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He should get on TV and and say to the nation and the world "I have been granted unilateral power to arrest and execute whomever I please, and if that frightens you, it should."


I agree. This might get people to actually VOTE


It puts Trump in the position directly opposite Biden. "I could, but I won't." vs "When I can, you know I will."


“I will” got Trump one term. Let Biden get a second term to judge him on that. If he does do “I will” now it could turn out to put Trump back in office. That would be Trumps final term and we know “he will”. Encourage people to vote. The presidency is so much more than just being president as should be noted by the recent supreme court’s rulings.


Nah. If Biden says "I will" Or "I did" he will go balls out and have all the magats removed as a matter of national security, insuring the continuity of our democracy. Trump will disappear, multiple magats at high levels will disappear, about half of the Republican Congress will disappear, several SCOTUS Judges will disappear or die by jumping out of a 3rd story window (after taking a couple bullets to the head). It will be brutal, quick, and bloody. Then he will turn the whole thing on its head and say "As a Matter of National Security Im using my presidential power to override the latest SCOTUS ruling, grandfathering myself, and ONLY myself as immune to prosecution for acts committed in an official capacity. No other person will ever have this level of power ever again. Congress will immediately draft new legislation to curb unchecked SCOTUS power and POTUS power." And then he will win the 2024 election, and immediately resign, leaving Kamala Harris as the new POTUS, while Biden Moonwalks into the sunset.


Ah, beat em out with project 2024


I'd watch this movie.


It doesn’t put him there, he already is there. He’s been saying he’s going to do exactly this for years


Nah, it would make majority of dumbasses not vote for him, and unironically not vote or vote trump or some shit. People are genuinely stupid.


Negative messaging doesn't get people out to vote. All it does is depress your and your opponent's turn out.


Legitimately this would be an amazing way to show the severity of what has happened.


If only the Democrats had any amount of spine to throw this in their faces.


And then he should say, I am signing an Executive Order, which you know is an official act, that the Supreme Court are traitors to the Constitution. I am ordering them to be arrested immediately. Arrest everyone that voted to approve this and while they sit in jail, Chuck Shumer says we need to fill six vacancies as soon as possible. They take one week and jam six liberal justices onto the Supreme Court. What? We are just playing by the rules...


This would be the best powerplay. It’s not a threat but a dawning of realization for all sides. So. How do we organize in the age of information?


Press Enter


No I mean people get up off their ass instead of bitching at a computer


It starts online and it moves to the streets or in person. It has to be multifaceted for our multimedia time, living both online and in real time for the most involvement and accessibility.


You don’t, little one. Organizing is such a dead idea. Them Dems are so disjointed, they could more than a couple hundred thousand to support anything for long. Look at the handwringing and flag flying for the Ukraine. People are bored with it now. Gaza, slowing fading in support. A few lib hotspots still protesting but so small, it doesn’t even make the news. Something new and shiny will come out in a month and this will be another field of crickets.






If the press had any fucking balls, they'd ask Trump straight up "The Supreme Court has granted the office of President unprecedented power in granting the person in office immunity to crimes committed in official capacity. If you win the election, will you use those powers to persecute your political opponents?" And when he bullshits it by saying "We'll see", you counter with "So the answer is, you *may* decide to have American citizens and politicians executed?"


Press doesn’t though


They don't. Corporate stooges.


Most of them are owned by republicans


That, and the threat of access and press credentials being revoked if the questions aren’t vague or softball enough. That this can legally be done is another matter.


Their boss would fire them for offending their favorite cash cow.


He wouldn't give a straight answer anyway. He would go off on some tangent no matter hard you press him.


Oh sure, but him not giving a straight answer is the trap itself. If he can't say "No I would never do that.", then it opens the possibility that he absolutely would. And press him harder "Will you swear to the American public right now that you will not abuse your Presidental immunity?" And if he says he wouldn't, bring up the many times he's said he would. Including a few days ago when he retweeted a post about hosting military tribunals for democrats.


and the people that vote for him still wouldnt care


Exactly. Anyone who thinks Trump will lose a single voter over some crazy shit he says next just isn't paying attention.


A trap for whom? The people voting for him do not care.


It’s a trap to you and I, but his audience feeds off of the discourse, and would see Trump as being the “rebel not afraid to do what it takes to make this country Christian-owned again.” It would only embolden the worship.


A politician lying before the election?? 😱


He has already answered this question. Unprovoked and out loud.


He can’t actually shoot Don the Con. That would still be murder. But he can tell a military sniper to shoot Don the Con as the Commander in Chief… then it is an official act


And the justices




That was my thought. "As my first act as king I order the death of my opponent. If that scared you, don't vote for him, because he won't be joking when he says it."


Yup, that would be my campaign ad.


He won't though, that's exactly the point. We're gonna end up having to fight for our democracy, because Democratic leadership wouldn't.


Extremely Dark Brandon unleashed!


Context: SCOTUS' ruling that the POTUS has immunity


Didn't they say immunity for "official business". I don't see how starting a redneck riot is official presidential business.


That's the fun part. They said it's up to lower courts to decide if an action is official or unofficial. They didn't define it at all


Didn’t Colorado already do that and then the SC said it wasn’t up to them.


No that was keeping Trump off the ballot for insurrection, and SCOTUS ruled that he had to be convinced of the crime, not just suspected/implicated


Thankfully insurrection is an official act.


Legally that's still undetermined, which is great for Trump, since it means he can stall it with more rounds in the legal system.


Different cases. The Colorado ballot case was not particularly controversial. It would open up the door for all kind of extrajudicial ballot shenanigans. Today's ruling is pretty insane though, especially after the Chevron decision was overruled on Friday, which took away any power for executive branch agencies to interpret vague statues. It's very clearly not about the power of the executive branch, it's about the nutjobs getting Donald Trump whatever he wants. I was originally surprised that Roberts voted with the nutjobs, but there's a part of me that believes that he's only voted with them here so he can write the decision, and keep it where we are instead of letting the others give out full, unchecked immunity


> The Colorado ballot case was not particularly controversial. Yeah, for added context it was a 9-0 where there was some disagreement on the details. Today's case was 6-3 on partisan lines where Sotomayor ended her dissent with "With fear for our democracy, I dissent", and widely panned the incredibly poor reasoning of the majority in pretty scathing terms.


And today's decision is also so overarching because the Supreme Court declined to classify what an "official action" is. They've just kicked the can down the road and they'll get the case back in 12 months


Slightly different… Colorado wasn’t trying to hold him criminally responsible for anything, just keep him off the ballot


Even if lower court says its unofficial, I bet that trump can appeal to the SC and SC will essentially say congress hasn’t defined what’s unofficial, and it’s their duty to do so and unless they do it, the lower court verdict is dismissed.


The Court defines an official act as an act that is not "manifestly or palpably" beyond the President's authority. The President's authority is defined by the Constitution, not Congress, but that language is still vague enough that the Court could always come up with *some* justification for why an action is within the President's authority


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this ruling is to see if the president's coup attempt can be prosecuted, and if attempting a coup is within his official duties, what the hell would be out of bounds?


The underlying case is, yes. This SCOTUS opinion is just about whether a president has absolute immunity for his actions while in office, the trial court now needs to hold a hearing to determine what actions within the indictment are not official acts and therefore don’t have immunity


If they (D)ont like it it’ll be unofficial. If it (R)represents their interest it will be.


Well they said it was up to lower courts to define it, but they did also say that you can’t use any evidence that may bump up against their official duties to prove that there doing illegal stuff in their unofficial duties.


It's a delaying tactic so that they can let things simmer until Trump is president again, then take a case and make it "basically anything". Just keeping him out of jail until the next election is stolen.


The lower court will decide and the appeal will send it back to the Supreme Court who will always rule in the Republican's favor. They're in charge now. 


Because they’re fucking chumps


Maybe he can add the word “official” before his proclamation to make it official? i.e. I officially order that a redneck riot is arranged. Per the SC ruling, I think that should do it


Yes, read Justice Sotomayor 's statements. This means the president can order seal team 6 to execute political rivals and order the military to do a coup to stay in power and be immune.


Remind me again why they are called Commander in Chief? They OFFICIALLY control every facet of the military. Which means it is an official act whenever they make military orders, which means they cannot be found criminally guilty for anything they order the military to do.


Those K-Mart looking people weren't the military. I think his cases in blue areas will find him guilty, his cases in red areas will use official business as an excuse.


It’s a catch all term. He can proclaimed anything as official business because that’s how dumb the court is with trying to save Trump ass. If a lower court says it’s official, he has free rule.


Well you'd be right but they ALSO ruled that all communications in official channels may not be admitted as evidence so good luck proving fucking anything. What a clown court. If I see any of those ghouls in DC it's on sight.


They also added judicial discretion in what does and does not count as “official” business.


He can only use military power in an official position. Just needs to find a drone operator that is willing to follow his orders. He could take money to pardon whoever. The act of pardoning can only be done in an official capacity. That’s why official business line is crazy, because when you’re the president a lot of actions can be construed as official acts. Sotamayor does a good job laying out what this means and how it could be used in her dissent.


The workaround: Officially seal team 6 a bunch of conservative leadership, including Trump and the conservative SC Justices. Install progressive Justices that will rule your action official. Profit.


I would start with renditioning the SC for a bit, then join them for a conversation. “How many of you want to reconsider your decisions?”


I mean the POTUS has always had immunity, now it’s just official official. If you’re local cops had immunity then Certainly the presidents did too, and presidents kill way more people then a local cop


Cops lose qualified immunity all the time.


Bum rush that federal weed legalization and get an automatic 5-10% bump in votes . Literally impossible but put a cap or pause on health insurance premiums from going up and get another 5-10% but big pharma will send mossad after him. I just got the notice aetna wants a 20% rate increase next year and I’m paying $900 a month . Not sure how middle class people who are self employed can afford it


The weed thing has been a layup just waiting right there.


He rescheduled it which is about as big of a thing as he can realistically do without Congress passing legislation


Not anymore


Being “immune from criminality” does not mean “can make any law.”


What would they be able to do about it? Bring charges?


Laws are passed by Congress. The President does not make laws and I don’t think anyone has been criminally charged for congressional lawmaking. The constitution explicitly allows the legislature to make laws. It’s not illegal to make a law. The President could never make decrees. He can make executive orders that basically only apply to the executive branch, to the bureaucracy. He can’t unilaterally legalize weed. That has never been on the table. If he tried, he wouldn’t have been arrested before, ANYWAY. Prison risk was never a factor for not legalizing weed. It just would have not been binding. You just can’t legalize or illegalize something as President. They were never Kings until today.


If you acknowledge he has the power to reschedule, you have to defend why it was made Schedule 3 given the overwhelming scientific evidence of the safety of cannabis.


It’s literally the biggest thing done towards this goal by any president. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. I think it’s fine to wish he went further, but this was still huge


Because the DEA still was in charge of that rescheduling, but now that chevron is overruled…and presidents are basically kings now, he should legalize it and remove anyone who disagrees with its legalization from scotus, since that’s what scotus has decided


It hasn't been rescheduled yet has it?


Omg, imagine what we could do with all the tax money coming from weed sales. I'm in MI, and we have roadwork all the goddamn time, but I have never seen as much as the past couple of years, and it's more than just the usual "haphazardly dump some hot gravel in that pothole and move on" shit. They actually peel back old roads and resurface them. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the tax revenue from legalized weed sales has a lot to do with our ability to finally do a more thorough job. Plus, if it's legalized federally, we could overturn thousands of bullshit possession charges that people were sent to jail/prison for. We already did that on state level, now do it on a federal level. Nobody should spend years in jail or prison for some goddamn weed, and I don't even care if they sold, bought, or both. Weed being a schedule 1 drug was always ridiculous in the first place.


“Fix the roads” has essentially been a meme for a long ass time, but goddam are they actually putting in the effort this time around.


I want it federally legal, but I ain’t ready to pay federal taxes. As soon as they realize they can buy guns and bombs with weed money this shits gonna get expensive


Maybe for a bit, but it'll get the same treatment as beer after a little bit. The really big players will want in on it and after you get some Sativa by Monsanto or the like in every pharmacy or liquor store it'll get the push back about not being over taxed. Big Pharma will see every dollar going to taxes as a dollar they can't gobble up instead.


Weed is already legal in over half the country, and IIRC the majority of those states are voting Biden already. He's going to have to make some *major* moves on student loans, healthcare, and the economy.


Its illegal in the _entire_ country. Just because the feds stopped enforcing the laws didn't make it legal. It needs to be legalized at the federal level ASAP.


He can’t legalize it, but he can sign an executive order to decriminalize it. It will still be illegal, but not enforced, at least not by the Feds. The problem is that’s easily reversible through courts, and the scrotus wrote their opinion ambiguously enough so that anything a president does comes right back to them to decide. This wasn’t actually giving the presidency full power, they were giving themselves full power


POTUS can't introduce legislation. Not how Congress works.


"If a bill for single-payer, public heathcare crosses my desk, I will veto it" - Joe Biden


yeah, I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit. Why do WE follow the rules, and allow ourselves to get run over?


Because we’re working class.


Were working class, and Dems with power are prep school liberals with soft hands.


More like frenemies. They’re the bully you hang with so you don’t get bullied by the shithead republicans.


Scabs and yuppies with not enough to lose and to much to gain from the status quo, still gotta vote for them since they're not the rapey-pedo New York City breed of yuppie, but still living lives absent of natural consequence of their own actions.


The rich have been very successful at their divide and conquer strategy. We're pitted white against black, young against old, urban against rural, red vs. blue... anything other than "rich vs. poor" is a win for the ruling class and enables a tiny, tiny minority to maintain control over the majority. Come on, now... you think the wealthy don't also own the Democrats? It's a good and bad flavor of the same status quo.


That’s great and all, but at this point in my life and many others, I need to choose the lesser of 2 evils.


Because it is the job of the DNC to lose


The deep lore has been spoken. They are literally jobbers for Reaganomics, not your equality movement


they dont really care if they win or lose


Because their corporate masters win either way


My tinfoil but not really tinfoil hat theory is that they want to lose because they know that they can fundraise better from a position without power. They can publicly dunk on the ruling party without actually having to follow through on any of their rhetoric.


A certain former First Lady had the gall to go up on stage at the DNC in 2016 and tell people: “WhEN tHeY gO LoW, wE GO HiGH!” That same year, a certain former President allowed Mitch “Moscow” McConnell to walk all over him by taking away a Supreme Court Justice nomination. This ridiculous posture has led to repeated defeats and allowed right wingers take away our rights, one by one… If I’m not mistaken, gay marriage, interracial marriage, and birth control are next up.


It’s funny seeing this sub cape for the DNC at every opportunity. The DNC is made up of selfish elites that only do a bunch of posturing for votes. Biden not stepping down while in clear cognitive decline is one of the most selfish moves in history. No better than Ruth Ginsberg refusing to step down with pancreatic cancer knowing damn well it would potentially give a seat to a conservative.


because food and shelter and cops


We dont have to. We could organize and arm ourselves with small caliber firearms and exploding drones. We could be ungovernable. 




Because enough years of "They go low, we go high" has led Republicans to go ["You Go High, We'll Go Low"](https://youtu.be/MAbab8aP4_A). Republicans are united by a mix of corporate welfare interests, and hatred. Democrats are scared to really stand for anything, because they're worried they'll alienate their big tent. So instead they stand for decorum, and discussion, and compromise. Even when handed the keys for everything, even when it's clear they need to abuse their power before Republicans get in charge and abuse it to their own ends, they're afraid to make a big splash. There are still moderates among them to alienate. Better to say pleasing platitudes and try to keep both moderates and progressives on the hook for another election. It'll always be possible after the next election.


We don't have to. If you can, buy guns, buy ammo, and *practice shooting.* Project 2025 will be an utter bloodbath if it gets a chance to get rolling. I'm talking genocide, pogroms, etc. The whole nine yards is gonna be on the table.


The title perfectly sums up the problem with the ‘Don’t vote joe/both sides the same’ TikTok brigade. Even some of Reddit is like this. You all are stuck in the old rule book mindset. So focused on sticking it to the Dems and Joe. Thinking we survived a Trump presidency we can do it again. We survived those years because of precedent. We survived because democracy was in place. These rulings have changed the game. Now if Trump wins, there’s nothing stopping him from just saying 🤷‍♂️2028 elections? Nah. So much has been undone but people are so confident that normalcy will continue over the next 3.5 years of Trump is elected. People like Crutches&Spice, Yuval, Ryan, CasanovaBrow, etc. have done irreparable damage. So many people who parrot TikTok points. And now we’re here. They’ll never say they were wrong. Even if they did it’s too late. It should’ve been an easy path for Joe but Gen-Z got influenced.


It’s wild that some people don’t see that just cos one side is bad doesn’t make the other good.  Lesser of two evils is a phrase for a reason. 


Dems aren't an evil


In any functioning democracy they’d be a centre right party. 


this is the most pseudo-intellectual non-gotcha ever. like ok congrats dude lmao but what is the practical relevance here


The practical relevance is that the Democratic Party is a garbage organization whose only significant selling point is that at least they aren't the Republican Party. And while voting for them may still be necessary for harm reduction reasons, pretending that they don't have a LOT to improve on certainly isn't.


The Democrats are not the party of the working class. They are just better for the working class than the Republicans. If you can't understand the political relevance of that, you won't ever be able to convince someone (and there are millions) more left than the Democrats to vote for them.




Boy yall pasties flood this sub in droves around election time


The 10,000 dead children in Palestine would say otherwise.


At this point I’m starting to think we only survived because the Trump administration was so unprepared they didn’t have the infrastructure to end us. Make no mistake, they are prepared this time.


and if people got their head outta their ass and voted for hillary in 2015 we couldve avoided these last 6 years. but no because of a three decade long hit job on and the hubris of people not voting for her because she didnt campaign in their state is to blame.






The dems are gonna stay quiet and not use this to their advantage. They'll wait for a republican president to use this to his full potential then come out later and say "We should've stopped when we had the chance." I'm still voting blue, but the dems are a bunch of fucking pussies.


Been saying it for years


Vote for local “non-pussies” and see how you can transform the party. There are MANY examples of Dems on state benches at the highest level about to take over. Local matters!


go high when they go low is total bullcrap. when they go low kick them in the fucking face.


There's no advantage given by this ruling unless a person is a criminal.


And if he did Republicans would say "rules for me not for thee!" GOTV this November people!




Go Out To Vote?


Geriatric Old Timers Vote


I was feeling terrible after Biden’s performance at the debate last week but thanks to this ruling, my enthusiasm and resolve to vote Democrat is back.


my resolve to vote biden didnt change my enthusiasm did though. for either of them i dont have a great desire to see a president die in office. id like younger choices but oh well. biden it is.


It's true - I mean, when Republicans broke every rule they thought it was better to keep trying to be normal. They should have fucking ended that fillibuster but didn't. Now the SCOTUS is now waging war against federal agencies. I hope that we can now finally say "ok, we are off kilter and we need to do something radical" It's time to do something radical. The SCOTUS has given new powers. I think one is simply jailing Trump and say it was an offical act because that is exactly wht Trump would do and then dare the SCOTUS to say otherwise. In fact it has to be done to force the SCOTUS to say what the limits are.


>They should have fucking ended that fillibuster but didn't. How would they have ended the filibuster?


over the next few months Democrats will deliver some corporate welfare and liberal virtue signaling before shuffling off into their final sunset before everyone wakes up in 1850 again


they won't even have any progressives to blame this time


Don't worry. They will anyways.


sounds good to me but you know theyll still do it.


I feel like republicans are playing chess while the democrats are just sitting at the checkers table pointing and yelling.


More like the Democrats are trying to play normal chess and Republicans keep putting their captured pieces back on the table and making up rules.


"it's turn 45 so now my king can attack any other piece on the board"


Aka anarchy chess


And democrats shrug their shoulders and go “aw shucks” as usual


I think what you're kinda glossing over is that when the lives and freedoms of you and millions of other people depend on the game, continuing to play chess by the rules is idiotic and suicidal. There are millions of people who were killed while being "right". None of that matters if you can't out-maneuver your opponents.


I agree. As a democrat it’s frustrating me to see liberals continue to play by the book when the opponent refuses to do so. Especially since we just got handed a note that says the President can do whatever he wants.


Democrats and Republicans are playing chess but Republicans just took out a revolver and holding it to the Democrats' heads, who are furiously flipping through the Chess Rule Book on how to respond to this move.


What nonsense comment is this.


![gif](giphy|Pl4PHOXVpPPDG) * Biden


This is the part that nobody is saying out loud and is why the Dems keep being in danger of getting L’s when they should have easy W’s. The Dems won’t address the fact that the GOP is acting in bad faith with dirty tactics. They keep talking all this ‘when they go low we go high” stuff but the GOP are all in on the Lie and the grift and probably have been down since before 2016. Now they’ve let the GOP stack the court which is blatantly and openly corrupt at this point. As long as they keep letting the GOP do this corrupt stuff unchecked it will get worse and worse. People keep talking about how spineless the GOP is but the Dems have been acting spineless since Obama. They should have had a collusion case against Trump back in 2016. And I think it’s because half the Dems are basically Republican Lite, not the radical progressives the right likes to paint them as. They let them lie, cheat and steal and manage to screw up any investigations with self inflicted wounds while Trump and his cohorts keep pushing the limits. I knew the Court was going to give Trump immunity when they said they would take the case. because that’s outlandish in itself saying the President is above the law. And unfortunately I think the only fix at this point is the GOP is going to have to drive the train off the cliff for people to realize how bad they are. I hate to say but we are headed into another 60s level time of unrest. Only thing that’s missing so far are the political assassinations.


If only we had that last part. BURN THE GOP


How did they “let them stack” Obama was trying to appoint a justice, but was blocked before his presidency ended. The president has the power to appoint judges and he did that. How many neo-nazis do y’all need to experience before we say, I’d much rather fight against a democratic government than a GOP led one?


The man is a total threat to the US so that would fall under official duties.


As a POC I am terrified for my family. Republicans are unAmerican.


As you should be just like any BIPOC in Europe as well, there seem to be dire times ahead Please look for people who will support you when shit hits the fan Talk to others, especially other BIPOC who would vote for their new butcher Now is not the time to be demotivated by a stupid debate, you (as in the American people) can fix the system later but now is the time to find support, to fight for your freedom and to act! I will do my best to keep my BIPOC friends safe over here in Europe - please try to be safe as well You are not alone!


Why would an innocent person constantly beg for immunity. These are perilous times.


Just "delete" Project 2025 *wink wink* Like, Order 66 that shit immediately. The silly goobers listed themselves, just have the FBI pay them a visit and off to a Black Site they go. Nothing of value will be lost. /shrug Create the empire before they do.


Seriously. We know the fuckers trying to destroy us. We just need a "pen" to "scratch some names off the list." Maybe if we get enough of them at once the power vacuum will do the rest


Man knows he ain’t got much longer. He might say fuck it and go out with style.


This is exactly the truth that every liberal realized as soon as this case was even taken up by the Supreme Court or argued prior to that and the truth smart conservatives are aware of as well. We are not playing by the same rules. Liberals play by the rules and try to improve the rules. Conservatives break or just ignore the rules. Eventually they will retroactively Calvinball the rules to cover what they did previously, but it’s not like they will be bound by that new rule, or any other, the next time. All the Justices who voted for this, for the overruling of Chevron, and the overruling of Roe, need to be impeached. Frankly, just this ruling should be enough to impeach them because it is contrary to the rule of law and the principles upon which The United States of America were founded.


Fuckers deserve more than just impeaching...




That’s because the democrat’s are being paid to fight fair unlike republicans


They’re being paid to lose and be complicit


I'm really sick and tired of this nonsense.


We’ve had Dark Brandon Now we need Darkest Brandon


How is a presidents actions while in office NOT official? This supreme court is pining for anarchy. What a dumb decision.


how the hell did the U.S. get this bad?


Trying to own the libs. A government system that relies heavily on people being genuinely good faith actors who although they share differences are all United in the betterment of the country. When those actors become more aligned to the in group than the country the system allows avenues for that to change. The US government always had powered positions for groups that had smaller numbers to still have control over certain things but the allegiance isn't to the country anymore, fascism is an insidious killer. We also have a system that relies heavily on citizen participation and nobody wants to fucking participate, even with the environment that we're in now I doubt most people could clearly state the difference in creating precedent versus establishing law. Democracy requires constant engagement and civic duty is boring.


Anyone else thinking about [the fable where the frogs wanted a king?](https://read.gov/aesop/048.html)


He should start by firing Dejoy and making election day a federal holiday by decree.


I feel if Joe held a presser right now and started striking off folks on his shit list the American public at large would go "WHOA WHOA WHOA....I REBUKE THEE!" as for the past 40 years we've had imagery of who a republican and who a democrat are, and are truly comfortable with it. I can script out what is going to happen: Trump will be jokingly asked and will give a "of course I wouldn't....WINK WINK" answer. Biden is going to have a somber, serious conversation with America about the Supreme Court but not ask for any violence or uproar...just your vote.


Siiiigh the Dems won’t do shit. The American public is so entitled they really do believe everything will just work out on its own. By the time arrests are being made, women are losing the right to vote, when divorce *and* interracial marriage become illegal and everyone is outraged it’ll be too late to do anything about. This likely is the last vote in American history.


I am honestly really, really, scared. I live in a worst case scenario world, and I cannot figure out a gameplan to mitigate my doom scenarios running constantly in my head. There is nowhere to flee to as all western countries are setting up their own version of Fascism in preparation for climate change societal breakdown. And I am in the first 3 target demographic groups when the blameshifting really goes into full swing in the next 5-10 years. I am in crisis.


What’s that quote. “Republicans have no morals and Democrats have no backbone”


Democrats blew it when Obama didn’t seat a new Supreme Court justice. Biden will not take advantage and trump will take full advantages.


Nothing the about the Trump ruling would ever apply to a Democrat president


This is unfortunately an extremely important point. The ruling gave almost zero guidelines on what is an official act. Though logically speaking from a bare reading of the ruling itself as Justice Sotomayor noted, political assassination is very conceivably immune, and bribery laws now just flat out don't apply to the President. In reality the Court can just pick and chose at whim what they deem "official" and it will become a completely political circus. Conservatives basically want to turn the US into Russia, where the governance is such a transparent joke, that people give up caring.


Joe "Palpatine" Biden: I will reorder this Republic into the ~~first~~ newest American Empire.


Vote blue. Vote in LOCAL elections. Vote in national elections. VOTE BLUE.


This SCOTUS decision doesn’t really change much. It’s long been accepted that the President’s official acts carry complete immunity. For example, Obama cannot be prosecuted for ordering the assassination of terrorists with American citizenship (since the precedent was set in 2011 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anwar_al-Awlaki). So Presidents were already able to assassinate Americans with impunity. It’s my understanding that this ruling really changes nothing fundamental and is basically just kicking the question of whether inciting an insurrection is an “official act” back to the lower courts. You can say it’s a delay tactic but the decision itself is really just reaffirming what was already understood.


All legal under his presidential immunity, too.


The guy that is supposed to lead America can now disregard the law? Fucking crazy world. I really just want to hide away cause this shit isn’t going to get better.


I love blaming Biden while ignoring what Republicans have done to this nation.


Can the media lay this out straight? No allegories, no nothing. Lay out the possibilities this SCOTUS ruling can allow to a power hungry COC with sycophants at his bidding. How these possibilities WILL affect America as a whole and individual communities.


Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Any actions performed by Joe Biden to stop Trump from becoming president are warranted, necessary, and should be considered as an official act to preserve freedom and uphold the constitution.


The words “Seal Team 6” keep buzzing in my head today.


One piece of commentary I found interesting was on Piers Morgan, Cenk Uygur said we need a populist to fight a populist like Trump. Maybe it's not too insightful, but it had me thinking about how Brandon is an established old fart and someone fresh may actually be really good for the country.  The problem is that the democrats are paid by the same corporations as the republicans, so they have 0 interest in someone new, who is going to shake things up. I fucking hate it here.


Joe Biden's team better be making some very bold moves before the years end. They need to wake people up because most of us are sleeping while Democracy is about to die.


He should basically just put on his desk all the reforms, stuff like codifying roe v wade etc. just have a full list of shit signed and ready to send to congress/senate and then his entire re-election campaign is "everything is ready to go, just give me a senate/congress to pass it and its done" kind of campaign.


I want the Supreme Court ruling challenged. Let’s start with an official drone strike on Mar A Lago and see how the corrupt SC stands by their decision.


I'd say molotov cocktail but I'd get banned like every other sub that's subservient to our overlords


The Darkest Brandon about to step up.


He should just read the dissenting opinion of sotomayor and make a list of all the things hes allowed to do and mail it to the supreme court