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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITAH for kicking out my girlfriend after she called me a creep over a preference of mine? ** My girlfriend (23F) and I (25M) have been together for 2 months. We have been talking for another 2 months before getting together. We are still learning things about each other and this was still a very fresh relationship. We were talking about preferences, the topic of pubic hair came up and she told me she prefers if guys shave the balls. Well that’s what I do anyways. She asks me what I think about women shaving and I told her I prefer if women are shaved down there. I don’t mind hair at all but it’s just a nice touch if it’s shaven, that’s all. She flipped out on me and told me I was a weirdo, that all men are creeps for even liking it bald. I was very confused because she keeps herself shaved. I didn’t even want to fight about this and I told her it’d be for the best if she’d just leave. She left and sent me a message apologizing for going off and I just ignored it. Ever since she’s just been spamming me occasionally and insulting me. Am I missing something? Was what I was saying wrong? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unless OOP has terrible taste in women, this is so fake lol. Like, yes, it totally follows that a woman who shaves her own flaps and likes her men shaved would flip out over you liking it shaved, too


> it totally follows that a woman who shaves her own flaps and likes her men shaved would flip out over you liking it shaved, too Right. This is one of those stories where the main thing that makes it obviously fake is that people just *don't act like this* in real life, but if you try to point that out you just get a flood of responses similar to "Ummm clearly you don't know how hypocritical/manipulative people can be" Of course, their world view that leads them to think such terrible people exist is 100% informed via other fake internet stories like this one


The fiction writers never come up with any logic for their stories. It's just random details and events strung together, without any consistency.


Right, it's baffling to me that at no point does OOP say anything about "Isn't it blatantly hypocritical to claim you like men to be shaved, and also be shaved yourself, but not be okay with me wanting women to be shaved" He just kicks her out, lol. Which lets redditors come in later and feel smart for pointing out the obvious hypocrisy


Exactly. It never occurred to OP, it apparently never occurred to his girlfriend and/or she never provides any justification for her apparent hypocrisy, she's just sticking to her point.


the story is fake as fuck and I'll back that up by saying I actually have heard *many* people express straight up conflicting opinions for their body hair Vs the preferences they'd like their partner to express and none of those people would react like this lmao for example someone who shaves their pits for sensory reasons but find men wanting/expecting that to frequently be red flaggy. I knew one woman who usually shaved her pits for sensory reasons who went so far as to stop shaving when starting to date because she wanted to chase off any guys uncomfortable with pit hair for the record, I don't usually discuss people's body hair but I've been a part of some convos about the way people would prefer to dress/groom/present based on aesthetics that they don't/can't because of things like pain/trauma/sensory issues. and that veers into the intersection of that and sex/relationship preferences easily apparently? given that this has happened to me multiple times while I've just been listening to people talk? anyway, I've now heard what I can only assume is an incredibly above average number of conflicted opinions about body hair presentation vs partner preferences and at most it was a cause for a conversation with a partner, or people temporarily changing how they groom at the beginning of dating 99% odds that this is a totally fake story, but on the off chance it's true, the OP left out a lot of info in terms of exactly what he said. because even if you are actively looking for a partner with a particular preference, there are a million ways to express that preference in the creepiest fucking manner possible. you can turn what should be a sign of compatibility into a sign to run for the fucking hills. and the people who do that always then blame the other person for overeating and go "it's just a preference". and I swear to God at least half the time that people do that, they are intentionally doing that to push boundaries and test people and see what they can get away with


I actually has a friend long ago that believed that men that liked a shaved woman was a closet pedo. She wanted her men groomed down there. Not smooth but trimmed short.


What gets me is the comments lmfao. Acting like this fake story was going to lead to her falsely accusing him of assaulting a child in court


"She told me she was 23 officer!" Is how this will go? In reality, she is 3 children in a woman coat 


And her name? Vincenta Adultwoman


> She left and sent me a message apologizing for going off and I just ignored it. Ever since she’s just been spamming me occasionally and insulting me. This part got me. She goes off on him in person, then she apologized over text, then she goes right back to going off and insulting him?


Cause females be crazy, obviously


"She's shaved, too!" And they've been together two months, as if they wouldn't have had sex by now and, you know, assumed each other's preferences?


Eh I can believe not having sex two months into dating..


I can also believe having had sex but these preferences not explicitly coming up until now.


goddamn im to tired. kept reading pubic as public and was thoroughly confused. going to bed.


I'm old enough to remember the many photos of anti-obamacare/tea party folks holding up signs railing against the healthcare "pubic option"


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