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If you have liability insurance then insurance should provide you with an attorney to represent you.


The fact is that the driver does not have liability insurance....


If they couldn’t afford relatively much cheaper auto insurance, they absolutely won’t be able to afford a lawyer. When I was in private practice our firm was one that was retained by insurance companies to defend people in lawsuits, including auto-negligence ones. We had relatively low rates, but a lawsuit would still have cost an individual a lot more than insurance would have.


If they do not have liability insurance (and could not afford to get it), then a bankruptcy attorney.


Can the driver afford a lawyer then? We’re talking minimum $20,000 realistically.


You could try legal aid and those types of organizations, but I'm not sure what they'd be called in Florida. In many states, it's a requirement to carry insurance, and so the answer is typically to call your insurer, who would then have an obligation to defend pursuant to your insurance contract. If the person can't afford an insurance payment, they're likely going to have a hard time hiring an attorney, but would potentially qualify for means-tested representation from some of the charitable legal service organizations out there.


This is why you have automobile insurance. Turn it over to your car insurance company.


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You should retain a Florida personal injury attorney who works on contingency fee which means you pay nothing unless you win the case.