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I'd say the job title of a scrum master is quite dead and defunct in modern Australian IT. I've found that project managers increasingly take on these responsibilities. Also, the deployment teams of a project and deployment coordinators also play a SM role. I work in both data science and software engineering and have had some experience with web 3 too and I've never really come across a "scrum master". Although theoretically in university and text books they do say that scrum masters are a key role in the production environment I don't really see them. I think it's because in Australian IT we don't really "invent" anything. It's more that we're just re-developing or modifying something already made. All of the interesting dev works I've done were for American / international startups. Though, I'll add that I am quite young so haven't experienced a lot of the IT industry. I probably have no idea what I'm talking about... I'm barely 20.