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Did we watch different things? I don't believe for a second that Indrani was being white washed. She was literally digging her own grave in the entire series. Netflix people were just letting her speak and honestly it makes her look all the more guilty. Idk why she thought doing this was a good idea. It was giving a classic high profile sociopath who thinks she has everyone buying into her shit and at the same time believes she will get away with it. My god, I had chills watching that woman. I have always heard only second person accounts of such people, it's the first time I am seeing such a person directly. It was lowkey kinda scary.


Oh, I'm with you on this. She did dig her own grave.


Absolutely!! It looks like her PR team and lawyers told her they could use it for sympathy and to improve her image. Also, I’ve been reading senior journalists’ tweets about it and most believe the same.


I agree completely! They basically just gave her a nice long rope to hang herself with. She did it a 100%


She looked really bad when she was shown telling the other people being interviewed what to say and how to say it!! I honestly can’t think how she could have made herself look any worse!!!!


I'm gonna have nightmares about her smile at the end. It was so unnerving.


Me too buddy!! I already had one sleepless night. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Throughout the series she plays a victim, it was very evident she was faking every sentence. The last line, that was her real emotion.


I wasn’t sure she’d done it till they showed her 😭 then I was sure.


Like OJ Simpson who wrote the book If I Did It:Confessions of a Killer where he puts forth a supposedly hypothetical description of the murders of his wife and her boyfriend or Charles Sobhraj who returned to Kathmandu, Nepal one of the countries he could still be arrested to set up a mineral water business (where he was arrested and jailed) and his return is thought to have been the result of his yearning for attention and overconfidence in his own intellect. Classic psychopath move.


Exactly!! I was reminded of the OJ case watching this. He was literally doing the same thing all the time. It's really scary that he got away with it. And here she will get away with it as well. Like her lawyer said, the burden of proof is on prosecution and the forensic evidence has been made shaky by the defence. One thing I didn't understand is if they want to prove the body that was found was Sheena's, why don't they match the DNA with Siddharta Das who is considered her biological parent. If it matches it will prove that Indrani lied about her father raping her.


Because the police never went to collect his blood because they were bribed. They were supposed to collect his blood and compare the two.


This is what's bothering me so much. It shouldn't be that hard to prove but people are actively sabotaging this.


The police never collected his blood. He also told that to the newspaper. Indrani will definitely try to kill mikhael after escaping jail. 100/100. Because once michelle dies, nobody can prove paternity or connection of Siddharth to Indrani. I really pity her father, because initially he tried to set both Indrani and Siddharth up.


Indrani hasn't 'escaped' jail she is out on bail and killing Mikhail doesn't make sense because his witness statement is already record. Why should Sidhharth's paternity matter? Sheena was killed over money and not paternity. People are so obsessed over the soap opera of marriages and affairs and paternity they aren't asking about the money angle and the role of Peter Mukherjea who was the power figure with connections to everyone in law and police and politics and media.


I also feel that Peter kept the 90 million pounds he stole from INX investment for himself and gave whatever remained to Indrani. We may think she got more than she deserved but he still has too much wealth. Also, that bitch Vidhie took mother’s side because she will eventually inherit everything that Indrani got after Indrani goes to jail. Lol.


Actually Vidhie was on her adopted father's side and there was some transfer of money and property which I know about. Then she 'reconciled' with her mother and published het own books a couple of years ago. These people are just cold blooded opportunists and some are literally murderers and no one should believe a word they say.


Maybe because Siddhartha Das is not Sheena's father. If it is only question of matching DNA then they could just match Indrani's DNA who is definitely the mother but I think the state of the body was such nothing of that sort could be done with the tech we have.


I mentioned this because Indrani claims that Sheena was a baby born out of rape that her father committed. The prosecution does have a DNA proof that the body that was found was Sheena's. How accurate it is, is anybody's guess but it is there. It means the prosecution can also do DNA testing against Siddharth Das and if he turns out to be a match it will prove that Indrani is a liar.


Indrani is a pathological liar. Like she had lied about so many things this one thing doesn't matter. Who Sheena's father is - is not important. It's more important to know who killed her. The media's entire fixation was on Indrani's marriages and paternity scandals. Because of this the money angle was never properly discussed. Sheena wasn't killed because of who was or was not her father. She was killed over money.


Yes I agree with you but in a murder case, apart from motive and opportunity the evidence needs to be also corroborated. If the defence is able to put sufficient holes in the theory that the body that was found is in fact not Sheena's then the case will become difficult to prove. That is why I feel DNA testing should be done against both parents. It should give more credibility to the case. Other than that I am obviously not in law enforcement, maybe it doesn't really matter like I think it does. I am just disheartened by seeing that something that shouldn't be that hard to prove is made unnecessarily difficult and that vile woman will walk away free.


I honestly think they won't convict her. I am sure major evidence will be 'lost' and DNA testing and results are complicated and not like how they show on American TV shows. Right now Indrani's defence seems to be the body was not Sheena's.


Indrani is a liar. The statements she made about being raped by father and giving birth to Sheena are not part of the murder trial so she cannot be proven to be a pathological liar on the basis of the fatherhood. Perjury proceedings are not as same in India as they are in the US.


BTK killer is also similar, bro sent evidence to police thinking he could not have been tracked, what an absolute idiot. But the more I dwell into such individuals the more I am scared how unpredictable people can be and kill someone at the drop of a hat.


I watched the whole show last night and I couldnt sleep. Indrani's face is soooo creepy!! So so scary and the way she talks, the eyes - I would not want to be in the same room as her. And she's definitely dig her own grave. Every inch of her being is a liar!! UFFF!!!


I agree. The Netflix team was very disapproving of Indrani’s countless lies and it was pretty evident from their follow-up questions. I felt like Indrani signed up for this thinking it would make her look good but Netflix really did a number on her in the end. 🤣


They didn’t even have to ask follow up questions to do that, by the way she interrupted her lawyer’s interview with comments (let alone the fact that she was in the same room) she did it herself


You would've never guessed that her daughter was murdered. Not a single sign of sadness or anything. Your daughter is dead, and you're bragging about how guys were running after you when you were young because you were pretty? Really? Indrani sounds like she's hiding something.


I agree 100%. They let her narcissistic personality shine for the camera, showing who she really is. They also caught her contradicting herself with lie after lie. And, can we talk about her creepy evil smile at the end thinking she will get away with it? Vile.


There is this segment in there about some relatives calling her 'Lucy' and Indi is talking about what she'd have done to that person had they said it to her face. It's such a telling moment. I mean please at least wait for existing proceedings to end before you start fantasizing about new crimes


Same for me!! That comment and her smile sent chills down my spine. Plus the way Indrani and Peter kept trying to mislead Rahul on the calls was very disturbing… how can he be the only one who’s bothered about finding her? Why are these people acting soooooooo cool?! Also, the comment where she said I couldn’t be bothered about contacting or looking for my child who has abandoned me sealed it for me. This woman is a psychopath and has indeed murdered Sheena Bora. Good job, Netflix!


Exactly!! Just because a documentary is made doesn’t mean it’s an attempt to whitewash her. If it was I indeed an attempt to whitewash her, it was a really poor attempt lol.


Even her lawyer low key screamed at her and asked her to shut up twice in the series. He was also annoyed at her. Also her other lawyer, sana. As shown in 2nd episode was a big boss contestant. What does that say about her. 😂


Exactly! She gave the whole Sheela from wild wild county vibes to be honest. No remorse.


My few takes from this docu series: Indrani did it. Peter knows all 100%. Rahul knows its Indrani & Peter is lying all through out. Vidhie switches side according to whoever has money. And Indrani's lawyer is sooo done with her lmao.


lmaooo the lawyer. i cringed everytime he had to make indrani shut up because she was making herself look extremely guilty. its so obvious with the circumstances and her behaviour that she did it


Correction: 1) indrani did it with peter's knowledge and support


>Vidhie switches side according to whoever has money. That couldn't have been any clearer. What an opportunist, just like her mother.


Right? All that talk about being Daddy's girl and as soon as her mom had the bulk of the money she flipped sides real quick.


That vidhie was just as bad as her mum... She ditches her biological father pretty much straight away from meeting her new rich daddy.. Then ditches her new daddy almost instantly after hes lost all his money to her mum and runs back to her 🤣 The biggest loss apart from the daughter losing her life was the son, hes literally got nothing and treated so badly, you could see the hurt in his eyes from the whole thing... As for the mum she didnt seem sad at all her daughter is dead!


Wish Rahul could give his 2 cents on the whole situation but his trust fund probably depends on him keeping his mouth shut.


She's a total sociopath. Some points I noticed: * When talking directly to the camera Indryani speaks with a somewhat forced/fake British accent. When you hear her voice speaking in English on the tape recordings Rahul made of her, that accent is completely gone. * The fact that she and Peter were using the excuse that Sheena's disappearance was nothing unusual (even though she's never done it before) and shouldn't cause any worry is similar to the abandonment that Indryani did to her first two kids. She had no concern for them whatsoever and she views disappearing/ghosting people as a normal thing. * I don't know if Indryani's father molested her. If he did, I'm sorry for that. But it makes no sense why she would leave her children to be raised by a rapist. * She mentioned the word "ambition" so many times. Clearly she is ambitious and she holds this value very highly. Sheena, Makhail and her past were a threat to Indrayani's ambition. * In what universe does a doctor give shock treatments for weed addiction??? Even if the weed addiction were true, in no way, is what Makhail described proper treatments for that.


‘Fire in the belly’ lol


That statement was creepy. And she said it a couple of times. Fire in the belly...... to kill anyone who gets in her way!!!!!


Exactly why wud u she leave the kids to be raised by rapist and then say ohhh I really care about them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Good observation about the accent!


Good points. I don’t think her dad molested her either. Given your reason, and the fact that Siddhartha said those were his kids, as well as the lawyer slipped up lol…her ambition was to only land a rich man. She’s a gold digger. What a horrible woman


Thank you for pointing out the marijuana bit. I found that to be one of the most ridiculous parts.


I’m actually a 100% convinced, now more than ever, that Indrani in fact killed Sheena. God, she dug her own grave with the docu-series. Two things that really stood out for me were : - Vidhie mentioned that one specific aunt (cannot recall her name), I believe from Peter’s side of family, asked her to stop calling Indrani ‘mom’ and instead call her Lucy, short for Lucifer. The next clip features Indrani saying had this specific aunt said this to her face, she would’ve “slapped & socked her and pulled out all her teeth.” This was a pretty huge red flag for me. - She formed a WhatsApp group, “Justice for Sheena,” as she believed that Sheena may not be alive, however, she now wants to change it to “Justice for Indrani” instead because she believes she “spent 6.5 years in prison for a girl who is probably still alive.” Her words not mine. She tried so hard to convince people that Sheena is indeed alive in Kashmir somewhere, lol. That she has no family and she feels extremely betrayed by Sheena and how she is indeed the manipulative one. The only thing this documentary did was prove further that this woman is a narcissistic psychopath in true terms and nothing can convince that she didn’t kill her daughter. I really hope Sheena gets justice, this was beyond sickening to watch.


as her Lawyer said,I play on strategies, who is guilty or not is irrelevant to me; I think its a very basic as tactic of the accused to first and foremost, defend the victim, call themselves as team victim and pull all others down instead, like mikhail is good for nothing, rahul does not have a job, peter is liar, sanjeev is a blip in my radar, and all that but sheena is smartest among all and she never asked me for money never and wanted to be self-made. Also, it was actually good to see that whatever indrani used to say/ claim was refuted the the next moment in call recordings between rahul and peter/indrani and now Im thinking, how can she be so stupid as to not know whats out there in the recordings?


Only thing I got from this documentary was that it could have been an open and shut case with how many stupid things they did. In any other country with a competent police force, this wouldn't have taken more than a few months solve conclusively and pin the blame on Indrani, Peter and their accomplices. All we have is a fucked up investigation leaving so many holes. Pure incompetency and the fact that the police is so susceptible to bribes and influence. Joke of an investigation leading to an unnecessary documentary.


Omg I thought I was the only one. Literally chills down my spine in that little moment she said she would sock the woman who made the 'Lucy' comment. Something about her eyes when she said it was extremely sinister, pure evil energy.


Watching episode 4 and this lady's lawyer had a slip of tongue and calls Sidharth das as the victims biological father and u could see the reaction he had afterwards when he realized his tongue slip


You know I wasn’t sure why she had that comment out of camera view and his reaction but I get it now. He just blasted their own claim of Sheena being a product of rape. Furthermore, I am a survivor of child sexual abuse and when a man is raping his daughter, he doesn’t do it once, wait 2 years, then do it again with nothing for 2 years. That is just not how child molesters typically behave. Once actual rape starts, it becomes a regular occurrence.


Hey, I hope you are happy, healthy, and safe at present. More power to you✨️


Much therapy and wisdom gained thru life experience has healed me for sure. I do thank you for such kind words!


Spoiler Alert: Do NOT read if you havent yet seen the whole thing. Once you watch the whole thing you will be totally convinced that Indrani killed Sheena. The holes in her story could swallow city buses. The problem though is real undeniable proof. And if there is anyone even interested in finding out the truth anymore. The whole "sheena is alive" thing is something her defense came up with and that fell flat when the DNA matched. Her defense says the DNA study wasn't done properly but are also unwilling to have the DNA testing done again. Her lawyer even says at one point that why should I have the DNA tests redone again since its not my job to prove the case of the prosecution. Thats is whats called a Freudian slip. He knows that a second DNA test carried out properly would prove the skeletal remains to be of Sheena and their Sheena is alive theory would be dead. Its painfully obvious with all her lies and theories and sickening excuses when caught in a lie that Indrani killed/planned the murder of Sheena. Literally did a recce of the place where the body was found. (Proven by cell phone records) There are many many reasons to believe that Indrani killed Sheena. Not one to believe otherwise. Even when asked point blank "Did you kill Sheena?" she cannot say NO but says "What a stupid question". Though in my mind i heard "What a stupid question..ofcourse I did"


How delusional one can be to tell people through a series after spending over 6 years in jail that Sheena Bora is alive and hiding in Kashmir? "What a stupid question". That reply of hers is enough to understand she killed her but of course there's no real evidence/factual proof to prove it in the court of law yet. Bhagwan se toh darrey ye aurat, but in the end of the day I realized money buys everything. Even people


So there was some woman who was a former police officer or something who found herself conveniently in the cell next to Indrani (so a shady former police officer) who then goes on to tell Indrani she has actually seen Sheena in Kashmir. This person who is also in jail filed the affidavit that she saw Sheena in Kashmir. Ridiculous. But it must be noted that the ONLY reason Indrani is out on bail is because Peter was given bail much earlier and the Supreme Court said that in the interest of fairness if Peter was given bail then Indrani must also be given bail.


I just watched the entire thing : This lady interrupted her lawyer so many times. The lawyer seemed so fake and I really think he made up the story after a long pause of her looking at properties to buy so he wouldn’t slip into telling the truth.


As a lawyer myself, this big boss woman was just so stupid and what the hell even was she even saying??? She couldn’t even read a sentence from the petition properly without fumbling her english!???? Like wtf how did she get the bail application even passed 😭😭😭😭😭😭


The ONLY reason Indrani is out on bail is because Peter was given bail much earlier and the Supreme Court said that in the interest of fairness if Peter was given bail then Indrani must also be given bail.


Since there are holes in the DNA testing by the defence, why does the prosecution in itself take charge to have the DNA testing done again and for safe side do DNA testing with samples from both Mikhail and Siddharth Das?? The prosecution should be proving the body is Sheena's without any doubts whatsoever. Because from what I see if there is no body there is no crime. If the identity of the body is in itself in doubt, the rest of the case is shaky at best.


There is a body. Its lying in the Morgue as we write about this. The Prosecution will, i am sure, follow due process and have DNA testing re-done to prove without a doubt that the remains are of Sheena. The defense will always take the line that DNA testing wasn't carried out properly. Even after a second test their contention will be the same. They have no choice but to do so. It rests on the Judge whether to accept their contention or not. The rest of the case is still shaky anyway. Lots of circumstantial evidence like call records, the driver turning approver and a state witness etc. But by the principle of Occams Razor the simplest explanation is usually the best one and while that may not fly in a Court of Law but in the Court of Public opinion its very apparent that Indrani did it, just the way the driver claims.


Yep . The whole sheena is alive felt so cringe.She is definitely guilty.


Nobody besides the fiance is real in this case. Indrani clearly comes out as the perpetrator. Her lawyer is a joke. She does give the vibe of a sociopath. A psychologist should analyze her interview and see what they think of her.


And a body language expert too. An experienced FBI interrogator would've caught her overuse of the word "was"... and then quickly self-corrected herself. What a joke!


I've just finished it, and spoiler alert but Indrani's vibes are extremely sus.


Totally agree! Not relevant to your comment, but she was portraying herself as this classy woman who is successful and posh, said this is Michael and Sheena in Germany. It was their photo at Jungfrau in Switzerland. LOL.


Also would like to point out the "I want to change a whatsapp group's name from Justice for Sheena to Justice for Indrani".. glad this was by the end otherwise I wouldn't have finished it 🤣


Oh I have not finished it yet. The plot looks interesting.. Reality is stranger than fiction!!


Thank god that Rahul had those recordings.


There were so many discrepancies. One where Sheena reveals to Vidhie and Peter the truth and Indrani accepts it w her reasoning and a few seconds later, starts saying they’re lying. Also her eyes pierced through my soul lol.


I didn’t get that part too! She meant her daughter was lying ?! Crazy people!!


Yeah she realized she screwed up there and then tried to backpedal by saying no no no wait wait is it from memory was bad or something. That woman is so full of shit.


Yep, she's got that sociopathic stare.




When she says she left her first husband (whom had saved her from a horrible situation) because he was “ordinary”. And how she doesn’t take accountability for abandoning her children with an alleged rapist. I actually got anxiety watching her speak, it was like being in the presence of evil


The only person who was real in this whole case was Rahul .. thankgod he recorded those phone calls .. The only thing he did wrong was he should have done some tamasha in 2012 itself and done police complaint etc.. media would have taken him seriously maybe.. Sadly Sheena is no more and the only person i feel bad for is Rahul .. 💔 Vidhi the other sister literally is thali ka baingan changing sides according to money offered …


He couldn't make a police complaint because he isn't a blood relative and wasn't married to her yet. He tried to get her biological father to complain.


Ohh damn this makes it even more sadder 💔💔💔


Rahul seemed the only genuine person


Did anyone find Vidhie a tad bit annoying?


Vidhie looks exactly like her mother and behaves like hertoo. She is the type to sell her family for a few bucks. Imagine saying to the court, I want to live with Indrani because I want to experience her love.😂😂😭😭😭😭


I’ve known Vidhie since 2013 - she is just like her mother. Ask Sakshi Chopra, against whom she led an online bullying campaign for several years amongst her wealthy friends in Mumbai, before her mother was arrested. The apple does not fall far from the tree. Although I feel bad for Vidhie, as she is clearly a product of her environment. 


i just dont understand why she would easily go live with her mother who has been been accused of murder of her other daughter. If she did it to sheena isn't it apparent that she could do it to u too ?? what kind of stupid person would willingly put themselves in close proximity with a accused murderer ????


vidhi is smart as fuck. I do not deny that she had it rough, growing up with murders must have messed her up. But she did look out for herself. I mean I find her stance convenient frankly. First when her mom and dad were arrested she wanted the sympathy of the Mukerjea relatives and possibly her dad’s money. So she called her mom a murderer to keep her dad’s side relatives happy. And the moment her mom got her divorce and all the money from dad. She very conveniently switched sides and now says she doesn’t know who killed Sheena. I mean you can see through this. She would have no claim to her father’s property if she continued to support Peter. He has other kids, and who are his kids. Here her mom just got a lions share of the money that’s just primarily hers after her mum.


I doubt it was her brains behind all of it, its indrani and her defence team.


my god YES. initially I was thinking why even she here, she was a kid back then in all the photos, her stance in all this cant be taken into consideration whatsoever. the time she walked in on Rahul and Sheena sleeping together, and she goes like ' i felt betrayed' I LAUGHED SO HARD like wtf girl you were kid, who the fuck were you to feel betrayed, why are you acting like you were promised Rahul instead. and then I realise, she was a careful plantation of indrani and her defense. In my theory, what they wanted was that she; 1. gets some clout out of this so she can begin her journey in media; 2. she provides stance on indrani which is all over the spectrum, she is a mother also, she is bad and violent also, she is victim of peter's family also, and then in the end she was saved by her mother from the overdose also; all in all to carefully provide a good mother image to indrani in the end but also agreeing and providing on her bad side so it doesnt look biased.


I didn't find Vidhie annoying at all to begin with. But the way it ended - it was so clear she is wilfully blind. She CHOOSES to stand by her mother murderer or not, and to no longer search for Sheena, because she is clearly monetarily better off for it. Even if Indrani didn't do it, you would have more a response / conflict here standing by her - she has literally SHIT on Vidhie's biological father, adoptive father, her sister whom she loved, her brother, everyone. Every single person in the show is so clearly motivated by money in this instance, except for Rahul


Yes - more than anything I was absolutely shocked at the fact that these people including Vidhi could not even shed a fake tear or show an OUNCE of concern for Sheena’s whereabouts or well-being. It was just woe is me woe is me woe is me. You got what you want from all the offshore assets now shut up and stop milking someone’s fucking death. “Oh I love my mum I miss her but oh my dad is great I don’t hate him oh Sheena was like a sister to me even when I didn’t know she was oh but there was definitely a difference in the way I was treated and the way Sheena was treated oh Sheena sent me weird emails from a weird address oh but like I just thought what the fuck but I’ve had it so hard honestly haha”


She says f$#k way too much! lol


Her "wanna be rich tone" with fake ass accent my god


Even Indrina in her sit down interviews her accent has changed


And wth was all of that “I grabbed a bottle of whiskey and locked myself in my room” about?! Like keep that shit to yourself. It’s not even relevant to the murders. Maybe she needs to get some better coping habits


spoiled nepo baby vibes


The part where the rich uncle and aunty sitting in a posh ambience and the uncle calls Indrani sexy! 🥹


N talks abt her eyes n lips eww gross uncle Ji 


Bro what were those clothes????? 🤣🤣🤣 Aunty's loud yellow salwar and the hairstyle!!!!


The woman threw her own father under the bus 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah the same father who she left her kids with and isn’t here to defend himself.


Yeah I'm completely baffled. Was she trying to say that he fathered Sheena ???


As much said so. She conveniently called her father a rapist. Now that the man isn't around to defend himself anymore, nor is her mother, this seems to be the story she's sticking to.


Sheena’s dna can be tested against Sidhartha right?


Why did they not perform a DNA test to validate who Sheena’s father is!!!!


Because it would bring to light the fact that she lied and fabricated the entire story about being raped by her father. God I hope she rots in jail.


Because it is not relevant to the case. The courts are not going to order DNA tests to prove irrelevant things. This is not the way things work.


Kuch bhi yaar. She did kill Sheena. God knows how she was released from jail


By snitching on P. Chidambaram...google it... But I definitely wanna know who made that call to Police in 2015. On a side note,what that journalist said at last was such a chef's kiss moment ," Sheena bora gonna stick with Indrani till the end of her life"...


Sheena’s brother. Mikhail. Because that very night Indrani tried to murder him also. She drugged him with shitty alcohol. Luckily he woke up and ran away.


No...he didn't..They mentioned about anonymous tip off that led to the arrest of driver in 2015..After going through rabbit hole, it feels like Peter was in it too..Something went sour between the husband wife duo in those 3 yrs and he threw her under the bus.. To be honest,he benefitted the most in this whole saga.He got rid of Indrani and everyone associated with her ...I am pretty sure..He abandon Vidhie that's why she had no choice but suck it upto such demonic mother...


I don't think Mikhail was the snitch. The snitch told the cops that Indrani murdered her sister, not her daughter. The snitch didn't know the true relationship. Also, I'm sure Indrani was setting up Mikhail to take the fall for the murder, but he ran away and she had to change her plan


She comes across narcissistic, and keeps coming from the point of “look what happened to me, how they did this to me.” Sickens me that she speaks of her daughter so nicely, but her own son, Mikhail, can directly contradict Indrani’s own narrative and demonstrate how cold his mother is-like when she sent the two plane tickets for them and they were so excited, only to burst their bubble and deny them as her kids. She relishes in her own successes and takes this opportunity to celebrate herself, her ambition, and play a victim. Not a fan of her-only appreciated the other viewpoints in the doc.


It's hilarious how she thought this might save her some face. But I guess she has nothing to lose anymore. Infamous is a way to be in the limelight.


Only a narcisisst would genuinely believe that them telling their side of the story will absolve them from blame. Sick, stupid, vile woman.


The second they showed her face I was convinced she did it..her eyes are so dead and disturbing.has anyone noticed there's always kinda smirk on her face??


That smirk is a psychopath's smirk. They honestly believe they are the victims and they just don't understand why they are hated.


I saw one episode. It's really intriguing and well made even though I knew everything about the case still made it immensely watchable


Spoiler for people who haven’t followed the case and wants to catch up with the Netflix documentary. >!I have no doubt in my mind that she killed Sheena. There are several reasons behind that -!< 1) >!The co-accused her driver and her ex-husband both have confessed to the crime.!< 2) >!The burned remains of the body found in Pen checks out to be Sheena’s.!< 3) >!Nobody has seen Sheena after she met up with Indrani.!< 3) >!Indrani’s alibi doesn’t hold up ( she actually invited her son over to her place from Bangalore on the very same day to make it look like she was with him when Sheena disappeared. Then she tried to douse him with alcohol so that he doesn’t remember much. However, her son has a history of getting framed by his own mother so he pretended to drink and then locked himself up in a room.!< 4) >!There is a 2hrs long video available on youtube, comprising of recorded phone conversations between Rahul (Sheena’s boyfriend & Indrani’s step son) and Peter & Indrani. The calls were recorded by Rahul himself because he was trying to find his girlfriend and suspected a foul play happening somewhere. He had a feeling that his father and his step mom knows something that they are trying to hide from him. So he tried to investigate them on his own. During those phone calls, you can hear the narrative coming from Peter & Indrani changing multiple times. One can also see multiple holes in their explanation of how things transpired. For me, those conversations are enough to believe that they did something to her.!< https://youtu.be/L4slXi4SHEU?si=GENi3mZjy_q-Du_9


I feel so so sorry for that beautiful girl sheena and for rahul too


I've watched three episodes so far. This woman lacks emotions for anyone, showing no remorse or guilt for what she did to her own blood. It's hard to believe a mother can be like this. It's my first time witnessing such a cold and calculating person, lying through her teeth to fool all of us. Rahul seems to be the only person genuinely worried about Sheena, based on the audio recordings.


Why was Indrani against Rahul and Sheena’s relationship? The reason she gave in the series is that Rahul was laid back and that he wasn’t doing anything at that point of time , which I strongly believe is another lie from Indrani. I wonder what was the actual reason , what was bothering her so much that she allegedly killed her own daughter?!


Here's my take...Indrani had to do all that shit to reach where she reached i.e to become Indrani Mukherjea from Pari bora But all sheena had to was marry the son to get that same status ...It must be out of jealousy for Sheena( she didnt need to compromise her morality and got to marry the love of her life ) and her hate for Rahul (As per vidhie, Rahul didnt like Indrani even before marriage to Peter).She managed to Punish both with one single move.


Agree, she was not about to allow that Sheena have the life she planned for herself so easy and with the shortcut. And less if it was out of her control, she was jealous, angry and see herself on Sheena. What a complicated relationship between a narcissist and her child who she sees as the source of her trauma and ruining her life but still wants her close and in her control.


Not saying that's exactly what happened here, sometimes narcissist mothers can become intensely jealous of their daughters (esp the elder ones) and go out of their way to sabotage them. The daughter is seen as a threat with her youth and seemingly like she's replacing the mum in society. Sheena was young, beautiful and about to marry into the same family money that took Indrayani years to break into. I believe Indrani was extremely jealous of Sheena.


And also, since Sheena is as driven as her, once Sheena enters into the top echelon of society, she could easily divulge her true connection to Indrani as daughter, not as sister as Indrani had claimed. Sheena's existence is seen as a threat so yeah, better get rid of her.


Peter and Indrayani are/were extremely shady. There was money under Sheena's name and apparently after Indrayani's daughter and Peter's adopted daughter Vidhie turned 18 and acquired British citizenship they wanted to transfer everything in Vidhie's name from Sheena's but Sheena smartened up and had demands.


Indrani was a public face and Sheena was not. Now Sheena decides to wed Rahul which would have made headlines like ‘Peter Mukerjea’s son marries Indrani Mukerjea’s sister’. People from Guwahati who knew that that’s Indrani’s daughter would have become talkative about her representing her kids as her siblings and it would not have been good for social status Indrani acquired in Mumbai. She wanted to avoid the marriage at all costs and hence killed Sheena. Remember that she was a Wall Street top 40 woman.


Inheritance. Sheena would get inheritance from peter legally if she was rahuls wife. Also indrani wanted to remove existence of her past. That is why she tried to kill Sheena’s brother the very same night, but he managed to escape.


Sheena or not, Rahul would anyway get inheritance from Peter. Why would she suddenly want to wipe off her past? If that’s the case she why would she call Sheena and Mikhail to Mumbai to stay with her? She could have let the kids be in Guwahati and still funded their education.


She raved on the fact that her past remained hidden. when she went to kolkata from guwahati, she says with a evil grin that good thing about kolkata is that no one knew about my past. and then she tells people in kolkata club that vidhie is her first born, and thats where the lies begin. going up to mumbai, while this time she didnt hide her daughter, yet, someone who has reached up to that stature in the society, is envied by most of them, cannot take a chance with her past coming out, you know one which involved her having two kids at the age of 16-18, that she abandoned before going to kolkata, having a kid there with a high society man to climb up more in the society, and clearly calling her the first child and then moving to mumbai to climb higher. her rivals would have eating this piece of information like christmas dinner, that scandal would have taken her down by a few steps surely cause the image of being a gold digger and all that, which came out after she was arrested, would have come out before and it would have effected her relations in the society and her business as well. There is shot where vidhie tells that one night rahul and sheena came to them and sheena told them the truth, and then they put it infront of peter and indrani and they just bluffed it off. in the very next shot indrani replies to that instance, she is starting to form her clarification for it and in the middle of the sentence she says oh no no no no this never happened, she never knew of such a night happening until after she was arrested. and then mikhail too says while narrating his mental institution episode that maybe it was happening cause he told the truth to a few people couple of time while at a bar/ party. more than inheritance, it was this scandal that indrani couldnt let people know.


I get it, it wasn't made to whitewash her. But this has become like a trend. People commit crime, go to jail, write a book or something, get out of jail and then Netflix will make a documentary on them. Life goes back to normal for them eventually.


Indrani mukerjea was looking for properties in Raigad a day before Sheena was buried there - this was a coincidence?! I have no words


I read her book, the autobiography. She dug her grave in literally every single page of it. At this point I think she doesn't get it, she really believes she will get away with it.


What a cunning lady that indrani is. That story of her dad raping her is such a lie just to play with emotions. How did she come out of jail.


I am at episode 2 of the series. I am wondering just how powerful Indrani Mukerjea really is to have this docu-series made and sell it to Netflix?! None of her sob stories are convincing. In fact she is imparting kind of ominous energy whenever she’s coming on screen. I am scared of her by merely seeing and listening to her through my laptop screen!


I don’t think she made the series.


I don't think she made the series. Journalists/documentarians made the series.


She is an absolute liar. Claiming abuse by father and claiming Sheena is the child of abuse when she resembles Siddharth Das who has claimed he is willing to give his DNA to test she is her daughter. That child was conceived out of wedlock. She never married him. She had another child Mikhaeil with someone else and left both of them and moved onto greener pastures as she herself says I couldn't be bogged down with kids. I was far too ambitious and bright to waste my life on bringing up children. This person is a psychopath. When one constantly throws people under the bus, abandons, betrays, lies, mistreats, family, kids, husbands, bfs and uses everyone for social climbing then a day arrives when something comes in the way of what they desire they won't think twice before removing the obstacle. This person is absolutely devoid of empathy and did what she had to. This is the where absolute selfishness, individuality, greed, capitalistic society and hustle mindset is headed. These psychopaths run our governments, society and corporate world. This is why we have multimillionaires who are accumulating money like rot while people starve without their next meal. There have always been wolves in sheep's clothing. Predators, cannibals, hunters pretending to be social, friendly, harmless amongst humans. Its a great percentage too perhaps 5% or more. Not everyone ends up taking this extreme step but everytime we hustle and shove people around us to get the next promotion or opportunity we are exhibiting the same traits. Its animalistic nature of humanity. Human has not become God yet. Its not satyuga yet. 


The best moments- - Ranjit Sangle - " Rahul has been pestering Siddharth Das, Sheena's biological father.." Indrani interrupts - "alleged". Ranjit could not handle it properly post that 😜 Gold 👏🏻 - Indrani explaining why she didn't reveal to Vidhi that Sheena was her daughter and not sister and suddenly midway she realises this explanation is not in line with her lies so she retracts from it or atleast tries to 😜 - Vidhi taking her father's side all along and then suddenly mother gets majority of the assets in divorce and bam she switches side 😃 - the interviewer asks Indrani "Did you kill Sheena?" To which she replies "What a stupid question? (Ofcourse I did - well I added this)" - Indrani saying she is free, she can laugh, she can live blah blah ya right with 3-4 bunglows and 3 crore money, anyone can do that but the saddest part though is that all her kids are exactly like her -"bottom feeder" and have only used her for money. Nobody loved her.


Watched the whole thing. Did not feel an ounce of sympathy for Indrani except for maybe that part about her father. I don't think they've shown her in a good light - quite the contrary imo. Loved the documentary tho


I actually want to know what it is from a layman's point of view who has no briefs or idea about the case, like since I already have an idea of the case and already convinced that indrani did it, but still felt the manipulation in the segments of Indrani talking. Would a person with no prior knowledge still be convinced she has done it?


I’m not from India and never heard about this case. She totally sounds guilty to me lol It’s eerie that she has a faux-British accent on camera, but in all the recordings she sounds very Indian


I’d never heard of the case and I think she’s guilty


Although I have heard of the case somewhat, I was wayyyy too young at the time when this story broke out. There is an eerie presence every time she comes up. She tries so hard to compensate for stuff. Constantly asking her lawyers and advocates to say something in a certain way or interrupting them when they have to say something, and she slips multiple times. She doesn’t have her story in order and it all seems suspicious. To me, she sounds narcissistic. If you see her body language and her whole aura it seems as though she sees herself as a victim (?) and seems to pin the blame on EVERYONE except her.


As I understood it for a long time, it was obvious that Indrani killed Sheena. But, as an older, more aware person and after too many crime series, doesn’t 100% mean beyond reasonable doubt? Here’s what I’m confused about after watching the 4th episode - 1. The maharashtrian man in the beginning talking about seeing a body, reporting it and the police just digging it up further? The anonymous tip off from someone to Rakesh Maria about the body ? 2. The police catching hold of the driver for a random gun? and him confessing to the crime 3. The primary motive of killing her daughter, while I think Indrani is cray & did want this to come out, it did not seem like a strong enough motivation 4. Sanjeev Khanna being a part of it? 5. The DNA data being handled unprofessionally and presented 6. Mikhail sending loving messages to his mother after torture and potential spiking of drink? Never enquiring about Sheena and her disappearance 7. Sheena being the one to reach and wanting to meet Indrani after 3 years of no contact? How would Indrani have pre meditated this if she had no reason to believe she was going to meet Sheena till a few days before. That said, a lot of things like the audio recordings sound extremely incriminating & suspicious, Indrani completely comes across as a strange, eccentric person and does not build a case for empathy. She misspeaks about a conversation with her husband and daughter and corrects herself, which leads me to believe she’s building lies and can’t help that they slip out sometime. Also, Indrani interrupting her lawyer and his reaction is just priceless. Ranjit Sangle is my favourite person of the whole documentary.


Here’s my hot take. The money that Indrani and Peter got from the investors for INX was siphoned off to a bank account under the name of Sheena, located in a bank in Singapore. Sheena was probably blackmailing them for the money, as she needed some to go do her masters. But Peter and Indrani didn’t like the power she had over their money and were desperate enough (after their failed venture) to hatch a murder plan. I believe both Indrani and Peter plotted the murder and tried to cover it up from Rahul by misleading him and blocking him from filing police complaints. I am also convinced that the body found in Pen was buried at their behest. However, things started turning sour between Indrani and Peter a few years later which is when Peter tipped off the police regarding Indrani and paid off the driver & the ex-husband to confess (or may be they were actually involved). Peter knows that Indrani can’t talk about Peter’s involvement in the case without incriminating herself. So he was confident that he would get away with this. But his own son’s recordings were the ones which got him under CBI’s radar. Funny isn’t it?


This is the most reasonable explanation that even I could understand from the entire thing. With how personally invested Rakesh Maria was in the entire case it was a dead giveaway he was just there to keep Peter Mukerjea safe and put it all on Indrani.


Peter was not in India when Sheena was killed. That’s why he was not arrested by the police but was only called in for investigation as he might be having some information about the murder. The Rakesh Maria angle is there as well.


Mikhail just wanted money from Indrani to fulfil his materialistic needs. I don’t think he really cared about Sheena or their relationship with Indrani. Nobody in the Bora-Mukerjea family truly loved each other. The only thing they cared about is money.


Yeah I also found it weird that after screaming at her mother in court for the divorce, Vidhi went back to “loving” her. Indrani got a lot in that divorce settlement.


Vidhi is gold digger


Like mother like daughter


No doubt. Check her Instagram posts 2015 onwards. She's been chilling around the globe


And Vidhi immediately switched sides after that.


1. This is the biggest blunder of the case. The police had access to the body early on after the murder and they just ended up reburying the body. The defense will say any forensics obtained is tampered with. We don't know who else has had access to the body over the years. 3. Primary motive is hiding her past, protecting her reputation and not disclosing the lies indrani told over the years. 4. Maybe Indrani has some info on him and was threatening to release it unless he helps her get rid of her kids 7. From what I understood, there were 2 meetings. The first meeting was at the hotel and that was the first time Sheena met indrani after 3 years. Sheena left safely after the meeting. Then she met Indrani again that week I think at Indrani's home. That's when she was murdered.


I advise you to go through this case on YT. Preferably these two links. You will know a lot more and probably answer your queries: [Link 1](https://youtu.be/3NO1LdqCBUc?si=c-jvTtcAUPvHyKnP) [link 2](https://youtu.be/o9BvmPScz7k?si=5epWdR7XsQsjaieB)


6. Mikhail is someone who was not at all like his mother or sister. He didn’t want to establish his career or wanted big things in life. His only funda is get money from mom and spend it in whatever ways. He stays at the ancestral house, maintained distance from both Sheena and Indrani, didn’t give a fuck about Sheena after her disappearance. Nobody nowhere says that Mikhail was worried about Sheena and called us to ask about her. It was only Rahul. Still Mikhail is an important witness to prove that Indrani had bad intentions towards her kids from her first two pregnancies and she looked at them with shame.


2. The gun story is to cover the driver’s identity as an informant only to protect his family. Like Indrani or Peter can kill off the driver’s family for betraying them after taking so much money from them. That’s why they made him look like a fool who went to drop a gun(wrongful possession crime) and baaton baaton mein he confessed to a crime for which he didn’t even use the gun! It’s a big possibility that the gun was planted in the story by the police.


I was thinking why is the docuseries named so. It should have been named after Sheena. Probably Indrani put forth the condition of naming the series after her in exchange for her appearance.


Found this interesting video posted by Quint on YouTube. The journalist here says that Sheena was a few months pregnant when she was murdered. This was confirmed by his sources in Mumbai police. She was impregnated by someone close to Indrani (anybody can guess who this “someone close” could be) and therefore her body was burnt after killing her to get rid of the foetus. Now this gives a clear motive to Indrani to kill Sheena. [Quint Video](https://youtu.be/UYDx32mnvrQ?si=XkdsPs4MEgNG1LKL)


Sheena's 'pregnancy' has never been proved. Every time a woman in India is killed rumours start that she was impregnated hence killed. "Sources" who never go public claim secret pregnancies. Sheena was killed for the money by Peter and Indrani and a HUGE sum of shady money. How is money not a good enough motive for gready people like Peter and Indrani? Super Rich people don't care about things like paternity and illegitimacy or reputations. They can go live anywhere in the world and do anything. Only money matters to them.


How come nobody tried to ask Indu which college in US was Sheena in? That is the biggest giveaway. Her passport was with Rahul apparently. Why didn’t he straight file a case? Gadha. Later her passport is found in dehradun???? Hain? Also I feel its actually Peter Mukherjee who didn’t want Rahul to marry Sheena. He has a lot to do with this murder. And when in the end indu is telling rahul on call that she only wants money, later denies it on camera??? Netflix ne bhayankar kaata hai Indu ka.


Random but i remember when orry and her daughter vidhie were hyping each other up on askfm I wish someone would make a post about the unhinged things ppl would say on askfm LOL Ahaan Pandey had a whole fan meet from there


Vidhie and Orry were “dating”, everyone thought it was odd because he seemed so gay


She obviscates between tenses when talking about Sheena.. saying she was and she is. And in the final scene when asked did you kill Sheena bora she says "what a stupid question," instead of just answering. Both of these things are such blatant indicators of deception... let alone the mountains of evidence against her. The last moment of this documentary was the knot in the rope Netflix gave her to hang herself


There's no doubt that she did kill sheena , but the conflicting story is around her birth. Story A : She (Indrani) liked a guy during her school times and forcefully convinced her parents to marry her with him and then got pregnant and birthed two children. Sheena and her brother. Story B : Her father, SAed her, and sheena was a child of that incest. And she felt guilty of all this. I've heard the A story more often, but I remember story B as well. But I don't think it's true at all. Indrani was an ambitious women, she wanted money fame and power.


I watched the show with a very open mind, and tried to be as objective as possible, but each and every thing pointed to Indrani as the culprit. My conclusion had nothing to do with her lifestyle or her choices, unlike many people who choose to point fingers at her out of sheer spite. To me the one damning thing that confirmed she was the murderer was the scene where her lawyer had a slip-up in the last episode and said “Rahul Mukherjea was pestering Sidhartha Das, Sheena’s biological father…” I was like what? But Indrani claimed in the first episode that Sheena was a result of Indrani’s father molesting her. And when the lawyer had the slip-up, Indrani murmured “alleged father.” What? That makes zero sense. You were cocksure and confident that Sheena was Indrani and her father’s daughter and now you claim that Sidhartha _might have been_ her father? That’s bucketloads of bullshit.


On my 4th episode, and damnnnnnnnnnn


The part about looking at farm property... she literally prompted her lawyer, he looked up for a few moments- which is a classic nonverbal indication of lying, and produced one of the most asinine arguements I've ever heard.


And her lawyer asking on the camera to Indrani - " Have you agreed to the farm visit?" Srsly unprepared much.


There’s a true crime podcast called ‘The Desi Crime podcast’, they covered this case months ago and they did post it again yesterday with the title “ the TRUTH about Indrani Mukherjea that Netflix wouldn’t tell”. I think everyone should check that out because they’ve really covered it well!


Not Vidhie Mukherjee changing her stance after her mom got money and property after the divorce 🤢


Why is no one talking about the role Rakesh maria played in this sordid case and his convection WITH Peter Mukherjee.


So here's my theory :- Everyone in this story apart from Rahul I guess was just after money. Even Mikhail didn't bother to find his sister because he actually didn't care and was probably also jealous that she had a better life. He just wanted the money to keep coming and probably knew something of the murder and was being fed with money by Indrani until she was arrested. Sheena probably had some planning to use Peter & Indrani's money for her education and her life with Rahul or have access to some source of money she wanted . However, Peter & Indrani didn't want to give it to her. Maybe Indrani feared that after her,  the money would go to Sheena instead of Vidhi & Peter wanted her out of the way from his son's life and he wanted to secure his money. Sanjeev Khanna has been planted by Peter to save himself from this mess after some fallout with Indrani in the span of 3 years. That is also why he cut his ties with Vidhi too so that he can completely get over it and start afresh.


Not sure about this theory, but I don't trust mikhail 100%. I feel he knew something or maybe saw something that night and was just extorting money. I also don't believe Indrani's rape story, If that's real then I'm sorry that happened,but I still don't believe it. Cos If that's true she left her daughter with him knowing that she might have to go through same fate..That means she had no heart for her daughter.Rahul is the single person that came out as a good character in this story.And  peter may knew about murder and wanted to drop all the blame on indrani,this way he removes 3 people from his way ,maybe??But over all I got from this documentary is Indrani's an insecure and power hungry woman.  And I saw it at night so her smile was actually chilling and I got scared.


Sharing the same opinion on Mikhail. he was good until in the end he totally fumbled hard on why is he buying and enjoying a SUV when her sister's murderer is on the loose and grandparents are ailing. that fumble took all the interviews he had given so far in the previos episodes, singlehandedly down. I also think that yes, he was bribed hard, and since he already had the taste of the Indrani's viciousness before once, he chose the bribe over speaking out. Cause we are forgetting that this woman was pretty powerful, and if she and her husband can get the police commissioner of that stature involved so much that he had to be removed, then they can go to quite some lengths to scare down a puppy. and I think for 3 years, thats exactly what was happening. I think surely Rahul must have been shut down as well more times than one, it must not have been all hunky dory for him either, except that he chose to not chase clout and come on the show unlike others. Mikhail probably spoke up now only because he thought that indrani and peter's system was now down since they were arrested and he can now speak freely and until ofcourse he bit his own tongue.


I watched it and this is for sure that Indrani did it. It's on her face. They way she is setting up a story for herself that her father raped her is so cheap. She is a sociopath. I worry for those who even believe 1% of her side of the story.


Not sure about Whitewashing, but this documentary did a great job in portraying her as a psychopath. She got crazy eyes and smile.


Did anyone catch the part where the Netflix person asked Indrani what she was doing in Raigad a day before the murder, and her lawyer stays silent for 2 seconds and says "whoever knows indrani knows she loves property" and she nods and says "yeah yeah farmhouse". This was pretty obvious lie.


Did anyone else have a good laugh watching the whole 'Justice for Indrani' speech towards the end? I know I did. She's a textbook narcissist plus a psychopath and should be behind bars.


Nah this woman 100% killed her own daughter and Netflix really gave her a platform to play the victim. If her father really did that to her at 16, then how could she have left her children with him knowing well what he was capable of? That’s sick. To then move to a whole other city, climb the social ladder, and still not acknowledge the children you’ve abandoned?? The only person who seemed somewhat genuine was Rahul even though he didn’t interview for the doc, and I respect that. Mikael was alright, except the part where he kept asking for money from Indrani after accusing her of trying to kill him 🤔


Vidhi literally went back to her mother after her mother finished jail for money. There is no relationship in Indrani’s life without money. That’s why she would do anything to preserve that said money.


Her lawyer extremely correctly said, all the people around her have an agenda and it was evident!


The relationships u forge are a result of your own doing


So shocked to see all big names follow Vidhie on instagram.


Indrani was in Raigad looking to buy property a day before Sheena was buried there is a coincidence? How in the world?


hurry attractive dinner straight bake punch future doll shy consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mekhael’s story alone is proof enough. But the way she is acting out in front of the camera. It is truly scary. Hope they get her. What a complete charade.


When you’re so used to people buying your bullshit that you think u can fool the world for a murder u committed


Her lawyer looked more tense than her😂


Can’t blame the first husband from disappearing from the picture completely… knowing Indrani i would run as fast as i can in the opposite side. What a family! I would not want to be associated with them with money or not.


These are my opinions, from the lens of a non-Indian, not living in India. What a stupid documentary. 4 episodes and 1 vital question they never asked - why was Indrani so sure that Sheena is in the US? Did she see her off at the airport? Did she buy Sheena's plane tickets? Why keep on insisting that Sheena is in the US or wherever, when they actually already found Sheena's dead body? 4 episodes - and they didn't even mention what some claim that Rahul has Sheena's passport so how the heck can she even travel overseas??? Indrani probably thought doing this documentary will help prove her innocence, but boy oh boy, it made her look even more guiltier. And the defense lawyer hahaha... you can legit see him struggling to defend her.


I just finished watching and I 100% believed Indriani did it. The fact that she didn’t want to answer if she met Sheena that night when the producers asked her SCREAMS suspicious. Why can’t you say yes or no? “Just because Rahul dropped her off doesn’t mean she met me” but I listened to the 3hrs voice recording and Rahul asked her when they met and she admitted to meeting her? There’s just sooooo many loopholes and listening to the voice recording, she and Peter showed noo sadness or anything when they heard that Sheena is missing. The whole forcing your own children to call her sister and not mother because she don’t want people to know not even Peter? but in the beginning she said “Peter saw I have 3 cesarean scars so Peter knows everything” And her suddenly saying everyone wants to buy a farmhouse there and going there 1 day before Sheena disappears and the area they found her body? ARE YOU INSANE? and the fact that she’s spent 6.5 years in jail and when she’s out she claims that Sheena is still alive and out and about? Really? with the $40k? Do they think that $40k can last forever until she’s old? How unhinged are you to even spur this narrative. And let’s not forget that she created a whatsapp group called justice of sheena but changed it to justice for indriani because she deserves justice. Really? There’s a dead, rotting, probably all bones body that’s in the morgue UNCLAIMED. And the fact that when she’s released from jail she smiled and laugh and was all happy, but it doesn’t change the fact that your daughter is still missing and (obviously) dead when you’re out of jail doesn’t bother you? bruh???




Whitewashed? If anything this shows extreme culpability by Indrani and Peter!


She is such an evil woman. I am 100% sure that she is the murderer. The way she looks into the camera with zero guilt.


Not a single tear for her daughter.


Anyone else getting Casey Anthony vibes from Indrani accusing her dad of abuse?