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Yeah. I like some anime but you gotta be careful what you watch if you don't want to see certain shit


Fr fr. And there's shows that are like TOO Anime that i really cant be recommending to random people. Like how the fuck am i supposed to tell people to watch Jobless Reincarnation? "Yea it's a cool story you just gotta ignore the fact that he's a baby with the mind of a 30 year old, watching his maid get off to his parents getting it on"


I don't ignore those things. I just skip those anime.


See? And if i told you that if it wasnt for JJK, they would have fight scene of the year, the character progression for the main character, going from shut in PoS to someone who's trying to actively be a better person in his second chance is fantastic, and the story is genuinely super interesting, all of that probably wouldnt make up for the weird shit that happens in it.


It would not, no. The way I see it is that stuff gets made because there's an audience for it. There are people actively seeking it out. And there's the ones that aren't looking for it, and don't like it, but will ignore it as long as the fights and rest of the story are cool. Since I don't want to see it, I simply don't contribute to that audience. Now, I ain't above looking at a clip if someone links me a specific fight, especially if it's someplace that isn't giving them clicks. Because I do like a good fight scene. So, I get why some people just ignore it and enjoy the parts that are fun. It's just not me.




The part that had me most fucked up about Jobless was realizing that the show was intentionally very coy about what the main character was doing alone in his bedroom that caused him to get estranged and kicked out of his family home shortly before he got isekai’d. It’s a major part of his backstory that gets glossed over, but given how pervy he is and why they don’t try to show what was on the screen, you know it was probably something dark. If it was just regular porn, I think the family member who caught him would’ve just found it weird, but the family member that exploded. Dude had to have been looking at like underaged girls or something.


In the webnovel, he snuck cameras in the bathroom, and  was getting off to his 10 y/o niece bathing 🤮 They tried to change this in later iterations of the story. But that’s not something the audience is just gonna forget about. And the retcon doesn’t matter, when the MC is still a pedo and incestous groomer, throughout the story. This show contains every negative stereotype people have about anime, and it’s still regarded as one of the best isekai 🫠


I believe was severely bullied or something. That’s why he stopped going outside, or even to his parents funeral. Yeah watched the whole thing thinking this is so wrong. When is the next episode?


Nah, he was bullied hard and traumatized, which was very understandable and I think that was understood by his extended family too. But there’s the specific scene that is shown like two or three times where a family member goes to his room after the funeral and they see him in the darkness of his room watching something extra weird. The family member sees what’s on his screen and becomes extremely disgusted, angry, and aggressive. I don’t think that’s a reaction from seeing someone just watching porn. Homie must’ve been looking at some seriously depraved shit.


So I just watched the latest episode. He is his fathers son in that world


It could have been that. Or the fact that it was all he did. Always on the computer. I use to catch hell for that. But at least I worked, and got out side.


Yeah and sometimes it will catch you off guard and you just sit there in shocked 👁👄👁


Yea sometimes you gotta remember, their culture ain't the same as our culture, so there's gonna be some different shit.....sometimes some WEIRD shit! Some ppl think some of the things we do is weird


Incest isn't cultural wtf it's fantasy porn written by people without siblings


✨ culture✨




I'm talking about the whole close siblings thing. Not all obsessively close sibling relationships are sex based (incest). Yes there are cultures out there who teach their kids to be real close


I hope you don't have siblings


I hope yall open ur minds more and realize shits different out there


I'm aware that society has pressured the men in my family to look at me sexually. It's disgusting and I don't get a regular relationship with the men in my life because of it. It needs to change.


I hate that you're going through that. I've heard of people's uncles and cousins saying rude remarks to the "good looking niece or cousin" I've personally never seen it and I damn sure don't encourage it for the fact that it's not only rude but look how it affects yall. It definitely needs to change


It often goes way past weird remarks and into touching and more if the person is terrible, and their bad behavior gets excused. Incest on immediate family is not okay no matter what the situation is.


No offense, but u got some terrible family members. Especially if they know how uncomfortable it makes u. I agree incest is not ok. It's beyond disgusting to me personally, but I was just pointing out the fact that there are families out there who encourage their sons to love their sister like a wife and vice versa. Not necessarily the physical part. I honestly should have kept quiet since Idk how deep they go but I do know it's encouraged in some cultures


Most of the people in their culture think it's weird too.


Isn't that a thing in Japan, they love messy fucked up relationships? Love the drama of it, idk?


The culture of misogyny?


Sorry, I'm not following


Bruh I was so floored when I got past the first season of SAO where the baby sister is jealous of the comatose gf like pleaaaase just get back to my videogame swordfighting anime


I must be dense af, because I don't remember a jealous sister at all


Leafa is his cousin/surrogate sister in the real world


This is why sword art online abridged is the superior product.


I refuse to watch those


Anything involving a highschool tbh


I thought I watched a lot of anime but I’ve never even heard of most of the ones she mentioned.


Bungou Stray Dogs, Sword Art, No game No Life, The twins kinda look like Durarara but I'm not sure. ~~Hornyable~~ Honorable meantion to boring ass "irregular at the magic academy" that


Yeah the twin girls are from Durarara, I believe Season 3.


The one with the blue haired girl and the man behind her is from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K fs. I actually love the show since it's super satiric and satirizes anime tropes but the brother creeps _everyone_ out. Least funny part of the show tbh


From Up On Poppy Hill is literally the only anime I've ever seen address incest in the way regular people would address it. >!Two classmates crushing on each other discover they may have the same father, as one student was adopted by a different family. They immediately squash their pursuit of each other, even though it hurts them, maintain an appreciative and respectful platonic relationship, and then at the end of the movie, they find out that they actually aren't related.!<


I watched Up On Poppy Hill and I was so scared when I got to that part. I trusted Studio Ghibli but when the revelation came I was like 😨. Thank God it didn't go where I thought it was gonna go


[It's the incest for me 🤮🤮🤮🤮](https://www.tiktok.com/@jessi_mcfly/video/7302186166554463530)


Yeah, that bugged me with vampire knight. Like, you crushin on her as a baby... And fans be the worse, honestly. Do NOT read the fanfics. The amount of times they wanted suboshi and amiboshi from fushigi yuugi as a twin couple would make me rich. I can kinda only understand the cousin thing since that was a real life practice and recently common, but that's the *only* one I can "reason" out though not excusing it. (And still doesnt make it right.) There's even live actions/movies that does the relationship relative trope so it's not even just the anime.


These must be those cute anime. The cuter the illustrations are the freaky the characters behave.


Not all of them. Sometimes they slip those sub plots into other anime’s as well. But yeah, general rule: *oh, this anime has loli-looking characters, that’s gonna be a hard pass.*


Ban and Elaine was fuckin weird too🫤why is she drawn to look like a 12 year old


Loli is basically animes loop hole for pedophilia. “Oh she may look like a 10 year old but actually she’s a 500 year old demon!”


EWW😭ruined the whole fucking show for me


Bro that was disgusting!! She literally looked like she was in middle school and this grown ass man was lusting after her 🤮 literally the embodiment of "wElL aCKsHuLlY she's 3000 years old so it's okay"


It's even worse when you have personal experience with people like this. There's at least a few of photos of me and the guy that groomed me and I'm clearly much smaller and younger than him ... not sure how no one said anything about how weird he was to be around me like that 😬😬😬


The fact that it's a major trope being used in the series is kinda iffy. Here's a reminder that the main characters are in a relationship from reincarnation, where a near fifteen year old Meliodas is trying to protect a recently-born Elizabeth.


YES THAT. AND HE LOOKS LIKE A CHILD AS WELL 😭I can't do it- these artists and some fans are fucking creeps!


This is exactly why I couldn’t watch House of Dragons. I can’t do the incest. It makes me super uncomfortable and feel disgusting. I could barely get through it on Game of Thrones


There's never a time where I could fully invest in the dialogue because I'm in this constant state of "wtfwtfwtfyourerelatedwtfwtfwtf"


Exactly like I can’t get into it I had to spoil the whole thing for myself. i’m so interested in the game, but I just can’t get past their constant need for incest to be front and center


There's a point where you just got to ask yourself if they're too lazy to go out into the world and find beautiful people that aren't related


And if I’m being honest, there were no actual attractive people in these lil jump sessions amongst the family outside of the show YES but in it they look like they stank


Ayo I used to call GoT Game of Incest.


Straight STOPPED watching some animes bc of this and the pedo shit.


I watch anime but I am extremely picky. There are anime that arent weird and pretty good like the new Kaiju No. 8 where none of the women are sexualized like at all, but it is not as common. I have had to stop so many because ish got weird. I haaate the weebs that will literally bend over backwards defending it. Legit this isn’t their “culture.” It’s literally fantasy porn written and made for a very high paying niche minority (and foreigners). America too has a crazy ton of step-bro/step-sis porn and it’s still very controversial to actually engage in those relationships.


“Y’all just got together?” Cracked me up 😂😂 Speaking of incest in anime — Irregular of Magic Highschool. Decent anime, was enjoying it, but the sheer amount of INCEST vibes from the sister made me have to stop halfway into season 2. Also anyone who tried to justify it by bringing up their actual relation is weird and I don’t wanna hear it 💀


Also The Disastrous Life of Seiki K. It's so normalized people never really talked about it. I'm glad there are more discussions about it. I stopped watching anime years ago because of all the casual incest and pedophilia.


I don’t remember It in that one, the comedy about the psychic guy with the pink head gear?


Yes, that's exactly the show. Kusuke and Matoko's Alabama tendencies were played for laughs but it was just shocking for me.


Don't watch the "irregular at magic high school". Cause that's damn near the while plot


Nah facts. From SA to straight up under age panty shots. Japan is wild & we just sing along to the cute shit


Sesshomaru enters the chat.


Watching a hentai and suddenly becoming aware that the two protagonists have the exact same color hair....red flag. Run!. Nii-san & Nee-san being common for both actual siblings AND a slightly older childhood friend/close neighbor is also something that feels like a trap. Gotta be extra critical for the first ten minutes just to figure out if I should *immediately* turn this off...


I'm not even certain how the fk it's so....normalized in the culture....but then you see them talkin mess about us and I'm just like....mkay well at least I'm not keepin it in the fam like y'all because what??


I be watching some stuff on Crunchyroll. Found myself watching a few where there is no fighting, magic, guns, sci-fi, or monsters. 😳


Yeah, Pseudo-Incest is a thing and it's prevalent in the Yuri manga I read. But I can't even see how people would actually want to follow through with the "*plot point*" as prevalent as it is.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


It’s terrible 😭


I don’t fuck with Anime. ![gif](giphy|kglue7tdx2AwIdHyI5|downsized)


How about how most anime characters are drawn with features that do not reflect Asian characteristics? Despite being a Japanese art form, the characters often appear more Western. However, when it comes to drawing Black characters, there's a tendency to exaggerate their features significantly.




Oreimo old as shit but that opening is top tier anime openingZ


Look I'm not defending it (because how tf could i??) But there's way bigger issues here, quite a few of those shown ARE STILL PEDOS, LIKE COME ON PLEASE PICK A WAY TO MAKE ME PUKE, doing both really has me ready to drop some shows


Then George RR Martin be like "hold my beer."


Nobody tell her about the movie “Precious”..


watch oldboy, it’s very incestuous.

