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College student here. The price tag on having to retake a class is definitely a GREAT motivator to not fail LMAO


I've read through a lot of these posts and just wanted to add my own... I have shared this on reddit before, and have received several replies that they found it inspirational or comforting. This is a letter that my father wrote to me shortly before he died. He contracted HIV through a contaminated blood transfusion in the 80s and passed when I was five. I have a few pictures of him from my family, a knife and compass he left me, and an old outboard boat motor that doesn't run... And this letter. I share it in the hopes that it helps you, my fellow redditors, in whatever capacity it can. Cheers. "My son, Seldom in my life have I been lost for words as I am now. I still remember when I held you in my arms for the first time. Your little hand may have grasped my finger, but it captured my heart. I have been the best father I knew how to be. Raising you and your sister has been the most rewarding experience in my life. This world is filled with so many things that I wish I could be there for you to experience, but that is not how it will play out. I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for leaving you. It was never my intention, and if there was anything I could do to prevent it, please believe that I would. There will be days when you blame God, me, and maybe your mom. You will curse and scream and cry, but you won't find any answers in anger. The measure of a man is not what he owns but how he owns himself. Accept that I have passed, and know that I will always be with you. No matter what you do in life, you will always be my son. I am proud of you. Keep after your mother and sister while I'm gone. I love you. Dad"


Motivation for....??? Because I would do ANYTHING for my kids.




Kids and salary


The power to noticeably alter your life.




A friend told me once “imagine how bad ass you’d be if you did everything you said you’d do”


Children. Once you have kids, your perspective and responsibilities change from "me" to "my kids".


"I didn't get this far to only go this far"