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I came for the cute artwork, but i stayed for the suffering.


This manga is like the abyss itself. It lures you in with the premise of a fantasy adventure, unaware that it hides suffering and horrors deep within. You can never escape it, forever wanting more to explore the abyss.


I was thinking the same today. I have a friend that dropped it after just 3 episodes, and he said to me "is to simple, i don't know what people see in it" and i was like "Motherf... The simplicity of the beginning is designed to lower your guard!!! And then, it slap you in the face. Is brilliant!"


I must know the name of it.. Please, I beg..


Made in abyss


Whose the maid, and why is she in an abyss?


She fell


She is a burger, because she was.... made in Arby's.


Thank you!..


Can't blame him. He expect it came earlier. Just watch 3 episode and decide it's not for him. The plot is just too slow for him.


Fr. The appeal of the manga is precisely the central motivation of the characters. Wtf is down there?




I’ve only watched a random part of the movie to see how it goes. Didn’t go well for my eyes


Honestly I wish they'd ease up on the suffering. It isn't really necessary to tell a good story. We have plenty of mystery going on we don't need to wallow in personal horror and tragedy


You could also counter saying we have plenty other feel good stories to watch instead, no need to tone it down when it was clearly a core objective of the story.


That doesn't follow, no. I'm ok with zero overdone and gratuitous stuff in a show. Weird fetishized shots of food are dull. Same with feet, or inflation, or cutting people up, or anything else. Use anything you want to help tell the story, but it's too much when you can feel the author stroking their wang on the other side of a scene.


Fair I guess, can't really say much to an opinion. Though I wonder how many works have the author doing the same but just make it less obvious. Just off the top of my head there is the fate series that was born from a doujin, yet to see someone complain about that aspect in particular. In the end I personally don't like that the author is a weirdo (light term, probs a pedo honestly), but my enjoyment of an original story is more than my disgust towards him as a stranger I don't know.


The obviousness is the problem. Think about it like those REALLY obvious crotch shots on girls in the shows. You can make them completely sexy and desirable without resting the camera on the vulva bulge under her shorts. It's just UNNECESSARY and that's my issue with Abyss. It's not so overdone that I can't watch it just like the fan service usually doesn't kill a show for me either, but it takes me out of the story which is weak production on their part.


The abyss in any universe is not kind it shall break and destroy all hope and compassion and make those who try sufferer for it


Yes and they can make that point just fine without gratuitous and uncomfortable levels of it in the show.


It’s impossible you must witness it to understand it as it is intended to be made otherwise the journey and its purpose are completely void since if they didn’t overcome them any victory would be not one at all (also personally my favorite scene was when even after he was being ripped open he still blasted that monster to oblivion)


Glorified snuff kinda shit imo


Don’t think an episode made me feel so wrong since “Edwaaaaaard”.


Meh. I never felt that scene like everyone else seems to have. She was a minor character that only appeared in like two episodes. Now Hughes death hurt a lot tho.


Although I did find “Ed.. ward” impactful, I can a agree that Hughes death and definitely his funeral where a lot more sad.


It's a terrible day for rain.....


I feel like that's because FMA:B kinda botched it. In FMA 2003 you spend multiple episodes with her while the focus is on Ed's state exam, so the twist is both more surprising and more impactful because you have more time to care about her.


As someone who bought and watched most of the original in college I was shocked at how...rushed everything felt at the start of Brotherhood. It felt very much like it was for fans of the original who wanted more. I ended up dropping it a few eps in.


That's exactly what it was. But brotherhood is definitely worth the ride if you never went back to finish it. Once it gets through covering the content that was already covered in FMA 2003 things get very very good very fast.


It's only the beginning that's like that. Brotherhood is the much more complete story, just specifically the beginning is unfortunately very dry. It does make a degree of sense why, they wanted to minimize the time retreading the 2003 series so they could get to the new material sooner. It gets to the diverging point around episode ~8-9(?) iirc, it picks up very quickly after that. It's absolutely worth the watch if you can get past that hump.


Depending on which version you saw first I guess. OG FMA had a lot of horror elements and went into Nina’s characterization a lot more.


Yup, same for me, it didn't feel very impactful


I think it’s a lot like violet evergarden where which stories impact you more depends on age and life experience.


Damn it's raining again FUCK


Wait I haven't felt bad yet, and I've watched the movies as well


Can anybody give sauce and context to this fool?


Made in Abyss. Its a psychological horror of the best kind.


What platform?


Nintendo Switch


Better than Sega


I wish for you and your family the best. That's why I want to recommend you the anime Isekai oji-san, which is dedicated to make fools like you literate on the great videogames that Sega has made before losing to Nintendo. Signed, a guy who speedruns a Sega game for fun


you didn't have to buy the exact same game on sega that you bought for two generations of consoles before


My Uncle from Another World would disagree


There's an rpg of the series tutored by the mangaka coming soon so actually true.


And a light child hentai. Just be warned.


Sauce is Made in Abyss. Context is >!little girl gets pregnant and gives birth to countless babies that die within a day, just to get eaten by other people in order to survive.!<


I need a second to reread this line. ***W H A T ?***


oh yeah, this is some "Beautiful Darkness" stuff. lets jump in it


Yeah honestly if you haven’t read or watched the series I recommend you do going in as blind as possible. The VAs for the anime are fantastic and will fuck you up with their performances.


Yeah but that's just the soft part, wait until you see the kid about to get raped in an alley by ugly bastard Hollows


That already happened… unless it happens again


Don't forget the >!parasitic pseudo water that slowly dissolves/melts your body starting from you're fingertips/toes. r/HydroHomies would be put on suicide watch after watching this ep.!<


Jesus Christ.


i now regret having eyes today


Can't tell if manga spoiler or shit post, because that def didn't happen in the anime but it's honestly not that unlikely in the context of what's happened so far lol


Oh boi it did happen, at least in the managa, don't know where the anime is on right now, because i'm waiting for this season to end so i could binge watch it, but oh boi it did happen and it's fucked up >!faputa's mother was given an egg that grants wishes, since the lil girl was marked cursed as she couldn't give birth, her wish was to be able to and as u know the abyss is fucked and twisted, all her babies started dying after a while and she started loosing her humanoid form and becoming something else, the other delvers started eating her babies to keep living!<


It was in yesterday's episode.




You re late




After the movie this seems tame to me


honestly same, but the movie had me fucked up


Look for a doujin, they must be brutal as well


Omg I can't imagine haha


It literally just happened in the new episode at the end.


Well, you have some catching up to do…. It gets dark homie


I'm so excited now lol, I love everything Made in Abyss but somehow completely missed the announcement of the second season earring


Same, just saw it trending on zoro.to and binged


Please don’t fucking tell me there’s seriously people stupid enough to start watching from literally the middle of the series instead of starting with the 1st season.


wait wait WAIT im still on S2 E4, wtf happen?!!!!


Made in abyss, and I could explain it to you but it's better that you would experience it yourself.


Just started this show yesterday, I don't even know what I'm in for


Pain and suffering


Nice ! Keep in mind that there is a movie after the season 1 ! And if you may like deep torture disguised in cuteness I also recomend Re Zero


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Basically anything can go wrong at any moment. And I think the author has a piss/poop fetish


Everything's a fetish to people these days. Sigh!


Sooo, was it good? Did you enjoyed it?


I admit, been a busy week, only at like episode 4 or 5, nothing really fucked up happened yet, but pretty interesting world and I'm definitely gonna keep going


You want a beach episode so badly


As if there wouldn't be pain and suffering in a beach episode


Marine biology nerd here, the potential for suffering at the beach is astronomical.


We are talking about sharks, saltwater crocs, and box jellyfishes. Oh u might wanna add sea snakes, blue ringed octopuses, also those venomous sea conesnails, and maybe add sea lampreys too. Change them to be bigger, more enigmatic, and exotic since this is MiA we are talking about. Also, don't forget the risk of the water and the sand being alive too. Not to mention there are a lot of marine species that look so alien, they may look like they are coming from humans' deepest dark fear or something.




No no no. It's too calm. No body horror in your description. ​ In the last episodes, everything is alive (floor is alive, water is alive), bodies melting, etc. ​ What if the beach transforms you into a Narehate but without pain or you notice it. Or the sand is made of eggs that goes slowly inside you, and after sometime they hatch and you give birth to them from all holes you have and don't have


I respect your pfp


The beach episode was when nanachi riko and reg went to that lake on the 4th layer ,you ain't getting more than that


They do stop suffering though... Constantly. Rikos continued amazement with the abyss and pure childlike infatuation with its mystery in spite of and between moments of significant suffering are what makes the series for me


It’s that nice push and pull with discovery and exploration/mind shattering suffering that really keeps me in the show


What is this? What would you say it’s similar to?


Chibi horror. I honestly can't think of anything that compares in overall tone and world, but the chibi horror angle is kinda similar to the game Doki Doki Literature Club. Lures you in with cute anime aesthetic before getting pretty dark


I don't think the horror genre really encapsulates Made in Abyss, as it has a very heavy emphasis on adventure, exploration, and worldbuilding. The setting of the story is akin to those in epic fantasies, with its diverse landscapes, flora and fauna, and unique 'rules'. The main character also has a clear goal and destination, which makes the tone of the story feel more adventurous in its essence. That being said, there are many horrific moments and underlying themes sprinkled throughout the series (if you've seen Fullmetal Alchemist, the chimera scene is a fair analogy, but Made in Abyss cranks it up to 100). I'd say Made in Abyss is an adventure story first and foremost, and the horror is an added layer that sets an atmosphere of danger and how messed up the human mind can be.


Higurashi? I've never seen it, but I think you could consider that 'chibi horror', yeah?


I haven't seen higurashi but MiA is more on the psychological trauma part of horror, Higurashi from clips I've seen gives more like slasher vibes


This anime takes child gore to the next level and that is all I am going to say.


kinda similar to Promised Neverland IMO


Not really, this shit is waaaaaay more dark and traumatic than PN


Don't worry, it's only getting worse. Remember to stay hydrated!


best anime ever. no anime is as dark


But isnt it getting slowly into, just being dark and disturbing just for sake of it It is cool but its getting like only one fucked up thing to next just for shock value


I mean, its a story that can only end in tragedy. The girl is basically committing protracted suicide by going into the hole.


There wasn’t a lot of shock value. Not sure what you’re referring to. I felt like everything that happened was a slow predictable march toward misery.


Yeah... That's why I stopped watching after the movie. It became clear that the author spends most of his time in thinking of ways to horrible torture or dismantle children rather than focusing of the enviroment of the abyss that season 1 put so much effort into early on.


Exactly my point story no longer focus on abyss but on how torturous it can be for them and nothing else


Yep. It's actuwlly worrying what the author puts effort into... How far is it from becoming some kind of child-torture porn?


I dunno, it never stopping having the Abyss as a focus. We've pretty consistently had a steady stream of world building and it still hasn't ceased. The story just also has a very prevalent "death of innocence" theming surrounding it.


It's starting to feel like **To Your Eternity**.


Nah, it does a good balancing act with the feeling of wonder and discovery in relation to the abyss. At least for me. Also, it’s not suffering for suffering’s sake. It all fits into the plot of the story


still better than other anime


Need to try more animes then, quick question have you tried brezerk?


yu mean sexual assault the series?


If thats all you see then bro pls dont say you like dark series, sexual assult was just single part of it and wasnt glorified in any manner rather showed how it effects people and also dealt with dilemma of unwannted pregnancy due to the said assault That is dark story with some meaning and not just busting stomach for just sake of gore


nah its glorified in berserk


Then you have not watched brezerk, do you even know when the "glorified" acts happen


can i ask why you keep spelling it as 'brezerk'?




It broke Casca to the point she reverted to a child like state and had severe PTSD. Even being slightly reminded of the Elipse set her off. How is that glorifying it? Did even actually read the manga or watch the show?


While this series you love is just children torture the series where they only hurt and traumatize children, any dark story can be shown in bad light when you dont wanna understand it


Need to try more animes then, quick question have you tried brezerk?


best anime ever if you're an edgy teen who wants to show how edgy you are


The suffering of children sedates my hunger


oh yeah, so glad abortion has been banned. so many more children to suffer in this world.


I’m staunchly pro choice but wtf does that have anything to do with what he said?


i don't know what the fuck u guys are talking about


as i have seen it's terraria like manga but with disturbing stuff


Pain and suffering.


Its called made in abyss not made in happiness


Whats the anime's premise about?


A young girl named Rika meets a robot kid named Reg. When Rika finds a note from her mother saying that she's waiting for her at the bottom of the abyss, Rika and Reg descend to find her. Reg is also from the abyss, but he has no memories of his origins and hopes to find answers along the way. On their journey they deal with the Curse of the Abyss (explained in ep2), the horrible creatures that reside within, and other cave raiders with ill intentions. This anime is a perfect example of what it means to bite off more than you can chew and the deeper they go the more perilous their journey becomes. I strongly recommend it. You can watch season 1 on Prime video and the movie as well as the ongoing season 2 on Hidive.




Yeah idk where Rika came from. My bad.


Tbh went people said it was dark I kinda expected more lol


Well i just got spoiled little bit of manga and it gets darker.


I found this anime through the trailer of season 2 and walked into season 1 not knowing how messed up it was


I loved the episode for that same reason. Towards the end i was like "ooooh fuck, no fucking way. That's so messed up" Spoiler Tag because i don't know how to mark something as spoiler in phone xd: And the worst part is that, her wish of having children was not because she actually wanted to concieve, it's because she directly related that with getting back the love and care her family rejected her for not being able to have babies. She wished for love and affection from her family, and the only way for her to achieving that back is through the concept of concieving children, morphing her body towards that objective in a desperate attempt of seeking what she was rejected from such a young age. Let alone the contrast of having children and losing them repeatedly possibly for the rest of eternity. A self fulfilling curse that gives and takes away, so close yet so far from happiness. It's fucking sad man.


You hit the nail perfect. She doesn’t want kids. She wants to be seen as having value as a person. Good shit




This is how I felt about 86, after seeing people post about this show was hoping for that kinda despair every episode but meh . Still a very interesting concept plot and I'm enjoying the journey.


Just starting watching it. I'm on episode 6 now, seemed really good. The corpse weeper things were bloody terrifying


The first half of the first season is tame, now the Second half and especially the Last episode oh boy


Just man if you were questioning this week’s episode next week’s is gonna really rock you


I just started watching it and im affraid of whats going to happen Btw everyone knew that the blonde character is a girl before watching it?


What's the title, I can't see it. Is there an English version?


Made in abyss


Dark fantasy stories are a thing for me, and i like to watch kids suffering (in media not irl)


The present is cursed .....and the rest is history (☉_☉)


Well I ain't watching that again.


Yeah, when I first started the anime I initially thought it was going to be a cute/fun adventure story. I was very shocked as I went on. But I still highly recommend it.


I’m starting season two today. I’ve heard it only gets worse. Don’t spoil it but am I in for a world of hurt?


Don't watch it while eating or after eating


"Hurt" is not the Word I'll use, is more like that sensation of you want to cry but you can't like you are chocking in your own tears, something like that


to be fair this season so far(except the last episode) was surprisingly not that bad yet


Nothing can beat the movie for suffering


I sugest you bring a confort teddy bear for the next one


Didnt watch it yet but sounds like ReZero 2 electric bogaloo


A master piece


Watched the first season. Felt like I’m on a list now. I heard there’s more?


Is this anime good


Good is relative, ofc. If you like deep world building, fictional creatures, mystery, and brutal fictional worlds, it's great. If you're squeamish or turned off by blood/guts/gore/body fluids/sex/suffering it's probably not for you. There's an immense amount of chibi suffering, but it's all done purposely to add stakes to the dangerous fictional world being established (kind of similar to the narrative reasons Dark Souls is hard, if you've played those games).


A mixture of good setting, good plot, pedophilia, and extreme amounts of human (and not) suffering


The more the story continues, the more it is the last two over the first two as it seems...


Subaru: First time?


exactly the reason I stopped watching. Surely this gets good and he gets like super strong and stops having all of life suck for *every* interaction ever. ... ^still ^waiting...


could you stop being naked and torture fetished for five minutes pls for the love of god i can't watch this shit anymore


People are downvoting you because you’re right? Like seriously it’s an amazing plot, fantastic writing, but every other episode has a character that looks like they’re 9 completely nude it’s gross and takes away from a beautifully well done show


fr though the author has to be a pedophile right? Like theres just no other way


I could not get myself to watch this season. It fails entirely at creating a balance between intrigue and the dark themes and I am not watching something just for dark stuff. And after the movies I must say, the characters are really not interesting in the slightest...


And this is why I’m not watching it.


Haha nice


Anime Dark Souls


Nah, at least in DS you can fight back


But wait, THERE'S MORE


It's not a real adventure without hardships & life-threatening situations


Is this about the 2nd season?






If you enjoy suffering you could watch "Now and Then, Here and There"


No! *drinks water*


Lol no


Hearing in my head Shrek say sadly "Could you stop suffering" made me laugh way too hard.


that show had me squinting and feeling queasy watching some of those scenes but it’s so good 😔


Aha-- and I was gonna read that :D


Why did she feel it was necessary to shove a stick up his butt?


I actually just finished watching Made in Abyss and this meme hit me hard


You thought you will finally see sunshine and rainbow but nope more pain and suffering. 💔


Hohoho why dont you try read boys abyss, just like the meme its so freaking depressing


MadeInAbyss: I did'nt start yet


Yeah even Subaru from re:zero gets a day off from all that suffering. I mean... He's suffered much more but... I don't know where I'm going with this


Yo there's more


Guys, I watched this very recently. The fucking scene at the lake (you know what I am talking about) was absurd. The VAs delivered sooo well, even I felt pain. S2 is the same suffering. Very good anime.