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Same as you I have PTSD and ADHD. I blocked a lot of it out also and only through CPT therapy (different from CBT), was I able to really confront some of it. I had a lot of the nightmares and flashbacks also. I can’t say that it was because of my ADHD meds or just being in therapy though. Only advice I can give is seek therapy specifically for what caused your PTSD. It’s truly life changing. I’m so sorry this happened to you.


Im so sorry that you’ve had a similar experience. I’m really happy that therapy has helped. I think for me, the ADHD meds have kicked me out of survival mode so now it’s been easier for those thoughts to creep in. Thank you so much for the advice❤️


I don't have experience with this I just wanted to say I'm so sorry your experienced this. That was assault, it is not less than and it's absolutely a trauma. Hopefully you can work through the ptsd with your therapist and heal from that experience.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate the validation. I’m definitely letting everything out in therapy and giving myself some grace in the healing process.


Similar age and story here. Had ADHD and PTSD from ~21-25yo caused by SA and psychological abuse from my college boyfriend. My symptoms have now improved to the point where I no longer qualify for the PTSD diagnosis, though I obvs still have ADHD. Like another commenter suggested, I found therapy that focused on my PTSD and trauma to be really helpful - specifically CBT and EMDR therapy. Time also helped, as it allowed my brain to process more of what happened. Sedatives and anti anxiety meds helped me sleep and took the edge of my (very bad) anxiety in the meantime. You are not alone, and you can get through this 💙


Im so sorry you’ve had an experience similar to mine. I’m so glad you have seen so much improvement! I’ve been going to therapy for my ptsd now for a few months but I definitely didn’t realize how long I’ve been in survival mode. Now with the proper meds I believe I can start facing the pain and heal. Thank you so much for your kindness ❤️


domineering jobless paltry quicksand vast violet somber dog ring aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My psychiatrist actually suggested clonidine! I’m seeing her tomorrow and I’m hoping I can try it. Thank you!!


I've also been through some similar trauma. It's shitty and I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I had nightmares so bad I was scared to go to sleep after leaving my abuser. Here's what helped me: Prazosin- mostly a medication used for blood pressure, but also stops you from dreaming. Often prescribed for ptsd. This was a godsend. Therapy- when things were really bad I asked my therapist if we could increase our sessions to 2x a week. Then I knew I only had to make it through 2-3 days at a time which helped. My dog- she sleeps curled up next to me, licks my face when I'm having a flashback or panic attack and tbh my will to live for a while was based solely on the knowledge that she'd be sad if I was gone and would struggle with a new person. The biggest thing is to remember that it will get better. It's ok to do whatever you need to do to cope rn. Just know you're not alone and it will get better 💖


I am so sorry you have been through similar trauma. I completely understand what you were feeling. I’ve had nightmares where I wake up and for a second I’m still with him and trapped. Such an awful feeling for a moment. I’m meeting with my psychiatrist tomorrow to discuss medication options for the anxiety/ptsd so I’m hopeful for that. I’m so glad you’ve had your dog to help with your healing process. My cat has also been a god send when I’m struggling. Thank you so much for the lovely advice ❤️


Similar story and same two diagnoses. Weekly IFS therapy and yoga (connecting back to my body in positive, powerful ways) saved me. Medications helped at times as well. Sending lots of positivity your way and to everyone else in this thread with similar stories. Here’s to all of us healing and living full, fulfilling lives, no matter what we’ve been through or how our brains are wired!


Thank you so much for the kind advice! I’ve been trying to go on a walk whenever I feel overwhelmed and anxious and it’s been helping so much. Sending you lots of positivity as well and cheers to all of us on our healing journeys ❤️


Hey! Same!


I have PTSD and ADHD, and the best therapy I had for PTSD was EMDR with a very patient and supportive therapist. Interestingly enough, I was diagnosed with PTSD first, along with depression and anxiety. Those were interrelated with the underlying ADHD, of course, but clearing out some of the PTSD symptoms helped greatly with my ADHD functioning. My amateur theory is that PTSD “sticks” to those with ADHD because of the already heightened senses, low inhibitions, and creativity. Also, I think that just existing in the world with ADHD leads to trauma that can be addressed and helped with therapy. However, I also think those with ADHD and trauma can recover pretty well with help and time because many of the same strategies for relieving PTSD symptoms work well for increasing brain plasticity and improving behavior in ADHD. Edited to add: On the practical side, I drink a lot of water, eat a lot of protein, have a dog, take anxiety and ADHD meds (Prozac and Vyvanse) and I’ve realized I do better around others (body doubling is a real thing). I am naturally a happy person, and when I realized how much of my stress was forcing myself into a neurotypical life, I also started feeling much better when I let some of that shit go, 😂 I’m sorry you are going through this, but hopefully it’s just part of the healing process!


>The dark things you have run from for so long can rear their ugly heads when you’re at peace mentally. This has definitely happened to me. It's actually something I forgot about, and I'm wondering if taking time off work is going to be a good thing.. because on one hand, I'll be available to work through the issues. On the other hand, it's like my brain won't have a choice but to think of those things I've been avoiding with workaholism.. Anyways, yes OP, I deal with both. I'm active on this sub and /r/cptsd. Was diagnosed with ADHD this year. The PTSD was obvious to me before ha, so no diagnosis needed. I haven't had nightmares in a while... they happened a lot after I'd escaped my abuse environment and was safe with new people. It was scary and distressing and my new family didn't understand what was happening to me (neither did I). Brains are weird. I wish I could take a day off from trying to resolve my past and just *relax*. Oof


I’m a survivor of CSA (age 5-10), my memories aren’t as fresh so I’ve been blocking out those memories for a long time. I’m almost 39 now. I used to have nightmares. Now I have dreams where I’ll kick him and spit on him. I figured out quickly talk therapy wasn’t going to work. I started doing EMDR again in January which is an exercise in focus. I think having my appointment in the morning helps too. The person I was doing EMDR with before wasn’t as methodical so it didn’t feel like I was processing much. I do wonder if another difference is I’m medicated for ADHD now and I was only diagnosed 2 years ago. EMDR feels exhausting for what it looks like: following a light on bar with my eyes. Then my therapist will ask what I saw or felt. It helps I don’t have to talk much about the traumatic memories I’m processing. But I’ll get feeling in my throat or I’ll shiver or I see some ordinary memories that got tied into the trauma. I’ll feel the anger or loneliness or whatever feelings from those. So I keep processing until the sting isn’t there anymore.


Following this, I struggle with these as well. Also is there a good recommendation specifically for the comorbidity of those two disorders or more on Reddit anyone can suggest?


I'm currently having issues getting medication that has been working for me my entire life. I'm thinking this has more to do with me having trouble finding a decent psychiatrist who treats someone with complex diagnoses, my health insurance, in addition to the medication shortage... It's just making my anxiety and panic attacks worse in terms of my PTSD... Specifically because for the first time in my life I'm going to not be on a benzo, and all I've ever been told is that I had to be as it was "medically necessary"... Even when I was pregnant! I see my new primary care physician this week, hopefully I'll get a new referral that fits well with my situation... And I don't understand the need to take me off of it when I lowered the dose last year (so keeping tolerance levels controlled)... Thanks for letting me rant...