. Also, in Latino cultures, there is a strong emphasis on enjoying life and not just focusing on making money or trying to appear better than others. Jose seems like a nice guy who appreciates the beauty of life. You don’t hear him moan or bitch about things. He seems to be a good mood most of the time, he’s never angry/snipping at Louise. He’s helpful and stepping up to be a good father. It seems to me that lots of posts on Reddit just have these racist tropes of Latinos being stupid. Also, I work in healthcare and unless you’re a doctor I don’t see how you can make any claim or diagnosis on people you don’t know.




You don’t know this man, you’ve never even met him. How would you know if someone has mental disabilities without interacting with him and without being a doctor? If you truly work with the mentally disabled, you would know that a doctor goes through many assessments to come a diagnosis. They don’t get to document “trust me bro”. You worry me, you are not an all knowing person on this matter. I hope you’re not like those with the vulnerable people you take care of. Also, there are doctors in Colombia as well and people there take their kids when they have health issues. It’s not like he’s living in isolated areas of the Amazon with no outside contact. Jose is perfectly able to function unaided, why would he need aid if he has shown to be capable? Otherwise, how would TLC have been able to get him under contract. Mentally disabled people usually cannot sign enforceable contracts by nature of their limited mental capacity. Similarly, why would UK immigration allow him to enter under false pretenses if you are so sure he can’t even function unaided? Also, TLC runs a narrative for each couple. Jose is edited by TLC to look like a buffoon. He’s probably in on it as well to get their contract extended. Reality TV does not equal real life.


I mean, he might not neurotypical but I don’t know about mental disability. He went from zero English to conversational in a year so I doubt he’s got a *learning* disability.


I was super impressed with his improvement in English actually lol


his english is better than manuel who is with ashley


Agree - I don't foresee Manuel learning English on a conversational level any time soon, either. Ashley enables him by almost exclusively speaking Spanish to him, whereas Louise only ever spoke to Jose in English so he truly had a reason to learn.


Yes! There's something off about him.


I feel the same. There's something not right there.


I agree completely as someone who has worked with a range of mental ability and neurospiciness and is fluent in Spanish and English. Jose seems to be a bit slower on the cognitive end of things, but he works at what he loves and feels he needs to know, and seems to catch up exceptionally quick.


Isn’t she kind of a predator if she’s knowingly dating a guy who is lower-functioning? Seems like there would be a power imbalance there.


Yeah but she's also kinda low functioning herself


For real, I feel like they understand each other on an intellectual level, or lack there of.


Yes! Me and my wife are super intruiged about her. She moves her head when she speaks and I'm wondering if it's some kind of neurological condition? But definitely off


In her first season she mentioned she was on disability


she has OCD


Ah interesting, I wonder if it's a tic




I liked him last season and I’m so happy that they seem happy in this season. She’s not trying to push him to be something he’s not like the usual 90 day people. She accepts him and he really seems to be fitting into his new role. ❤️ Even though the franchise thrives on train wrecks, I’m glad they aren’t one.


They have train wreck lives, but actually treat each other well, which is super unusual


And his English is getting better. I literally can’t help but laugh with him. He has an infectious personality. Even without Louise saying that he’s trying, it’s seen. I wish them well ❤️


I think he makes Louise feel safe in a warm and fuzzy way. And thats huge for someone who might have been in bad relationships before


I think last season there was the notion that he was just going to use her to get to the UK then leave her. By now, he could have easily left or shown his true colours so we all trust him more and can just enjoy the goofball he is


Yeah I've never been around anyone like that !!


I love your chicken 🎶


I was thinking the same thing especially after seeing all the other couples. He’s got such a positive attitude and energy. I think he probably knows/speaks way better English than they show on TV and they play up the chicken bit & his silliness for entertainment purposes.


The world needs people like Jose. He may not be perfect, but you can tell he has a good heart and brings joy to people.


I see what you're saying but those qualities are not admirable nor are they the qualities in someone I would ever even consider marrying and having a child with. I think Louise was in that silly love phase and wasn't thinking clearly - we've all been there hahaha. He makes me cringe every time I see him and I wish they weren't included in this season. He's a terrible rapper. I mean TERRIBLE. He's never going to make any money doing music unless it's some kind of one hit wonder "joke" song based on the insidious chicken theme. How are they even supporting themselves?


She is on disability benefits (welfare).


How do you know?


She mentioned it her first season


Oh, I would never marry or have a child with him. Perhaps my title is misleading. I just feel that his incessant positivity in the face of adversity is extremely admirable. It's unattainable for me, I think.


Yeah I get it. For me, seeing people that overly positive always makes me think they're doing that on purpose to cover up something else. Like it's forced positivity.


I usually think that too, but Jose just seems too thick to hide any pain. His positivity seems genuine and completely spontaneous


I hope you're right!


I really wonder how they’re supporting themselves with his closet/studio and then dressing as a chicken? She doesn’t seem to work. Maybe this show pays more then we realize?


Plus I don't think he's ever made a single bit of money from his music.


I can’t imagine he has because it’s not good.


And I legit laughed out loud when he got his coat on and went in the closet "to work". I thought he was actually going out somewhere!


Omg the same, I had a little bit of second hand embarrassment for him… The respect was there and then he put his coat on and opened the closet… Excuse me sir but what is going on here?


SO much second hand embarrassment! Hahahaha.


Love his happy go lucky energy


I was sitting at home completely endeared by his positivity and happiness too!


I honestly find him so annoying... and the laugh is like nails on a chalkboard. I get it, he is light hearted. But, at some point, you have got to get serious. I thought a baby was that point. But, obviously not. I'm expecting downvotes, but who among us would put up with this behavior as a spouse or a worker?


BUT nobody's laugh is more annoying and ridiculous than Jamie's 🤣🤣


Good lord I had to rewind that part because I was away from the screen and I thought it was a deflating balloon. I'd hate for someone to be embarrassed to ever laugh but I personally wouldn't subject the world to that noise.




It's true. I couldn't be around him for too long. I have a friend who is a little bit like this, and for a while I find him funny but at a certain point I start to question what is actually real with him.


Not sure why you'd get down voted , you're absolutely right!


Thank you. I guess because most see him as harmless


I'm with you, I can't even watch a promo with them in it, he annoys me so much.


He was doing entirely to much at the chicken place job.


I don’t think he’s all there mentally. Why doesn’t she work?


I think she’s on disability?


Yeah fibromyalgia


Of course she is


She reminds me of anybody you'd see down at the job centre


Lmaoooo this is so true. But she's not completely incapable, so she should be working, it's not right that people are just able to leech off the gov


He's likeable, he wouldn't be marriage material for me, but he is someone I would have a beer with. I agree with him being happy also, I wish he could bottle that energy and send it my way.


I want a spinoff of just Jose and Louise. He is so entertaining to watch. Oooooh, better yet, how about a spinoff with Jose and John (Patrick’s brother from the US)!! Those two together would be pure gold 😂😂


Holy shit, those two on a night out would be amazing




He’s an embarrassment to Colombia 🇨🇴😬- lazy ass !


DW, just about everyone on this show is an embarrassment to UK 🇬🇧


I was thinking tonight as I was watching the show, why are Jose and Louise on? They are married with a child… is this the right show for them??🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I do like them as a couple and what a together young man Louise’s son Jesse is.


The bar is in hell... he is a fucking childish doofas... positive energy doesn't omit being a RESPONSIBLE adult, parent, partner... he fuckin speaks in chicken clucks and annoying cackles...


Literally. Its pretty easy to be positive when you have zero responsibility


Exactly... humans need that anxiety and lack of "free spirit" to survive!! It's a basic necessity ... it's how we have evolved this far... in the wild, as an animal, he'd be toast 😭🤣


I don't think either of them are admirable, only one I'm rootin for is Jesse, can't imagine having to take care of those 2 and now another kid.