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I once had this super real dream that I was a roast beef sandwich. And then someone ate me and I had just this pure feeling of bliss and satisfaction like I had a purpose in life. Fucking weird


Sounds like an asdf movie.


So true!


Okay thanks for the lol, you explain it so attractively that I want to have this dream


Congratulations, you are now in to vore


romantic dinner with mike tyson where he kissed me goodnight....im straight




I don't know why but this is cracking me up! Did he use tongue?


I’ve seen this comment before. Maybe oc is a repost bot.


I (32F) was Batman and I stole the world’s largest frosted/sprinkled donut. This was a recurring dream.


The [one Iron Man was sitting in](https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Randy%27s_Donuts?file=Randy_Donuts.png)?


Size wise, BIGGER. Looks like, [the OG](https://imgur.com/9hmB6HN)


I had a sex dream about my mother once when I was in my teens and going through puberty. It was horrible


If it helps, sex dreams are rarely actually about sex or any sort of sexual desire. It can very well mean wanting a closer (non sexual) relationship with that person.


I wish you'd told me that 18 years ago😂 thank you


Aww man, hope you weren't too hard on yourself over it. Although no matter what, being face go face with that person becomes awkward.


Freud's Oedipus complex strikes again!


I had a dream I was at school and there was zero gravity and people were just floating through the hallways just chilling with there bags floating and bumping into each other 🤣


Sounds like a fun one with the homies.


dreamt i was being chased by giant donuts in a candy land, woke up craving sweets


The one in which my grandma scored a goal for Manchester United while simultaneously robbing a bank


She still around, we need someone who can score under pressure




The most recent one I had.. I was in a doctors office and the nurse comes in and with an attitude says, "You WERE 30 weeks pregnant. Now you're 30 weeks pregnant and rat dry." I woke up racking my brain to remember if it was some sort of slang I'd heard or what..Googled it and the term "dry rat" came up but..it has nothing to do with being pregnant.


Got married and lived a life with a woman who I loved very deeply. Woke up feeling like I imagine Christopher Reeve did in Somewhere In Time. I was broken for weeks after, and in mourning. Even my wife felt bad for me.


It's been awhile, but I remember the gist. I had a dream that started in a slaughterhouse. I was both observing and had the PoV of the animals. Feels of fear, panic and pain. It seemed almost like I was on a roller coaster of their feelings. Hard to explain, but not only seeing it happen, but feeling it as well - and it somehow turned into a blur of motion - like on a roller coaster. Other details have faded from memory, but starting the next day, I was a vegetarian for 3 years.


I (16F) was dreaming of a girls' death right in front of my eyes it still gives me shivers


I once found myself strolling around in the woods with my bike and it had a bright light on it I eventually stumbled upon a woman and sprinted at her but I saw it from her point of view and scared myself awake






Cocaine is a helluva drug


I am in space, and I can see all these beautiful colors, and the silence I have never experienced before. Suddenly I feel like I am dying and my body disintegrating into atoms and my mind is everywhere and nowhere and I can see in all directions


There's an English football club called Ipswich Town - they've just been promoted to the Premier League - whose badge is a sort of pennant shape with an image of a horse kicking a ball inside it. I once had a dream that I was trapped inside Ipswich Town's badge. Not inside a model or picture of it, but inside the actual logo itself. That horse is vicious.


I ate a cooked baby. It looked like a roast pig that had lettuce dressings around it on a sliver platter. I distinctly remember being able to fork off a piece of its body like Jell-O. The young bones were gelatinous and edible.


Slow roasted?


One dream I always remember from my childhood was me watching two guys in the middle of a colosseum just staring at each other. One of the guys took out a playing card and held it up, then proceeded to throw it like a frisbee at the other guy where it sliced clean through his neck with blood gushing out profusely. Ended up waking up freaking out because it felt so real.


I have had a reoccurring dream that fish are swimming in the air of the house. I am excited to see the fish in the dream. Someone opens the door; the fish cook and fall to the floor. I wake up sad and afraid. It makes no sense.


I was flying an F-14 and flew it through the warehouse of my work. Dropped bombs and blew the whole place up.


Was in a warehouse with a bunch of zoot-suit gangsters hanging around (think Dick Tracy meets the Beat It music video). Rolling door opens and a guy says it's time for the gang to meet the new boss. In slides in a giant fedora hat wearing a smaller fedora hat. He goes "Heya boys. They call me Sammy the Hat." One of the mobsters in the back looks genuinely confused and goes "Why do they call you Sammy the Hat?" Only dream I woke up laughing to.


Bro that's hilarious 😂


Getting chased by a horde of zombies I am so proud of myself thu because I don't think I betrayed or abandoned my crew/people when we were getting chased.


I was working with my neighbor lady and our job was to shine a light thru these ice blocks and see if anything was inside and we had to code red because there was an small toy plastic army guy in one of the ice blocks. Was wild I still wonder wtf that dream was about man. Hated that lady too why was she there.


I walked into a cabin. There were a bunch of superheroes around. I look and see Batman and Joker right by each other. Joker then comes towards me with knives like nails and scratches my face. I wake up and it feels like my face has been scratched. It was really weird


I drempt that I met this girl and we slowly fell in love. This dream spanned weeks/months, I fucking knew her, she was so real. We were about to kiss while standing on a bridge, watching the sunset, and I woke up. Just like that, she was gone. Messed with me for a bit. I still think about her sometimes.


trump vs biden 2028


If neither one of them won this year they would both be eligible to run in 2028. Old and eligible.


I had a dream where there was crocodiles in an arcade and it was normal. They had a crocodile making area and some crocodiles has cat tattoos on their tails. Also the arcade was running out of business so some lady gave them forks which was like money in my dream and they made the news channel so a thank you message to the lady. It was such a weird dream


I woke up with this sentence and a feeling that it was super important that I remembered it. The sentence made no sense, it was "I am man Akrin". To this day I have no idea what it means.


David Spade playing NIB by Black Sabbath on the piano during the Super Bowl halftime show while the coaches sang along


I used to play a lot of counter strike as a kid and I remember after a 12 hour session I slipped into a nightmare where I was killed in game and spent the rest of my life as a spectator 😆


Definitely not the weirdest dream I’ve had but last night I dreamt that my cousin’s house was infested with bed bugs and rather than getting rid of them, she named each one of them and kept them as pets


I was in a mutant apocalypse with a bunch of other survivors. One day the mutants had a "dress like a human" day where they wore human masks, and so we could move about freely. We had some objective to reach a rocket to escape the country, but when we reached the rocket it was full of straw and rodents. That's about when I woke up. Crazy thing is I had that dream like 25 years ago and I still remember it pretty distinctly especially the "dress like a human day".


Sniff my fingers after scratching my balls


When I was ~12 yo I had a fever dream where one person from my class and I were the last people on earth. this person was joking on the street, above him was a window from which I thrust a HUGE aluminum ball that crushed him... I had literally nothing to do with this guy and I was really scared cause it was so frekin realistic. I can still remember the texture of the ball.


I had a dream that I was sleeping (in my dream) and I woke up in the middle of the night the window was open and there was a cat on the window looking at me, then she jumped to the room and started to walk out of the room, so I followed her, she went down the stairs to the ground floor, and there was hundreds of cats there, and others cats entering from the gap between the bottom of the door and the floor (weird) then I woke up in shock. The next day (real life) there were unusually dozens of cats in my neighborhood, when I asked from where did they came from, they said that some people from urban areas throw them there because they weren't able to feed them, that dream was more than 20 years ago but I still remember it like if it was yesterday.


I had an incredibly vivid dream in which I was playing for the New York Rangers (NHL hockey team if you don't follow North American sports). This dream was so vivid that the ice shards were flying up through the air when players would quickly change directions, the colors were all incredibly sharp, I could see the puck flying through the air as if it was in slow-motion. What makes this especially weird is that I grew up in a warm climate and don't even know how to ice skate, and while I'll watch a hockey game here and there, it's not even in my top three sports in terms of viewing.


I was very little, maybe 5-6 years old and I dreamt I was in a big city like NYC. A giant blender appeared in the middle of the city and every human, except for me, was put into it and blended up into a giant pink goo as I watched. I had a huge rush of fear that I was now entirely alone in the world, and then I woke up. I've remembered it all my life, I have no idea why a little girl would dream such a thing.


One of the weirdest dreams I ever had involved being in a city where everything was made of jelly.


I was looking down at the world with someone else (AKA: SE). Me: So, what did I miss? SE: Oh, not much. You got distracted and lost interest after that whole zombie apocalypse didn't work out the way you had hoped, didn't you? Me: *laughs* Yeah; I did. Who would have thought that the antidote to zombification would have been vegetables? SE: Broccoli solves all problems. Me: I guess that's why I'm— Then, I woke up.


There was an old abandoned house on stilts. I walked up the dilapidated stairs to investigate. The floors were made up of dirt. Like dried mud. I started digging, and there were body parts. A foot, someone's forearm. It freaked me out. I dreamed this as a child.


Once I dreamed that a birch tree asked me to marry him. I said yes


Took some molly, finished my night with some friends at home, chilling and smoking. Went to bed. Dreamt I had met a woman, dated, got married, had 2 kids, watched them grow up and get married, became a grandfather, and on my death bed, I woke up crying. That was 8 years ago, I still vividly remember that dream,from taking the kids to school, the holidays, events, sports, all of it. Weirdest fucking thing as it felt like I had lived an other life in that time frame. I can still feel the emotions of it all. Happiness, grief, sadness, bliss. Fucking wild. 10/10 would life another life again.


..First time noticing color in my dream. Standing in an emtpy room painted all in white, with a 10ft door. Open the door, and you see a huge 10ft tall painting on a sail boat on clear blue water, bright blue sky, under a bright yellow sun. Spent the following day drawing the boat. It left a huge impression on me. On the 3rd day, I was sitting in my intro to fine art class flipping through an old book we were just given... I turned the page...and there was a picture of the boat..identical to every detail...except in b&w.


I was at a birthday party with my family and then my dad tells me to get something from the shed outside with my siblings. I come outside to find a giant titanium white Mona Lisa throwing fireballs killing all my siblings


I once had a dream where Patrick was framed for the murder of Sandy Cheeks. The murder weapon was a paper airplane and the crime scene was Rebecca Parham’s treehouse. The Jury consisted of Regular Show characters and the judge was monokuma. I’m still waiting for the part 2 to figure out who the real killer is.


Abe Lincoln was a paper mache leprechaun, and for some reason was chasing me with an axe. Which reminds me, I had another dream about being best friends with the ghost of Abe Lincoln. I became terrified of him after he asked me to send some mail for him. Not sure why asking me to send mail triggered it, but I remember bawling and my mom saying, "That's what you get for having dead presidents as best friends." For the record, those are the only two dreams I've had about Abe Lincoln. I don't constantly dream, or even think about, Abe Lincoln.


In recent memory, just last night I had a dream that my facial hair started growing on the inside of my lower lip. That was pretty fuckin weird.


I had a dream circa 1987 that I was sitting against the trunk of a large tree on a beautiful summer day (I may have been wearing the uniform of a Union soldier in the Civil War, that part is hazy). Next thing I know I spit up my Adam’s apple. It looked like a pearl onion and left a strange aftertaste in my mouth. For the record I’ve always had very vivid dreams and have written several of them down in a journal over the years.


I had a dream I was in a house I look outside to see it lightly a snowing there is another house and a lake I think 4 years later I drive past this place down to the dot


I dreamt i was killing somebody ( I enjoyed it )


It was a recurring nightmare when I was a kid. I would be sleeping on my brother's top bunk, he would do something to startle me and I'd fall off only to find I could fly. I showed my parents and they made me promise not to tell anyone. The next day they took me and my brother to the circus and I "got lost". The ringmaster found me and took care of me saying he'd help me find my parents. In reality he easily gained my trust, clipped a chain around my ankle and held me captive in a cage. He then told me that my parents had sold me to the circus and I'd never see them again and if I ever tried to escape he'd hurt my brother. Next thing I know I'm at my first performance and I'm soaring through the air and I see my parents and grandparents in the audience watching me, my brother was not with them. I tried to get to them screaming for them to help me and they looked at me, got up and walked out of the circus. That's when I'd wake up. I had that dream every night for months.


I had a loving girlfriend


I saw Rudy (from the cartoon about mammoths) in airport and was running away from it


That I slept with my cousins wife


I was inside a videogame. I found a health potion more than what I could fit in my inventory, so I cheated by putting it *in my pocket*.


I had a dream once where some event happened that made it deadly to go out in the sun without cover during the day like some sort of line of site radiation bs. Well partway through the dream i have to go outside because there was some sort of accident and im covering my self with a tarp and momentarily it slips and i look up and instead of the sun in the sky it was a giant neon sign of the pink panther. I then start dying and i wake up.


Had a dream where I arrived at a house with brother #1. My other brother #2 was painting it when we arrived. As we walked up, some strange being with a tall bishop-like hat, big owl like eyes for a face, wearing a banner-like gown holding a staff walked out of the door. As I walked up the driveway, I briefly noticed it but didn't react to it. It saw me coming, then turned and headed back into the house, disappearing from the dream. It was wierd mostly because the way it didn't belong with how the rest of the dream was going. Almost felt like an observer dropping in.


I woke up within my dream right in my bedroom, and i walked into my halfbedroon half porch room to meet my mom there. I looked outside the window to see two huge planets about to collide in the sky. Everything, cars, debri, and land lines are all floating in the air, and the planets have meteorites surrounding it. It was all so euphoric. In the sky had a glowing cobalt blue aura, and in conjunction with the two planets, colliding gave a sense of tranquility. I held my my mom tight as she was crying, and so was I. In the distance, I could see a meteor flying right towards me. I held my mom and was ready for my body to feel a sense of pain I'd never felt before right before I couldn't feel anything at all. I woke up again. But this time, I was a glowing white orb. I could FEEL my body vibrate as I tried to gather what I was seeing when I opened my eyes. White orbs glowing everywhere. Everything at peace. It felt like I was specating. No body, no vision of my hands, feet, no part of it was visible. It was as if I had become an atom. So small enough to be able to spectate? All I knew was that I had peace for the first time in a long time, and I would love to dream it every night. I drew this out in my high school notebook. I wonder if I still have it.


I had a dream, me my boyfriend, and an old client i worked with at my last job were at a hotel. My boyfriend knows I thought this client was cute, but it remained nothing more than a crush. So at this hotel we were all there, and my boyfriend stepped out, the old client, tried to tell me that his life is now in shambles and wants to be with me. I of course said no, and that my boyfriend was waiting in the next room, and that I had to go. For some reason my old client, started glitching like in a video game, and tried to assault me. I don’t know what the fuck this means, but it was weird as fuck. Of course he never touched me or anything, but the dream was so weird


When I was little, I had a dream where I was being chased by a bunch of clones of myself with butter knives. They chased me out back and locked me out, and ran back upstairs. I remember being able to get back in, and made in upstairs in time to see them with my mom in the kitchen holding the knives… making peanut butter sandwiches




when i was like 3-6 i dreamt a peppa pig episode which just was a kid walking up to a house to give another kid a flower and right when the flower reached the other kids hand it instantly cut to me being in the middle of a grinder but i was floating in it and i wasnt grindding but all the blades were pointing at me and spinning but not moving and all that hppened for 4 seconds until i woke up. what unrestricted internet does to a kid


I had this one as a child. I was swinging on a swing and I had a brilliant thought. What if I went really fast and then let go? I tried it and right before I hit the floor I suddenly appeared at someone's house and I was a guest. I don't know who they were, where's this house, all I knew was that I'm a guest in someone's home. And mom's here. And then I looked down and I was in my undies with no pants, and I started crying but no one gave a crap. Also, fun fact, dreams last about 2-3 seconds. I think. So all of that happened in about two seconds.


That one recurring dream ever since I was a kid where horses overran the area I live in. Like a zombie apocalypse but it's horses. Everyone's running around the city and to the bridge, houses on fire, cars crashing, etc. I managed to run so far into the bridge then a horse just suddenly pushed me off the bridge causing me to fall and at the exact moment my body contacted the ground, my head came off cleanly. The weirdest part is that I watched my body from from the bridge while at the sane time still seeing through the eyes of my falling body. Like two POVs at the same time.


Where do I even start. First one that comes to mind tho. My friends & I hiked into this secret cave where you could cliff jump into the water. My friend jumped in, got swallowed whole by a giant fish. Then an even bigger fish swallowed that fish whole. The rest of us, accepting our friend was dead, decided to get the fuck outta there. As we were leaving, the fish showed back up & spit out my friend unscathed. Then this weird blue/golden ancient looking warrior thing showed Up & started speaking what I can only assume was Latin. I don’t speak Latin so I don’t really. 2nd time I’ve had something show up in my dream & speak Latin


Last night I dreamt that the world was being invaded by panda aliens in human suits. Everyone was freaking out but once they got here I looked out and they were basically just waddling around with laser guns falling everywhere and accidently shooting themselves or each other.


I fell asleep in the dream and had a dream in the dream.


Real life inception 🙈


Friend framed me for attempted murder, court process took 8 months and I went to prison for 12 years. I felt all that all in real time (at least in my head) I think I woke up around half way through my sentence, the feeling of relief was unbelievable. I wasn't on any medication at the time, just so exhausted from work I must have just gone to a different realm of unconsciousness.


Chased by a gorilla in an appartmentcomplex


I dreamt that I gargled a song with a mouth full of crackers for money. I volunteered to take on a challenge for some cash prize. The challenge? With a mouth full of graham crackers, gargle the Star Spangled Banner. I, confidently, made it about half way through until I realized I was actually gargling the tune of "You're a Grand Old Flag." I was disqualified. I woke up soon after, confused and feeling slightly embarrassed.


I have a lot of weird, vivid dreams. Nightmares that stick with me for years because of how detailed they are. I had a dream in my teens that I found my own dead body stuffed under the kitchen sink, and my eyes were in my mouth.


I had a dream where I realized I'm dreaming and went to my aunt and told her That I'm currently dreaming, she hold me by shoulders and shook me, nothing happened and I said " Maybe I'm not dreaming, Maybe This is Reality "


Me having sex while handholding with my ex... yeah that´s pretty Lewd I know


That somehow all of my life's miseries were over and I was finally happy...and that I was not afraid to be happy.


the weirdest dream I ever had was a really long time ago.basically I was at my old school and for some reason I was at there afterhours. in the gym or cafeteria, I can't remember, the older kids were in a sweat shop making something, I think books? and I asked the teacher what was going on. I remember m voice was really quiet because I actually also said that in real life, I remember feeling my lips moving in real life while in my dream


A massive wolf chased me around the windows xp background and then i got a sword and chased it


Once dreamt of zombies chasing me from my classroom until I entered the plane, where I kicked their ass with my taekwondo (I don't know any martial arts irl), and I woke up when someone wearing everything in white (with a grey mustache) slapped me.


I was in school and we went on a field trip to a floating nudist resort ran by aliens. For some reason all the men were hesitant to strip but the girls were not. The aliens also gave us this juice that allowed you to time travel if you threw it on the floor. It turned out the aliens were evil and kidnapped my whole class except for me, so I used the time travel juice to go back in time and save my class by paragliding off the resort


So this is a reoccurring dream but basically the zombie apocalypse happens. At first everything is fairly ok, my family (husband and two young kids) are hiding out in the country with extended family. We end up having to all go to town for supplies (that we're just stealing from abandoned homes/stores). We end up getting caught there. A lot of running from zombies with my husband and little kids in an urban area. We eventually realize it's futile and find a church that's going to use a bomb for mass suicide. That countdown from 10 to 0 waiting to die while holding my kids and husband haunts me so much. It's always so real.


I was in a scooby-doo style haunted house fistfighting vampires.


My life wasn't going well, I was with some kind of army dressed in this black suit with brass double breast buttons. we'd got stuck in a bog and were face down in it in this freezing cold miserable weather. Then this beautiful girl in an immaculate blue dress came and dragged me out by my beard, we hung out, she laughed at my stupid jokes and tolerated my foibles. At the end of the dream, it was a view over a beautiful green pasture with tree lined avenues, and heavenly music started playing as the view lifted into the sky like a drone cam. I can't remember the beautiful music but the lyrics stuck with me forever: "thy bonfire spirit has warmed my soul, more than any may". I googled that lyric but i never found a source.