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In the morning I’ll have a fish and a rice cake…


Forgot that one.


Same I had some fish and a rice cake for lunch to


😂 I wonder how many people actually get this line...that lad had a very varied diet ya must admit 😁


Have you seen that lad these days... absolute monster.


I did all those fishcakes paid off 😂




Whey protein powder? Cottage cheese also is my go to bro.


Cottage cheese very underrated, packed with protein and cheap too


It’s baby vomit.


True, I make it like an egg mayo, boiled egg, add in the cottage cheese some onion and cheese on bread or rice cake or crackers. Wouldn't recommend eating it on its own!


These protein bars are just a money grab and very high calorie if you care about that. I eat a lot of chicken, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, beans and usually get 140g without much issue with a very varied diet, meal prepping so i can plan ahead.


I agree they're extremely expensive but are they considered high calorie? I thought around 200 calories for 20g of protein is really great. Like are there even many foods that are lower calories while having that nutritional value, unless you're on a super restricted diet eating plain boiled chicken breast or whey protein mixed with water? Even if you were eating them purely as a snack or dessert without taking any consideration of their nutritional value, 200 calories is low for a dessert no?


TBF for the most part they are, however the Aldi Cookies are 20g for 1.79 think around 300kcals, 10g/150k per biscuit.


Nice to dip into a cup of tea


Average 150g per day. Double scoop shake in the morning to kick me off, steamed chicken breast or fish at lunch, shake in the afternoon. Whatever dinner is. Stay away from the bars. All sugar


Bars come in many diffrent forms. There are bars that have pretty much perfect macros for bodybuilding but don't taste very good And you have bars that pretty much just taste like regular chocolate bars. Also suger isn't inherently bad, fruit is extremely high in suger and endurance literally eat pure sugar in the former gel packs.


Yeah was a pretty sweeping statement. The fulfill bars are terrible.


Are they actually terrible? Only 1.4g of sugar per bar


Does the body absorb that double scoop in the morning? I’ve been taking whey myself but just saw a 50g type whey that I was thinking of trying but research says the body can only take in 25-30kg a meal


You mean grams lol. No there is no limit to the amount of protein that your body can absorb. That's a myth.


lol 😂


There is no limit to how much protein your body can absorb but we should aim to limit processed protein products to around 50grams per day which usually equates to two portions of standard powders. Then aim to get the rest through unprocessed foods. 


Why? Whey protein has pretty much the best amino acid profiles of any protein source. It's low calorie and easily digested.


Bars are bollox really. Scoop of protein powder with your milk or on its own surely be easier?


Chick peas, beans, eggs, turkey mince


I find that men are really superstitious about protein intake. You probably won't listen to me but please do some more research. The amount you're taking is insane and probably pointless. Also the health concerns are probably not good either, how's your poo?


The optimal amount of protein for building muscle is between 0.75 and 1 gram per pound of bodyweight. I'm over 100 kg. So for me that's around 200 grams of protein. That's what all the most recent scientific data says. I know the NHS guidelines say 60 grams a day but that is absolute nonsense.


Fair play. What are you eating to hit that? Very hard do. What calories are you eating a day?


I eat about 3000 calories a day. I drink 2 litres of skimmed milk throughout the day for 70 grams. My breakfast is usually 4 eggs 2 slices of turkey bacon and brown toast. 40 grams Train at 12 for an hour then a 45 gram shake with frozen berries. Lunch is a sandwich and half a protein bar for another 40 grams Then I just add a bit more meat to my plate for whatever I'm making the wife and kids for dinner. Handy enough.


I eat tins of sardines sometimes for a snack. Cheap as F and I love them.


I started having them like a salad, pretty nice and the added fibre really fills you up


Have you ever gotten your bloods checked with your GP? All ok? The 4 eggs would be a concern with cholesterol?


If you're generally healthy, the Irish heart foundation says you can have up to 7 eggs a week and be fine. After that most people should skip yolks


4 eggs a day is 28eggs a week...way more than the recommendation


I don't care what the recommendation is. Dietary science is full of quacks. Dietary cholesterol has no bearing on blood cholesterol levels. That's affected by overall calories and amount of fat in your diet. I get blood work done regularly because I had cancer very young and my hdl/ldl levels are perfect. I guarantee you that if I ate a vegetarian high carb diet that wouldn't be the case.


I'm not even touching this.


You don't believe me? Here. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/dietary-cholesterol-does-not-matter#:~:text=Blood%20cholesterol%20levels%20are%20mostly,foods%20raise%20blood%20cholesterol%20levels. There are 3 recent studies all in pubmed in that article all supporting my stance on dietary cholesterol.


The Irish heart society don't know what they are talking about. Dietary cholesterol has no bearing on blood cholesterol levels. That's affected by overall calories and amount of fat in your diet.


What would a male 103kg need that works out 4-5 times a week need? According to what I read it’s about 150-170. My poo is large. Would really love some advice


Aim for 30grams of soluble fibre per day 


Can’t seem to get enough fibre into me at all. Only averaging about 8g a day. Absolutely terrible (bad with potassium too). Don’t seem to be able to manage either


Bananas have both 30g chia seeds = 10g soluble fibre - add to smoothies, porridge, salad or just let sit in pint of water for 30mins & knock back Berries/Pears/Apples Cauliflower/Brocolli/Chickpeas/Other Pulses/Lentils/Beans


https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html 30%of calories has to come from protein.


This, and just listen to your body. And also dietary fibre


But you just said that amount of protein is insane and pointless?


No it's just more about having a simplistic ratio that's easy to follow than trying to slam X grams of protein into you per day. It's not a healthy perspective


I don't understand why if you calculate it in grams it's "trying to slam X grams into you" whereas if you calculate it as a percentage of calories it's somehow any different. If you calculate it as a percentage of calories it's still an amount you have to eat in grams. Unless you eat a wildly varying amount of calories every day (which is very unhealthy) you would be eating the same amount of grams of protein every day since you're eating the same amount of calories every day. You shouldn't have to be following a ratio or calculating anything after you figure out roughly how much you need to eat the first time. 150g is around 30% of your calories from protein if you eat 2,000 calories a day, so it's pretty standard, it's not a pointless or insane amount to eat. I imagine an average male who works out would want to be eating more than that. I don't know what research you found saying to eat significantly less than that, but you can find all types of crazy diets online, I would be careful about making sure your research is from a reputable source.


150g is not insane and is around the appropriate amount for him . If your not working out the it would obviously be lower


For fiber you eat oatmeal.


You’re the one that needs to do more research. That’s an appropriate intake for someone who works out regularly and wants to gain muscle.


Bu but but I must eat raw liver to succeed in my alphagainz


It's been weird watching it but it's been going on since the 80s


It's been weird watching it but it's been going on since the 80s


It's been weird watching it but it's been going on since the 80s


Peanut butter, pro vitamin bread, yoghurt oats/porridge. I like tuna infusions, the jalapeños one, mix it into some microwave rice and steam microwave veg with whatever sauce you want, full of protein and vitamins. I like the protein bar's Peanut fulfil are lovely aldi have nice ones. Chicken breast and good beef or beef burger's. You can mix it up cheap if you shop around.


I know how you feel. My main go-to's in a day are - Grahams protein yoghurt pouch 168cals and 20g protein - Brady Family ham packet (7 slices) 150 cals and 30g protein - chicken breast (average) 143 cals and 27g protein - Brooklee protein chocolate mousse 153 cals and 20g of protein This brings to almost 100g of protein for under 650 calories, leaving a lot of calories to make up the other 50g of protein. Other foods like mince meat, mozzarella ball, or lentils help boost the protein. I don't eat those bars as they are expensive and I hate the taste


About 200g Bars can be very expensive, I suggest buying the cheap ones in bulk off the internet and only using them when your out and about and can't get access to "real" food. I use a lot of Protien powder, I put a scoop into a massive bowl of cereal whish is great because you also get a massive amount of calories, carbs, and very little fat for incredibly cheap.


You just need to aim for 150g a day. Even if you don't hit it, it will balance out over a week or month depending on activity and rest. Also remember protein is in brown rice, wheat pasta, beans, chickpeas, peas etc. It all adds up. The most important thing is to eat enough calories for your goal and eat clean as much as possible, the more clean you eat, the better the results, regardless of whether your hitting 150g of protein every day. The most important thing about protein is to eat plenty of lean protein and make sure you have lean protein after your workout. The only supplement you should take is decent quality whey protein and maybe casein protein. I would stay away from all those protein bars as they are mainly cac.


I'm female and depends on days i can eat easily 3-5 boiled eggs in the morning and 2 burgers in afternoon (no or little carbs). Snacks on nuts, beef jerky and cheese. Not sure how much protein but it keeps me going and satiated. The odd times I have a protein bar but that's only if i have nothing.


Where are you buying beef jerky from? I've wanted to try it but only ever thought it was sold in America.


You can find sometimes at Aldi and Mister price but they are damned expensive!! M&S used to have them too but pricey. I bought a shit load on my last trip in the US at Trader Joe's and my sister lives there and has a Costco card. You can also try the biltong (the south african equivalent to beef jerky). I don't remember/ and if it still exists but there was a shop in Dublin a few years ago. Sorry it's not much help 😕


That's plenty helpful thank you. I never even thought of asking the relatives to pick me up some from the states the last time they went over. I will next time. Great tip that 🙌


No problems. Depends where you go, i find the Trader Joe's really nice (original and and teriyaki) and great quality. If you can access Target, you have a great selection (I don't remember the name of it, but it was the ones without hormones etc and Absolutely delicious).


I couldn’t tell you.


Nut butters. Maybe add ground nuts to sauces.


Average about 140g a day. Took a bit of work to get to that since I’m mostly vegan too. Lots of Tofu and shakes.


More and more info is coming out that you dont need anywhere near that amount. I know ppl in good shape who dont eat half that amount. Its likely more to do with genetics than anything - me running more is not going to make me faster type of thing - its genetic. Look at gorillas and leaves for example. All you're gona do is fuck up your gut, end up bloated and a lot of digestive issues. Eat according


Gorillas have bacterial colonies in their microbiome that produce protein from vegetation. Humans don't have that.


My point still stands - each person is different. I saw a junkie a few weeks ago shirtless and he was absolutely jacked - hes not in 150gs of protein. Lads on the boats in Nigeria are not on protein shakes or eat anything near what is recommended by all these fitness influencers and are absolute specimens. Protein is not going to dictate how much muscle you can build, its genetics first, then protein. By giving yourself digestive issues like that it will only cause problems with actual digestion of whatever nutrients you take in, including protein. Yes, some ppl may get the best out of 150g but you might not. If you eat in accordance with when you're hungry, ensuring each meal (usually 3) has some protein content, usually 30g, then you are likely meeting your needs. But once you start getting bloated, stomach disruptions etc then you are actually causing issues in absorption of whatever you're eating, stool issues etc. Staying within what your body requires (eating when hungry), ensuring protein is part of your intake, thats more than enough.


You've seen one junkie who was jacked but seen thousands of body builders, actors and athletes, and your conclusion is to discredit something all the thousands do in common in favour of making assumptions about the junkies nutritional intake.


Cheapest sources of protein. 2 tins of sardines and two slice of brown toast. Comes in at about 1.50 for 40 grams of protein. Buy chicken thighs and drumsticks. Skin them, de bone them, blitz them in a food processor. Form them into burgers. Bread them and cook them In an air fryer. These can be frozen and re-cooked in the air fryer. Each 150 gram burger is 35 grams of protein and comes in at around 1 pound. Also 2 litres of skimmed milk is 70 grams of protein and about 2 pounds. Drink that throughout the day. Also you'll find that the bargain shop protein powder has better macros than the big brands. I got a 2kg tub from Home bargains. 18 quid and it's 63 grams of protein per 100 gram.


I average about 100-120g when I'm having a focused day; soya milk, loads of tofu and a protein shake. I'm vegan, so it's not always easy. My gf isn't though and sometimes I envy how easily she can hit her macros with a can of tuna. I do see muscle and strength growth though so I guess it's going ok and averaging out.


F the protein bars. Protein yogurts in lidl are €1 and have 20 grams, add some of the high protein granola twice in the morning. I try to hit 170g per day, 77kg now up from 73.


I’d aim anywhere for between 1.4-2g per kg of bodyweight. Depends on your goals and what you’re trying to achieve but that’s a decent range for a lot of people. Chicken fillets/ breast, 0% Fat Greek Yogurt, 4-5% fat beef mince, turkey burgers or mince all decent options. Skyr yogurt another option that seems to be decently priced. A bag of high quality whey protein is also a decent investment IMO and can be reasonably priced with some companies like MyProtein giving you a serving for less than an euro per scoop. Much better than the protein bars IMO and can be as convenient. Lighter range cheese or reduced fat cheese also a nice option. Eggs are another good source to include and then you have small protein ‘hits’ for the high fibre carbohydrates like beans, lentils, chickpeas etc. Nuts like almonds and cashews are other protein hit options but are mainly a fat source so higher in calories FYI. In terms of cost then, buying in bulk and doing batch cooking works well for a lot of people. Also looking out for offers and using coupons or savings like the Lidl app or Dunnes 10euros off 50 can work well to bring down the cost. Aldi will often have some leaner high protein sources on offer too as part of the super range.


150g is easily achievable, you only need 3 meals with 50g protein. There’s 50g in a pint of milk, 3 eggs and a bagel. A chicken breast itself contains around 60g.


Turkey rashers, soft goats cheese, eggs - on toast for breakfast  Clear protein (mixes with water over milk so easier to have throughout the day)  White fish/prawns  Spinach/brocolli/cauliflower all have protein, low cal & are great bases for salads  Feta, chickpeas (roasted in paprika), lentils, halloumi, quinoa, chicken, other pulses & seeds are good mixed together for salad. Low fat high protein & soluble fibre  Almonds & walnuts I think are the two nuts with lower fat component vs. Protein 


Babybels are handy for snacks & they come in low fat 


Just on the protein bars, if you fancy, they are really easy to make in an oat style bar. In fact, just have a look on YouTube for any baking type videos and just supplement in some protein powder into the mix, really brings down the cost, you can do scones/muffins etc.. (maybe for the scones you might need unflavoured mix etc..)


Protein bars are a scam. Overpriced to fuck 20g of protein is not worth €3.50- €4 You'd be far better off buying a packet of sliced ham, chicken, turkey, reduced fat salami, Serrano. Only about 2 quid, better macros and less preservatives than a glorified chocolate bar


About 100g a day but I blow about 40g into the missus on Thursday's and special occasions. Protein bros can't take a joke. Pathetic


future slim frighten important quack squash rich versed homeless run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Protein the biggest fad at the moment.


Isn't it literally the oldest aspect of life?


Yea we live in the western world. Not going to get any protein deficiency anytime soon. Stick the word protein onto something people will pay an extra few quid for it.