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Also BF2 has limits on how many classes per team, force actual team play. I really want that to come back


May wanna move on from Battlefield to like Squad or something then. Battlefield will never go back to more tactical gameplay styles.


No idea why people are downvoting you. You're right. Contrary to what people in this sub would believe, BF hasn't been tactical for decades. Even BF4 is sprinting and jump spamming with AA12s and grenade launchers.


BF2 wasn't really tactical either rofl. you think jump spamming is bad? BF2 had dolphin diving, brother. and everybody did it. the weapon of choice in BF2? Grenades. you're carrying 4 at almost all times. half the battlefield was just grenades going off. claymores were destructable early in the game, but for whatever reason by the last patch claymores were indestructable. the only things tactical about BF2 was commander mode. and if you played commander mode the way it was supposed to be played, it was a miserable experience.


Omg Strike at Karkand infantry only, I forgot how often I’d die to nades.




That was bf3 or was that back to karkand?


BF2 and BF3, in BF3 it's a DLC called "Back To Karkand"


Car tillery & noobtubes come to mind Still a lot more fun than any BF game since


Dolphin diving was patched. Yes nades were often spammy but there are also Servers for that without nades.. dont act like nothing was done


dolphin diving may have been tuned but it was never removed. the first thing you do when you see an enemy in BF2 is immediately go prone. somebody shooting at you? spam jump and prone until you're behind a corner.


Jumping IS bunnyhopping going prone is Just laying down. If you are good one your weapon IT wont Help


Man I was so young for those days and bf was SOOOOO FREAKING INCREDIBLE!!! what happened :'( stupid greedy crooks/corpos.


I have to disgaree with you on that , Bf2 was more tactical even with those elements you just mentioned yes it had terrible grenade spam and claymores were annoying but that was problem only in certain sections on certain maps with full lobbies which is just about every bf gam ever , saying that the whole game was like is just over simplifying things.


Yeah I think the other guy is simplifying it for the sake of downplaying it.and their argument . Overall yes those aspects were in the game but just like all other battlefield it was prohibited on some servers. I can look back and see that the game was infact a lot more tactical and damage was way more critical.


please regale me on what made BF2 tactical.


misserable? Are you sure you were playing it right?


if you weren't spamming Q to spot enemies literally every second for over an hour you were doing a bad job at commander. on top of dropping UAVs, supplies, etc. you were spamming Q in blank areas of the map hoping to find a target anytime you weren't doing regular commander duties. 'ENEMY SPOTTED' over and over for an hour. im pretty sure you weren't playing it right


I believe you're over simplifying a lot here not coming into defense of anything you stated but you're being disingenuous about the whole aspect of battlefield


Lol I remember the indestructable claymores. What on earth were they thinking xD


dolphin diving died REALLY quick tho.


I love bf4's gunplay a lot, but I'm really tired of jumppeeking. That shouldn't be a thing at all.


Bro BF2 was full of movement abusers. If you watch pro gameplay is just everyone jumping around like rabbits


Nope a Lot was patched. You cant abuse IT AS much AS the release. At least compare the latest Version, otherwise bf 4 was bugfield, Same as V, bf3 Had AA which Beats tanks


I was about to say bunny jumping but you covered that!!


I think anyone longing for the old days of battlefield are sleeping on squad


Yea, considering Squad is made originally by Battlefield 2 modders. Project Reality was the groundwork for Squad. I think the modern fanbase is a lot of people too young to have ever really experienced any of this.


I mean when was battlefield tactical? I Guess for its time it was realistic but compared to what we got now it’s never been close


Damn, it’s been a while since I’ve played online in this game, did they actually limit how many classes per team? I remember them doing that in BF1942 but for some reason this doesn’t sound familiar to me at all for BF2. Again, it’s been a while since I’ve played.


It wasn't as severe as 1942, but pretty much was limited to like around 10 of each class per team, or something like that


Sure about that ?


It's been like 15 years since I last played it, but off the top of my head I do remember them having limits to how many people can play one class, I don't know the exact numbers


I still Play IT sometimes and have never been limited


Lol well is there any Odyssey else enough to reach a limit?


Ah okay. Wow. I’m getting too old lol


I agree but also think will hate it. Coming back to work and being forced to play something I won't want will make my day miserable.


That was only through server options set by the host


I just played several rounds of BF1 where 3/4 of the entire lobby were sniper/recons who never played objectives. I would be 100% behind class limits. They do it for siege/tanks/airplanes.


forced..team..play.. so what your saying is no medics then right? lol


Going from 7 classes to 4 was one of the main reason people hated BF2142 when it released.


Which is crazy, because their were technically 8 i BF2142 as each class has 2 tree's with fundamentally different gear/equipment/weapons


number go up good number go down bad




Probably should've just split them then lmao


Really? I loved that game. That sci-fi stuff was really cool.


BF2 and 2142 - the good old days


2142 is still top 3 BF for me. I'm an og from even before 1942.


yea 2142 had the best vehicles with the walkers and jeeps that got a boost button. I did like the napalm on Vietnam as well and picking up gun boats with a heli so I could drop them on some unfortunate sniper campers.


How can you be an OG BF player from before the first game?


Some people debate it, but Codename Eagle is considered the "spiritual prequel" to the battlefield series.


Anyone remember Delta Force 2??? Old head here.


Indeed. Refraction Games were developing BF1942 when DICE bought them in 2000.


You play Recon to snipe I play recon to recreate the Spec Ops class We are not the same




Carbine + Spawn Beacon + TUGS = PTFO dream


Tbh bfv was better having 2 types of engineers etc.


Yeah but i like helicopter shit. I wouldnt mind vietnam stuff so not as sophisticated weaponry but i still want circa modern day shit if that makes sense.


I don’t understand why they haven’t redone Vietnam yet. It was one of my favorite battlefields and I hope it’s the next one


Setting is probably too limiting. They'll probably do "cold war that never ended" at some point and incorporate Vietnam, hopefully. Old Dice would've smashed it, new team will probably try incorporate current politics into it, and repeat the cycle of bfv. Shame really


They created the Vietnam dlc for BC2, it was really good but in standard EA form its downfall was that it further split a dying player base. So it just couldn’t survive, oh and BF1943 was dropping and BF3 was announced


And I prefer the more primitive settings precisely *because* of the helicopter shit.


BF2 was my first BF and i really liked it but having more than 4 classes is outdated. Some of them were pointless, for example assault only had a rifle mounted grenade launcher. It won't in today's standards.


Not sure if you are serious but the assault has a Kevlar west and can sprint less than classes with less equipment. The classes vary more than just equipment/look. Here is the class overview, it’s right in there https://i.imgur.com/kfL7Eho.jpeg


Wow that menu brings back some nostalgia. I miss that game so much. I would really love to have a remake. I will say though I prefer the 4 class system introduced in BF2142 which also desperately needs a remake.


OMG do you guys remember hotawap single player!!!! OMG lmfao those Chinese accents were so friggin bad like how the public decency police not talking about that. Then look at them in bfv! Oh we always loved the women and the lgbtq s, look we have gay Black female Santa clause nazi characters to play as! Disregard our racist Chinese stereotypes from our better games please


I know, it was one of the "heavy" classes. But it had no gadgets, SF just had c4, engineer had the worst weapons, ect. Too many classes, the 4 class system is the sweet spot.


The specialty classes tended to struggle against infantry. Anti tank had pdws that were ass but they fucked up armor, medics didn’t have optics and had no armor, spec ops had no armor but had c4, snipers had claymores but only had sniper rifles,l and no armor Assaults and support were your dedicated infantry fighting classes, assault had ugl and support had the ammo pack. Bf2 classes had great diversity but now you have stacked classes that can do almost anything at any time


3 at least kinda stuck with it by limiting primaries to certain classes. Bf4 giving SMG's and Carbines to every class meant engineer could be nearly as effective as assault in fighting infantry, plus rocket launcher.


Engineers are OP in bf4. They can do pretty much everything


SMG/PDW were Engineer only in BF4. Shotguns, DMRs and Carbines were all kit weapons.


Special forces is an anti infantry class, medic has the same rifles as assault just without the ugl, and medic is supposed to be as anti infantry as support, both are utility. Sniper is anti infantry as well. Everything but assault is a "speciality class" but that doesn't matter. What you don't seem to understand is that battlefield is not a competitive game.


4 is too little, but I do think BF2’s was too many. I think 5 or 6 would be best.


And instead, a class like the Assault in a context of class-specific weapons could have avoided many situations of gameplay flattening, think of the M16A3 in BF3, or the ACE 23 in BF4. There are assault rifles that, when given to a medic, make any other configuration completely useless in an infantry-only context. Having a class strongly oriented towards anti-infantry would justify having these weapons superior to all others (e.g., high ROF / high DPS), while the medic could be given assault rifles that are more situational (e.g., burst fire, or low DPS) in order to make it less predominant. The idea of giving grenade launchers and body armor probably was that, but it never worked in BF2. However, the problem was less severe than in newer BF games because the most popular weapon (AK 101) was not available for the USMC.


I liked Battlefield 3, but I get why others didn't. That said, it's still a step up from BC2.


Combining Assault with Medic was a step in the wrong direction. Assault class was very good in that game. Off topic but i actually enjoyed the suppression system. Made the game feel cinematic. I cans ee why some hated it but at the time playing Rush on Operation Metro during the Ps3 beta was amazing.


See, I actually liked medic assault. Having games tie medic to SMGs or, God forbid like in BC2, LMGs, never struck me as a positive. Honestly, I quite like 2042s system of allowing every class to use every weapon. There just needs to be greater restrictions on it for things like supports with snipers.


In a ticket based game, having a class that excels at fighting infantry but can also revive saving tickets is ridiculous.


Not if everyone has 100% equal access to it and the ticket count is balanced with that in mind.


Assault was only good in infantry-on-infantry context. So assault was good for infantry-focused maps and modes, but the second you're on Operation Firestorm or any other vehicle focused map, everyone is Engineer or Support (or Recon).


Me too bf3 is what made me move the game and I've been disappointed ever since. Won't be buying any more. 2042 was the last rip off. It was supposed to be cause portal anyway where they officially promised all previous games would be available in multiplayer via the advertisement. It's insane they aren't sued out of existence freeing any artists to go make.real.bf games again somewhere else.


Jokes on you, on bf4 you can actually combine classes. A glitch existed I discovered that most people never heard of. You can merge classes with enough ping or enough reflexes. Recon with rpg? Sure. Support with ammo and med box? Sure. Support with ammo and rpg? Yeah why not. Never exploited it but I did do some stress testing on its limits with some of the big youtubers. We all decided not to make videos as mass exploits would be crazy


He means Battlefield 2, not Bad Company 2


I know. I was commenting on BF3 and BC2 though. It didn't have direct weight on OPs opinions on BF2.


Oh sorry my bad 😅


No worries.


I wouldn't want to change your mind because I agree with you, but I think the modern BF community and general FPS market would see the 7 class system and field commander to be too much complexity. Imo, I think BF had to shed off its more tactical and complex elements for mass appeal. Now, the popularity of the series in the 2010s and beyond was an awesome thing to see and experience, but there's always this feeling for me that the old BFs were more "pure". I don't think we can go back to them. I wish we can. But I don't think we can.


I’d like to see Commander mode come back. Always thought it would be cool if you play a Commander mode on mobile that let you take command of games taking place on PC or console. That said, I think having eight separate classes, many of them derivatives, is a bit much. The current system just means you find the class you like, and specialize to your playstyle & situation.


There was something off about the machine gun class in BF2. The machine guns didn't have bi-pods and truly were 'area fire weapons'. Even prone, they just bounced all over the screen. Other than that, I loved BF2.


Pretty sure they were more accurate when prone - they did have bipods, but they were only aesthetic I think. I remember some of them being fairly accurate when lying down, particularly the PKM. You could kill snipers with it


The patch that buffed pkm was insane. It was like a 3 round burst kill at any range.


Yeah even the bots knew to fire LMGs from prone positions, and they sniped you from across objectives with them.


Huh, did you forget about the PKM sniper rifle ?


I cant because i agree


I preferred Vietnam, the asymmetric factions on top of the classes were something special.


Best class system by far! Imagine BF2042 used the same class system and restricted the new gimmicky perks/utilities to spec ops. Also COMMANDER ROLE! So underrated


I like BF2 and its class system (having more specific kits for specific tasks) but Battlefield has become more of an arcadey shooter than anything tactical. I have never played a coordinated game in battlefield in the same way I play in something like Squad or Rising storm, plus it would be upset the current target audience. So as good as it is, remastered probably won’t work,Assault and medic being separated while both having ARs is good but Anti-tank and engineer might need some change, it’s not fun to just relying on shotguns and mines as engineers.


one of my favorite things about bf2/older bfs is that you took out infrastructure on the map forcing them to fix it or they were in the dark or without artillery but nothing gold can stay :\[ miss those days


Won't even try changing what is right


Did ya’ll know bf2 was still alive? I was playing some Karkand today.


Some dude posted not too long ago that with BF2 Hub you can play multiplayer. There are 5-6 servers constantly at near max. I'm EU and have 40-60 pings an all apart a few. Worth a try if you have a PC or a *Casio calculator* lol


that is because its not a class system... its a ROLE system, you choose what Unit role has to function... CLasses are a group of similar roles fit inside a Class, that is why class system suck ass in comparision on any other shoter class based system because BF always mixed Offensive and Support kind of roles on each class Assault/medic MachineGunner/Fire support AntiTank/Engineer SpecOpsInfiltrator/Sniper


Leveling up in bf2 felt good, I would love to hear the "level up" drum beat and "congratulations soldier, you've earned a promotion" message. Unlocking new gear was very satisfying


I think they had the best levelling and award system in BF2, then any other BF game.


Imagine if they remastered BF2 and didn’t dork up the release like what just did to the other bfII. I’m not bitter


The best thing BF2 had with squads was you could only spawn on your squad leader. The kept the group together and under single leadership/objective. It also meant reviving your officer was a priority. I never understood why dice changed it in the later releases.


Because people get upset they have to play tactically. There was also not uncommonly lone wolf issues.


There is nothing to change here. Totally agree.


BF2 is the GOAT FPS tbh. What a fantastic game, and flying those jets in Kubra Dam was so much fun.


BF2 had the best everything.


Bf2 had the best everything except maybe gunplay and graphics


Bf2's planes were super OP, mostly because only like two maps had mobile AA, the mobile AA was bad, and the only other AA was static spawning stinger launchers you could cannon from outside of the lock on range. The best pilot could single handedly lockdown all vehicles for the other team.


Pre buffed blackhawks were awesome Load up a blackhawk with engis, medics, resupply, and just slowly butcher the whole map.


Brother it was a game from 2005 ment to be lightweight and online play. I'm not sure what you are expecting.


I actually like the streamlined Assault, Recon, Support, Engineer system, sorry. Gets rid of the clutter and redundancy. Battlefield might be grounded but I don't think ever tried to imitate rl military doctrine


I thought the sniper and support were pretty redundant/one trick and could have been rolled into the spec ops and assault classes, respectively. Other than that it wasn’t a half bad system. I did like Engineer and anti tank being separate roles for instance, and medic being more fragile than assault to make up for its self healing ability.


BF2 is the best battlefield


Best vehicles too


All the way through 4 was great. Now you've got the kids who think 2042 is actually good and like the fucking dumpster pale heros known as specialists Whoever came up with them out to be drummed out of all software development not just gaming.


I think if they want to innovate with classes in the new BF they could get away with 5 or maybe even 6. Because with 4 there is always some double roles like assault/medic or engineer/AT


I think BF2 had too many but I think 4 is too few. I think 5 is a good amount. Assault Medic Support Engineer Recon


Five is a good number, but I still like the OG classes. Medic, recon, engineer, assault and anti vehicle.


Didn’t get into BF2, but any class system before Hardline is superior.


I love BF2 and all, but having two dedicated classes for just C4 and grenade launcher is too much.  And giving them to *Support* was a good decision, imo. 


Let me introduce you to “Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warefare 2”.


I love all the scope glint, can we tone it down or add a lens cover or something. I Miss BC2.


I would say that BF3 and BF4 were the best and most bapanced systems, when you actually played all classes for their abilities and they were useful. BF2042 operator system would have actually been great if it wasn't for the fact that the operator balance was just dead. It had potential


haven't had a chance to play so can't tell


Not going to lie I read it as Battlefront 2 like 15 times


BF3 and 4 were good. Medics were good/OP- yes, but I prefer having access to health and being revived more than anything else. You don’t need 16 engineers, recons and supports anyway. Medic being OP was a good thing


Never played it unfortunately, hard to say.


2042. /thread


At least we got the fan-made remaster


Nah BF2042’s is way better - No one, ever.


bf4 was best game


2142. a step forward on the same concept, but without making each class to bland.


Bf2/3/bc best of the series.


I just need a modern version of it - ability to choose at least 1 or 2 more guns - attachments


Got 21 kills with the Drill in one game once


Yeah, Battlefront 2 does have the best class system


bf3 was the sweat spot. i pay 50 bucks for a remaster. simple fix the flaw parts of multi player and i be happy.


I'm probably the only one who didn't see the point for half of them.


Team fortress 2 is the pinnacle of classes


Switch the F to a C, and I agree.


We talking PC or ps2 ? Two entirely different games


I feel like if they meant PS2 they would have said BF2:MC or just Modern Combat


Why would that even be a question? Nobody means the console games when we talk about the main franchise with the exception of the two bad companies.




Eh I disagree but your opinion is valid


Definitely not, so many classes made each one basically situational. Reducing their number made the classes more universal and players did not have to cooperate closely with each other to survive. It was the best decision they could have made


So you don't understand what the early games were about, got it. Lone wolfing was ment to be unfulfilling.


I understand, but requiring 7 random people to work together was a mistake. A four-person team in newer battlefields is also not a good idea, but it is much easier to assemble and coordinate.7 was a miss and it was not without reason that this idea was not returned to