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Maybe Angie tazed her into reposting 


Or plopped a cake in her face 😆


Don't manipulate me with cake! I'm a 'merican!


Of all the dumb, tone deaf, and insane shit drew Barrymore has done in this last decade, this is certainly one of them.


Didn’t she also film during the writers strike and make up some poor excuse for not supporting them?




Along with begging Kamala to parent America while on bended knee.


That was shockingly cringe!


Kamala and/or Elizabeth Warren, a wonderful ticket for both of them, should they both decide to run. Please, please make Bob Dylan's masterpiece "The Times they are a Changing " your campaign song. ****Sorry for highjack of a 90 Day thread. I cannot get over an American woman who willingly gives up her freedom. ****" Yes, I'm talking to all of the women who are probably not even aware they have rights. A quick trip to Egypt or even Morocco quickly disabuses the women of that. I hope so.


Didn't she marry Tom Green at one point?


Leave Tom out of this!


It certainly the cake that Angela should throw in her face


Helen Keller is dope. *I regret almost nothing, and now peoples downvotes look silly.


Helen Keller was actually incredibly gifted and intelligent though. She was just blind and deaf. That's the point of why we talk about Helen Keller. Disabilities do not have to end your life and everyone but Anne Sullivan (her teacher) saw a broken girl after her illness. Anne saw a girl that could be educated and functioning. Please don't insult the late, great, Helen Keller.


Fine, decency wins.






Didn't have it typed on a fancy jpeg for me.


Woah, what the fuck


They treated her, and acted like she was the new Hollywood " it" girl. I couldn't get past how they were enamored by her. Literally on the edge of the seat, listening to her. No, just no.


Butch literally looks like she is melting.




It was completely staged and scripted with Angela carrying a heart frame in her bra. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting.


For your viewing pleasure. 🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢 ![gif](giphy|0VWIQBO18LOD1Yx1LO)






My biggest fear is that this is what I look like when I’m shaking ass in the club


Oh honey no one looks like Meemaw. It's really not her looks at all, it's her disgusting personality.




I hate you !! My eyes need bleached!


I figured if I had to suffer from Screemaw Heehaw Meemaw " twirking" y'all should suffer too. 🤣🤣


Why you do us that way ☹




Thanks a lot -I just lost my lunch and dinner( haven’t even had dinner yet ).


You're welcome. 🤣


When you run over a manatee with your boat, they do just that 






Drew Barrymore is a celebrity I don’t exactly mind, but completely out of touch. She lives in a bubble, just ignore it. She has a relatable personality in many aspects but she’s incredibly far removed from the average person. I wouldn’t put much stock in the things she says


I've been over Drew Barrymore since the 90's.


All these 90s folks showing their asses in their Daytime TV eras is one of the most interesting facts about them. It's like they are itching to bring the Springer days back into focus or something, I thought we put that shit on "Dark side of the 90s" so we could confirm it's pure unadulterated trash that should be locked in the 90s where it belongs.


I wonder if it's a ratings thing, like if her show sucks they find the worst human possible to come on her show so people (like us) watch.


I think a lot of networks really lean into that "Any publicity is good publicity" the fact there was a public outcry on this probably got some anti-cancel culture troll in production to overturn the original decision.


that seems to be the logic behind tlc producers' decisions to keep bringing back people like angela. but everyone on the sub apparently fast-forwards though all their parts, and a lot of people stopped watching (or at least paying for) the show in protest. so it's yet another stupid and misguided decisions by dumbass producers. like, after watching this clip, is anyone actually going to turn on their television tomorrow at whatever time her show is on to watch it (and the ads they're trying to profit off of)?


I guess when you are from the Barrymore family, privilege is your middle name. I think some form of a statement for having a racist, ignorant, trashy abusive pos on your show would go a long way. All her show did was to further inflate Heehaw Meemaw's ego.


Her family is the only reason she's "famous".




So basically the same thing she did when ppl were calling her out for being a scab….her patterns of behavior show that she’s loyal to only herself & her ego.


Drew lost me years ago. I fell asleep watching some movie she's in, and woke up to her yelling, I was so upset😄😐hated her bubbly ass ever since. I liked her in the 90s but then again I was a teen.


Drew lost me when she hosted the World's best game show a few years ago. I'm always willing to give prime time game shows a chance since it is something mutli-generations can watch (at the time I was taking care of my mom and had kids). I went to look up the name of the game show, I thought it was world best talent show, and see Drew is the new host of hollywood squares? I wonder why shows seem to recycle the same hosts.


I didn't even know that show was still airing! Dammit I'm old😄


Man wtf how tone deaf can she be. My respect for Drew has really dropped in the last few years. Nepo baby realness.


Cancel Drew but not TLC? OK lol


Downvote the hell out of me, but this is the best I've ever seen Angela look. Proper fitting mature dress. It shows off her good features and hides the gross-me-out wrinkly skin. Hair arrangement by an actual stylist. If she keeps on this level and never open her mouth, she might do okay. She's her own worst enemy.


I did think that she looked decent too for once. They must've had stylists for the show because there's no way Angela did that on her own.


She didn’t keep up that look, apparently the show was filmed in January and we all know she’s looked like her typical cracked-out self in her videos and public appearances since then.


This is yet another reason that I love Kelly Clarkson. ![gif](giphy|KRDL8KiC3tX4k)


Kelly would SHRED Angela!


Kelly hits her kids. She and Angela would get along!




Kelly said that she would spank her kids if they needed it. I highly doubt she’d beat them. But, we all have our opinions.


wow that's horrendous. it's so sad how people in this country not only get away with abusing their children, but even brag about it on tv with no social repercussions. completely barbaric.


“Southern mama” and all that shit, when in much of the world it is illegal to hit your children. I hate seeing her in those stupid wayfair ads constantly.


There’s no if about it; she brags that she does. My opinion is that no child “needs” to be hit.


who on earth keeps downvoting anti-child abuse comments btw?




are you a a degenerate who is trying to mock an anti-child abuse comment? if so, you are the scum of the earth.


are you simple? spanking and beating are different words for hitting, ie child abuse. if that what you do, i hope someone calls child services to rescue your children.


Yes, coming from an age of getting your ass beat and spanked are two separate ways of "corporal" punishment, I'll say. I've had both. Spankings just basically shock the sh*t out of you and don't do anything to hurt or leave physical pain. Now getting the belt to your ass, hurts and leaves red welps across your cheeks. You know you did wrong, wrong when that happened. Nowadays, parents take the iPad or phone away from their kid, so it screams and parents return the item so the child learns there's no consequences for actions other than I get what I want.


Honest to God, what was she thinking?


I guess the clip of her throwing the beer in Michael’s face is the new thing to do when you have a fight. She’s going around reporting him to homeland security and she’s talking like she is still in love with him. What’s the holdup of divorcing him? It doesn’t take much to get the ball rolling! Please, someone stop acknowledging this woman! I really wish she would get charged with domestic violence!🤮


Ehhhh, Drew and Ross are so out of touch with normal humans. They remind me of the people from the Capitol in the Hunger Games. Just vapid, self-obsessed vultures feeding off Angela's toxicity like it's nectar feeding their terminal ennui. I have no interest in watching any of them.


My biggest thing with this is them calling Angela the Queen of 90DF. Plus wasn't Angela fired from TLC so how is she still billing herself out as Queen of 90DF. I think Larissa would have something to say about this!


Drew doesn't dserve a platform either maybe all the past drug use really screwed up her brain so bad that she thinks women abusing men is funny. She probably didn't find it funny in her past relationships or with her mother.


Drew Barrymore is a talentless nepo baby along with being a moron. Her show is cringe as fuck and her book was one of the worst I’d ever read.


I watched the link. Wtaf.


If you are a talk show host that has to resort to have any of these 90 day morons on your show then you have failed.


Birds of a feather!!!


Drew Who? 🤣 If she's really pro the abuser it just shows more of what kind of a person She really is! Her time has been done. Now she's just grasping at anything for attention


What a shame. Drew was cool in the 90s


Pretty sure she got cool after she stopped doing drugs in her early teens.


Have they just never seen somebody so disgusting IRL and that’s why they’re giving her this platform? ![gif](giphy|fGOjgWRzQkC2sHHnq7)


Drew is a has been no talent idiot.


Done with her ass


oh Lord of course the hilarious Ross Matthews is involved in this mess too


He's annoying AF. 🙄


I want see Big Ed on her show. Bring his new girlfriend. I love that guy!


So, what I’m getting from that is, she likes abusive/trashy human beans. D’oh, she grew up in/around Hollywood, she’s splashing/giggling it up in that cesspool. She’s allowing people to bully/push her around. GROW A BACKBONE, DREW! “Angela tazed her into reposting.” And boy do I fucking believe that. Gah, she so fake, it makes me visibly uncomfortable. *twitch*


Don't take it out on Drew, she doesn't control the content of what's posted on the YouTube page. It was obvious by the end of the interview that she had never seen 90 day fiancé because her co host had to tell her what it was about, so she knows nothing about Angela's true behavior.