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No, I was described as distant, serious, and withdrawn.


Yah I think PI doubles as “probably introverted”


Sounds about right.


Ah, as a combined type I guess that would explain how I could be distant, serious, and withdrawn AND a class clown


Combined type with comorbid autism here and yep this was me. Except I wasn’t a class clown on purpose, people just thought my stims and general behavior were funny and not in the good way. Literal teachers made fun of me. 🙃


This is me too haha 😅


Yep, same I was, and always have been, the single quietest person I know. Teachers in elementary school would tell my parents they thought I was funny, since I was in 2nd grade yet all quiet and serious Hard to talk when I can't keep up with my own thoughts is all. I'll talk my wife's ear off, but I know she won't think I'm an idiot when my random stream of consciousness makes no sense. Literally *anybody* else? Possibly 10 words an hour Kinda ironic I'm rambling now, but always felt that this doesn't apply to writing


I got both lmao


I somehow experienced both. In school my teachers always complained I was a chatterbox. In college my "friends" said they didn't like that I was always quiet and zoned out. :/


Every single report card and every single parent’s evening: “he has lots of potential but he talks too much and distracts others”. For my entire 13 years of schooling lmao.


In my 30s still hearing about this potential 🤣. This potential is really building up.


I just went through all my report cards at 39yrs old as part of my recent, late diagnosis. "Needs to be careful, or he could become a 'dreamer' " was a standout.


I found a report card from first grade recently. Apparently I made merit roll. Lol first and last time 🤣.


I failed first grade and cried because the summer school teacher was really mean


Lol I cried in first grade because my desk was junky and the teacher turned my entire desk upside down so that I can clean it up. He made everyone around me move their desks out of the way so that he could have room to dump my desk.


Wow, what a jerk


He did it to one other girl. That man was extreme. One of the best teachers. But extreme….my disorganization showed up at an early age apparently


This happened to me in 4th grade because I lost an assignment. The entire 4th grade wing heard him yelling at me and had to walk by me in the hall cleaning my desk. It's been 35 years and I can still feel the humiliation.


You know what Kenny Rodgers said. "Don't fall in love with a dreamer."


Dang. That’s why I’m single still


What a fucking dystopian sentence


Do we get to cash it all in for something really special? 😂


In the 4th grade, my desk touched the board and I faced the wall away from the entire class because I’d distract people when I was done with my work.


I was put in a corner with the two other kids who had ADHD while the rest of the class was in the center of the room in a horseshoe shape. So imagine one big horseshoe shape of desks in the middle of the room and then three desks in the corner up against the bookcase. I also had very few friends that year. But, academically it worked quite well because she could check in on us and redirect all of us back on task.


Stoppp, my teacher arranged all the desks in a square and put mine in the center. Is this just a shared trauma kids with ADHD experienced?! 😂😭


Yes lol. I’m a teacher now and I only do this if a child is literally threatening other children in class (I call these children “island children” and everyone I work with knows they scare other children in class). Excessive talking is not a reason to exclude to that point.


I was literaly infront and on the sides and behind me was just empty space, i was still avle to distract other non verbaly


Same. Or " bright but needs to focus " How tf did I not get dx until my 20s


"finishes her work quickly and then distracts other students" lol


“He seems to be in a race with some of his classmates to finish his work as quickly as possible.” My friend and I in this class both got diagnosed with adhd in our adulthood.


Same exact thing! Plus day dreams too much, doesn't apply herself and unorganized. I wasn't diagnosed until well into adulthood but my mom kept all my report cards and my diagnostic doctor asked me to bring them. There it was, from elementary through high school


“Has lots of potential but doesn’t put in the effort” was mine for 13 years <3


Yup. Woman here, but my parents still have notes sent home from my teachers that say that verbatim.


Every single one


Same. And I was also a daydreamer who wandered around the classroom without shoes (according to a friend. I, of course, have no memory of anything). My middle kid was also separated from every person she ever sat next to. She could talk to a stump. And fuck not living up to your potential. That is so damaging.


Change the he to she and I'm exactly the same lol


Summary of every parent teacher conference I ever had


I was going to say it is literally written on every one of my report cards


this is literally me LMAO


Yes, too chatty, does all her work in 10 mins then distracts others in class, too loud. Has too much of "a presence" around the school


Too much presence! I want to go Karen on the teacher who said that.


No I’ve always been described as really quiet


Me too.


I [32m] didn’t find out I had ADHD until about 2 years ago. I look back and see the times that I was super talkative and chatty or whatever during class and would do what I could to get attention from others because it felt good, until teachers got onto me. I was unmedicated and still managed to be valedictorian of my class. Being smart makes it seem like there’s no issue, and yes, you’re right, it does cover things up. I wish I would have had support when I was your age to adjust better to everything else that comes later in life. Advocate for yourself. Get the meds, get the therapy, do what you need to. Your future self will thank you for it.


I would talk or laugh "too much".


I am easily entertained and I laugh often and a lot :). I took often some remarks like "but it's not even funny" or "I think you do not understand what you see" etc . I do not care and continue to laugh :).


Currently seeking diagnosis, so take this with a grain of salt* [F20] When I was in elementary school, I remember that I would get in trouble for bothering other students and talking when I shouldn’t. I remember my mom volunteering during a field trip and telling me to be quiet when I was talking to a friend and it made me pretty upset. I’d straight up interrupt conversations I wasn’t part of because someone said something about a thing I was interested in. My parents would always ask me “do you get paid to talk?” And at the time, it didn’t bother me so much. I’ve always been a chatterbox of sorts until near the beginning puberty or so, then I quieted down because I started over caring about other people’s opinions. Kept being talkative up until I was 14 ish, then in high school I realized I was struggling with making and keeping friends and kind of lost the energy to be as talkative as I used to be. Now I’m silent most of the time but very very chatty in my head.


Yes. But I learned at a young age to channel that energy into sucking up to teachers/adults. Example: I’d always answer questions when no one in class would raise their hand. Or, I’d show up a bit early and chat with the teacher about what we’re learning. Having the teacher love me allowed me to get away with behaviors I don’t think other kids would.


Not directly, but since I am bad at social cues a friend of mine sometimes reminds me to not info dump other people.


I was ALWAYS the class clown. My teachers always reported, "he does great on performances, presentations and projects but just doesn't keep up with the day-to-day assignments."


yes my nickname was "parrot" during my childhood and early adolescence because I talked too much 💀 I found out about my adhd as an adult and ever since I've been properly medicated everyone around me started to get suspicious because I don't talk as much anymore lol


'Parrot' is clever! I was 'motormouth'. Otherwise, same as everyone else here - I was way 'too' talkative all through elementary. Then shut down completely for 20 years. 45 now, finally diagnosed and medicated.


My mother said I had “verbal diarrhoea.” I still talk too much. I’m okay with it now. 


Ha! That's how I feel sometimes. Worst part is when I'm a bit nervous in a group of people that don't know well, I'll just start vomiting words and can't really stop. Even if my brain knows that I have stopped in a while and I can see that people are getting annoyed. It's like pissing for guys. Once the flow starts, it's almost impossible to stop it. I'm also OK with it now, but I find it a very polarizing issue. Either people love you for being an entertainer or can't stand you and will not hesitate to let you know...


I RARELY talked at all. I was suuuuuuper quiet, but if I was comfortable with you, I would chatter. That list of people was just very small. *wasn't diagnosed until a few years ago, around age 36


Exactly this. Super super quiet 90% of the time, and hyper talkative the other 10% if I was comfortable with a friend or two.


I had one friend in school and you can what classes we were in when reading my school report. In classes without him I was described as quiet, needed to participate in class more but a pleasure to have in class. Classes with him I was described as easily distracted and talkative In general I am a very quiet person so my reports usually read that I was too quiet, day dreamer and need to focus or I would fall behind (I basically never had completed notes so lots of info was missing) Disclaimer I’m currently undiagnosed so I understand if I’m not the target audience you want responding but I lean no harm


Literally my 1st grade teacher evaluation " he's a great kid and brings a very jolly attitude, just needs to pay attention a little more and not talk to other students when the teacher is teaching"


Just really quiet. Was constantly daydreaming.


Mine was in my head. I was referred to as “why are you so quiet???” or “you look like you have a lot on your mind!” Yes, Monica, I am quite comfortably staring at one point in space and quite content doing so without putting energy into making sure I am moving my head and eyes to feign interest in things I have not currently allocated energy toward so that you can feel comfortable with how I am presenting.


Oof. That feels familiar. "You look like you have a lot on your mind" never seems like a casual observation, it always feels like a criticism.


Very much the opposite. I was a quiet kid mostly.


In high school I became pretty shy because of bullying, but in middle school I was a chatterbox. I frequently got lunch detention for talking too much.


This was way back in the early 70s, but yes lol! 2nd grade report card: "She is a clever girl, but visits too much with her neighbors."


~Selective mutism hello~


You’re gonna be ok. 16 is young AF.


I don't think I was the majority of the time I was in school. My aunt and sister used to tell me I talked too much when I was very young (often in unison). One comment I heard more then a few times from kids my age (younger than ~11 and a bit older) was that I "think too much."


My brother always complained that I talked too much. Eventually I just kinda. Stopped talking.


I was always described as quiet and unassuming, but I'm inattentive type, so I was always off somewhere in my head




"He's a bright kid... I'd like to light a fire cracker under him sometimes to get him to do the work." My first grade teacher. I found my diagnosis at 36. I was an absolute chatterbox from before I had words, then later I'd go on for ages if I found the right audience for my weird hyper-focus special interests. It took more than a few friends pointing out how much they didn't care about the same stuff I did to catch on that not everyone cares that much about jazz musicians of the 1930's in middle school.


A joy to have in class


I’m AuDHD so I’m super quiet and “shy” until approached, usually. With friends I am a relentless yapper about my interests/perspectives on things.


Quite the opposite.


Nope, didn't say much at all.


No I was always the quiet one


Quite the opposite actually.


Only to close friends and teachers that passed my social filters. Diagnosed in-attentive ADHD at 26


For a while I thought my name was “Shutdafuqup!”


Yep. Every report card called me a little miss chatterbox


Lots of traffic here already, but I just want it on the record that while I now have extreme social anxiety which lead to people in hs not being aware I could talk—in elementary school, a teacher labeled me so disruptive (because I would talk to everyone and anyone I was placed next to) that she arranged the desks into a square configuration and put mine in the center. Formative trauma. 😂


No. I was loud and outspoken, but didn't talk much without a reason. I always preferred reading and daydreaming to talking.


I’m so sorry man. I’m gonna describe a news article—ten years old or so—from my neck of the woods: It was about a kids’ presentation at the library. In that article, there’s a picture of a little girl with her mouth wide open, facing a man with his finger to his lips. The caption reads: “Mr. Runner motions for his daughter Maddog (5 y.o.) to be quiet during such-and-such presentation.” Cute, yeah? My family cut it out and pinned to my bulletin board as a little claim to fame. It pretty much encapsulates my entire childhood, early teens, hell. It’s who I am at nearly 30. You’re very much not alone, OP. And I’m sorry you’re getting hit with this huge learning curve at a time that might feel super late in the game. But as someone who didn’t get diagnosed till 20’s, I promise you it’s not late at all! Being aware of the diagnosis is going to bring your symptoms way into the front of your mind, when you’re used to ignoring them/compensating without even realizing what you’re doing. They’re going to feel worse, even if they’re not. Try to be as patient with yourself as you can, and just remember this community is here for your questions and struggles💖


No I was the opposite, I was so quiet my ADHD was dismissed but it was suppressed under my insecurities and anxiety, as that went away the ADHD talking soon came out.


Nope, I was a daydreamer who needed to try harder. At least, that's what they said every single parents evening.


I am still very talkative 


Yep. I was very chatty. Class clown and kicking off pretty often. Also told i was smart all the time. It used to piss me off lol.


Yes and no. At the last high-school I went to the teacher moved everyone around but me because they were too talkative. And then she begged me to find someone to talk to after she told me that. At my middle school I was very chatty.


A stranger called me “bubbly” at a Christmas party and my immediate family literally laughed out loud.


"mouth of the south" is the term my grandmother used. so...yeah


Yes. My report cards were often along the lines of "is a pleasure to have in class but struggles to pay attention" or "gets along with classmates but often is distracting"


Well over forty and my wife just called me chatty last night 😆


yep and i’m still working on this today


Will not stay in seat, talks continuously That's what all my report cards say.


I learnt the words garrulous and loquacious from my year four teacher. Also the phrase "talk the ear off a corn". I may have been somewhat talkative, and spent a lot of time in the principals office because of it. One of the private Christian schools I went to used physical punishment. A wooden ruler across the back of the calf for kindergarten to year two kids. A wooden chopping board on the backside for kids in years 3 to 6. A big rubber and metal strap across the palm for kids in years 7 to 12. I got the chopping board and the strap so frequently (almost daily) that my guardian ended up threatening the school with legal action. I didn't receive the ruler punishment because I didn't attend that school until year 5. It was always for talking (with various reasons for the talking sometimes).


Nope, I was the opposite. I even got remarks on my report cards saying I do well in the class but I need to socialize more. (which is very confusing because typically you're in trouble for talking)


I was so chatty they put a refrigerator box around my desk and placed me in a corner so I couldn’t talk to anyone.


Yes. "She's a wonderfully bright girl but can be a chatterbox who distracts other students."


Even after being diagnosed, I’m still described as “talkative”, “naïve”, and “annoying”. So don’t worry OP, it’s not just you


Wow! You too? Teachers used to take red ink pens and mark the “talks to in class” or “disrupts others” boxes on my report cards while all other boxes were marked with black ink pens. I also had ignorant teachers that had me sitting facing corners away from class, etc.


I was so quiet that you could hear a "church mouse fart". Yep I got the class award for that.


I remember that despite being a good student in second grade, I was excluded from a movie day at the end of the year because I had too many strikes in the respect book for talking when I wasn't supposed to.


Ironically, I was very quiet until I took speech and drama in high school. Once I found my voice, I couldn’t myself be quite if I wanted to. 😂


Talks too much has been my nickname for as long as I can remember. I am aware of it and yet cannot control it.


When I was little, my teacher asked my mom for any tips on how to make me observe quiet time. My mom just laughed and answered, "Good luck with that!" XD


Just during school?!?!?! I'm described as that now and I'm almost 40!


Every single report card said I was overly social and didn’t pay attention because I would talk so much 😂 The research for ADHD was incredibly slim because it was RIGHT THERE


Nope. I was too quiet and shy. Now I’m chatty.


I would get in trouble for talking to my couple of friends too much, but otherwise I was extremely introverted, probably because I knew I was weird/different and felt like people didn't want me to talk to them. 2nd grade teacher wanted me to be evaluated for ADHD, but my mom never did it. Got dx in January at 33 🙃


I was before I started getting abused and teased. I distinctly remember being punished for being to talkative and the teacher moving my desk to the other side of the room away from the other kids. As gender norms got more enforced and the abuse from peers and teachers set in… I quit talking and tried to hide instead.


LOL!!! Yes.  Until I started meds. Now I am much less talkative. I found I would gripe a lot so I try not to talk as much. Noone wants to hear people bitch.


My report cards said to watch what I say because it may be interpreted wrong. I had a couple of teachers say something along those lines. I was just a child with no diagnosis. Many jobs later I got a diagnosis at age 63.


Yes and now I choose not to speak ever because I’m sure I have nothing interesting to say anyway


yep i speak before I think.


“Chatterbox” on every report card and voted Most Talkative senior year


I was told that for several years. Also sang during class. I got bullied and became a bully. It was a whole thing. I don't think I talk as much nowadays. I was also told I read too much during class.


Oh yes. Lol


I have 7year old ADHD kid And he never stops talking. He will even talk in his sleep. I'm Audhd with sound sensitivities and he breaks my brain. I love him and he is great but sometimes I have to escape his constant questions and running commentary. He also talks at a loud volume. You ask him to please be quiet and he will forget 30 seconds later and be back at max volume. It's made it tough as he has a new baby brother.


Ahhh yep…and to this day 😬


Excellent grades and would get in trouble for the underlined Talks Too Much. Early 70’s and my teacher realized I was finishing my work and then I tried to help everyone around me. My teacher set up an activity box in the next grade. I would finish my work and go to the next class to complete the activity cards. Genius solution before ADHD was a thing.


Literally all the time. Every report card "She's gifted and incredibly social" but I guess because I was smart and a girl, it wasn't seen as "bad" talkative. Just your average social butterfly who was only social bc she couldn't focus and was physically pained during silence 🤷🏻‍♀️


I still get it to this day on work reports, I get told how great I'm doing but they can't understand why I'm so talkative... like sorry guess I'm just that way.


Before I even started school my dad called me his little chatterbox. There is a cassette tape we recorded on Christmas with my bro and I and I just talk through the whole thing at maybe 3 years old. Just as chatty in my late 30s.


for me i was so outgoing at elementary school. then something snapped in middle school i became quiet and distant. at least if im not with my close friends. but even with my clsoe friends, im not talkative im more of a listener/laugher. im 19 and i only got diagnosed last year but im not on medication because my parents don't know im diagnosed (i had online therapy). it's not your fault that your grades are bad. i failed multiple classes because of my adhd


Yeah, for sure. These days my young cousins tell me I so serious all the time😅 (not wrong though, they'll understand why once they're older)


I was "A pleasure to have in class, but talks a lot" lmao 🤣


Only with those I’m comfortable with. I’m a big introvert and always have been.


At my gr8 graduation my teacher called my name as Chatty Lastname (my first name has a similar cadence as ‘chatty’)


Straight A student growing up, but also every report card would say I needed to work on my self control. Diagnosed with adhd 20.


Oh yeah. Then I realized that no one was ever listening to me and I would get louder and then I was called "annoying" 🤦‍♀️


ALL my report cards say I talked too much and that i have 'potential' but don't apply myself - and need to talk less and concentrate harder, lol.


Like alot of others I got the report card 'has alot of potential but is easily distracted' I remember being moved to new tables because I talked to much but I would just talk to my new seat friends instead eventually I had to sit next to the teacher 🤣 I was diagnosed when I was 26


“Distracts others and daydreams”


Omg yes! Every parent teacher conference was “she is so smart and creative, but I can’t get her to stop talking to her peers”


Not really, it was more like the weird one 😭 It's funny, I only realized that a few years ago, after denying up and down that I wasn't lol


HA! Yes! So much so that my 5th grade teacher, Mr. Rodriguez, got so mad at me that he nicknamed me Furby. "All they do is talk talk talk and never be quiet!" he said. It actually ended up catching on and everyone in school would refer to me as Furby. At first it was teasing but I eventually proudly adopted it. I'm 36 and it's been my pet name for family and friends ever since. I never did shut the fuck up in his class either. 🤣


The exact opposite, but also I’m female and inattentive. Other than the typical “missing or late assignments affecting grade” and “has potential”, it also said something like “prefers to work alone”. In 7th grade, the kids called me “the non-participant” or “oh, wait you *do* talk!”


I was put in the isolation desk in first grade. Alone, trifold board to keep me in… I just turned my body to talk to who I wanted.


Nope! I was a quiet student and my report cards often said “wish she would talk more in class”. High school sucked because many of my classes required participation. By the time I thought out exactly what I was going to say, the topic changed


I was in trouble a lot for talking in class and had silent lunch a few times as punishment. So yes, I would say I was often described as talkative lol.


I've always been a painfully shy invert. Once I get to know you I'm alot more extroverted, probably more than you'd like lol. But even then I can only keep that up for so long that I burn out like a dying star. Then I have to recover by being alone for days cause at my age it takes a piss outta ya.


Oh always


I'm seeing a psychiatrist next week to check for adhd Looking back on my childhood I must have looked the worst child you'd ever meet lol. That how my parents phrased how difficult it was to raise me. Let alone that I would never shut up I have so many difficulties making friends in my adult life because I tend to feel like no one shares the same interests as me. Or It feels like I can never engage with people anymore tbh. Idk even today I still cant stop myself from constantly talking. (Also I was diagnosed with a genetic condition called digeorge syndrome it's why im looking into adhd in the first place)


Yes. Too talkative, too loud and too excitable.


I was an extremely quiet kid and mostly kept to myself. My parents were often complimented on how quiet and well behaved I was whenever we had company or when we visited elsewhere. Fourth grade is really where I started to experience issues. We had a new student in my class and I just thought she was the most *amazing* person ever! I couldn’t keep myself from talking to her, even though I was a model student otherwise. My report card that year ended up stating I “exercised poor self-control.” And in the second half of the year my teacher added “fails to keep desk and materials tidy.” When I get nervous or find myself in certain situations I definitely talk non-stop and overshare. It’s basically one extreme or the other; I can’t find a happy medium between that and being *too* quiet.


I was the opposite, very shy and quiet. I have been told that I was “smart” and “so bright” but I never believed them. I thought they were just being nice.


"You almost never talked as a kid, but when u were around 5, u opened yer mouth and ain't shut up since"- My family


I was labelled as annoying and distracting to others. Wasn't a great time. If your symptoms have truly worsened over time, then you should try and seek out medical help. Make sure you and your doctor find a medication that has either minimal or very tolerable side effects cause I accidentally made my life hell by ignoring them and can not recommend it. At all. Try to talk to close friends and relatives that you can trust to see whether they noticed anything while you grew up and have them tell you about any changes they notice while taking medication. That way, you can ensure minimal missed changes. Hopefully, you will find one that helps cause I'm still searching.


My nickname was Motormouth. Given to me by my family. They felt obligated to share that nugget of info with every new school I attended. I was an Army brat.


Yup 💯💯💯💯


Nope! I'm PI, so it was more "always in her own world," "frequently zones out," "does the work well, but frequently daydreams," etc. I'm honestly shocked that my books were never taken away. Unless it was an important lesson or group work, I almost always had a book out. Even on the playground, if I didn't feel like running around or playing with the sap on the trees, I'd be at the bench, reading. Apparently, I actually was supposed to be in the gifted class, but my mom knew how much I despised homework, and that program would've given me more of it. Would've been nice to know that earlier, but I am glad she didn't. I literally cried multiple times during first or second grade because we had to write two sentences each Wednesday. I knew how to do it, I just hated actually WRITING. Still do, but now (last semester), it's more like "1,000 words each Wednesday, due at midnight" as a discussion post. Little me probably would've died on the spot if she knew that college typically requires you to write thousands of words each week, depending on your classes.


One of my school report cards said: Dwayne could talk under concrete. Another said: If Dwayne applied himself to learning as he does talking, he'd be really successful. Tonnes of my report cards basically said the same thing. Still went unnoticed or treated though. But I do have five siblings, so that probably explains why.


Yep some times


I'm ADHD-C, and extroverted, so yes. Constantly.


Yes. But I didn't earn a diagnosis until I finished my PhD at the end of covid at 38. So, I've always been a chatterbox and no one knew why.


It didn't matter who they sat me next to, I could make them chat with me


Yeah. After probably sixth grade I kind of just stopped talking.


Yup! And I hardly utter a word. But I do yap a lot online, so I guess that part of me never truly went away. Got no one to really yap to…


Nah. I do all my chatting on the inside. Maybe why I’m only just realising I have ADHD as a middle aged person 😅


No, because I was so quiet literally someone said “I didn’t know you were here,” when I spoke up one day. I have a lot of social anxiety and preferred (and still do, except audio books weren’t available to me at the time) to bury my head in a book.


In elementary school, yes. Then I started developing really bad anxiety in response to people telling me to talk less, lol. Anxiety is less now and I am back to being chatty! I don’t get called obnoxious anymore, which helps a lot. The chattiness was something that went away when I was so young that I barely remembered, but as I started to look into ADHD more prior to being diagnosed, I started thinking back about a lot of behaviors I had that I learned to stifle and that was one of them.


Yes...I still react weird when I'm told to be quiet. Can't remember what happened in my childhood


My home was a place where I wasn't free to be myself, so I tended to be very talkative and excited at school. I tried to be a good student otherwise.


I'm not diagnosed but am sure I have it. I got kicked out of girl scouts as a child because I could NOT shut up. My whole teenage years, I would come home from school and not shut up until I went to bed. I still can't shut up. I tell myself constantly to shut up. I don't listen very well.🤪


I was never described as chatty but teachers made remarks that I “daydreamed a lot”. To my parents. They didn’t really think much of it. I wasn’t diagnosed until college (inattentive). Tried medication—could not find any that didn’t give me horrid side effects. I can tell it’s gotten worse over time (or so it seems). Never really learned the proper skills to function/cope.


Quite the opposite. I was always daydreaming, aloof.


Yes. My nickname was Chatterbox. My grade 4 teacher moved me away from the rest of the class so I couldn’t distract them.


Yup. Still am almost 30 years later


Every report card and progress report: “She talks too much.”




Yep, remember that all throughout primary school. In high school they don't care here in Australia. They just send you out of the room if you're distracting. Mind you, I haven't been officially diagnosed yet, waiting to get assessed. But the more I read on this subreddit the more I'm sure i'll get diagnosed.


Straight A's and constant complaints about my behavior. Disruptive, fighting, arguing with teachers. The arguing with teachers wasn't my fault. They were teaching bad information, and I would correct them. It's funny when they are teaching about something incorrectly, and it happens to be where you are from. That and elementary school algebra teachers are horrible at math.


That and blurting out inappropriate comments are all I'd get in trouble for.


One day I decided to ask different people what they though about me… managed to collect “cold” “annoying” “clingy” and “aloof” in the same day.


I was super talkative until the end of my preschool era. My mom hated it, plus I developed an identity that centered around being "good" and a successful student, so I learned to be quiet and shy gradually over time. Sad really. It would be great if I was still quiet in the classroom, but talkative on the playground. I got straight As in elementary and middle school but I didn't learn how to have healthy friendships or ask for help, and then was so depressed in high school that I didn't even care about good grades anymore. So, all y'all who help getting in trouble for talking in school, maybe that's ok. Maybe you were a more balanced person who actually enjoyed time with friends, which is super important, ya know?


In school, I was the quietest little thing you’ve ever met, but I would bot shut my mouth at home haha. I think it confused everyone who knew me.


It switched from year to year. Sometimes too loud and sometimes too quiet. Always Low potential and Bad with homeworks.


My teacher called me "a comedian in this class" when I was 8, but now I have social anxiety and can't even have a little conversation. Life has changed.


Nope. I've always been quiet.


Yes yes yes


Nobody ever talked abt how much I talked. Buuuut… I was told before that talking to me is like playing telephone. And I did notice a habit of accidentally interrupting others (my whole family has this so nobody noticed 😶).


I was described as the polar opposite. I've been asked if I even knew how to talk.


Yes I was !


Annoying was probably the word most commonly used


Yep, chatty but great at school as a kid.


it’s weird more I think about it, I was very happy and outgoing in elementary school, then after I was just very anxious and socially awkward. A switch would flip sometimes where I’d love the attention and be open to anything, and other times I’d be the most quiet in the room. Diagnosed last year [26M] and was put on vyvanse and most recently Wellbutrin and now my attitude is more as not really caring as much as I did and stopped overthinking every interaction. Confidence for sure is better and I feel happier. It’s freeing


I was described as "quiet" or "shy" usually with the occasional "smart but doesn't apply herself"


Only when I was seated next to someone who was willing to talk back 😅 I constantly got reprimanded for talking in class and "distracting my desk mate" - even when they wanted to talk too


they always put „loves to chat“ into my elementary school assessments


Hi, also an ADHD person (diagnosed this year at 24) I was the inattentive type and due to trauma I was partially mute throughout school. Teachers would complain about my daydreaming and the fact I never spoke unless forced to.


Yes, by my classmates and some teachers, although it did not make its way to the reports. And my grades were still pretty high. Back then, I could get away with this - I was so intelligent that despite my social faux pas and hyperactivity more than a few recommended grade skipping for me.


Was once described as "chirpy" in a school report 😆


Yes always and I have mildly poor impulse control when it comes to conversation, so if I have a thought come to mind I just blurt it out, over the other person or just talk over them and I know I’m doing it and stop myself but I’ve already interrupted them about 50% of the time. I hate this part of my adhd.


I talked so much my 2nd grade teacher faced my desk to the wall and gave me headphones and a cassette player, in 1988. 36 years later I have to wear earbuds in public or I will talk to strangers and see them try to work out why I just made this random comment to them. Then I think negative thoughts. So earbuds it is.  I also seem like a fuddyduddy at work because I don't want to talk to anyone because I won't stop. It's compulsive. When I finally leaned that some people stim with their vocal cords my whole life made sense.  When I'm alone or with trusted people I talk aloud to no one in other voices. I also make sound fx. My echolalia is SUPER strong. If I hear a voice or sound I can do it's a compulsory response and it's difficult to stop.  So yeah, a little 


Shy for a very long time but suddenly I just got super chatty in middle school once I got to know someone at least a little. I just don’t know when to shut up. I was diagnosed at 35, almost 4.5 years ago and I’ve suffered my whole life. Honestly in elementary school I was called a space cadet that was always doodling in everything.


The chatty or talkative thing usually comes up more often for males with ADHD in school. When I was in elementary school, we had a boy in class, who was called disruptive, class clown, Fidgety Philip. Later on was diagnosed. I (female) was the complete opposite. Adjusted, adhering to rules, quiet, but really annoying for teachers when something was unjust and that is also typical. There were many reasons I mostly stayed quiet while being overwhelmed by feeling powerless even though I usually was right and raging inside because of injustice. Did not matter if it was about me or somebody else, I just hated injustice and teachers being smug while exerting their power over us, even though they were wrong. I got told of way too often for that, so I saw no use in saying somehing, it would get ignored or I would get reprimanded for it.


My Year 10 teacher nicknamed me 'Mouth'; not in a flattering way, was it, Mrs Vance?