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If you can manage it, don’t tell anyone you’re doing it. A large part of nerves is probably around having to tell people. When I took this approach I passed easily as my nerves were waaay better.


Yeah I’ve told no one bar the accompanying driver lmao. I’m sorta taking the “acting like im not phased by it” approach to mix results. Thanks for the reply!


Go into it with the knowledge that failing isn't a big deal. If your skills are ready, you'll pass. If not, just re-apply and take more lessons and practice. The test itself is one more lesson.


Second this! Failing is one thing but having loads of people ask you how it went just made me feel awful. Even the idea of it was misery! Breathe and trust yourself that you can drive, and make sure to not dwell on the mistakes - this is such a killer while doing the test! If you make a mistake just carry on and act normal cause you'll only sabotage yourself if not


Google “commentary driving”, I found it really helped my nerves because my brain was 100% occupied


Lay off caffeine for the day. It won't cure you but it'll help.


Have a quick pint before you're due in the car, you'll be nicely settled


My instructor told me to think of the test in three parts, the small theory test, the car inspection and then driving. His point was you've done 2 thirds of the test before you turn the key. When arriving reverse into your driving space, so you can drive straight out, when returning drive straight in, you can reverse out by yourself later (after you've passed). Do a good few pre-tests, know the route like the back of your hand, if you can book a pre test for the same time but the week before so you can get a feel for the traffic at that time, it means you have a good understanding of what you are about to drive into, 1 less thing to worry about. The instructor has 30 to 40 minutes (can't remember exactly), your job is to get as few points as possible, book into the heaviest traffic you can, this sounds counter intuitive but if you are not moving, you are not doing anything, therefore you aren't doing anything wrong.


And good luck OP


Tell yourself if I don't get it this time, I will get it the next time. Have it as a mantra almost. Realistically your insurance costs are not hugely impacted by being a learner. Also, have a fundamental understanding of why you do certain things when driving. Dane Tyghe's YouTube videos are very helpful. Finally, have your own car and practice the stuff you feel you are not quite there with. Nerves are part of it. I got mine on the third attempt and passed when I didn't care too much about the outcome.


I have my test booked in a few weeks time and I don’t have my own car to practise in. I’m relying on doing lessons with instructor and a pretest before going in for the test. Is that enough or it it silly of me to think I can pass without owning a car to practice in?


It will be difficult but it can be done. There's a lot to be said for familiarity with a car and the lessons and pre test probably wouldn't be enough. Can you arrange to go on a parent's insurance or a good friend's and get loads of practice in their car?


I unfortunately don’t have anyone’s car I can be insured on, but look, I’m going to give it a go, thank you for the advice !


I failed my first test in such a godawful way that it weirdly helped settle my nerves loads for the second. Like it would have been really hard to top that failure. Also after my failure LOADS of people told me the stories of their failed tests. Some of which really surprised me, so I feel much less ashamed and insecure about the whole thing. Driving tests are a very intense thing. Before my second, which I passed handily, I just convinced myself that it was not a test. Just another lesson. And I concentrated on every instruction completely. Didn't let my mind wander ahead. Just took it step by step. You will pass eventually. Hopefully next time. G'luck!


Might get downvoted but go in with the mentality that you'll fail. That's what I did and ya know what, I was fairly relaxed on it thinking of it as a practice test. I bumped into the curb a little on my reverse around the corner but because I was relaxed, I didn't panic and I asked could I try it again and he actually let me. He told me when we got back to the test center that while he did give me a fault for it, he didn't fail me for it because I stayed calm and asked if I could try again and got it on my second try. Now to be quite honest, I did think I would fail. I honestly didn't have as much practice as I would've liked beforehand (had friends that were off their n plates promise to bring me out to practice when my parents couldn't and then would bail last minute, poor parents would scramble then to at least get me out driving for an hour or so. Keep in mind, this was literally the week before my test and said friends knew about the test) but I still managed to get through it. My examiner also let me have the radio on very low (like could barely hear it) but it meant it wasn't complete silence and that helped me a lot. None of my lessons or practice was ever done in silence so the thought of doing my test in silence had me freaked so maybe try that as well.


“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” Actually though my approach to my test and driving in general (I was older when I started and thought I could never do it) was think of all the morons I know that can drive and thought 'well if they can do it then surely I can too'


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I was the same as you when doing my driving test, I also failed the first time! Its completely normal to be nervous.. I felt so nauseous in the lead up to the test. But once you start driving, concentration kicks in and you're not as nervous anymore. Try and do some breathing exercises whenever you feel you're getting too nervous. Good luck 👍


Roll down the windows when you are reversing around a corner so you can hear cars coming


I too failed my first practical test, it's all such nonsense, why isn't completing the EDT enough? Getting back on track, if you are going for your test then you've completed the EDT and your driving instructor believes you are ready to take it, at this point you should know how to drive, there'd be no point in taking the test otherwise. If you believe you have learnt enough from your teacher, then at this point then, you know how to drive, believe in your own ability. If you're a competent driver then you should be a confident one.


Don’t eat 4 hours before the test


I failed test driving straight out of the center, like I mean within a minute. The assessor just turned to me and said ‘do you realize you just drove through a red light’ and started shaking his head. That has to be a record. Can you imagine driving for the next 40 mins with his unconcealed contempt. He handed me the written sheet at the end it was like a dartboard. Wind on a few years my now wife told me one of things she really found attractive with me was my driving. I could navigate Dublin City Center with aplomb. This will make you feel better, cos if I can drive like that now anyone can learn to drive and pass the test. I must have been one of the worst that assessor had in his professional career.


You can get this "Bach rescue remedy" in the pharmacy over the counter, would recommend to help calm you down if your especially anxious.