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Punctuality. Specifically people that constantly show up late to everything.


Ugh, me too!! The guitarist in my band shows up late to band practice every. Fucking. Time. Usually about 30mins. Last week almost 50mins late. We rent rehearsal rooms that ain't cheap. I wanna say something but I fear I'll look like a dick then..


definitely say something time is money especially in this case. saying something before it becomes an internal issue between members is always the best option (learned everything i know from south park)


Showing up late is one (massively annoying) thing but at least with certain people you learn and know they will be ~10-15 minutes late to everything. What sucks more is flaking on plans. There were a couple people I had to stop inviting to hang out because they would not let us know till 5 minutes before if they were going to be there. Talking things like game nights that require a specific number of people. Still fine for events where they can come or go. But if you know you're going to be late, let us know when plans change or when you're heading out the door and notice the traffic.


I have a friend who is 45 min to an hour late to EVERYTHING. So, we started telling her the time to meet... an hour before we actually needed her to be there. Which worked perfectly until the ONE time she actually showed up ON TIME and got pissed off she had to wait an hour for everyone else to show up. Absolutely no self awareness.


My ex husband was notoriously late for everything. It didn’t matter what it was, expect him to be an hour or more late. His family would tell him a function started 2 hours before they wanted him there. He would still not make it, maybe one time this worked and he just made it. It was infuriating. Not the cause of our divorce, but it factored in. He had no respect for anyone else’s time, ever.


Left Lane hogs on U.S. highways


Especially when they are side-by-side with another car and there is no way to pass.




I would’ve been like “WTF, ma?! Move, ma, get out the way! Get out the way! Get out the way!”


So THIS is what goes on in the minds of entitled drivers!


I knew it, I fuckin knew it. Damn hippies.


My wife does this and I was riding with her and noticed it and said to her you need to pass and move over don't just sit here next to this car it's not safe.


Try here, you go an easy 210 km/h and some foreign dude thinks he's fast going 150km/h in the left not using his rear mirrors, makes me brake and the Porsche talegating me flips me off for braking... love my country


When they chew so loudly


I once shared a house with a guy who was really nice right across the board, but who had the WORST eating sounds I've ever witnessed in a human being. He would smack, slurp, chomp, huff, and gasp his way through every meal. To make it worse, the acoustics of his mouth were really quite extraordinary; I once saw him bite into a tiny piece of lettuce about the size of a postage stamp and he managed to make it sound like someone had cracked a whip. Probably the worst time was when I was outside the house and I heard him scraping his fork across his plate while he was inside in the living-room. When I entered the hallway I was, to his initial confusion, literally able to call out "Hi, Saad!" before I opened the door to the living-room, because I just **knew** he was in there.


People who listen to their music loudly when in public.


A couple times when I was younger and came across a car with the windows down blaring rap or EDM at a stoplight, I'd roll my windows down, tune to the local classical station, and turn it up too. Got a couple of laughs but I feel like now with all the crazies they'd try to run me off the road.


I love EDM myself, but I'd switch to bagpipes if whatever was coming from the other vehicle was annoying AF. I don't mind barely hearing your music if I'm right next to the car... but if I'm 6 cars away I shouldn't be hearing 2PAC clearly.


NYC subway commuters, listen up!!


Slow walkers with a complete lack of self awareness


Two or more slow walkers together, hand in hand/grabbing each others arms, taking the entire sidewalk...


People who talk over you. It’s so rude. Or, when they’ve been talking a lot and it’s your turn, but then they just look bored and disinterested, like they’re waiting for it to be back to them again.


I swear my roommate does not understand conversational cadence and cues. He'll keep talking when I would like to leave the room to the point where I just do now, even if I have to pass directly by him to go up the stairs. He'll talk and then pause and then as the natural time for me to respond comes up, he'll say whatever just came into his mind next.


I have noticed that people do love the sound of their own voice. I am not a fan of such people.


The moan-scream people do when they yawn


You could have just said "loudly yawning" but you had to make everyone uncomfortable 😂


Hahaha... my elderly father does a very 'Dad' thing and actually *says* 'YAWWWN!' as he yawns... like the actual word 'yawn'. I'm sure someone found it funny once... *long, long ago*... :)




In a similar vein, people who yell-sneeze.




People who are late.


People who don't pay attention to how they impact others. They will come to a dead stop in the middle of a sidewalk, and everyone else has to quickly avoid them... they just stand there stupidly unaware.. When they leave their shopping cart, wander off, then get shitty when it's moved in order for another shopper to grab something off the shelf Same people regularly litter, cut lines, fail to signal when driving, and are the mostly likely culprits when everyone cringes as they breathe in an unexpected fart on the plane. I'm already getting into their plane behavior which would keep me here all day if I let it.


the lack of attention thing is really bad when exiting places - they stand blocking the flow. Whether it is coming off the plane, exiting the theater whatever. Sure - you lost, that is fine - GET OUT OF THE WAY - while you figure out where to go.


Entering too. People stop right inside doorways to look around for the direction they need to go in, or a specific one that drives me batshit is the people who stop RIGHT inside the doorway at Costco, where everyone is trying to push huge carts in, to put their membership card back in their purse/wallet (actually my local Costco in general is enraging, it’s always FULL of people who lack situational awareness or common courtesy, and the giant carts just magnify the area of their always-in-the-way-everywhere bodies). I have to steel myself before going to because it is always


Add to that people who stand on both sides of the escalator on the metro. Stand right, walk left.


People who are rude to service workers


Agreed. It bothers me so much, like, it's *so much easier* to be kind & it also (on a self-preservationie note) ensures there are no 'special extra added ingredients' at the restaurant... *although*, if you're going to be a jerk to someone just doing their job, you kinda deserve it :)


In the city where I live, it's the service workers who are rude to the customers.


This door was closed when you entered the room. It should be closed when you leave the room. Especially if that room is my bedroom mother fucker.


Very accurate if the person is your dad


And he just walked into your room to say "I fucked your mom". 


That's simply beautiful. BRAVO! We may share a brain. I shed a tear.


Turning without signaling. 


Short tempered people.


Self and spatial awareness.


I cannot stand people that seek attention but try to be coy about it but are extremely obvious. Or people who act stupid about things to gain attention.


When I make it clear I understand or am familiar with what you're talking about, you need not to keep explaining it to me.  


Oh my God… I agree. Especially when they are telling you a story they’ve already told you. And you tell them, “oh yeah… I remember, you told me that already. “And they still continue to keep going. I cannot stand that shit.


For example: mine are when someone automatically thinks that the world owes them something, people who always try to play the victim and gain sympathy from others, and people who lie just to look cool or impress other people.


When someone doesn’t understand that I want to be left alone


When you get behind someone very slow on a 2 lane highway and you finally get to a passing section and they speed up from 55mph to 80mph when you are trying to pass them. I travel a 2 lane highway often and, no exaggeration, this happens over 90% of the time. I don't even think they realize they are doing it, but maybe it's the competitive part of their brain that they just can't stand someone passing them. It drive me crazy!


I have a mutual friend who is like this. He takes someone passing him as some sort of personal attack and will legitimately crash his car before letting someone pass him. I've told him countless times he's going to kill himself and innocent people and should not have a license. How he's allowed to drive at all is a mystery.


The one's with the "all about me" attitude. Hard to have a conversation when it's mostly one-sided.


Slow people at the grocery store that stand in the middle of the isles


Idiocy and Dunning Kruger effect. Refusing to admit or learn from mistakes. Whenever they fail, it's always someone else's fault. Being confidently incorrect


Talking loudly in public. I get so anxious.


Super controlling people. ALWAYS a nightmare


Designing things to be more difficult for no fucking reason. "We have to allow this but we don't really want you to do it so here are 5000 extra hoops to jump through."


Lack of freaking common sense and basic human etiquette.




Being inconsiderate of others It’s so easy to be considerate in most cases


When it's first thing in the morning, you come into work, and your breath is already stinking like a sea of unwashed asses. How do you already stink coming into work in the morning?


Empty stomachs, lack of hydration. Don’t think your breath ain’t stinking just because you brush your teeth in the morning and pop a breath mint/chew gum afterwards.


oblivious people in traffic. Look, you're not the only person trying to make the light, if it turns fucking green, GO. Your only purpose at that very moment is to pay attention to the light. Period.




People w/o basic manners. Not knowing how to say Thank you, Sorry, Excuse me, and basic etiquette. Well rather than not knowing, those who choose not to. There’s a difference between the people who didn’t grow up in an environment where that was normalized but I dislike the people who know how to say it and chooses not to. It’s basic respect even to strangers. If you can’t do the little, polite, simple things, what kind of person are you overall ?


Lying by omission. No matter how you dress it a lie is a lie. I don’t know if this constitutes as a pet peeve but it is definitely on the list of ugly things that I loath in people.


Blocking aisles in stores. Unable to utilize your blinker. Having to use all 700 watts of led bar on your lifted truck to blind me.


Not saying please/thank you. Bad manners in general.


pple who won't stfu it's fine to talk and shit but pls let other pple have the chance to talk too. i love pple who talk alot but pls let me have the chance to talk


My biggest pet peeve is when people chew loudly with their mouths open, it’s like nails on a chalkboard and makes me question humanity's progress.


Selfishness, vanity


Loud eaters. I can't stand the sound.


People who don't understand the concept of personal space. Also people standing right next to you breathing on you while waiting in line. I know you're in a hurry and frustrated because I can feel your warm humid sighs on my neck but you're not cutting me and if you want to choose to act like a toddler you do you, player. Some people intentionally do this too, I'm convinced. It's only ever guys bigger than me too...


People who act entitled.


People who talk with a mouth full of food.


People in general not being aware of their surrounding. Walking slowly on the sidewalk, calling loudly in public, listening to music on a speaker, all of those and more. It just shows to me how little they are aware of other people and their comforts. I get that not everybody is "on" 100% of the time, but you can just see people walking in the grocery store notice something on a shelf, they just let go of their trolley to go take it, blocking \*everybody\* with no care in the world.


The people who repeatedly don't hear you the first time you talk with them and expect you to repeat yourself (excluding ADHD, APD, HoH folks - y'all have a good reason)


Especially when you finally say fuck it, never mind. And then suddenly, they know exactly what you said. Lol. Infuriating.


Existing in your own bubble. Totally unaware of anyone else.




Bad drivers


people who spell krusty krab and krabby patties with a C instead of a K


People who litter. Every time I see a chav throw a can on the street without putting it in the bin, I really feel like grabbing that can and throwing it at him. Of course deep down I know that it's not worth having a fight over. But the sheer *desire* to do it is still there! We have one. Fucking. Planet. Look after it.


This is kind of a two-for-one. When people use the word “literally” in a figurative way. It really undermines when you actually mean something literally but it’s so incredulous that it sounds like you just mean it figuratively. Then my other pet peeve is when people see me say that and say “language changes. Expecting a word’s meaning to stay the same is stupid”. How the hell do they read where I talked about how we should use a word differently than a lot of people use it and conclude that I think language can’t change?


Lack of awareness.


Chewing loudly and with your mouth open.


My biggest pet peeve has to be when people constantly interrupt or talk over others during a conversation. It's disrespectful and makes it difficult for a genuine dialogue to happen. I believe listening is just as important, if not more, as speaking in a conversation. Everyone has a right to express their feelings and thoughts.


When somebody does something really rude/annoying and calls it a prank/joke thinking that will make it better


People who try to be a part of every conversation even if not directed towards them, like chill, I wasn’t talking to you!!?


That is actually a habit I have had to correct in myself over the last few years.  If I overhear a conversation about something I either find interesting, have some knowledge of, or of something that makes me happy: I will get a desire to share in it with whomever is conversing. Big part of it is my gregarious nature (something my wife will lovingly tease me about) and my love of shared experiences, but I am becoming more aware of the fact that most people might not care for my two cents and am doing my best to read the room in those circumstances.


I feel that that could also be dependent on who’s the one intruding, like I wouldn’t mind a friend or something similar intervening. I would however, mind my rude coworker who makes highly insensitive remarks every now and then, in particular, to not intrude perhaps.


A lot of times when I have done it, it's been with strangers, which is why I am doing my best to read the room so I don't unintentionally make anyone feel awkward or uncomfortable. Also: your coworker sounds like an asshat.


At least you’re self aware and trying to improve! That’s good enough. Plus: Yeah, he’s so much more.


The absolute ability to have all the worlds knowledge in the palm of your hand and have it disprove 99% of the right wing propaganda and lies...and they still don't believe it. The ignorance to actually see REAL facts and not believe the scientists over some right wing hack who think a horse medicine will cure things. They would rather believe the American Cheeto, or the Canadian one, or whatever the party says because it has to be true or why would they say it? Even though it has been PROVEN to be lies and wrong. Like I always say god loves stupid people...he made so damn many.






A few of my country mates abroad have this habit of switching to an another language when saying negative things about people and expect me to chime in but I hate it and just ignore them.


when someone tells me a story of somebody else wronging them but when mimicking the persons voice, they do the “lowering my voice to sound stupid” lol I can’t stand it.


Lol I can't stand it (read in mocking tone)


What grinds my gears the most is people who don't do as they're told THE FIRST TIME, without question.


Stealing food from my plate without asking.


Them being here


When people use my name too much. It just creeps me out


People who eats or chew loudly




That they exist


It's not the biggest pet peeve, but a recent one: The folks that just stop in the center of an aisle at the grocery store for what seems like hours. I usually turn around & cut down the next aisle over to avoid the confrontation, but in my mind I'm tearing them a new one. *Super rude*.


Willful ignorance


People who drag their feet


When people answer their own questions in r/AskReddit


People lie who don’t listen while engaged in a conversation and are instead thinking about their rebuttal. It’s just plain rude!


When people pronounce “figures” as “figgers”. Makes me wince every time


The thing that pisses me off the most is when people are always late. I always try to be on time, so my patience runs out quickly when others don't value my time


People who don't act their wage at work


People that don’t listen and just want to talk about themselves, regardless of what you just said


People don't listen to the words I'm saying. They hear what they think I mean. So they get pissed off because of something that was never said


People singing along during musicals or movies ugh


People who are regularly late and act like it’s a personality quirk


People who view direct communication as an attack. How do they EXIST without being able to, say, correct wrong information, talk about a problem, or set boundaries? All things I've been verbally attacked and/or called rude for: "Please don't call me Jenn. I prefer Jennifer (name changed but you get the idea). "Please do not feed this baby bird spaghetti. It is an insectivore." "This information is outdated. We now know that ball pythons benefit from UV light just like most other animals."


When people verbally attack each other knowing that we are not at fault and it's our social structure


People who brag or show off.


Liars ! Especially bad ones , like recently when my neighbour told me one of my shoes had blown into my back garden and that’s why we caught him on cctv in there, no possible way for it to blow away it was a heavy shoe and on the step that’s a wind block, or denying he had been opening my Mail then posting it through my door when the post man had been posting it through his door instead of ours , I knew was him as my letter box went and I immediately looked out window no one there gate still closed so could only be him. Lost the plot when I said to him about it, he’s a self confessed thief so goes hand in hand with compulsive liar!


People that ask you a question then interrupt your answer with another question.


Dishonesty, especially after they are shown concrete proof that you aware they are lying.


Needing to be reassured constantly. Or always tryna talk bad ab someone


Loud people on their phone are insufferable.


Selfish drivers, and I live in Orange County, CA. I drive the Fury Road every day to work.


If you're a person who talks with their phone on loudspeaker on the train, you're a piece of shit and I really hope you get Lou Gehrig's disease. It ain't a conference call. Hold the thing up to your fucking ear!!


Lack of communication. Fill me in, call me, text me back when you can. We live in a world where you can contact someone thousands of miles away with a push of a button, yet people lack the skill to communicate.


Extroverts who try to push introverts to be more extrovert. Look isn't it enough I'm out in public, and doing things? If I decide I want to hang out with people I'll ask if I can hang out with a group.... eventually, if I get the nerve up.




Doing everything in the world but paying attention to the road and other vehicles while driving. Put the phone down!


When people are randomly super condescending in the replies to a comment that isn’t that deep


Using FaceTime/speakerphone/phone speaker for anything in public. Also being totally unaware of their surroundings, especially in store aisles.


earnestness get over it/yourself


People stopped at a red light who constantly creep forward and stop. Creep forward and stop. Creep forward and stop. Like bro where are you going 🤣


People that hold others to higher stands than they hold themselves.


Guys who urinate on public toilet seats instead of lifting the seat. Didn’t their mothers ever teach them anything?


How weak minded / timid / afraid most people are. 110mph on the highway in my BMW feels comfortable. 120mph+ requires some focus but still pretty comfortable. Meanwhile, everyone else going at a slug's pace. 10-15mile hikes up mountains every weekend keep me feeling in shape. Meanwhile, everyone else I know is DYING after about 7-8 miles. And I can run most of the way, dodging all sorts of rocks and roots without ever tripping. Friends are falling flat on their faces left and right as soon as they try to run on the trail.. Feels like I'm hiking with grandma, going at their pace! Smoke hella weed all day, every day and still one of the smartest guys in my office. Promoted up to 2nd in command last year and now at 6 figures, solving some insanely complex server & database issues. They had 4-5 server admin trying to solve a problem last week for 3-4 hours with no luck. Finally bring me in, right after ripping the bong, and I solve it in 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, everyone else can't really handle smoking much and especially not solving complex problems while high. And yet, the pothead saves the day, again. SWIMMING!! What's up with people? How TF can you not know how to swim as an adult? Or even as a kid.. Buncha babies.. I can tread water with my FINGERS. Such an easy skill to learn, yet so crucial. So pathetic that people are too afraid to learn something so easy, yet important. The list goes on. I really don't feel like a human, with how weak most other humans are. Might have a bit of Saiyan blood in me, or something..


My biggest pet peeve with other people is that unfortunately I have to interact with them on some level (traffic, customers, neighbors, etc.)


road rage lol. i had a friend with the most mild manners on the road Yell at someone for a lane change (casually while driving) and like i sympathize with the fact that driving makes them feel these intense emotions that they need to express but holy shit does it make me feel unsafe because like how are you going to react when something bad actually happens??? y’know?


People not wiping correctly. Turns me off right quick.


People whose legs shake while sitting down on a chair or bench.


Close mindedness


That they are breathing is a big one for me.


Saying things to me that are utterly horse shit and then passive-aggressively dropping the subject and refusing to continue the conversation when I push back.


I would say currently it's an online thing - people who comment the first thing that pops into their head without a) reading the entire post or b) using any critical thinking skills whatsoever. OP: hey any tips on where to buy jeans? I've already tried old Navy. 15 comments: old Navy Reply to one of those comments: can't believe I had to scroll so far for this Or like, someone asking for a name for their new kitten and specifying it's a boy, and all the comments are "is it a boy or a girl?" Or "name her Khaleesi"


They are alive...lol


When they are near me.


People who say they tell it like it is. Oy


People who have to the main character in every scenario. You know the one, they *always* have to be the center of attention, they are *never* wrong, and they always steer the conservative to their talking points instead of letting a group of people have a natural flow where everyone gets their moment. Tony was just a narcissist. Annoying as fuck.




...other people.


People that think they know everything


Lack of commitment.


When they continuously complain and yap about the same fking thing every single time even after you've given them great advices and been very considerate of their feelings thousands of times! Even though i am a great listener, this irritates the hell out of me. Like just fking let it go no one cares its been years now get a life!!!!


When people parrot information as fact without taking even 30 seconds to verify if it's true The amount of people who will read a random comment online saying something like "I'm a doctor and blood is actually blue" and just take that as an objective truth is insane to me. It takes ten seconds to Google something to make sure you don't sound like an idiot.


People who get annoyed, irritated, or moan and complain about shit other people do that doesn't affect them in any meaningful way. My parents were both like this, and growing up sucked as a result. Every minor thing was a huge deal and I was always walking on eggshells. It's a guarantee that if someone is easily annoyed or irritated, I'm not gonna get along with them.


Standing too close, then I move away, and they move closer again....


People who have poor hygiene


Trying to be cute. When someone tries to be cute by doing childish actions and voice.


People who are just mean to be mean, not helpful or caring but just 24/7 grump.


When they won't stop talking.


People who say no offense then say something offensive- makes me wanna slap the shit out of them-


Pulling OUT in front of you just to TURN


Purposefully ignorance, anyone I've met that has this trait has been a pos.




Strangers that assume things about you that they've based off of the internet when you have a disability. Having type one diabetes was always one of the most annoying things about my life, especially since the media has taught everyone that all types of diabetes are related to diet issues but they never talk about the fact that you can get it from infections (where I developed it from) or genes, mainly. However, I would constantly be asked questions like "is it the bad or the good diabetes" or "oh is that why you don't show your arms" (I have to have cannulas in my arms. It was winter when this person asked me) I mean I get it that people are curious about this sort of thing but I'm not a shiny Pokémon card. If you have a question, please just ask it in a more respectful way and don't assume information off of the internet.


As I spend more time on social media, I find it challenging to keep my patience with people who are unable to accept the possibility that they may be mistaken. More so if the mistake forms the basis of a strong opinion. I see people moving goalposts, torturing logic, and even altering the language just to avoid the realization that their understanding of the world may not be one hundred percent perfect. I especially hate it when I'm that guy.


Getting mad at me for my tone of voice


People who don’t drive and make it everybody else’s problem. If they don’t drive, their primary mode of transportation should be either walking, biking, the bus, or taxi/uber instead of expecting those around them to be their personal chauffeur. (Even worse when they never offer gas money). I’ll gladly offer someone a ride if they need it and if I’m able, but it’s when it becomes an expectation that it becomes an issue


People who make commitments withnothers, and back out last minute.


People who do not hold the door for you when you are right behind them. You don't have to hold it while I walk through, just hold it until I take hold of it.


People who cant eat without sounding nasty


Backing into a parking space (NOT when parallel parking) when there are other cars behind and/or in front of the car they’re driving. It should be an offense punishable by death, after several days of torture.


When they are too narrow-minded to continue the conversation


Grown adults riding their bikes on the sidewalk when there’s a bike lane. I’ve almost been hit by a bike when walking in my neighborhood. I could understand kids and toddlers riding bikes on the sidewalk but not adults. They are going fast, too.


Strangers that take up more space than necessary in stores and on side walks. They're basically the new line cutters.


Unpainted toes


People trying to merge last minute. I’ll speed up so they can miss the exit


People who have no awareness of everything around them and who go about on foot and driving, as if they are the only one who's going somewhere or doing something. For example, I went into the grocery store one day and there's this group of 4 or 5 people all standing around having a conversation...3 steps inside the front door where they're blocking the only way in for everyone. As in all of them standing on the rug a lot of stores put right in front of the door between the alarm panels. I saw a couple people squeeze around them before it was my turn to go in and I thought fuck this shit. I'm gonna break up their little chitchat sesh here. I pushed my cart right through the middle of them and just said "excuse us, trying to get in the FRONT DOOR HERE..." It was like they suddenly noticed oh, other people want to get in the store too! and they moved the 10 feet or so away from the door to a big open spot out of the way. Like they should have done in the first place instead of camping out in the fkn doorway like they own the damn store.