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What is it boy? You see something?


Marriage material humor right there. Even the comment caught me off guard.


My friend, who at the time was 28 years old, thought that men tucked their dicks in between their butt cheeks while walking around.


We aren't supposed to?


I mean I do. Its better than in my sock


I mean - I thought penises were hairy all the way down like a caterpillar for an embarrassingly long time!


I am uncircumcised and do grow some hair along the underside of my penis/foreskin.


Damn dude, and I'm over here hating the fact that I have a little towards the base of my shaft. I thought THAT was annoying.


Gotta shave that and add the "optical inch" to your schlong. Even to my eyes it makes mine look bigger.


Growers vs showers


It's kinda fun for us women. Because at first it's like, "oh...ok," but then it's like, "ohhhhhh...ok!" Shocked the shit out of me the first time I was with my husband. It was like "surprise"!


I’m always surprised to hear women are surprised about growers. I thought majority of men were growers?


Basically everyone is to an extent, but there is a huge variety of extents. Could be 4 to 5 inches and it could be 1.5 to 7 inches. I could definitely see how someone could be surprised by some.


I’m very much a grower, mine straight up retracts back into myself when I’m cold/bored. But when it’s fun time… well I’m not breaking any records, but I’ve not had any complaints. I genuinely get a bit embarrassed after sex when it goes soft and disappears again so I’m usually quick to throw some boxers back on. Edit: For women who have been with those who are very much growers, do you care/mind that it disappears after sex? Is this something I should be self conscious about, or do most people literally not care? Supplementary Edit: Well that’s completely unanimous. No more flaccid embarrassment for me! Thank you everyone, you’ve genuinely helped me overcome one of my major insecurities 😁 y’all are great and I hope you all have an amazing week!


My husband is the same way. I, personally, do not mind one bit. I like to make him come out to play and know when he goes back in I did a good job or at minimum got the job done lol


I call it "travel mode"


I like to cuddle afterwards, touch each other and stuff like that and I actually never cared about that it might disappear or shrink afterwards. That’s how it works. Some grow and shrink more, some less. In my opinion, theres nothing to be embarrassed about


Honestly, I always want to poke it after. But I know not to because (I assume) just like the clit it's very sensitive after an orgasm. But it scrunches up and hides and I want to investigate. Plus if I want to be evil to my husband I'll just squeeze down a little extra right after he cums. Sorry if this is ramble-ly I'm half drunk and between work stress and not wanting to hurt me when I'm spending half my week on bed rest I haven't had sex with my husband in over a month. At least I still get cuddles until my hip and back get mad at me.


I always figured being a grower was super convenient for guys. Like, it’s there when it’s time for sexy times, but then it very politely puts itself away when it’s not in use. Just stays out of the way til you need it!


I'm 1.5 to 6.5. It really is the best of both worlds. I cannot imagine having an actual swanging cock all the time, it would be so awkward


Ikr. I call it my telescoping dong


My ex had kind of the opposite experience? The first couple times she got to see it it was always hard, so the first time she saw it soft she was like wtf? I'm like a 300% grower so it's a pretty astounding difference.


Ah the good ole 1” to 3”er 


10" of girth, though. Call him the Tuna Can


Sport mode


This is why I think we should start investing in and creating ideas like Egg plant sweats. Which is basically the shower's push up bra.


I prefer to have that sleeper dick. By that, I mean it always looks like it's sleeping


Lived with a girlfriend, the first time she saw me pee she was confused. “But…it’s not hard?” “What are you talking about?” “Doesn’t it have to be hard for you to pee?”


It does have to be hard for you to pee THE FUN WAY


Six streams all going different directions. It’s like a water park.


Ever peed outside while erect? You feel like a god who can pee like a pressure washer


Especially in front of all the astonished neighbours!


Bonus points if you set your cock to the Mist setting before pissing


Peeing with a boner is not my idea of fun. More like...a challenge.


Imagine getting hard every time we had to pee. That would be a fucking nightmare...


And also imagine the people with ED having to take Viagra just to be able to pee, and if that doesn't work it's a catheter immediately.


Was watching Ted Lasso with my wife and they made a reference to the danger of wearing khakis after peeing, and she had absolutely no idea what they were talking about.


😂 I could shake it for five minutes and as soon as I put it away it’s like one or two drops will just magically appear out of nowhere. So frustrating.


I hate when I’m wearing loose shorts too so I feel the drop on my leg.


In germany there is a thing called Grip of the Holy Johannes. You use your Fingers and push upwards right behind your balls. Thats Lifts the little dich your bladder has on the way to your Zeppedäus where these famous last drops are stored. They will run out and you dont have to worry about it. And yes i will appreciate a joke about Germans for this holy knowledge!


Zeppadeus zeppadeus, Zeppadeus zeppadeus, Zeppadeus zeppadeus, Ooh, Zeppadeus.


*No matter how much you shake and dance,* *the last two drops go in your pants.*


The skit about this in I Think You Should Leave is hysterical




Uh, so. Was once asked why I don't use a bit of toilet paper to dry it. I was so shocked by this stupid idea that I didn't know what to say. Tried it later. Works wonders. I wish they installed small tissue dispensers at urinals.


Honestly this is half the reaaon I don't use urinals. There's no tp there. I don't want a wet spot in my boxers. Erego the stall it is.


I found my people! Just dab the tip with tp, and the capillary action will suck the piss right out of the tubes. Hence why I only pee at urinals when I have no other choice.


My first girlfriend was absolutely baffled and amused that men can just, make their dicks twitch in command. She had always assumed "eh it's soft or hard but other than that it's not like guys have any actual control over it".


Ngl I played with an exes naivety of this matter before.


…I’m scared to ask, but how?


And to twitch your dick you need to flex your butthole


*everyone reading this is now flexing their buttholes*


You need to flex your butthole for almost literally any movement you make. Don’t believe me? Get a hemorrhoidectomy, you’ll learn.


No thank you


Been there, 4/10 do not recommend.


>"eh it's soft or hard but other than that it's not like guys have any actual control over it" That's the opposite of my experience. Some women seem to believe that we can choose to get hard or soft. I've had to explain that the dick is not a muscle that we actually don't have control over it any more than they can control when they get wet. And that getting hard is exactly the equivalent of getting wet. And I fear your post will be misunderstood and perpetuate the notion that we can control that shit. But that twitch thing is different and is basically like kegels.


I can’t get my head round the fact that balls can whack against my body during sex but if I tap them it’s agony?


Sex has a weird effect where most systems shut down or are just ignored in the brain. This is one of those that gets ignored unless there is a lot of pain.


But also balls have very little mass, hence very little momentum. So the force when your balls whack into something is much, much less than when your body or something/someone heavier makes contact with them. Have definitely had to stop sex when my wife's momentum contacted my balls rather than my balls momentum contacting my wife.


so basically this is more of a physics issue than anatomy


A frog jumping and landing on me is going to hurt the frog a lot less than me jumping and landing on the frog.


Great analogy, bravo!


Quality thread


So most men's testicles recede a bit, most of the time. I've done extensive research seeing how I am equipped with a penis and 2 testicles. But in those occasions where they are hanging low, you don't notice that they're slapping off an ass or clit. There are rare occasions where where it does start to get a little painful. Rare though.


It actually feels quite nice until you smush them with your leg against hers.


"just... make it hard again!" sorry, Ms. Nympho but I got a cooldown


Buy CD reduction items!


I think if you get a kill with this ability, it replenishes


Scrotums ~~Testicles~~ are stretchy. My wife is OBSESSED with mine moving around. I’ll occasionally pull on the skin a bit because of an uncomfortable configuration and she’ll wince a bit Edit


The scrotum and the testicles are not the same thing, and you should only attempt to stretch one of them.


😂 SCROTUM, I meant scrotum


Had a girl get mad I got hard while I was sleeping. I had to pee really bad and that’s just something that happens. She assumed I was dreaming about fucking other women. While I finally convinced her that no it just happens sometimes when after I peed she cried like a baby and apologized. I wish I’d ended it there, as it got much much worse.


Why wouldn’t she assume you were dreaming about fucking her?


Because she had incredibly low self esteem. Mixed with many other mental health issues I tried very hard to help her with


They say don’t try fixing a broken person, they’ll end up breaking you too


Just the idea of her getting mad at you for dreaming about fucking other women is a massive red flag. It's not like you have any control over what you dream about!


Haha seriously the things we do in early relationships. I can't imagine having to explain morning wood, my god.




And contrary to that, think that if we want sex, the erection is there 100% of the time during the event.


Back in college, my girlfriend said, "I don't understand how you can find me so sexy first thing in the morning." I asked, "What do you mean?" "Well, whenever you wake up next to me, you're so... you know... down there..." Apparently she had no idea what morning wood was, or that it had nothing to do with her.


I mean 'back in college' is a good indicator that she could have also been a very likely reason to have it.


That's how it was when I dated my wife in college. It wasn't always her, but it was most of the time. Still is, honestly.


wholesome boners


Affection erection


You didn't explain, did you? That's extra credit.......free.....oh baby, you turn me on all day, AND night is the only answer, and then she can kiss and tell her girlfriends how sexy she is. Do a kind of back door brag.


At the time, I was more worried about what other gaps she might have had in her sex ed knowledge. If she doesn't know what morning wood is, maybe she thinks she doesn't need to take her birth control because "we can just have sex at night, when the sperm are sleeping!"


I feel like the sleeping sperm comment is coming from experience and is not a hypothetical.




Met this lady a while back and things got heated up. It wasn't her first time obviously but I could tell she was still quite naive but I never knew just how naive she was until she moved to give me a hand job. She grabbed my unit with such force I thought it was a hydraulic arm. I should have quietly told her to ease off but I didn't. When she started jerking, it seemed as if she was trying to start a chain saw. She was almost lifting me off the bed by my unit! That did it for me. I went limp shortly after. Her look of disappointment was more of she thought I didn't find her attractive enough to maintain an erection. It didn't help that even after I told her to be a tad more gentle, she just couldn't seem to pull it off. I kind of like having a penis for future use so I noped out.


> couldn't seem to pull it off  Well done.


Wait. Yours isn't [detachable](https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4?si=pOGpFoI9s9oAeA5h)?


Nice try, dude, but I’m not clicking on a King Missile link! I ain’t spending my entire week trying to get it out of my head!


My wife asked me if poop always touch my penis when I am pooping and was shocked when I said "no"


My wife once asked me.if it's annoying to have to wipe twice when I go poop. I'm like, "???" And she said, "once to wipe your butt, and once to clean off your dick because it dangles in the water " It hurt to tell her that I'm not THAT big, lol


I'm doing well for myself but christ if my dick was touching the water I'd buy a fucking booster seat. Just the thought makes me uncomfortable.


This is probably because the labia is lower than the penis in the human body - she must have thought the penis stands in the same place as the vulva, and then her question suddenly makes a lot of sense. Kinda the opposite of when guys try fingering a vagina and it has to be stated that it's lower ... Lower.... A little more... Like if it was hanging a painting lol


Not a woman but another guy (in the army) who thought the sphincter was a flap of skin that made the reverberating fart sound by flapping when you passed gas. We called him "Assflap" after that. Edit:typo


This is the most beautiful example of army training I’ve ever read.


I mean he was half right though, right? A sphincter is a round muscle that can contract or relax (aka your butthole or anal sphincter). So it IS a sphincter that’s making the reverberating sound. It’s just a donut, not a flap. Either way, “Assflap” is a 10 out of 10 nickname.


You needed to see the way he explained it's function, by sticking out the tip of his tongue and going pbt-pbt-pbt-pbt with it. He really believed it. I had to show him pictures of a butthole to explain to him what a sphincter is. He still had trouble grasping it.


My wife had never understood that punching a man in the nuts hurts like a motherfucker until she punched me in the nuts while we were horsing around in the kitchen. At first when I went to the floor she was laughing and saying "Get up bitch!" But 15 minutes later when I had yet to uncoil myself from the fetal position on the kitchen floor she came up to me and timidly asked, "Did...did that really hurt?" Another five minutes when I could breathe normally again I had to explain the mechanics of why getting a fist to the sack is extremely painful. She now knows.


I guess she didn’t learn that lesson with her brother like I did! My parents nearly killed me that day.


I was 14, sleeping in, my younger brother decided he'd wake me up by punching my belly through the sheets.  It was my first ever nut crack experience and 24 years later I still remind him about that horrible day.  Was never brought to a doctor and it took a month to heal.  2 years ago my urologist asked if something happened to my left testicle.  Told him and he whispered "that sonovabitch!"  


I'm sorry but the whisper made it sound like your brother was notorious for cracking peoples nuts like some urban legend 😭😭😭


my oldest brother was 7 years older then me..... he took and filled my percocet I got from having deeply impacted wisdom teeth out.... my jaw hurt so bad that when I found out I punched him in the nuts as hard as I could..... my mom thought it wasn't a big deal and he shouldn't have stolen.... my dad was pissed but I didn't get grounded he did..... I've never done it since because he almost puked


My friend took a puck to the cup at hockey practice once. Not even a hard shot. He instantly puked through his cage then curled up on the bench for the rest of practice.


My five year old brother thought it was hilarious to do this when I was fifteen. As an adult he’s mortified; I keep telling him I’m going to get him back someday when he least expects it


A girlfriend gave my sack a twist, because in her woman's magazine it said to give it a try. Or using your teeth when giving a blow job.


This girl sucked my nut and I screamed in pain WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING


Could you change your user name from Detuned\_Clock to Detuned\_Cock, please?


No you can’t have it


A gentle suck is definitely required. I've had it done to me and it can feel nice when done right and hurt like hell when done wrong




Insert spongebob peeling chocolate with his teeth gif


An erection is not always intentional or time-place appropriate. At a certain time in my life, I was so touch-starved that just getting a long and warm hug was enough for the body to start going. However, my body could not differentiate between that and someone holding onto me for comfort while crying. I was seriously going *"No, no, no, no,* ***NO!"*** when a friend was working through some stuff.


Oohh nooooo. Rip bro. Man that sucks so much.


‘does it always randomly pulsate or are you flexing it?’ ‘you can flex it?!?’


When idle it just pulses to the heartbeat, it can in fact move on command but without much dexterity, not like a finger more like a small twitch.


Having an erection doesn't automatically mean a man is turned on or wants sex.


Conversely, even if we are turned on and want sex, anxiety or trauma can make us unable to get or keep an erection


A lot of women have no idea how to give hand jobs. Be gripping it harder than Randy Johnson throwing a fast ball.


Same with blowjobs too, honestly. The amount of times I've had a woman tell me beforehand how good they are at giving head and then received a mediocre to bad blowjob is fairly high. I think the real problem is people are afraid to hurt other people's feelings when it comes to sexual stuff so everyone just tells you how good you are at something and you believe it because you've never had anyone tell you any different so you think you're doing it right.


There’s wild variation between how men enjoy handjobs. Some legitimately enjoy a much tighter grip than I’d naturally default to. It’s also been my experience that some men don’t quite know what to do when the woman asks what they like. “You know, whatever…” is the most common answer. No, my guy, I’m asking about speed and grip and do you like your balls played with and how? There isn’t a one size fits all to playing with a dudes junk.


I recently told my brother and his girlfriend about an insane lady I work with. The context was her getting pregnant by raping a guy. Bro's GF: Well obviously he liked it if he was hard. *My brother and I's eyes go wide* All I could manage to steer her in the right direction was "That's not quite how that works. If you rub 'em, they grow. That's built in." Imagine if I claimed a woman liked her own rape because she got wet or came. YIKES.


Also you can be raped and not get hard. Happened to me, goes beyond just penetration with an erection and not having strength to get away isn’t the reason it happens. It’s all mental and/or you’re drugged up/drunk


I've also had a weird thing happen to me when I was raped. My dick was erect but it just kind of became numb, very hard, and my urethra felt closed up in a way I've never felt before or since. It must have been some kind defense mechanism to prevent orgasm because it lasted hours and I never came close to cumming.


I overheat so, so easily. Whenever we go for a hike and the temp is sub 65'F I get a small lecture about "it's too cold" and "you'll freeze out there!" because I only wear shorts and a light hoodie. Sweetie... I will be cold for the first 10 minutes of the hike. After that I'll be sweating.


I run so hot that my poor mother took me to multiple doctors when I was younger because I always had "a fever". They all eventually just told her "some people run hotter than others". It's been amazing with all the women I've dated who run colder, because to them I'm a walking furnace and to me they're a heat sink- but once in my life I dated a woman who also was just warm to the touch all the time and lemme tell you that shit feeds back on itself. We had to blast the AC and buy a box fan for when we cuddled because our bodies were just uncomfortably warm after a while of being against one another.


That’s me, I’m a furnace. I give off so much heat that when I had my first job as a teenager corralling grocery carts one winter, the other guys used to rib me because you could see steam coming off my hands and head in the cold air. My wife loved sleeping with me and keeping her warm, until in the middle of the night she would have reached her temperature limit and yell, “Ack! Get off me! I’m burning up!” LOL


I've had so many coworkers take pictures of my steaming bald head in the winter.  I look like Hades from Disney's Hercules.  Winter sucks because I will both overheat and get frost bite.


ive had sex with multiple women who not once ever touched my dick. make absolutly no attempt to get me hard or stimulate me in any way. just take their top off and lay there expecting to be fucked. That might work at 18 - but not 40


"So what's *your* favorite position?" "The dead starfish, babe."


My ex liked the zombie victim more than the dead star fish.


Ah yes. Play dead and moan randomly.


I was thinking more lay there and get eaten, but yeah. That too.


The amount of women I've had to say "if you wanna do this, i'm gonna need a little help" and they were completely clueless and wouldn't help, so no sex was had, is further away from 0 than I'm really proud of.


You mean they don't kiss you as your taking off each others clothes and rubbing your hands all over each other? Do women really just get naked and lay down, spread their legs, and expect you to just climb on them put it in, get off, and that's it?


"Starfish" is the word you want that encompasses all those descriptors.


Yeah I've had a lot of women do that. But not long ago I went to visit my girlfriend because she lives out of state and we go in her bedroom and get naked and start making out and she starts rubbing it, then ask me if I already cummed , and I said no that's called precum whet just a couple drops will come out when I'm aroused. I told her especially when I haven't had sex in a while. And here we are both in our mid-50s and she never knew that.


>mid-50s Lmao everything screamed college age about this one


I have had one woman do this. If I wasn't in an absolutely horrible mental place and desperate, I would have stopped. It was the only time I've ever had to verbally ask for consent because it wasn't absolutely obvious. We did not have a second date.


Brother, this speaks to my soul right now. Appreciate you putting it into words.


Just "be a man" and become instantly aroused my guy. Men don't get foreplay


The belief that the penis is the only erogenous zone on a man.


Just tell me I'm handsome, or sexy or both dammit


Fact: willies bob in the bath


Rubber dickie, you're the one!


Not realizing that erections can be purely reflexive to physical stimulus. It's why some women believe men "can't be raped." Because a man getting hard means he wants it even if he's telling the person to stop.


Are they aware that many women get rather wet during a sexual assault, and plenty of them can even have an orgasm - still rape.


The human body was not evolved around the idea of consent sadly


Because evolution isn’t about playing nice. It’s about who can survive and spread their DNA. Sadly, this is why tens of millions of people across the world are descended from Genghis Khan. Just an addendum. I’m not trying to justify lack of consent or anything like that. Everyone must obtain consent before getting it on


I worked with a guy who said there’s no such thing as rape because of that. He was a recovering alcoholic/recovering crack addict. I kept my distance after that.


Having to explain to an ex that the size of the load has basically nothing to do with their performance or my enjoyment


Or the number of sperm enclosed!


I used to think men had much more control over getting and maintaining erections than they really do.


It was this unexpectedly sweet and intimate moment with an ex girlfriend who had her hand on my balls after sex. She asked me how I can move them like that, and it prompted this conversation about how they move on their own because they need to maintain particular temperatures to create sperm and maintain their health. She seems excited about learning that while feeling them move. It was really sweet.


They're really fascinating to watch. Similar to how you get mesmerized by watching a fire.


I’ve had my balls inhaled and moderately pulled away from my body once. That was 12 years ago and it still makes me nervous when they get the slightest bit of attention. Coddle them. Don’t abuse them.


I had a friend in high school ask if the penis was a bone.


That's actually not unreasonable. A lot of animals have a bone or cartilage in their penises. Humans just aren't one of them.


Calling it a boner doesn't help.


I actually learned this from an old movie growing up. One of the girls says “Mary Ellis says a boner isn’t a bone at all! It’s a muscle, and her boyfriend sprained it once and she had to massage it every night so it wouldn’t cramp up!” And the girls all laugh. Because who’s going to tell her she’s just handing out handies. 😂😂


This bone is known as the baculum. Fun fact! Some theologians apparently argue that this was the bone that god used to make Eve, and “rib” is a mistranslation.


...huh. I have *absolutely* ***no fucking clue*** what im gonna do with this information but it *is* interesting.


Reminds me of a girl who tried giving me a blowjob when we were 14 and literally blew on my penis making the skin around my glans act like a balloon. I was like thats nice but this is not blow as blow a balloon.


This is what happens when children have sex


Sometime in my late teens, I read a medical journal publication with a study on men being able to detect the high-fertility (ovulatory) period in women by bodily odor, but the majority of the time the men didn't consciously know that's why their attraction level increased towards some women. The study also suggested that during ovulation, a woman can actually appear more physically attractive to a man despite that attraction potentially not being there when our ovulation ends. So apparently men have a super power: physiological beer goggles... And it makes y'all occasionally have one night stands with ladies that wouldn't usually tickle your pickle. I do not suggest using this as your "get off my arm, woman, I'm trying to sneak out before you wake up" explanation...😬🤣 I told my husband about that study earlier in our dating status days and true to form, he responds with "lemmi sniff you", so of course I push him off and say he's "just a squirrel in my yard trying to get a nut". We still laugh about this because he does get a lot more touchy feely during my ovulation when I'm not even aware that time is upon me 🤣


Most are aware that we are sensitive in the balls area. Most are also not aware just how much. A light tap can send us over the edge into "not touching the area today" zone. Hell, too vigorous handjob can sometimes end up hitting the family jewels in a bad way. Speaking of: vigorous handjobs that are just too much are...well too much sometimes. We are not starting a sports car here, slow down with the burning leather.


I was briefly with a girl whose handjobs were 10% death grip, 90% ball punching. Tried to steer her in the right direction, but she was adamant that she was great at it and knew what she was doing. I didn't stick around to find out what else she was supposedly great at.


Honestly sometimes even a light tap ends up feeling like a bell that won't stop ringing


I'm a man who went into massage therapy. In the class, ~12ish? people? I was the only man in the class. There was one class where a student asked "what do you do in case of an erection?". The teacher deadass said "Its up to you, but in my opinion, a grown man should have control over his erections. You would be justified if you were uncomfortable and ended the session right there". I was so shocked at that reply from somebody in what is a medically focused field. Being vastly outnumbered and risking being labelled as a bad actor, I admit I didn't speak up in defense of men. There really wasn't any winning that one.


As a massage therapist myself this is wild to me. We were taught that he is not always in control of his erections and he may not always be sexualizing the erection. In my teachers experience, (which is what she taught us) when a man got an erection he would adjust himself to conceal it or it would go away on its own. Of course, these are safe and innocent scenarios. If the erection becomes bothersome or worse that we are to say something along the lines of "Sir, I noticed that you've become erect and I cannot work on you until you have managed it. I will step out so you can adjust yourself and return in a few minutes." This maintains your safety while also maintaining the innocence of his bodily function. Of course, in the event it is not adjusted or the situation escalates then the session is ended. The main takeaway was to use professionalism, discernment, and context clues. Is this client a regular that you've grown trust with? Is this client known to be sketchy? Are they a new client that had no specific massage needs, i.e just wanted a body rub? Is this the first or tenth time this happened? To use those critical thinking skills to discern the level of innocence of the situation. I am sorry your class was told that. I am grateful for my teacher because I feel prepared in the event a client gets an erection, innocently or not. It has also never once been an issue in case people are concerned of its likelihood of happening.


My wife thought that the only way for an erection to go down was for the penis to ejaculate. I explained that wasn’t the case an instant before I realized I was making a huge mistake…


Oh man, what could have been




I can't tell you how many times women have been confused about how I can comfortably ride horses, based on the mistaken belief that your balls would be between you and the saddle. Pretty wild thing to think haha. 


Uncircumcised dicks are still just dicks. If you hear a horror story, the guy was nasty and didn't wash properly.


Some women aren't very keen on what a prostate is. They think the full load is there in the sack


I'm gonna embarrass myself a little bit, as a guy. I'm in my 20s and I just learned that the prostate had anything to do with this. I don't know if I missed a day of health class or what. I just never thought about it. Goddamnit, I barely comment anymore and this gets all the upvotes. Screw my digital footprint ig


Explaining to my most recent ex that there are varying degrees of erect. Stimulation without mental excitement can result in what I've been calling "1/3rd potential." Yes, it gets... hard.. but it's still lacking Then there's "I'm into it but not feral" state, or "2/3rds potential" And then, in my approaching thirties age, there's "holy shit I'm both incredibly into this and my physiology and brain chemistry are here with me" where it feels like I'm stretching out of my own skin. She was under the impression that it's either all or none. Absolutely not the case. Blood pressure, diet, mental, and physical all play a part


My gf can’t contemplate the idea of us sitting idly without any thoughts, doing nothing not even thinking.




My wife is baffled that I can just open jars any time I want.


Uncircumcised Penis. I think they think uncircumcised means they have phimosis. I had an ex tell me she’s never been with an uncircumcised guy and wouldn’t know how to handle it. I was like “Wtf are you taking about, I’m uncircumcised” and she was surprised. We would fuck like rabbits and she gave me great head no less than a few hundred times during our relationship. It’s was baffling but I think this is way more common than people realize.


There was a survey from 2002 that around a third of American *men* didn't know if they were circumcised or not, so that doesn't surprise me. I guarantee that probably 99% of women can't tell the difference between a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised penis with the foreskin retracted. Though I really don't understand women saying they wouldn't know how to handle it. If anything it seems like it would be the more intuitive of the two.


I live in a nursing home because of advanced ALS. I need help to urinate into a urinal bottle. EVERY single female staff member has pinched my willy with the bottle! Some of them can't understand, even after exhaustive explanation, why I yelp with pain and can't pee when it's pinched off. to explain why it hurts, the urethra, where the urine flows through, is only lined with mucus. Without this thin layer of protection, the salt from the urine will burn the walls like salt in an open wound! Inside the penis. Yeah, fire and agony! it takes almost no force to pinch the urethra, and when you almost pinch it, it's much worse because the mucus lining is blasted out!


Dismissing the physical pain that men feel, in many ways. I see too many women casually accepting violent or dangerous conditions for men because they think they are tough enough to handle it. Nope. Tbf many women also have a healthy respect for danger and aversion to violence, but many also think it's ok when it comes to men. I blame the sensationalism in pop culture and war mongering.


I had a long convo about this with my wife once. On her own, she's very aware of danger. With me, it's like danger completely disappears for her. It's not that I'm there to protect her or whatever, it's that danger simply doesn't exist. Worse, the fact that I might be uncomfortable in a situation is incomprehensible. I just want her to understand that if she's going to delegate awareness of danger to me, then she needs to respect my evaluation of danger.


I know every guy on here will feel me when I say this, but us guys can get unwarranted and unwanted boners.. literally without *anything* sexual crossing our minds. This can be very embarrassing.. especially in public. Women will always get the wrong idea, but I don’t blame them because they don’t fully understand a man’s body, just like we don’t understand theirs. But yeah ladies.. this **really** sucks for us guys when it happens and someone sees it, and automatically thinks it’s for them. 😔


This girl was giving me a handjob and noticed the precum forming at the top of my dick and she asked me if I already came. I had to explain to her what precum was and how it was just the prelude of things to come.


Do women know about shrinkage?


That Erection = Horny. Can it be a sign of arousal? Absolutely Is it always because the penis wielder is aroused? Absolutely not. Sometimes it's just because the wind changed direction. And this idea is ingrained in even a lot/majority of men too, and it is so harmful. Especially when it comes to being a male and being sexually abused. "Well you got hard so clearly you wanted it" "You're hard so you must want it." "You came so you must've enjoyed it."


I don't know if the majority of men feel this way or if it's a primarily male problem, but: My Adam's apple is very sensitive. I don't even like having the zipper of a jacket on it. And definitely not a hand, arm or head when cuddling. Edit: It feels uncomfortable. Not painful.


I feel like you’ve just had one of those “wait, that isn’t normal?” Moments, uncomfortable yes, painful no. You probably should get that checked.


Dude- please get this checked out. Losing my voice and sensitive Adam’s Apple when I found out I had thyroid cancer. Most likely nothing- but talk to your dr.


Uhhhh that’s not a male thing. You might have a swollen thyroid.


Cosmopolitan's sex advice seemed like it was written by a group of people that could profit by single women buying their product because they were single and didn't know why they were.


I had a female coworker at the delivery company I worked for. She said a guy answered the door in his underwear and the little guy was awake too. She said, Oh he probably didn't realize. I told her, Oh yes he did.


Keep your teeth away from pp