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It’s honestly shameful to me that many of us black Americans have this victim mentality and act as if we’re oppressed. In all reality I feel that we are oppressing ourselves by the way we behave and think. Just look at our rap music.. Name any other race of people who promote drugs, sex & violence more than the black man in the music industry? Name any other race of people who have an obsession with going broke trying to look rich and stunt on their fellow brethren more than the black man? Name any other race of people who destroy their communities more than the average black American? Too many of us live in ignorance and always look to pin the blame on others but not ourselves. Pisses me off!


Who cares, this all stems from pride. Turn the cheek, humbke yourself as the slave of all men like Christ and love and serve.


Bingo. Americans are far too obsessed with race issues. > "Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all." Colossians 3:11 > So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. Acts 10:34-35




Race and nationalism and identity politics all stem from pride. Its a true statement. I didn't watch the video, i just comnented on the topic. Im not American either. I did not mean to offend you my friend. I suffer from type 1 bipolar disorder so im well aware of what it means to suffer. I was bullied yo the point of wanting to kill myself in highschool. Fortunately God saved me first. I grew up in a working class divorced household. My dad is aboriginal and here in Australia i copped severe racial abuse even though im white (nor would you tell i have some indigenous heritage from my appearance). I have been on the brink of divorce too. But God delivered me from it all. I thank him for the suffering He lead me through for it taught me to only truly treasure Him. Im not your enemy. I really dont understand your vitriol. Im not having a go at you. Im sorry if i offended you, it wasn't my intention :) My point was simply, to worry about race and identity is worldly, rooted in pride. This needs to be repented of, we are one in Christ. The blacks and the whites, the males and the females (eg feminism) all rooted in ego and self/pride. In Christ we are one, He is our identity, nothing else matters. The topic of your post was racial pride, not suffering, not abuse, not Calvinism or prosperity gospel hypocrites. All of thats literally irrelevant. Racism is rooted in pride. All of it. Grace and peace to you. Much love from Australia.




You are correct. Not all who name the name Christ are Christians, only those who actually do His will, His teachings. I forgive all those who have wronged me. I hold no bitterness. Bipolar is a blessing and a curse. It has granted me an incredible memory but i at times experience debilitating depression. I veiw myself as the least of all men. Gods presence is richly with me. God truly blessed me with suffering from a young age...i honestly wouldn't have it any other way. In our weakness He shows himself strong. This is my burden to carry until i die or He comes. Bkess his name for it. Like job i say "though He slay me yet will i trust Him"! Eternity is long and will be pain free, i embrace the suffering of this life for his glory for it produces character. God chisels us with pain. Yield to Him. His wounds are faithful, they are not without purpose. Read Job :) We must forgive and pray for our abusers. This is the path of Christ. If we refuse to forgive others God will not forgive us. Much love my friend. Be blessed.


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