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2042, idgaf what people say about how “its good now, it’s overhated people just hate it to fit in 🤓” i’ve played this game multiple times since release at different times and it’s always been fucking terrible. it doesn’t even feel like a battlefield game it feels like a shitty mobile knockoff of it, and it has shitty wacky cosmetics 🚮


even the (now cancelled) Battlefield mobile game had destruction. how did they fumble so bad? what the hell were the execs telling the staff to do?


the game has no atmosphere either, horrible gunplay too, there’s just 0 aura to this game at all


what do you mean there's no atmosphere? at launch the atmosphere was filled with flying boats and tanks and lighting glitches that made the game less safe for epileptic people than a rave


It has the atmosphere of people doing stupid battlefield shit which a game can’t rely on alone.


I hate the whole “it’s slightly in the future and every building is bare bones and empty” method


They had to sacrifice so much of the Battlefield DNA to accommodate the massive 128 player maps. That's why the maps are barren wastelands. The game was also cobbled together in 18 months from a bunch of new to the series developers working from home. EA should've never forced 2042 to market when it clearly needed at least another year of serious dev time. I don't think 2042 would've ever been considered a top tier BF game, but first impressions really are everything. The game never stood a chance.


Real 2003 gaming areas moment.


I played the tutorial in that sand/city level and it felt so lifeless. It looked like a map for a PS2 game. Immediately uninstalled


Yup. You can still tell it was at one point a broken game. It went from that to having a core gameplay loop and everything surrounding it feeling "off."


The bar has been lowered so low it's so sad😔


This. I play occasionally though but it is NOWHERE as good as it should be. Where the technology is now they just swung and whiffed on making this game progress.


I think there's a disconnect between battlefield fans and people who like 2042. Its a completely different game. Everything that gave battlefield a niche feel is gone.


Dude, I say this with all good intentions but I don’t think you know what overrated means. 2042 was pretty much universally disliked by critics and has a 6/10 on steam, and a 69% on meta critic. It’s also pretty much universally hated online / at least on Reddit. Ever since the game came out people on Reddit talk trash about the game, just like your comment above. Almost everything was hated on, even the new maps with the exception of redacted. So, I get it. You don’t like 2042, that makes you like almost everybody else. So no, it’s not overrated. For me, the most overrated is bad company 1. The characters and story were annoying, the maps were bland, and the gameplay felt sluggish, even at the time.


I think what they are trying to say is that, yes, despite having abysmal scores and reviews all over the web, 2042 is somehow still worse. “Rated 69%? Much too high. That game is overrated.” And I have to agree with them, even with the lowest scores a BF game has seen maybe ever… it’s still overrated. Those scores should be lower.


haha funy number


Since when did 2042 get positive reception now lol


I was gonna say. I think the reception just went from bad to acceptable. Nothing that great.


I've unfortunately put 300 hours into 2042 since launch. It's just bad. It's an OK game, most people coming from other shooters will have a good time. But coming at it from a battlefield perspective it's just bad. Core gameplay and decisions are just bad or boring. Vehicles were my favorite part of Battlefield 3/1/V but they're so boring in 2042 I rarely played them at all. There is pretty much nothing new besides crossplay that I want to return in the next game. Even games like BFV had some really cool mechanics that I want to see in future titles. I genuinely don't know how or when I put 300 hours into 2042.


Adding onto you comments: What's wild to me is how "conditioned" the BF community (myself included) became with them releasing unfinished/unpolished products. 2042 was the icing on the cake for me, although I really walked away with BFV. I mean, you'd expect them to improve the game post launch... Hell, 98% of games improve in some way post launch... But launching the way they've continuously done through the years is downright inexcusable for me (and I hope the rest of the community).


I mean the game is fun as a generic shooter. Just a terrible Bf game.


We have a deep history of 30 years of excellent shooters. What would make a man play a generic game instead?


Easy, BF4 It has a lot done very well and I understand people who love it, but they keep calling it peak BF and it's just not that. You can't be 'peak' if your maps are weak. I also love how people say 'we just want a new BF4' when DICE release a new completely broken Battlefield, and either forget or ignore the fact that 4 was hopelessly broken for over a year to the point where they had to delay DLC and remove their heavily marketed Levolution from some of them to focus on getting the game stable. And even then it took a year of community testing by another studio.


I’m mainly playing BF4 because I only have access to a PS4 atm, and you’re completely right. BF4 scratches that itch, but it’s basically ‘vehiclefield’ featuring an occasional solider and very average maps. BF3 and BC2 blow it out of the water for classes, weapon/vehicle balance, maps, destruction, vibe. Particularly BC2.




God I couldn’t imagine anything worse than EA trying to follow up what I consider the GOAT battlefield.


BC2 was too good as it was, big boots to fill


If you started before BC2, it was a trade off between what you lost and what you gained. Destruction and the graphical leap to Frostbite were huge, but at the cost of huge consolization.


I found the online unbelievable at the time with maps like Valpariso and Arica Harbor playing rush all the time


The absolute thrill of playing as attackers on Arica Harbor rush. BC2 also had unmatched sound design.


Yeah as much as I'd love a true Bad Company successor, I don't think modern DICE can catch that lightning in a bottle again.


Imagine them remaking BC2.


BF4 had great infantry gameplay it’s just only about 3 maps actually featured it. (Pearl market was sick)


Spot on take. I’ve been saying the same thing. BF4 is just vehicle warfare. BF3 had so much foot action and the game was always a tug and pull on the battlefield with strong fights for points. BF4 is a big runaround randomly and get owned by vehicles and flags are capped at random times in random paces. Some maps are better than others for this and sometimes it still happens. But not nearly as good as BF3. And Bad Company 2? Id do a lot of things to be able to feel that game in its prime again. That was some fantastic times


I miss BF Vietnam


Vanilla conquest maps weren't great on BF4, and they killed rush with how bad the rush maps were. I've been back to it recently though with all the DLC's and it is a pretty beast game overall. Agreed though - the infantry only maps are too meatgrindery and some of the other maps are pure vehiclefield (which is cool sometimes)


I agree on the DLC part. Naval Strike especially - I played a ton of Carrier Assault, and BF4's dynamic water physics are still impressive to me after all these years. Final Stand was pretty great as well. This seems to be a tendency with DICE, where they improve throughout the game's life cycle and the DLCs often have better quality maps than vanilla. But like you said there aren't many vanilla BF4 maps I enjoy, while I love most of what BF3 launched with, even with some of the balance issues


If the maps weren’t so weak I’d like bf4 more


I disagree, i also say it’s peak Battlefield because of how much effort they put into the game. They kept balancing stuff, changing the attachments, the community map and gun testing. It just felt like a game you had a lot to learn about. Like if you were good, people knew it, it wasn’t just released and abandoned like BF V and 2042. Now the maps are debatable i think they were just fine.


I'm not taking anything away from BF4, it did many things right and is still the best at many aspects. But if you told me to choose between 3 and 4 I'd pick 3 any day because I simply enjoy it more due to the awesome map design


I think BF4 is just a polished BF3.


It's much more polished than BF3. I wish 3 was as polished as 4. But the point about the maps stands. There are others as well, like gunplay and atmosphere but those are subjective so I don't include them


I'd love to pick 3 over 4 but there are basically no servers for it nowadays that actually have map rotation


There are in EU but the activity is mostly in the evening time. The game is dying and an era is ending.


BF4 turned into a bottleneck, nade spam nightmare on some maps to the point where it was unplayable. You could always do smth about it in BF3 (not to mention the wonderfully open BFBC2 where there was always a flanking option) but on BF4 more often than not the only thing you can do about is navigate to the menu and press quit.


My experience is a bit of the opposite. I don't remember many bottlenecks but I remember many maps being too open and providing little to no effective cover


The only people who could call BF4 "peak BF" would be the ones who were still in their diapers when BF3 and BFBC2 were running.


I started with Battlefield 1942, as an adult, and BF4 is my favorite. Bad Company 2 got me back into Battlefield, Battlefield 4 kept me there for a long time.


The "flow" feels like a fever dream


100% BF4 It came good in the end but by then, the majority of players left early and the comp scene (which was so good in BF2/3) died within a few patches (never 4get ESL finals of who crashes less wins).


i loved the CTE. I agree with lots of what you said, however if you’re referring to the CTE on your last statement, I think it is one of those things that was necessary to help the game improve. but that’s just me. I found it really fun. Also I didn’t know that its DLC was delayed. Was it Premium?


I think either Second Assault or China Rising was delayed, whichever came first. And I didn't mean to poke fun at CTE - not only was it great, I think every BF should have it. Was just pointing out that BF4 launched in a terrible state which some people tend to forget when DICE have another bad launch


Order was China Rising, Second Assault, Naval Strike, Dragons Teeth, Final Stand. Honestly forgot one got the DLC delays lol


I agree mainly because most people consider it an evolution from BF3 and I consider it one or two steps behind (great, great game though don't get me wrong, wished 2042 was like that). BF3 is basically my favourite, one of the main parts the aspect you mentioned: all time classics maps.


Lockerfield 4 was so mid


I think bf4 is only rated so high because they didn’t play bf3


A lot of BF4 praise comes directly from people comparing it to 3 saying it's just a 'better version of BF3', which is nonsense to me


But... there's a reason BF1 would be the most common choice.


The game where "Zerging" became a problem.


I’ve played 1 first, it is my favorite, I have many hours in it. What the hell is “Zerging”?


Apparently its when an entire team rushes to one capture point without defending the others, therefore creating a loop in which a point is taken and another is lost.


That's been a thing in every BF since 1942


Oh, well that is definitely a issue if you’re not in the larger group and are the guy in the 1 person squad trying to hold the flank, but it can lead to amazing fire fights when the groups meat, and outside of ABB I can’t think of a map where that happens enough to be a feature. Maybe passchendaele and/or the Somme? But not really that intensely or common in my experience


Like a deathball? 2042 suffers from that more so because of 128 players.


I mean, I find it normal to be exact, cause if we captured all objectives, how are we going to have fun? Camp enemy spawn? That isn't fun.


Its a term coming from old Starcraft days. Zergling is the most basic Zerg unit, and you simply stack them together and push forward with a massive blob. Never heard the term was used in Battlefield before. I’ve seen it in many other games though, specially in Guild Wars 2, ESO or similar MMO with big multiplayer modes, where you can see 50+ players together pushing an objective


I remember watching a YouTuber called rivalxfactor back in BF3 and he used that term a lot


It’s a pretty game and looks great and is amazingly cinematic but it was a broken unbalanced mess that everyone idolizes. To me it’s heavily overrated with 5 coming right behind it.


BF1. I don't care for your rules.


maybe but its the best battlefield ever made and it deserves that title


I have to disagree. BF1 is a good game, but I wouldn’t say great. There’s the elite classes and the behemoths that kind of take the game in a more casual direction. Then there’s the random bullet deviation. Worst of all though is the maps. Maps to me are the most important thing of any shooter game. Sure, they all look great, but only a third are good. Another third is just okay. The final third is bad. Some of them are well made, but others are dramatically imbalanced, poorly laid out, or simply disasters of design. I absolutely loathe Heligoland Bight, Tsaritsyn, Caporetto, Galicia, and Brusilov Keep. I’m mainly thinking about the experience on Conquest, by the way. It seems as though DICE put too much focus on trying to make the maps look as close to the actual WWI battlefields as possible and not enough on making the maps fun to play on. Don’t get me wrong. I like BF1 and go back to replay it regularly. I can’t say it belongs with the greats though. On a S/A/B/C/D/E tier list, I’d put BF1 in B tier. There are a lot of things going for it, but the overall experience on the maps are what drag it down. Had they been better, BF1 could have easily been an S tier title.


We have very different opinions in maps. I think Bf1 was a major improvement over Bf4 in map design. I absolutely love Tsaritsyn, Galicia and Brusilov Keep. They are immersive and fun to play at, even if unbalanced (I personally don't feel it that much) or a pain in the ass to navigate sometimes. I will take that level of immersion and quality over "balanced design" any day.


I care more about balanced gameplay because at the end of the day it’s a video game. Arguably a casual one at that too, and certainly not a milsim. It’s meant for fun and I know many players who also don’t enjoy those maps. Yeah, the game is immersive and the maps are beautiful, and they could’ve still been that way while having better design. It’s a shame that’s not the case. DICE could have taken some creative liberties when recreating the WWI battlefields to make them more enjoyable. Why not? They already take a lot of creative liberty with everything else in the game.






BF4 had terrible maps, "leveloution," and elevators. 2042 did a great job reminding me why elevators still don't work for battlefield.


I mean like not all of the maps are bad. Hangar 21 and Giants of Karelia are some of my favorite maps. But compared to literally any of the other BF games (except 2042 and Hardline)? Yeah these maps aren't that good. Especially compared to BF3.


The BF4 map designs were a big step down from BF3 and BFBC2. That said: I like the controls for BF4 and I actually loved "levelution" and the elevators. (\*EDIT - Although I don't think that "levelution" was implemented in the map design as well as it could have been). The perfect modern BF game would be the tone, maps and modes of BF3, the controls of BF4 and the sound and visuals of BF1.


Battlefield V is the biggest piece of garbage ever made and I'm tired of people pretending it's not


I always preferred it to BF1 and BF4. Never understood the hate.


For me it’s the maps. Maps are arguably the most important aspect in any shooter game. Battlefield 3 was peak map design. Ever since then maps have gotten worse and worse. BF4 had some good and even great maps, but half of them are just okay though. Some are pretty bad or even the worst in the franchise. Then there’s BF1 maps. Sure, they all look great, but only a third are good. Another third is just okay. The final third is bad. It seems as though DICE put too much focus on trying to make the maps look as close to the actual WWI battlefields as possible and not enough on making the maps fun to play on.


How come? I enjoy bfV alot, doesnt even come close to bf1 but still


Agreed, just doesn't even feel like a battlefield game.


if you think shooting doritos is Battlefield then BFV is not


Respectfully hard disagree. One of my favorite BF games. But to be fair I started with BF4




2042. It deserves no good reviews for failing to execute any ideas that make BF good. Not to mention the launch of this game.




2042 imo. I know it's universally hated, but I keep hearing this rhetoric that it's actually good now. I played it for the first time in over a year, just a couple of days ago, and it's absolute shit even still. There is not 1 good map in the game, the movement is just like the new cods, the gunplay isn't very good, still lack of guns and equipment. Even with the classes back, it still feels off cause the game wasn't designed with them in mind. The game is a colossal failure. It doesn't feel like battlefield at all from top to bottom.




In my opinion, Battlefield V is overrated. Many people say the game was saved with the Pacific update and that DICE dropped it too soon. I personally had a lot of fun with the gunplay and the graphics are nice. The rest just bothered me. Some of the maps are far too big and far too open, the artificially created ammunition shortage regularly put me out of the flow and the locations characteristic of the WW2 setting such as Normandy, Berlin and Stalingrad are missing. The fact that vehicles and airplanes took an extremely long time to repair damaged modules also bothered me a lot because every time you flew towards a mountain or an enemy vehicle or airplane appeared, you had to cancel the repair process and were usually helplessly at the mercy of the damaged modules, which severely restricted the vehicle in question. In addition, the ingenious staging of the world war that I really appreciated in Battlefield 1 was missing.


Brother, you’re missing the point. Thanks to the defeat of the Fascist German Empire, gay women can now play a bigger role in our armed forces. This game is a celebration of that. War is beautiful!!1 who needs Stalingrad, Normandy, fuckit who even needs Poland when we can make up our own beautiful battles, like the battle of San Francisco Train Station. Boy it was a battle boarding that train.


Bf1. It’s an amazing game don’t get me wrong, but when people say it’s in the conversation of best BF of all time like it often is, I’m not so sure about that.


2042 because there are people who somehow like it




BF1… great visuals.. horrible gameplay


The gameplay is not horrible. It's slower. At least it isn't LSD duck hunt like 2042 with all the stupid off brand superhero skins and bullshit maps.


Lol’d at lsd duck hunt 😂


Idk about you but I like charging enemy lines while epic music plays. But that's just me idk.


This is kind of bf1 in a nutshell, it’s great for the vibe, for the feel, which can definitely provide some good enjoyment when you are in the mood. But it definitely simplified a lot of its systems to the point where you really have to like that in order to get the most out of it


I somewhat have to agree with you, the insane randomness of gunfire patterns , and bullet spread made a lot of engagements feel luck based rather than skill based. The luckier one being whoever had the faster firing weapon. I think they did bolt action weapons very well. But any form of combat with automatic weapons felt very “spray and pray”. To the point most assault players either ran a shotgun and prayed they were close enough for the one tap or the smg-08 with its fast fire rate and large ammo capacity. Visually the game was a marvel, still one of the best looking games I’ve played to date.


Always think bf1 has the best atmosphere and visual presentation but unsatisfying gunplay/movement




BF1 - I thought it was fantastic aside from the ridiculous RBD gunplay. That knocks it back a few notches for me.




BF3. It kind of astounds me how much praise it gets as peak Battlefield now, when at release everyone hated the blue filter and a good portion of the BF2 players were dismissive of it.


You don't like opening your browser to play a game???


BF3 "did the most right". I'd put up with the blue filter + supression over the other games.


BC2 is a pretty easy choice. The destruction was cool to a point but in reality after most of the map was leveled down to pieces of rubble, the gameplay turned into not something nice. Also the smaller scale with only 32 players max was pretty lame and the overall gunplay and movement were janky as hell. I realize that it is a lot of people first Battlefield but it is pretty overrated honestly. And as a last note, the single player campaign wasn't good. It was only better than the other BF campaigns, which is not a high bar to reach.




battlefield 2042 is actually a good game...if it wasn't a battlefield. but sadly it is a battlefield and even though now it's better than how it was at launch it's not good enough so yeah, bf2042 is overrated


BF4 I fucking hate most of the maps that are “urban” because the cool city parts are left out in favor of wide open areas or naval combat. Example: - Sunken Dragon: Push the U.S spawn back so we can fight around the taller buildings and the park area with the bridge. Chinese already has to fight in a dense urban area, and the distance from US deployment to the Mall flag is abysmal - Siege of Shanghai: Everywhere but the middle of the map is peak. They should’ve just not included water surrounding the skyscraper and place urban buildings/ offices around it. I’ve seen pictures based on it and they could’ve copied that. - Lumphini Garden: It’s a cool looking map, but the Chinese spawn is one map I WANTED in BF4. Fighting in the streets with skyscrapers and stuff. - Floodzone: One of the maps that I hated at first but love before the water comes in. Traversing the bottom area is cool. Propaganda: Only map that did this right. Land locked, infantry, with some vehicles. There wasn’t a whole lot of LAND LOCKED urban combat. 3, Hardline, and 1 had this but ofc not Bf4.




I hereby sentence you to death


Just an FYI I downvoted you.


Good for you


Hardline. Dumbest game ever made.


I wouldn’t say it’s overrated though, it gets an even amount of hate/love imo


I thought it sucked. Only got it because my battlefield buddies wanted to play. That lasted about a week.


Yeah ngl I was turned off by it at first, but once I got past the weird ass weapons menu and UI, I had a ton of fun. It still felt like Battlefield to me, just a little more cartoonish. Driving the muscle cars with your squad hanging out the window, blasting the radio, drifting into the objective and using the car as cover…it was fun as hell for me for a while, but the lack of maps and variety of games modes got old real quick. Edit: Some of the maps were very poorly made too. The game just didn’t feel like it was thought through completely.


Hardline. I kinda feel like a Britta saying so, but I hate how it sells the idea that a cop is a warrior in a battlefield, since that mindset in law enforcement is a huge fuckin problem in my country


Battlefield 4. There's another side to it that people like to dust off and pretend doesn't exist. Don't get me wrong, in the right scenarios it's one of the best Battlefield experiences you can have. Bad Company 2 seems to have gotten a lot of attention in the past 5 years. It's insanely overrated as well. I know you said "BF1 is not an option" but really, it is the most overrated of them all.


I can’t believe how many people are saying BF1, it’s the most fun I had on a shooter alongside BO3… I always judge a shooter on gunplay -I can get over bad maps.


Actually, everything after BadCompany and BF2 was just a cashgrab and every new Game came with less content, higher price, more bugs and was just an insult - now the franchise is long dead...


battlefield bad company 2


After scroll down to the bottom I concluded that both bf4 and bf1 are overrated by the community. Surprised me the most is people say 2042 is overated even tho it considered to be the worst bf and to be honest that just throw away the word "overrated".


Gotta say BF1. It's a great game but c'mon. It's not thaaaaat good. They nailed the sounds and atmosphere but I thought the gunplay was pretty meh and weapon variety wasn't great. It very much appealed to more casual players and that's fine, it's also why it is as popular. Overall a good game just not near the level of praise it gets.




BF4, but BF3 is my favorite.. is that weird?




Because anyone remember it.


BF4 assault revive trains always killed the mood for me


Anything after BF3 tbh


I’m gunna say bf5 coz it just could have been so much better


2042. People say it's good now, and it is just mid at best. It feels like ass, there's not a lot of content in the game, and the hitreg/netcode issues make it incredibly frustrating to play. I legitimately do not see a reason to play it when other battlefield games still have active servers.


BF4, it was good but damn people are high on nostalgia for it. It's a good game but it's like people forget what it was like to play and how abysmal the campaign was in large chunks etc. It got better and had some amazing golden years but it's not some holy grail. The majority of people think it's so good because they played on a good server with a good community and that vastly shaped their ability to have fun with the game etc.




1. It's mediocre at best and the vehicles just aren't fun at all


for me its 4 yes it is a fun game but on PS4 my hits wouldn't register at like 400-500m like I would see blood but no hit apparently (I played mostly hardcore so it should've one hit), I also hated that tanks had thermal vision and the only real counter is to do a stupidly hard and lengthy Easter egg, also a personal one I hated the colouring of the game....3 gave me headaches with all the blue and 4 had a lot of the colour sucked outta it and felt saturated but its probably just me


BF1. Visuals, sounds design, immersion were all top tier, but the gameplay wasn't satisfying enough. The gunplay was too easy.


Honestly battlefield 1, yes the game was really good i enjoyed it but personally i didn’t like it as much as bf3 and 4. Still a really good game i just believe its overrated in terms of other battlefield games. I will say its the most cinematic battlefield and still holds up graphics wise on ps4.




Bc1 — annoying characters, bad maps and a bad story with outdated / sluggish gameplay.




all of the ones i havent played because how can it be good


I dont think any bf games are overrated, I do see a lot of love for bf3 even tho the game does not look that special but I never played it and im sure it was insane when it launched, i've played every single one since bf4 and I dont think any of them were overrated by the community


Bf4 definitely


Wtf, BF1 is not even overrated lol


Bf2042 imo is a great game played for a bit and have found zero glitches, and zero hackers. I believe if people would give it a chance now it would be a great game as multiple of my friends have also gave it another shot and have loved it now. Gunplay is the same as the other bf games vehicle mains snipers and run and gunners absolutely no difference at all at least none that I can tell the only difference is that you die slightly faster in bf2042 than recent battlefield games the hate this game gets is baffling to me and if you say you tried it recently and still hate it your lying lol unless your not a true bf player


bf4.. a clunky janky mess during vanilla.. being infrared chopper gunner food or tank food most of the time..


BF4, so many people claim it’s the best Battlefield but has garbage maps. BF4 was a step down from BF3, but BF3 is old enough now that many players of the more recent games have never played BF3 and don’t know what they are missing.


2042. Rough launch obviously didn't help, but at least when BF5 got "good" (right after they ceased development obviously) there was something drawing you back each time, I don't have that with 2042. It just feels soulless, like someone tool all the "meh" parts of 3 and 4 and as little imagination as possible and called it a finished product. With that said, I do hope they keep the portal system. Great for mixing things up and giving the community their own way of playing the game.


4 for me. It's a good game but is overrated quite a bit. Most of the maps are bad and the artistic direction they went in is gross. A 7/10 but people talk like it's 10/10.


BF1 by far


Am I the only person who actually enjoys 2042? I played V and 1 for the last decade and this has been a nice alternative


Battlefield 1. It is definitely overrated IMO. The guns are all weird and finicky (besides my beloved martini henry) and there’s really only two good guns per class that people use.


Battlefield 4.


Bf4 by far, could have dropped it as dlc tbh. New unlockable things weren't new just renamed reskined... New maps yeah great but they could have had 50% or less bugs at release with the old bf3 engine. Not 2.5 or what they used. Been with "dice" since codename eagle. Since bf4 I couldn't get myself to play enough to have a well rounded opinion. Its neat for anyone hungry for bf3/4 kind of gunplay, gameplay is classic bf since bf bc. but t's a pain in the ass for veterans that hoped for a new battlefield improving thing like tick rate netcode server browser and customization.


2042. "it's not that bad" my ass


V. Is really not a fun game. Like at all.


**The only reason I play BF2042 is because BF3 on the PS3 became unplayable for me last year. Knock-off PS3 remotes kept failing, genuine ones hard to find, and it was becoming a bit repetitive online with very few online trustworthy lobbies. BF3 is unbeatable. If it was remastered and released, goodbye BF2042, and the rest.**


i never understood why people were mad about no classic battles (save Iwo) in BFV. it was one of the most defensible decisions they made in making the game. crete and norway were cool and largely forgotten WW2 fronts!


3 and 4> than 1 and 1 was good


Battlefield Bad Company 2


BF1 lol.




For me, it's BF4. I liked it, but just preferred BF3.


Battlefield 4. It is an absoluetly amazing game but it will always be second after Battlefield 1 in my opinion. Bf1 was the peak of the franchise




Bf4  Not saying BF2042 because it’s obviously shit. 


2042 by far, I’ve been consistently playing battlefield games since Bad Company, 2042 is just horrible. I always come back to it after they say it’s “fixed” just because I want newer/better graphics and it still sucks.


Probs gonna get a lot of hate for this, but honestly, BF4. I don't see why it wasn't just more expansions for BF3. It released within two years of it, retained the modern setting and many of the same weapons, had a vastly inferior campaign and sacrificed some of its visual quality on console to accommodate the previous console generation. Don't get me wrong, I loved the inclusion of China as a faction and of course the location for most of the maps, but not all of them were created equally. I found quite a few of the base maps in particular to be forgettable. Rogue Transmission remains my least favorite BF map to this day. I also kinda missed that bluish filter from BF3, but I'm not gonna hold that one against BF4 lol


4 tbh it’s ass I hate it


Lol, you can't say BF1, because this sub simps for it.


4, but my metric is more based on how fun Ive had in their games. I had so much fun with Operations in BF1, and I felt like I could keep up with the gunplay. Playing BF4 feels like racing in the Olympics while still drunk. Everyone seems to have the best guns, aim, and teamwork for me to get totally pubstomped.


2042, the worst BF game by a mile


Without picking the worst one 2042 it would have to be 4 for me. Just because it felt like a cheap clone of 3. A lot of people forget how buggy the shit was at launch too


Bad company 2


2042 Is still poo


I don't like BFV at all. I played the demo, I played at launch, and I played it again after 2042 flopped. It's not anywhere as fun as BF1 or BF4.


Battlefield 4.


BFV it's dog shit, was the death of battlefield, 1 was very fun, I don't get the hate behind it, operations was single handedly the best game mode in battlefield history that was destroyed in BFV