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Brands and influencers ruined it. I wish there was something for just your real friends again.


The pub?




It sounds like this new app from TikTok is what you're looking for. It's called Whee and it is designed specifically for close friends and family. Not sure when it will be out here though. [https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/18/24181215/tiktok-whee-app-instagram](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/18/24181215/tiktok-whee-app-instagram) They also have TikTok Notes which is an Instagram competitor too supposedly


I wish it were from someone else. i don't need all of my personal life to feed Chinese AI models. Or all the other things they could do with it. [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/08/tiktok-shares-your-data-more-than-any-other-social-media-app-study.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/08/tiktok-shares-your-data-more-than-any-other-social-media-app-study.html)


Yeah, that's an absolutely fair statement. But pretty much everything is stealing your data now anyway. It used to be "If it's free, you're the product" but now it's "We're going to charge you, and we're also going to steal your data to train our AI" Complete lose, lose situation if you ask me.


>But pretty much everything is stealing your data now anyway. Some steal a lot more than others, and TikTok is the worst among the big ones. The next question too is, what do they do with the data once they steal it? Sell your data to marketers or increase power the most invasive and controlling police state the world has ever known? There is also the extra bonus of the Chinese National Security Law, which requires any Chinese organisation or citizen to cooperate when ordered in a national security context. Everything with tech is considered a national security context. It is not legally possible, or safe, for a Chinese company to say no. When TikTok claims otherwise, I immediately know they cannot be trusted because that promise is not within their power to make. All of the information TikTok collects about you could be used as data sets to train AI. It could be used to manipulate what content is shown (or isn't). It could be used to inform competition of other Western companies. They could be required to share their internal information with government actors, to make compromise even easier and allow the Chinese government to come in and do whatever they want without TikTok's official involvement or further knowledge. Before you say, "but these are extreme cases and not very likely," please note that the CHinese government already did these things, and more, with other companies. I do not wish to defend companies like Meta. They are bad in their own special way. I am just pointing out that, even within a world of bad, it is possible to be even worse.


Well, facebook is exactly that but not really being used by younger people anymore.


The amount of sponsored shite and suggested videos on Facebook is shocking tbf


And posts that I have absolutely no interest in reading from some real random person in another country that I've no intention of reading


Facebook was like that. Then they "tweaked" the algorithm for more money and killed it


Just got back from a festival with my mates and had a great time. I finally had some internet, which I thought I was looking forward to. Opened instagram for five minutes to see some crap I've no interest in and just deleted it. It's complete brain rot


Nope, not arsed with any of it. Reddit is all I use now. I used to but I guess I just grew out of it. I find all that stuff really cringe worthy now. Influencers, wannabe comedians, keyboard warriors, attention seekers, narcissists and peddlers of tat, the real world is far more exciting.


Reddit and YouTube are the only ones I use.


Same as


Deactivated instagram 4 months ago Reddit and YouTube only now for me


I don’t know if it’s because I’ve got older (33F) or just because all the influencer types I follow are so unrelateable in terms of money, lifestyle etc. Their videos are all carbon copies of one another in terms of poses, style, music used etc. it’s over saturated and not new and shiny anymore. Instagram was always toxic but now it’s overrun with advertisements, the dopamine hit is not quite the same plus the constant cross sharing of Tik Tok videos wrecks my head, plus the sharing of quotes and political issues makes it too Facebook like for my taste. I’m not on Tik Tok and I don’t intend to join anytime soon but Instagram is now just boring and dull.


Iv deleted all my social media's, not including Reddit if you count it. I'd still like to see what some friends post, especially about local gigs, but 98% of the stuff I was scrolling was advertising. Just trash and people selling shit. Not interested any more, it's pure brain rot.


Yeah I’m always curious to know where Reddit sits on the social media spectrum. I’m old enough to have never used FB or insta or any of that shit but when I came across Reddit it clicked with me as something that isn’t social media, am i wrong? Might post ask ireland this one


Just Google it


Deleted years ago never looked back.


Honestly, delete social media. You find people literally experience life different. The "live to share" mentally where you are basically sharing all of your experiences means you don't experience them half as well. You find a lot of people only actually do things to share it then. Basically the next post is what drives you and decides what you do.


The best memories are the ones you have no pictures/videos of.


all social networks are useless. unless you want something professionally. for personal? why? just send the pics by whatssap or whatever to who really matters.


For me, Insta is still the best of a bad lot. I like social media to keep up with old friends and also make new ones. Insta has been very effective for me in both of those things. I only really follow people I know personally, and musicians/bands that I'm interested in hearing about upcoming music quicker than Spotify etc


If you think Instagram is bad, TikTok is the worse. I’ve deleted it and haven’t looked back.


I unfollowed a lot of people and brands and 'starred' all my closest friends so their stuff comes up first but I still find myself using it a lot less. I'd love to say I'm too evolved for social media now but sadly all my former facebook and insta time now goes to tiktok (and then some)


I used to always use it, always posted the best photos of a trip or event and made me want to post good quality photos that you could frame. Then stories arrived, and although I could now post less good photos as they're only 24h and videos I kept doing it. Now there are also reals, stories are just stuff people share, trying to be too much at once. Still good for a quick poke around to see friends stories, but rather Reddit.


I have an account for my interest in matters flora and horticultural, following a small clique of like-minded people. It's full of nonsense of course as a quick scroll reveals esp these dodgy none brands selling stuff with big claims for half nothing. Like all social media you just have to curate carefully and don't click or like anything outside that circle or your feed is shot for the rest of the day! It's incredible how a few interactions can upend things.


Same! My feed is 93.2% green, with occasional floral bits. Gardening people are wonderful. I will allow the off cute dog/cat post in my feed but that's my limit.


Used insta a fair bit before covid. Not much now. The odd times for a few minutes. Too much fakeness and wannabe, Rosie rosie things. Never been nor interested in tiktok!


Agree. I stopped following lots of accounts because they just constantly shill aff links and brand deals, there's no actual good content. FB is a whole other feed of suggested posts I have absolutely no interest in. I find I'm bored with all social media platforms now aside from Reddit. Yet I still find myself mindlessly picking up my phone every few minutes. Need to work on that. It wastes so much time.


I only use it for useful stuff like recipes


Deleted my Facebook and instagram last year, now I do love a scroll on TikTok for a few mins a day


Good videos on improving your form doing gym exercises and eating in a healthy yet sustainable way. Randomly enough (or not, dun dun dun .. )


Never had instagram and never will


Was always a fan of Insta but less and less interested in it recently, maybe it’s just my age group (M30) not posting on it as much. Close friends stories are good though, more likely to post stuff there. Would be good to have a close friends section for posts as well, or close friend groups where you can collab and upload photos from the same event, like a wedding. If you’re reading Zuck


Deleted if about a month ago. Wasn’t serving me in any way. Opened a Reddit account instead


Deleted it in March, best thing I ever did, don’t even miss it.


Yea I deleted the app but I’m trying to date and I feel like I hinder my prospects by not using it. My Instagram is like a portfolio of myself and I find a lot of guys don’t want to meet without seeing pics of me on sc and Instagram. I think it’s the whole catfish thing. The more pics you see of someone it can give a better indication of attraction I guess…


If you find a man who you like and he requires you to have instagram, run a mile from that shallow man. Imagine this, humanity survived, mated and thrives for over 300,000 years without these useless apps


Yea but tbh I kind of like to check social medias before meeting a guy too. It makes me feel secure if I can see that the person has mutual friends and does normal stuff. Its just that extra security of knowing they’re full name and I like to have quick stalk to see if they follow lots of naked girls.


I understand what your saying and I'm not trying to belittle it. I just think people can have this complete fake persona on social media as it only shows a snapshot of activities and nothing of character. Many of the most interesting and kind people I've met in life either have no social media or extremely selective in what they share to the world


Completely agree


Yeah I had the same realisation. Impulsively deleted them all (except Reddit) about 7 months ago. I do miss seeing the actually updates from my friends, engagements, funny posts, kids being born. But that was <5% of the posts. What I’ll say is my life without social media isn’t that much more productive, and my screen time hasn’t gone down much. Reddit usage has gone up and I probably watch more YouTube than I used to. But I at least feel like it’s less garbage than before.


Honestly it's the worst social media platform in existence, followed closely by brain-dead Tiktok. Everything that is wrong with modern society is summed up on Instagram


Christmas Day 2023, deleted FB and Instagram and haven’t looked back. Deleted FB messenger as well. Just use Reddit and yes I like the odd half hour (sometimes two hour) doom scroll on TikTok, otherwise I couldn’t tell you what’s happening on social media. I was stick of the unspoken competition of likes and comments from people you knew couldn’t stand the sight of each other then family members gloating about their kids online when in reality, I’ve seen them treat the kids like shite. Happy enough having a nosy on Reddit and seeing who the Burkes have pissed off lately.


Thank God we’re all enlightened here on Reddit.


It might have some interesting content (I love some of the recipes suggestions and pet memes on there), but I think it's become absolutely unbearable with all the ads and wanna be influencer spouting nonsense.


I just use it for reels and some stories


Use facebook as a communication tool with local businesses, or small/home businesses, eg looking at what summer camps are on, fun days for the kids, fundraising events, basically checking out advertising without having to check a website or drive to town & look at posters. I also make a few bits as a hobby and will pop them up. Use instagram to post the odd bit I make and look at pictures/video related to that so my feed is just full of baking & food videos. Hard to push past the algorithm. Dont have tiktok.


I left only a couple of friends on Instagram. It takes me <1min once a week to see what's going in their social life. I don't post anything and not watching any other content there.


If you don't already know, they're not your friends


I know. More like acquaintances with a history..


I've swapped on to tiltok instead. People say that's worse, but I find it really good. Plenty of people do long videos about history, langaugaes or art stuff. I recently had a baby and knew everything ahead of the babyclasses because of tiktok videos. There's lots of midwives on there posting things. Instagram is full of influencers but I seem to get actual people posting things on tiktok.


Yep I deleted it about a year ago. Sick of looking at peoples life


Ads made me enjoy it less, I like to keep in touch with friends but Instagram doesn’t feel like that anymore. It’s just the life cycle of social media, it happens with all of them - they start out as friends circles and slowly but surely they become advertisement farms. Some friends migrated to posting tidbits of their lives on Telegram/Whatsapp and that’s enough for me now.


I deleted it and facebook back in january. Just deactivated the accounts actually, so i havent lost everything on there but its clear to others im no longer using it. I can retrieve my uploaded stuff anytime sinply by logging in. However, I havent done so since January and have felt a massive weight off. I did download facebook messenger on my phone the other day to counteract what you mentioned of losing the ability to be in contact with old friends. Glad i did so too because i had some messages which were still able to be received without having my facebook account active. They operate independently so that's a good option.


Yeah it's such a bore, I got rid of it twice. Never going back on it again.


It sounds like this new app from TikTok is what you're looking for. It's called Whee and it's designed specifically for close friends and family. Not sure when it will be out here though. [https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/18/24181215/tiktok-whee-app-instagram](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/18/24181215/tiktok-whee-app-instagram) They also have TikTok Notes which is an Instagram competitor too supposedly


Cory Doctorow explains it well (based on the ideas of Catherynne Valente). First, the tech company gains users by making the experience for them great. Once all of one's circle is there, it is hard to just quit. They have the users locked in, at least up to a point. Then, they sacrifice the users to benefit the businesses selling to said users, thereby attracting all the businesses into their walled garden, too. Then, they abuse the business too, in order to extract maximum profit for investors/finance/their own net worth . [https://catvalente.substack.com/p/stop-talking-to-each-other-and-start](https://catvalente.substack.com/p/stop-talking-to-each-other-and-start) [https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rimtaSgGz\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rimtaSgGz_4)


Deactivated about a month ago and can honestly say, mentally it's been the best thing for me. It's such a waste of mental energy that could be much better spent doing other stuff


I deleted it and Twitter off my phone for 4 months this year and honestly didn't miss it. I am back on it now a few weeks though, mainly because I was quite out of the loop with mates/family in terms of who's having babies and moving away etc, but I do think the break from it helped as I don't really use it as much as I did before I took the break.


The reels are funny


Anymore? I never used it in the first place. I had Facebook about 10 years ago but only for a few months. I've never used Twitter or Snapchat or Instagram of any of the others. Just Reddit


If people were limited to a certain number of posts/stories per year or something, it would be great but I just can’t deal with the mind numbing shite of people posting mundane shite on a daily basis. So much of it as well seems to be about bragging.


Yeah I think as you age you don’t really give a crap anymore on those apps. What age are you?


You can toggle the top left “for you” to “following” and you’ll see less bullshit.


I never used it, I don't understand what's so great about social media. I used to use MySpace and Facebook when it came out first, but it had my stress levels through the roof and an ex started stalking me on it so I got rid of it all in 2010.


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I'll take it over TikTok...for now


Jus use it for sliding in dms of models and celebrities


It's called ageing