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I wanna go to both of those places very badly I think it would be absolutely stunning and amazing






Good for geology and astronomy


Sounds good.


Iceland - yes, please. What were you planning to do in Greenland? Not much there is there?


A trip to Greenland and Iceland sounds incredible. Have fun on your travels!


Super fun especially in summer


Depends, are you paying?


No lol. Who's gonna pay for me


Would love to! It looks beautiful and the people seem welcoming.


Some of my family are from Iceland, I’d like to visit, check out Reykjavík, black sand, do some touristy things. I’m also a knitter and want to buy some of their Icelandic wool! And support local knitters with buying an Icelandic sweater hehe.


Iceland is fantastic, however very expensive. Go, it’s amazing. Go in winter and see the northern lights. Or go in summer and have a completely different experience. Go see the volcanic black sand but don’t turn your back on the sea; the waves will take you. I’ve not been to Greenland.


One in my bucket list. Will save up and make this trip come true someday.


What a coincidence. I’m literally on a plane on my way to Greenland right now! I’ve been there before (been to before Iceland too). Both are amazing. The landscapes, icebergs, glaciers and the midnight sun are breathtaking. I’m giving some lectures aboard a small expedition cruise ship for the next 2 weeks.


I would think you would have the answer to this question by now


As an Icelandic person one thing I'd reccomend is that if you're going to tour, try to avoid picking tour guide groups that are specifically for tourists. God knows tourist aimed companies here milk the shit out of your wallet with those 'northern lights' tours. There are many places that have guest houses/rooms for people that arent aimed at tourists in particular and you can get way more info and stories from locals. Tourist guides will more than likely have the same 'story' they tell when you're at a place while locals can (and will) spend hours telling personal stories that can explain the history through their eyes. They'll reccomend places you wont hear from tour guides and you'll have way more fun exploring places that arent 'tourist traps', hell, some locals will walk you around sharing stories and their memories of those places. I myself have been amazed more than a few times with the things you can learn from residents and farmers. Apologies for the long comment! But if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll try to answer to the best of my capability!


I think it was so nice you see things that iceland and greenland only got also Be prepared for unpredictable weather pack layers and waterproof clothing.


I don't think you can go to greenland as easy as you think.


If I had the money, I'd go there. 


Definitely up there in the top of places I'd want to visit. I flew over them both when visiting Europe years back and I was just awestruck. They are just astonishingly beautiful-looking places. The Nordic countries in general honestly I think are the most beautiful places in the world, with maybe only Switzerland able to compete.




I was told before I got to Greenland that behind every tree there is a beautiful woman. They were right.




Would be AWESOME