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i feel like it’ll be on a tuesday


Sounds right honestly


MIT says 2040 but we been doing a speed run since last time they checked


That is a very old and poorly thought out report. Headliner.


Originally from 1970 but they checked again in like 2016 IIRC and we were on track


Have you read it? Do.


I’ll check it out. It’s entirely economic projections and the idea is collapse due to the need for infinite growth yeah?


Yes. They did not take into account that population is not growing exponentially, that it is flattening or even decreasing in many places. They totally missed out on how miniaturization and power consumption efficiencies changed energy needs projection and a lot more things like that. They made a try based on what we knew at the time.


My original guess in highschool was 2050 so I guess I was close




I think humanity itself will destroy civilization before climate change will


The pressures of climate change are already contributing to it.


100%, I think it will contribute to unhappiness with the government’s handling of national, natural and global affairs, but it will not be an issue that greatly threatens human life for another 25+ yrs. But if WW3 were to erupt, that timeline would be expedited




That’s an interesting one. I didn’t know it was that much of an issue lol


Probably November.


Around election time? Very plausible


Personally, I always felt that civilization would collapse around the years 2040-2045. I’m not exactly sure when I had thought up this date, maybe around my freshman year of highschool so about 10 years ago would be a good estimate. I always thought that conflict within America would lead to the start of it but was never sure of how exactly. But after the past couple of years, I now have a prediction that I am relatively confident in. I suspect that an American civil war will be the kickstarter. I think us American citizens will finally be done with the oppression and lack of care for our well being that is on display from large corporations and our governing body. With no way of fixing our situation given the corrupt nature of our government and election process, we will inevitably turn towards revolution once the final line has been crossed. Thanks to the way civil wars are fought and waged. It is guaranteed that we will receive outside help from other countries in some capacity that want to see the downfall of America. With the American army focused on handling the revolting citizens as well as dealing with their own soldiers who may side with the resistance, other countries will launch attacks on the U.S. in hopes of overtaking them and usurping their power leading to the American armed forces fighting a multi faceted war on multiple fronts. Backed into a corner and not wanting to lose the power that they had built up over the decades, America will feel pressured to take drastic measures and will be the first country to launch a nuclear warhead, leading to mutual destruction and the end of modern civilization


Count me out, I’m not fighting anyone


Don’t worry, other people will do the fighting for you lol


It’s already happening with the climate, agriculture, and livestock. it’s just kind of hard to tell because we’ve been able to slowly adjust around it. Things will soon start falling apart rapidly enough to become obvious. I give it 5 years max for it to get obvious enough that most of the general public accepts it. There may even be mass panic when reality finally sets in. The start of the collapse set off 30+ years ago and we’re far too late.


I agree. I think we will see the first major signs of a societal collapse around the year 2030, everything after that, I expect to be the actual collapse


Wait and see... It seems soon enough.


I don’t. Society is diverse and resilient. Things are better than they have ever been.




People really take it to the verge of collapse but we have some unknown heroes in our society who save the society and keep it together for all.


Those heroes are starting to become more and more rare and even those that could be considered heroes are on the verge of being corrupted if they haven’t been already. At least in my opinion


Yeah. I think they've been pushed too much by the evil of society and are on the verge of breaking down themselves. Some still hold onto their core values and stand by them and protect it and teach it to new generations.


Yeah, we can only pray that if/when society collapses that they manage to stick around




I don’t think it’ll be so quick that we don’t expect it, but people for sure will complain