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Not regret since I had no choice in it but I wish half of my high school experience wasn’t online due to COVID lmao


I regret not being more social


Same. I regret not getting to know more classmates; I met some really cool ones later at reunions. And I regret not taking part in more of the typical high school social activities, like class trips and prom.


My biggest regret is not continuing sports after my sophomore year.


What I don’t regret and never will is being all school spirit and clickish I was that kid in highschool that had like 4 friend groups that if they all met would cause absolute anarchy. I worked a lot instead of partied which paid of because I’m doing financially well given the times and age (in my early twenties) I do regret one thing due to resenting school culture popular kids and all that. there was a girl who when I was going through a hard time in life tried to be my friend but me seeing how her friends acted wrote her off was impersonal, didn’t go to a single thing she invited me to. I vividly remember picking up an extra work shift to not go to a party because I thought it would just be a bunch of popular douches and that’s it. when her and a few of her nicer friends tried to talk to me just gave bare minimum conversation or ignored them. She was a really good person looking back and I probably threw a solid friendship being jaded like that.