• By -


Bri because Ellie is being a power tripping asshole.


My fav was when Ellie said…”don’t worry I won’t make this difficult or awkward for you at work” This👏🏼is👏🏼exactly👏🏼what👏🏼you👏🏼did…


I also loved it when Ellie said (something along the lines of) “I’m not belittling you! I refuse to hear that.” And shut her down for standing up to her…..effectively belittling her…….


Ellie is a star ,keeps people talking about the show😻


Team neither but I dislike Ellie more. Ellie is being a power tripping weirdo and bri isn’t strong enough to handle her job. I’ll never root for a bully, though, which is what Ellie is.


Me too, they are both idiots because I DO NOT see the attraction in Joe. His eyebrows look like 🐛🐛 sitting on his forehead. It's not attractive to me. Ellie is power-hungry. Bri, I'm holding my opinion of her atm, need future content.


Laughing so hard I can hardly breathe. Caterpillar eyebrows!!! An Aesha laugh of course!


Best comment so far 😂😂


Thank you, I have my moments. 😜😆


I think her insistence of wearing the bunny outfit and making them wait showed a lot about her character. She stumbled out and made herself look silly. The fact she didn’t notice says alot.


Idk if it was the editing but can we pls talk about how she spent all that time putting on her “costume” and when she came out I legit went “that’s it?” 💀💀💀💀💀


She only thinks about herself that’s why, she doesn’t care about anyone else lol


At this point, I pick Bri. Ellie is gaslighting her so much it's uncomfortable.


“BELITTLING, I’m BELITTLING!?!” Yes, yes you are.




Thats where i draw the line!! Bri all the way. Even tho shes annoying too lol


I'm team Bri, because she is trying hard to improve and Joe is up for grabs and a girl has her needs. Ellie is way too power hungry and she's bratty, the why aren't they thinking about my feelings is old. Why doesn't she think about how she's making Bri feel, belittled and she belittled her for saying that!


But the weird way she talks in order to hatefully annoy everyone is pretty hateful. 


Team Bri. I think she’s tried really hard to improve at her job and she’s been really accepting of all Ellie’s help and comments. when it comes to Joe that feels to me like it has a lot to do with her being young. As far as Ellie I thought I was going to really like her at first. When the Jono thing happened I was 100% team Ellie. But then she’s shown herself to be kind of mean. I don’t like the way she talks about Bri or to Bri. As far as Joe goes with her - I dont like her trying to play the “supervisor” card against Bri in their personal life. You can’t pull rank when it comes to getting a guy and you also cant call dibs on a guy. Shes just salty that he likes Bri too because she’s absolutely used to getting what she wants. And I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … they’re both silly to be fighting over a guy who’s clearly interested in playing them both.


What gets me about the Joe situation is that she basically said "I want Joe and I'm not going to tell Bri that she can't have him.... But I'm going to hold it against her if she goes for him and gets him before me and I'm going for Joe BUT ALSO I'm not going to actually go for him directly and if he wants to woo me he's going to need to work hard asf for it because I am the biggest catch ever." But it's really Bravo's fault anyway.


Haha you nailed it on all that she said 😂😂😂 Why would he want to put in that much work for her anyways? He’s not looking to marry her lol. He’s looking for a hookup on the boat. The boat they’ll all be leaving in 6 weeks and may never see each other again


But don’t forget that Ellie is a Lamborghini, so of course he needs to work hard for that level of hookup! Maybe Bri was simply a Honda he took out for a test drive, but Ellie will be the ultimate five star pinnacle!


You think joes a Lamborghini kind of guy?


Vauxhall Astra at the most


Ngl I had to look up what that was 😂 But now that I have I agree. Tbf I wouldn’t call Bri a Mazda either. I think she’s better than a Mazda. But I’m not quite sure what I would call her. Amy suggestions?


2007 Honda civic maybe?


I was thinking Chevy Cruz? A little sporty but not too flashy.


You’re so right I can totally see her as that


A Mk 2 Astra if I was pushed to specify..


I think Joe will have whatever’s left on the rental lot…and he’s not a qualified buyer.


You guys are killing me with all of these comments. 😂😂😂 💀




Bri for sure. Ellie is INCREDIBLY fake. She sees herself as the main character and even calls herself a lamborghini every 5 seconds while continuing to gaslight and bully people. Yeah no she's bad at her job and waiting for her to stab Aesha in her sleep to take over the position (which honestly sounds like she already thinks she is chief stew)


Bri because Ellie is the higher rank as a leader when someone comes to you and says you make me feel stupid or whatever the feedback is you sit down and have a conversation you don’t go to a different person uninvolved and say she’s playing the victim. You don’t turn around and berate that person for sharing how they feel.


Definitely team Bri. Ellie is on a power trip - it's her job to train and help her, she wasn't doing her a favour and she is not Bri's boss, Ellie needs to get over herself.


Bri, because Ellie reminds me of a friend that is toxic and more or less does exactly the same things.




Team Bri. And not even over the Joe situation. Atleast if Bri makes a mistake, she tries to figure it out and make it right. If Ellie makes a mistake, it's someone else's fault because she's "second stew" and should have been supported more.


I’m team-pass the popcorn because I’m here for the drama and the crazy


Team bri for sure


Nope - neither. Ellie is treating Bri badly because Jay picked her to make out with. Their social lives shouldn't be affecting the work and what she is teaching Bri, but Ellie is taking it too personally. Bri shouldn't be sleeping in the boys cabin - that is going to become a real issue for the whole crew and is exacerbating the issues between herself and Ellie. They BOTH need to calm the hell down and realize that some fuck boi on board shouldn't ruin the experience for them.




Neither. Ellie is super self absorbed too and annoying but Bri is a cry baby and is too weak minded to be in the industry. The fact that she has to make a pallet on the guy’s floor bc Ellie was honest after Bri asked what was wrong was so childish. Was she expecting a cuddle? Can you imagine if she made Kate, Hannah, or Malia upset? Still, no one gets under my skin more than Fraiser and Kyle. I could not watch another season with either. Not on topic but there it is.


Wait why Fraser? I’m watching him for the first time, and feel like he’s no BS.


Give it time...


Let’em cook 😂


He creates his own narrative and picks sides. He’s emotionally driven, which is not a negative, he needs to work on being more neutral with the team. 


Fraser is a bit passive aggressive sometimes I thinm


It’s exhausting trying to realize authentic relationships that are mutual in love and growth. This question would be a great interview question. If they choose Bri or Ellie they are probably the same self important victims that breed drama and discord and live in their feelings. No thanks, pass. Perfect for Bravo and below deck though. I will watch it all day but I don’t want to live it.


i was Ellie , now firmly Bri


The same. I started out loving Ellie and was meh on Bri, but after the last couple of episodes, I’m still meh on Bri, but I can’t stand Ellie.


At this point, I pick Bri. Ellie is gaslighting her so much it's uncomfortable.


That’s what I thought at the end of the last episode. When someone tells you how you made them feel, you don’t get to tell them their experience is invalid.


“HOW DARE YOU FEEL THINGS!” - Ellie’s School of Bossmanship


Neither. Bri is annoying lol And Ellie thinks she’s above it all/power trip Wish they’d just bitch it out rather than crying so we can move on 🤭


Neither. Women should not be fighting over men.


True, especially one with slugs for brows.


He is so average and not really into either of them


God, you’re so right. Average at best.


Exactly right, the way he talks about bri and Elle. He’s “one of the boys” so to speak. 


Team Bri. Ellie is just a mean girl who wants to act like a prize yet sells her body on onlyfans so why she is playing hard to get is beyond me. Besides, Ellie even said to Bri that she wasn't planning on being in relationship with any of these men. At this point she's using her little power she has over Bri and is just salty she got to him first. But men will be men and they'll pick the easiest one out of the 2. Joe doesn't seem like the relationship type so I'm guessing he doesn't want to work hard for a hookup.


“You’re going to use THAT word, ‘belittling‘? I can’t believe you’d say that!!” Ummmm I’m team Bri. Ellie is a gaslighting, self entitled, self-centered primadonna.


Bri. Ellie is older and has more experience but is taking out all of her resentment onto Bri over a guy. When they were doing provisions while Aesha was at the hospital the way Ellie told Bri to know her place or etc made me so mad because I’ve dealt with co workers like that and it brought me back lmaooooo. I’m curious if there’s something else we didn’t see happen because I feel like this is a lot of pettiness and passive aggressiveness towards a co-worker over a boatmance


Ellie is a nightmare!!! I would hate to work with her. She thinks she is better than everyone and she has ZERO leadership qualities!!! She is definitely one of those types that would let a “title” go to her small head! She is just a horrible human being period! I feel sorry for ANYONE that has to work with her.


She was In charge for what a whole hour and a half and in that time she let that one bit of power go to her head lol


Exactly!! She is just horrible and I feel so sorry for anyone that has to deal with her! Hopefully she will watch herself and see how awful of a human she was and repent, but I highly doubt it because she is so full of herself!!!!


Could you imagine her as chief stew? If any of them future girls/boys go for someone she called “dibs” on she would make their life hell


Ohhhhh goodness! She would be unimaginable to be around much less work with if she actually had that real title!!! I’m pretty sure everyone would want to either jump off the boat, or throw her overboard!!! The latter of the two would suffice me to be honest. 😂


She would be such a dictator i think, she can’t remain professional at all she’s so passive aggressive with Bri about everything now lol


She is only like that to Bri because she senses Bri is not going to stand up to her, and I also think she is just a rotten person from the inside out! Pretty is as pretty does and well she isn’t looking so good. Everything is me, and I, and it’s just so disgusting how she does Bri. Again, I hope she watches this and sees how awful of a human she treats her!!!


Hopefully bri isnt a pushover and stands up for herself. Aesha needs to talk to them both too when the charter is over, bc Ellie is being too much now with it. Get over it, he went with bri first. She’s not even that pretty, I’m sure she was alright before all the surgeries but now she looks about 20 years older than her acc age. Plus she seems like such a bore, went straight to bed while most of the others went to the hot tub


So true! I am not sure if she would even be aware if Aesha brought it up. She is so self absorbed I think she would be shocked and blame it on anything and everything EXCEPT herself!!!! She is definitely an undercover bully and yes a dictator at best.


Aesha is firm but fair so she’ll hopefully put a stop to Ellie’s behaviour, if she doesn’t I don’t see her lasting the whole season tbh. But you’re right she’s one of them people that even if they’re wrong, they’ll still sit and argue they’re right.


Team neither. Both are annoying.


Team Aston Martin


Vroom vroom motherfucker lol




Team Brie. She’s doing it right. See a fling potential, go for it. Don’t act all high and mighty and expect to be taken out but also try and be a good time gal. Ellie can’t make up her mind, is she carefree and sexy or conservative and sexy behind closed doors?


Team Bri 1000000%. Ellie is being a bully and has 0 integrity. Bri is genuinely trying and even tho it makes her uncomfortable she’s tried to talk to Ellie numerous time to squash the tension & Ellie just belittles her and throws it in her face


Bri Because Ellie felt entitled to him! They both expressed interest. Then she wants to talk about girl code. Like they're best friends or something? She obviously wouldn't have cared for Bris feelings had the situation been reversed. Just wait until the next night drinking when ellie throws herself at him. Once she gets the attention she so desperately thinks she deserves. She will be telling Bri how she deserves it because she's her boss. Imagine a guy saying that. And how quick HR would be to respond. Its giving very Regina George.


Ellie is so annoying 🙄 she’s not even all that


I am team Bri, Ellie is horrible to her




I was Team Ellie until the bunny costume fiasco. She was definitely hoping to be scouted and she came off as a try-hard loser. Bri is immature and annoying, though. They both suck but I’d rather deal with Bri than Ellie. Team Bri.


I think the more relevant question is, is anyone team Ellie? And please explain.


Ellie because I like her better from the start. And the drama will be so good when she hooks up with eyebrows later in the season.


It would be a good fall out and argument to watch tbh


Bri. I couldn't stand Ellie ever since she woke the chef the FIRST time.


Team Bri, she’s level-headed. Ellie is a handful and maybe she’s really like this or just playing it up for the cameras. I hate all the fake personalities and fake produced storylines, it’s making me want to stop watching


Team they can both leave. I know grass is never greener. Here is why I dislike both. Ellie - 1. Calling dibs. You can't call dibs on a boat. Friends may respect girl code but you both aren't friends. Let Joe choose. 2. Acting superior. Yes she in charge and second in command but she is not kind or humble. 3. That whole bunny suit contest where she took too much time was disrespectful. Bri- 1. She can't do her job really well. She shouldn't need training after 2 years in the industry. Weaponized incompetence. 2. She plays the victim, it's so manipulative. 3. The whole needing to sleeping on Joe and Nathan's room is attention seeking. I did find it good that Joe didn't invite her to sleep in bed. Now I didn't read all the comments but I saw people putting down Ellie for her looks being faked. Why do we need to bash woman? I don't think either are very attractive. Bri- isn't better because of her looks and visa versa. Lastly, Joe is just taking advantage of Bri and he would of Elle too. If Bri is also just looking for something that is not serious that would be great for both of them but I am worried Bri might want more and get her heart hurt. I guess maybe she reminds me of Ashley in Sailing yacht wanting Gary so badly and him not really being interested.


I’m going to say team neutral. Sounds like both just need to talk it out with Aisha. There both are bad as each other.  Bri is a sook and very naive.  Ellie is selfish and self centred. The fact that both are fighting over a guy who doesn’t even give two 💩 about them. Joes a fb. Wake up!!!


Im team bri, although she does make herself the victim slightly, even when she doesnt need to be. But Ellie is a bitch, she pretends to act professional when she really isnt, Ellies loterally making a toxic work environment for Bri. Dont know why they fighting over Joe tho, he will sleep woth anything with a pulse, its goving me gary vibes


I really don’t like either one of them but Ellie is an awful person with a horrendous personality. Bri seems off and annoying but harmless. So Team Bri… Ellie needs to kick rocks. She’s a dud and not even remotely entertaining or as gorgeous as she thinks she is to act the way she does. Completely off putting. She got instant karma tripping in front of everyone after taking forever to get ready like she was the star 😂


Team Bri for all of the reasons listed in this thread. Watching Ellie thirst and get jealous and act like she’s above it when she’s not fooling anyone is sooooo cringey-pick-me-notagirlsgirl


Imagine if the men were deciding who a woman sleeps with based on seniority?? Joe gets to decide. The women should support each other at work and you don't get to treat each other like shit if he chooses someone else or no one.


Bri. Ellie is evil


Team Bri for sure, more so after the latest episode where Ellie keeps complaining to aesha about bri and then telling her bri was fired from a previous boat for causing drama. I don’t like Ellie, she just too full of herself and rubs me the wrong way.




The guiding principle of reddiquette is "Remember the Human." In the opinion of the mod team, the intent behind this post or comment failed to acknowledge that the crew member is a human being. To understand why it was viewed this way, you might want to ask yourself "Is my criticism of the crew member about a characteristic they can control?"


100% team Bri. They BOTH said they didn’t care what happened and then Ellie got all upset that he didn’t want hard to get because he was only looking for a hookup. Then she created a hostile work environment over it. I hate her almost as much as I hated Lexi.


Bri. She 100% said she liked Joe first. Ellie is making this about work when it isn’t. She’s just jealous


Neither, but I think they're both wrong. Simply because I don't know what Brittany expected, knowing Ellie likes Joe.


Her name is Bri (Sabrina) and they both said they liked him lol


I didn't catch that autocorrect changed it. I know they both said it, but if I likes someone and my direct superior told me she did too (or even my coworker, but especially someone over me), I wouldn't make a move on them.


Yeah but they’d only know each other barely a week at that stage so I feel like Bri could go after anyone she likes without having to worry about her superior which technically she’s really not it’s aesha lol


But Ellie is in a position to make Bri's life difficult, and even though she certainly shouldn't, she definitely is. Maybe it's because I'm jaded but if I was in Bri's position I would have definitely considered that possibility, and steered clear for that reason.


If Ellie wants to become a bully over a man that’s not even hers to begin with she has a lot of growing up to do. Bri is a yap, and hella annoying but Ellie doesn’t have a right to dictate or make someone’s life difficult over a guy who doesn’t care who he fucks.


I agree 💯, but people don't do things because they have a "right to", they do it because they're human. And some humans are dicks and let their emotions control them. ETA It's like I heard Oprah say decades ago, "do you want to be right? or do you want to be happy?"


Bri does have a right to go after who she wants and what she got was reciprocated by Joe. Ellie can’t get mad at that when they both admitted to liking him at the same time. Ellie can’t call dibs, she didn’t even try with Joe. Bri did and she got what she wanted. Ellie’s using her second stew power if you could call it that to be a bully


Lol..I mean, obviously Ellie CAN get mad because she did. And now she's taking it out on Bri. Which is something that people do when they get mad at other people. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it happens. We are literally WATCHING it happen. Whish is why I wouldn't have made that move if I was Bri. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it happens and I wouldn't take the chance of pissing off anyone I work with in close quarters like that, but especially someone that is training me.


Bri can do whatever she wants without having to worry about someone like Ellie 😂 we are watching it happen and a blind person can see that Ellie is blowing it way out of proportion 😂 come on she doesn’t own him, they both liked him, Bri got their first and Ellie is jealous and bitter lol


Ellie has the confidence of a beautiful girl. And imo, she’s just not attractive. Her gaunt face makes her look old and her voice sounds like an old woman too. Not trying to be mean but I just don’t get where she gets such an arrogant attitude from. She thinks she’s SO above Bri. Bri is more attractive and more importantly more fun. Bri is not manipulative like lying Ellie.


I can see both sides. I feel like Bri made her bed and now has to sleep in it - if that’s the correct phrasing lol At the same time, Ellie is a strong personality. She’s not a person to cross, I think Ellie is getting over it and Bri wants to continue to talk about it. And I bet it’s hard on Bri because they work in such small corridors, I can feel for Bri because I’m the same way. I want to apologize and I want the other person to forgive me but that’s almost selfish. Ellie gives 0 fux lol maybe she wa a bit tough but she’s a tough woman. Time to get over it Bri. Team Ellie.


Ellie. Bri has never finished a season before, and we are watching exactly why. She needed very direct, one-on-one training and lacks common sense and drive. Bri was Stirring up Drama by cringe-ly Announcing that she hooked up with him. Nobody even asked. And then she tried to make it seem like more of a thing than it was. And I'm never going to Stan someone who gets a guy by offering him a BJ. That's gross.


I personally don’t think Bri announced it in a cringy way, she told Ellie before anyone else in the crew that she got with Joe. Ellie just can’t handle herself and was jealous, acting like she owned Joe when she doesn’t lol


Actually, what did Bri expect by announcing it? Did she think that was a kind thing to say to a friend? I mean,yikes.


Bri told her so she wouldn’t find out from the rest of the crew. Plus if Bri didn’t tell her, she would claim she did it behind her back and tried to hide it from her. Which she really shouldn’t have to do since Joe is not her property or her bf.


Ummm, she didn't have to tell her within a few hours. You are reeeeeeaching to justify drama behavior.


Ummm yeah she did, she would have found out that day anyway better coming from bri right away than finding out during chatter lol. You are reeeeeaching to justify Ellie being a dictator lol


hahaha you mean girls are certainly united


Haha nothing else to say because I’m right lol. Also, not a female so lol


Thinking there's a Right or Wrong is another clue that you're a self-absorbed mean girl who can't have empathy about causing pain to others by justifying your "I won the Guy by offering him fallacious acts" bravado. Gross. Youre right and gross and mean. yay you


Ellie is the self absorbed mean girl though, she’s being passive aggressive towards Bri for what? Getting with someone Bri herself said she liked? If she wanted him that badly she would have went for it but she didn’t and Bri did. Doesn’t make Bri a bad person, but Ellie reacting and belittling the way she has makes her the mean girl in lit 99% of the comment son this post 😩😩 You can call me all the name you like, but I won’t stoop to your level by name calling 😩


You seem really triggered by Bri’s sexual talk, but for some reason don’t mention Ellie’s.


I didn't see Elkie offering BJs. I misses that part..


Best clutch them pearls a little harder, lest you’re overtaken by the vapors


For reality purposes since it’s a reality show. Ellie. But reality aside I’m on bris side. And as a stewardess myself I’d hate to work with her.


Ellie, even though she is wrong to take it out on Bri at work. Bri is infuriating. She’s like when George Costanza slept with the cleaning woman and then said “Was that wrong?”


Huh? What’s infuriating about it? Two coworkers are into the same guy, they both tell each other they’re not really, they both flirt heavily with him, one goes to bed, the other kisses him. What’s wrong about it?


Bri clearly and I might have missed it but to make sure I got the episodes right… Ellie is second stew so she must get first choice in men and making decisions. (Sarcasm) Ellie wants Joe and has declared interest in him…but also went to sleep…so Bri shouldn’t move ahead with your boatmance? Ellie needs to make decisions about where to put the deliveries…also Ellie…makes sure not to be around when deliveries are ordered so she can get mad when Bri makes a decision. It feels like a lot of this goes back to 2nd/3rd stew hierarchy…yes lots of sarcasm above


I could smell the sarcasm it was that strong 😂 you’re so right though


Bri’s an immature mess, but all it took was an extremely ordinary boy to show that Elly is, too. Bri can grow up, but the die is cast for Elly 😝


Are there sides? Does this BS not perpetuate the woman vs woman narrative? I'm team Ellie & Bri vs cockswaggle Joe. There you go. You have my "vote"


It quite literally is bri vs Ellie lol Joe doesn’t even know what’s going on in the interior lol. Thanks for you “vote” bestie 😩😩❤️


I feel like the couple of nights she spent in his cabin might have been a tip off. Also don't with the passive aggressive "bestie".


Ellie is being passive aggressive, nit picking everything Bri does 😂 but you think and feel whatever you desire bestie makes no different to me 😩😩


Are you drunk? I passed no comment on their behaviour. Only that their ire is pointed in the wrong direction.


Nope, completely sober bestie 😩😩 well I’m passing a comment on their behaviour and a lot of ppl agree that Ellie is being a dictator for a man that doesn’t give a fuck lol


You win. If "a lot of people agree" with pitting women against each other instead of holding men accountable for their bad behaviour, then I bow down to your authority on the matter. Here's a 🏅 just for you.


Yes. We are pitting two women who don’t know us against each other months after filming the show they’re on. Joe doesn’t need to hold accountability lol. The man is single and can do what he wants and that so happens to be what Bri also wanted lol thanks for the medal 🥇 I’ll wear it with honour 😩❤️❤️


>We are pitting two women who don’t know us against each other months after filming the show they’re on. They're still just people. You are giving me manic energy, too invested, too convicted. I apologise for the drunk accusation. It just came off like that.


What is your point honestly? I’ve gave so many reasons why Ellie is wrong in this scenario but you just bring up shit about me lol. And, now you’re bringing up my mental state to justify why you are right or that I’m drunk lol.


Neither. Why fight over a guy who you are probably only catch something from I don’t like Ellie’s entitlement but I think Bri has the doe eyed Bambi routine down pat, and I say this with by the way she was flirting with Joe at the bar. That’s not a naive young girl. But hey what would the show be without this ridiculous crew drama and hook ups.


That’s so true him and his eyebrows probs get around. But I mean she can flirt with him all she likes if he’s comfortable with it and engaging with her. Bri is super annoying though regardless but Ellie is a bit much.


They are both much. I first liked Ellie because I really liked her work ethic (and that probably hasn’t changed) and Bri I thought was going to be fun to watch grow in her job. The two of them are showing their true colors, Ellie entitled and full of herself mean girl, Bri playing dumb and victim to manipulate situations when she knows full well what she’s doing.


I liked them both at the start too, Bri annoyed me first idk I don’t like her personality. But the way Ellie’s behaving now, she’s made me dislike her a lot lol.


Bri!!! Ellie straight up told her that she wasn’t into Joe and she doesn’t care what happens and she wouldn’t let a guy get in the way of friendships. But that’s exactly what she did. She’s treating Bri horribly. It’s disgusting. I hope she gets sent home or something I do not want to watch this dumb boring idiot complain. Just watching Bri apologize to Ellie makes me really sad and sick.


Bri. Ellie shits me to tears with her carry on over nothing.


Team Bri. Ellie is high maintenance, entitled and every so slightly rude. She’s also incredibly self centered.


I mean girl code - Ellie but she’s taken it way too far so I guess by default Bri.


honestly, bri. they're all single and no one laid any official claims. the guy is free to hook up w whoever he wants and so is she. who cares if her supervisor also wanted to screw him. "girl code" yall barely know each other and it's a yacht, bsfr. ellie is def power tripping and being the manipulative one, trying to compete and use the hierarchy to belittle bri.


Team Bri


I think you’re ignoring that the only person’s opinion that matters is Joe’s. No one has the right to state “this person is mine to have romantic involvements with”. Also, Ellie’s personality sucks. Joe dodged a bullet there.


Joe did say he’d go for either plus sandy so the man’s not picky lol


Picking a team doesn’t mean you care which one gets Joe.


100% Bri. Ellie is a b*tch.


Team Bri. I think that Ellie is insecure, that she felt like Joe was in the bag for her and that Bri was no competition. Now that Bri has gotten what she also wanted she is feeling maybe embarrassed and insecure and wants to make Bri feel the same way by bullying and gaslighting her. I think she wants to be the best and since she lost Joe she’s gonna drag Bri down until she’s as far under her as she feels is acceptable for how she feels. It’s very clearly spite behavior, she seems like someone who you always have to stay on the good side of (and often times be lesser than) to remain friends with, and that is not okay. I can understand being upset that Bri went for the guy she clearly wanted but all is fair in love and yachting, and she can be personally upset without being a professional menace to Bri.


I hate both of them. Personalities, faces, voices... Take em away! But Bri is slightly worse personally. The way she banged a guy her roommate said she wanted that very evening, then played the victim, choosing to sleep in the crew mess for attention and sympathy 😖. Elle is a professional nightmare. Poor Aesha. (And I need Iain to learn to pronounce her name.)


They both said they liked him that parts not true that Ellie said she wanted him. She also said let’s not let a man come between us and that’s exactly what happened lol


honestly more Ellie. I think she's butt hurt but is still trying to handle it appropriately. Bri went to Sandy before talking to Ellie, and is now sleeping on the floor of the guys room. what bri is doing is more attention getting and making Ellie look like a bully. Ellie at least is trying to stay amicable.


>Ellie at least is trying to stay amicable. When did that happen?


she's trying to at least work with bri. yes she is butt hurt, yes she is speaking a bit shortly to bri, but she is not sleeping on the floor of another person's cabin. I personally think ellie should be mad at joe, and bri should have talked to ellie before it got around the boat, but bri is also acting like a child in how she's handling it.


Bri is actually acting like the grown up in this situation, trying to talk things through while being yelled at by Ellie. BELITTLING!


Why should she be mad at Joe? He didn’t do anything wrong? It’s not like him and Ellie are in This relationship and he cheated on her with Bri lol like come on, she’s known the man for a week and is acting like he’s her property.


honestly I think they both are acting childish, but I knock bri down a bit more cause she's SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR!!! all they need to do is have a conversation and this could be squashed.


Bri did try to talk to Ellie and she mentioned Ellie was belittling her and that made Ellie fly off the handle lol


I think it's a conversation that shouldn't be hand on charter


That’s fair but I still think Ellie can’t handle any criticism lol


I think ellie probably is feeling rejection and probably a little betrayed by bri. even if they weren't besties you could see they were forming a friendship.


Why should she feel betrayed? They both liked him, they both admitted that. It’s not like Ellie told Bri she liked him and she purposely went out of her way for him lol.


Bri didn’t go to Sandy. Sandy came to Bri because she overheard Bri talking to chef. Then Bri told Sandy that she would speak to Aesha about it.


Sandy approached Bri, not the other way around. Sandy said herself that she doesn’t know details and doesn’t want to know until it goes through Aesha. I’m not sure where you got your information. Bri told Sandy that she would talk to Aesha about it.


Ellie. I am glad she has high standards and a high opinion of herself. She should. We all should. She might be a bully but Bri is being an immature brat and instead of growing a pair is now causing drama in someone elses cabin. Like Ellie is maf at your for hooking up with Joe, so you go sleep in Joe's cabin? Way to prove her point.


Should have stopped after bully. No one has a right to bully anyone, especially when they did nothing really wrong besides going for a guy they liked.


Team Bri for sure. I really don’t want to be because she annoys TF out of me. But I felt like Ellie’s words of encouragement to Bri were fake from the beginning. Ellie doesn’t sound genuine.


I agree on your take. Bri, super annoying. Ellie though, she’s being so passive aggressive with every little thing Bri does.


I’d be Team Bri if she told Joe to break it off with her and go after Ellie. Until that happens I’m not on either side.


Why should she break it off with him? They both said they liked him, you can’t call dibs on another human.


Because Ellie’s reaction is upsetting her and making it harder to do her job. I think Joe won’t like Ellie once he has a green light to pursue her, so he’d find his way back faster if Bri would just send him that direction.


And what’s your point? Bri can’t get with someone she likes because someone else likes him too? Joe would stick his dick I’m anything and Ellie playing hard isn’t going to work when another girl wants him like bri and has shown it


Look, it’s a workplace and they’re there to work. Bri can’t work effectively without Ellie’s help. She’s going to get less help if she continues to pursue Joe. Bri should take the Boatmance loss and the Workplace win.


And if Ellie is willing to be that petty over a guy she’s never been with then that says more about her work ethic and petty behaviour than anything.


You seem to think I’m Team Ellie here, when I made it clear at the outset that I’m not on either side. Aesha should fix this, but Aesha doesn’t seem to want to get involved. So Bri is stuck with Ellie’s tyrannical approach to supervision. How would you fix it?


You said you want bri to tell Joe to break things off so Ellie can have him. That seems like you’re ok a side to me, Bri shouldn’t have to do jack shit for someone like Ellie who is being a child about this situation. Bri is annoying, but she’s not being hostile about it. I would fix it by telling Ellie she’s not bris boss for starters, she’s second, aesha tells them what to do. Ellie let an hour and a half of power go to her head and is making work life hostile for bri.


I think you missed my point that by sending Joe after Ellie, I’m not setting Ellie up to win. I’m assuming that Ellie will disappoint Joe and he’ll go back to Bri.


Yeah but you’re saying bri should just give Ellie what she wants so that she’s not being a tyrant lol


Neither. Bri is childish and seems spoiled and is clearly pulling ellies leg Ellie is clearly on a power trip and needs to also calm down They both have done annoying things so i really cant pick a side