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Genuinely scared that a recession is hitting Australia soon over the next 3-4 years and the way in which the A-league is structured, it makes it very susceptible to bad economic environments. If the economic climate was better, I wouldn't be too concerned but in this climate, A-league owners could be very difficult to replace. I think the A-league needs to start (if they can) having a piggy bank.


Already in a per-capita recession and have been for awhile iirc. I don't think any clubs are in danger of folding, though journeymen had better look out because their careers are in danger, particularly after seeing how Adelaide and CC can make coin selling youth, better off playing them and being shit than playing a 29yo and still being shit Edit: I think the most in-danger club is Brisbane, the Bakries have been skint on coin in the best of times


The economy is already completely in the toilet. Everyone i talk to in my industry expects it to last astleast until the end of next year.


Uhh we are already in a recession


ahead of a new TV deal that A-League commissioner Nick Garcia believes will provide much-needed relief, given the three years of growth in the A-League's key metrics. Can we cut the s..t here. What actual metrics are being referred to? Crowds up since Covid? Well yes crowds are up from when stadiums could only host a limited capacity. Viewership dropped like a stone after the first few weeks of ten’s main channel when games were rating around 100k viewers, this dropped to 60k by season 1 end and dropped to 40k and below in season 2 Paramount know they have the league by the balls and are free to invoke penalties for lack of viewership that means less money in the kitty and less going to clubs We don’t really know how much they are even giving the league these days There is no better tv deal on the horizon and Garcia is well aware of that


I'm sure the next TV deal is gonna grant clubs more than 530K. That's not a very high bar obviously 


Paramount has the league over a barrel, like Fox did. When viewing numbers are so low and with there being less chance of keeping half decent players it’s hard to see a bidding war for the next rights deal.


You're more optimistic than I am. I expect the next to be direct to viewer or through Youtube.


What makes you so sure of that? Have a look at who the other broadcasters are.


Maybe the APL can renew with P+/Ch10 but on a restructured deal, especially if the metrics continue their uptrend for the next two years? I'm not holding my breath that Ch7 or Ch9 will be interested and SBS and ABC are broke.


>Maybe the APL can renew with P+/Ch10 but on a restructured deal I doubt the APL have any bargaining power with P+ at this point. Failing to meet key criteria they agreed to has them bent over a barrel with the amount of money the APL wasted and now a lot less funding the next deal if it was to be with P+ would be even worse. Clubs were expecting 800k-1m each as a revised amount from the APL, what they got was 530k each, that is the depth of how badly the APL has run the A-league.


This is the double edged barrel we will face. The league is on its knees at the minute. You have to be blind or stupid not to see it. The new broadcaster will know this. a) A big company will offer a really low deal or another unknown broadcaster will offer less or the same as P+.


Exactly, if any other broadcaster dares to touch us they are going to be well aware of what has been going on and offer the APL a pittance of a deal, the APL are just as crap at spinning bullshit as they are at everything else.


Have been in recession for a year nobody is just saying it


I wonder if this will force them to implement a transfer system?? It be a good way to tap into the CFG funds


Speaking of the CFG, just a question. I recently started playing FM in the A-League and was absolutely stunned at the difference between this year and the last time I was down under in 17/18. How come MCFC haven't run away with the league? If there is a funding issue, aren't they part of the CFG? What happened to Sydney's dominance? Was it financial malpractice? I remember a few big signings and seeing some clubs in the Asian CL


>How come MCFC haven't run away with the league? If there is a funding issue, aren't they part of the CFG? They kind of did. They won three premierships in a row. They choked in the grand final but as far as regular season they were pretty dominant. The only reason they didn't win last year was losing their manager and a number of key players. As far as Sydney their fans are probably better to answer but I would say a combo of the wrong coach and the wrong marque players.


Yeah choking in the grand finals and throwing away games they were winning easily made City look a lot less dominant than they actually were, they were the best squad by some way.