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I think it's an absolutely bizarre reason to hold off dating if you want to be dating. 


Maybe wait til you get the C1 licence that way you can get a suitably proportioned camper and show her the ring of Kerry and/or the giants causeway


I thought you said " get a camper and show her your ring" haha


Good chance this lad has an actual wedding ring on that first date 🙄


You can date on a provisional licence if you're accompanied by a fully qualified dater and if you have L plates.


And don’t forget signed permits from Eamon Ryan’s own office 😂


I suppose if dogging is your thing that I can see why relying on public transport or taxis would be awkward.


I don't think they check that.


Neither me nor an ex had a car/license when we dated. He lived a forty five min drive from me, but if we couldn’t get lifts, we’d to get bus (50 odd mins) and walk (20 mins to mine, 40 to his) Did that for four years


That's nice that you had a relationship for that long. Obviously that would be ideal for me atm.. until I get my full. But I don't see a lot of women making that commitment without a car


To be fair, my current boyfriend can’t drive, and I don’t have a car. But we are in Dublin and buses are aplenty


That is ideal for you both. I'm from offaly. Lot of people I match with are from carlow kildare dublin galway, all place that's are easy enough to get to by train.. there is one girl im talking to from clare, who has agreed to a date. And is keen to go to galway instead of ennis. If she changes her mind and wants ennis, it's 4 hours travel by train.. 🙈


Oh fuck yeah that does sound a bit shite.


Indeed. But I suppose if " big if" things went well I suppose it wouldn't. Matter how long it takes


Nope. Whenever you found your right match. Don’t wait. Time is not waiting.


\*\*stares despondently at bus pass\*\*


Stop reading Yank dating advice, it's full of toxic nonsense.


What a weird question.




Haha I suppose I'm overthinking it ?


Definitely, if you’re dating someone you want to be with you make it work, neither of us had a license at the start of our relationship and when I say he lives in the middle of nowhere 😂 we still made it work, stop overthinking it man


Haha. If it'd one thing I'm good at, is overthinking 🤣


You’ll be grand man don’t worry


I had a lot of dates and am now married and have 2 kids , I've seen the world as well . I never had a car or a licence.


A horse outside ?


Glad I wasn't the only one thinking this 🤣


I know , right ! 😂😂😂😂


Only date women with a full license... That way you will be legal.


Was this written by me hahaha. This time last year I was in your shoes. I was dating but relying on public transport to get from A to B. Dated a guy who made me feel like a child for getting a bus to go on a date 😂 I realise now how ridiculous this is!!! I then held off on dating until I got my full licence 6 months later. Dating now is much easier tbf but it is ridiculous not to date for this reason, life’s too short.


I would like to think so. I'd be similar to get the full licence in 6 or so months, assuming I pass first time. But I feel a lot of women would be turned off if didn't have my full licence, what do you think ?


Nahh. Do you want to date the type of person who cares about whether you have a licence? The right person won’t care


I suppose, like obviously if the dates are going well and ye both like eachother, ye would want to make it work either way ye ?


Maybe you should start dating straight away that way you can weed out all the weirdos “who don’t date people who can’t drive”


I think there would be a lot of em tbh. Little embarrassed tbh


Unless by dating you mean dogging I don’t think it would be a reason to just not date. Just put a commutable distance on it


Hold on until you get your pilot's license so that you can fly off into the sunset towards a romantic location. Either that or cop on and get out there and date, with or without personal transport.


🤣🤣 cheers man!!


Fuck your Honda civic get a horse instead


Hmm ..how much is the tax on that ?




Man has tinder set to 100km+, Ive been there, no shame in it ☠️








Think it's at 90km 🤣🤣




There is an answer ! https://preview.redd.it/l6wmsvbw4c7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a4251f9a6f7c5dcf7c896586ec4331f1366cde


I live in offaly in a rural town..so getting to Dublin and galway is easy. The rest is a little hard. We'll not so much hard. Just longer travel


Date a chauffeur. Problem solved ✅


Anyone who ties your value as a partner to your ability to drive isn't someone you want to be with in the first place. I wouldn't throw away the idea of dating over something like this.


I suppose your right. Cars are expensive 😫 along with my mortgage


My husband didn’t have his licence when we started dating, it didn’t bother me at all especially in Dublin, you really don’t need it.


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Assume on dating apps, you're able to give some sort of description/biography of yourself? Couldn't you just add in that you're not driving at the moment so would prefer to keep distance short?


On your bike, son


Keep it within the parish and a bike will do you


Depends how old you are. I’m at the age where if a guy doesn’t drive then it’s a no. If They was 16-21 it’s completely understandable


What if they live in a city? I've mates in their 40s that don't drive because they've never needed to.  I have my license but I'd say I drive once a month at most. 


The thing is it’s no fun when we can’t go on a staycation and drive down the country for a weekend away. I don’t like just sitting in the same restaurant’s and same parks, I want to experience other cities. Being 40 years old and not being able to drive is deffo a lifestyle I could never. I love to be able to get in my car and just drive anywhere. If I’m driving the guy everywhere it feels one sided. My ex didn’t drive and was always ferrying him around everywhere. Felt like his mum.


Like it's nice to be able to go to the less accessible places, but I've done plenty of travelling around this country and abroad without needing a car.  Different strokes though. 


I mean it doesn’t matter if you can find a person that doesn’t mind travelling on public transport to go anywhere. It would be ideal if they live near you which narrows down your choice but lots of people have proved it can work


Basically, any hot neighbour?


Unfortunately I hate to admit I am 31. I never really had a reason to drive till now. I lived and worked in my hometown. Even my relationships were local. Obviously I left it a long time..but at least I'm doing it now


my life improved significantly when I got my license. I was 19, there was no more waiting for buses and train cancellations or emptying the bank for Ubers. It’s a game changer. Obviously there’s traffic but public transport doesn’t get you everywhere. 31 is late af you should’ve tried to pass ur test earlier and just waited to buy a car later on but at least ur getting it now


Yes I agree. But its that's hindsight. Better late then never ye ?


Are you capable enough to drive on your own? If the answer is genuinely yes, then that's all that matters. Who's going to stop you driving solo on a provisional? All those Gardaí that are nowhere to be seen?


well they would be fucked if they crashed, for one.


What difference would a full license make if they crashed? Would the license jump out and save them? Or do you mean that his insurance wouldn't cover the crash as he was driving solo? Because there's very easy ways around that to ensure everyone that needs a payout gets a payout. My point stand. Who's going to stop them from driving on a provisional solo, because its not going to be the non-existant gardaí.


Yes, the insurer can seek recoveries from them.


Then you're not doing it right. As I mentioned there are ways and means to ensure everyone that deserves a payout gets a payout. Don't be such a hick do you know what country you live in, this shit happens all the time.


What are you saying? I'm not talking about someone not getting a payout. I am saying the insurers could seek recoveries FOR the payout that was made


And again, I'm explaining that you're not doing it right if you get caught for recuperation of monies, again there are a myriad of ways for you to avoid this, especially so in this country. To get caught is down to your own stupidity. Instead what will probably happen is that (a) there will be no crash (b) if there was a crash then there's way to ensure payouts are forthcoming (c) if there is a personal injury claim then the parties need to be careful for 3 years and then they receive their compensation for the injuries they have sustained. If you dare to cry about someone in this country frauding the insurance sector then you sir are worse than the monster you stand by because at least they're in it for the money, you have no reason. The EU raided Irish insurance companies because of their unfair trade practices, the government lowered the rate of compensation meaning if someone is seriously injured they now have less options to try to better their lives and all so the insurance companies could save money and maybe, just maybe lower premiums but only if it doesn't interfere with their exorbitant profits.


Sure. Anyone can lie about anything in any situation. What happens when the third party tells the insurer what happened?


Tell them what? That the guy didn't have a full driver with him so his insurance is not valid, now who will pay to fix my car and/or my injuries? Oh I have to sue the government so instead and then wait umpteen years for a payout that won't match the payout from the insurance company?? Again stupidity is the only thing to get you caught.


You're not following. I am not talking about the third party not getting compensation. The insurer will pay it. They will always pay it as they are insurer concerned. The third party will have given details of the incident so now the insurer knows. They can then seek recoveries from the policyholder. The policyholder couldn't have done anything to avoid that in that situation.