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Just admit you wanted to buy them and you’re greedy and want to eat them all at once… It’s the way she pretends she’s not greedy and makes excuses which makes her more annoying IMO… Also “it’s like a peanut butter but it’s not” 🤣 Wtf does that even mean… Just stop doing reviews as you’re terrible at them


I don’t think it’s an excuse to stuff her face. I mean it is, but she could easily do that and not film it, ergo none of us would be any the wiser. This is completely done to wind us up / earn money / show the trolls. It’s absolutely tragic at this point. Becki is so desperate for attention that she will literally do anything. Pathetic.


It’s both to stuff her face and have content for TikTok so she can make money… There’s more face stuffing she does off camera as well


Oh 100%. The only person she is lying to is herself. I firmly believe that Beckums thinks she is the filtered version of herself who only eats what she shows in her “what I eat in a day”, when in reality she is the plug ugly, massive, greedy lump who never stops stuffing her gannet.


She’s definitely doing it all for a reaction, she’s been exaggerating the mmmmms and amayyyyyzins so much recently


I can’t lie, I quite like food reviews.. but only if it’s real, good food and the person actually FUCKING REVIEWS IT. “Mmmm” and lip smacking (🤢) is not a review.


Same… Becki’s reviews aren’t reviews and you can tell she’s just pigging out.


Where is all them chocolate bars she got sent from Ireland? We haven’t seen a review for them have we?? Where are the necki?


She ate them all ages ago I bet