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Yes but QC is a stand alone series so it can’t really be compared, Bridgertons got a much larger cast and more storylines to contend with. Shonda Rhimes was also the Showrunner and Writer so of course the quality is gonna to be better


It's a good connection between the stories, in my opinion. I loved it


It was my fav out of all (the seasons) I loved it too✨


Yes! 10/10! 😍


I love how in Bridgerton, Queen Charlotte has like 10 Pomeranians in every scene held by her servants lol


Yes! So sweet! 😍


Yes, it kind of explained why she is the way she is.


Yes. I didn't watch it until recently when I heard it explained some backstory between Lady Danbury and Violet Bridgerton. It made Queen Charlotte a more sympathetic character for me.


Same here. I didn't care for QC in the 1st season, but after her show, I loved her more than any other character.




I loved it, too ❤️


I’m only half way but I also like how they are showing the ups and downs of a marriage and that even though they dislike each other they still care for each other (I’m up to off days so who knows if that changes … probably since they have 15 kids)


Honestly, I really like it when Shonda Rhimes herself takes the lead. Most of her shows are of caliber IMO.


“I will stand with you between the heavens and the earth. I will tell you where you are. Do you love me?!” Chills.


Managed to outclass “you are the bane of my existence and the object of my desires” in literally every way. It’s absolutely the the standout season of Bridgerton, as a whole, with S2 barely outpaced.


That whole scene. Just absolutely phenomenal.


I sobbed frequently in this series. My husband came in the door about 30 seconds after the he last episode concluded. He thought something serious had happened!


My boyfriend and I watched it and sobbed together😭


You didn't go over the wall 😭😭😭😭


I think I need to have a day, and rewatch all this. I need a good cry, got a few pent up in my system. I neeeeed to see the moments like that 😢




I was sobbing


Made me blubber like a fool lol.


I recite this scene any time I see or read the line. Her “no’s” have me cackling cause YES QUEEN TELL HIM.


Truly a brilliant line and scene.


Not one of, it’s the best.




Period and I am in love with Farmer George


It’s #1 for me


The unequivocal winner of the Bridgerton universe thus far. So well written, definitely a good re-watch. I know they have different writers and showrunners, but Queen Charlotte was a force to be reckoned with.


Polly Walker (Mama Featherington) has been one of my favourite actors for ages. For her alone I would put up with the known decay of the writing on this show. HOWEVER, when considering what a tour de force Queen Charlotte's season was, and that S1 and S2 of Bridgerton were rather excellent, I am okay with not watching after the QC season. I will consider Bridgerton done for me rather than sit through the trainwreck that S3 is loudly rumoured to be (Polin holds no appeal anyway). Better to be remembered with a bang at the hands of George and Charlotte than crawl to a whimper with insipid leads and a worse yet show runner. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


See, one of the few things I give s3 WHOLE HEARTEDLY is the beautiful arc they gave Portia.


Thanks for your comment. That gives me some pause. Much. I do love her. Perhaps I'll watch when I really have time to spare, but that's no time soon.


I wouldn't rush to watch it, the best comment I've seen is that everyone is lobotomized. But the Featheringtons, pt2 does them splendidly.


Easily #1!!


It's the only series that made me cry at the end (both times through!)


Last episode I will always sob. It’s so beautiful. It touched my heart so much. “Hide from the heavens with me.” *hysterical sobs*


You didn’t go over the wall. No George I didn’t. 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️


Was it a happy or sad cry? I’m midway through the series right now 8 days post partum and dealing with an insane hormone crash, tears for everything, I’m so worried about it ending sadly. I may postpone finishing the rest of the episodes until I’m emotionally stable!


It’s bittersweet- it’s a happy ending in a vacuum because >!their legacy is secured and they still love each other, but he is never more anchored to reality than his younger self is!<. That’s just my take though!


Haha it was good to read the ending ahead so thank you . And I am glad no heartbreak at the end , that would have been hardest to watch


You’re welcome! Tbh the biggest heartbreak I can think of is wrt Brimsley since >!we never see Reynolds in the Bridgerton timeline and there’s a scene where he’s reminiscing and dancing alone!< but I get overly attached to side characters.


Those scenes crushed me. Brimsley and Reynolds together and then the solo dancing scene. Just so beautiful and achey.


Ugh yes! On my first watch I had to skip through as soon as I realized what was happening because I couldn’t handle it. It would be one thing if they were gay divorced and that was explicit, but leaving it such a question mark what happened to Reynolds hurts my soul.


What happened to Reynolds? I assumed he passed away


I really liked the show being about widows and then Brimsley is one of the widows. QC is also a widow from the disease that took George’s sanity.


I think I cried more at this than at the queen and king


I was smiling ear to ear as they shared a dance and laughter. Then Brimsley solo sent me into sobs. I had to pause the show to get it together. Then immediately sobbed again at the next scene. I am mid aged and used to teach film appreciation. I haven’t cried at a movie in yearrrrsss


Feel the need to spread the good news, there was going to be a scene of Reynolds older but it was cut prior to filming


How could they do this to me, specifically 😭


What everyone else said! Very sentimental. The final scene is filmed brilliantly. (Shonda is brilliant!)


QC is the standard. I watched all of Bridgerton, then I watched QC. QC had me weepy and pulled me in a way that the regular series didn't. I'll rewatch Bridgerton but I'm not sure it will be able to pull the strings the way QC did. PS: REYNOLDS AND BRIMSLEY! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


QC reminded me that I'm getting old AF and that can still be beautiful, but not necessarily easy.


It won't be easy, but at my 49, let me be the Auntie that Lady Danbury is. She spoke all the life into the Duke. She is a good friend to Violet. She's a good big sister to Lord Anderson and enough to admit when she is wrong. She's earned the confidence of a Queen. And she's all of this with a style and grace that translates into 2024. We're not old. We're seasoned, and it's *glorious*. And every swing of her walking cane is pure joy.


My ranking is: S2 QC S1 S3


Exactly, but I'll be honest Edwina annoyed me a bit.


What annoyed me was how long they dragged out Anthony marrying Edwina out of "duty," even when literally everyone was telling him not to.


Anthony: This will make my family happy/ proud His family: SCREAMING




I loved the pining! 😍




Mine is tied between s2 and QC S1 then S3 although I adore Penelope


God these costumes are so good, imagine if the main show had QC costume designer


Whut?! I mean, all the awards, really!


I think she’s absolutely stunning and she carried. Pic 7 is my favorite but I prefer being with the Bridgertons. QC depressed me so much. I haven’t rewatched. Nothing is beating the OGs imo.


She had no business being that good at like what? 19? lol


QC was definitely darker and more serious. Some scenes were definitely hard to watch. The scene with Brimsley dancing alone :( What happened to Reynolds??


Reynolds is still alive! They just live separately bc they keep the king and queen apart. At least that’s what Shonda said.


Oh okay. I thought Brimsley dancing alone meant Reynolds had died or something. But it's not like they could be seen dancing together.


Same. QC makes me bawl my eyes out whenever I binge watch it!


Clearly superior. And heartbreaking. And romantic. And passionate. And just ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Besides, I demand a Brimsley/Reynolds miniseries too! Before the actors gets too old to play it. Though season 3 might have robbed us of this since it was of such lower quality in all ways that people have complained so much :(


I also have been asking for a Brimsley/Reynolds miniseries! Can we e-mail Shondaland??


I have rewatched it many times than I would like to admit :) Its the best in Netflix


The rewatch ability of it is pretty impressive. The writing itself is probably the tightest of any of the Bridgeton seasons.


Absolutely, after season 2 this is my favorite. beautifully portrayed the love between the queen and the king. The whole casting, storyline, everything was amazing. p.s. the ''you did not go over the wall'' scene has my whole heart, its so perfect.


I always find it a little disturbing because of the torture scenes


Yes, I skipped those scenes when i rewatched.


I enjoyed it overall, but found those parts hard to watch. It’s multiple scenes and it’s not like they’re limited to one episode. Even just seeing the animals in the cages made me sad.


My ranking: QC, S2, S1, S3




I rank it first and season 1 a close second


“What a beautiful dog your majesty”. “It is a deformed bunny”


Yes! I loved the luxurious feel of it. The grandeur, the music, costumes, storyline and attention to detail. I love that it is based in real historical people, but with enough original writing to stretch one’s imagination.


🔥❤️Romeo & Juliet of Bridgerton. https://preview.redd.it/am0aippqi5bd1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebe9488c2c1a1d3db3c5a22549daeeb0281fe93b


I wouldn’t necessarily say Romeo and Juliet is a standard to strive for


Not saying it is. Their love story has tragic elements and we know how it ends but it doesn’t make their journey or love any less powerful. India & Corey actually drew the analogy between KG & QC and Romeo & Juliet.


QC will always be my favorite. “Hide from the heavens with me”. ✨gives me chills even on my 27th rewatch.


It's my favorite Bridgerton story even if it isn't directly related to the series. I cry if I think about it too hard lol.


It was but ironically I could never watch it again because it made me cry too much.


The overall story was very good and touching. My peeve with it is that sometimes the dialogue got a little too Grey's Anatomy where they repeat cutesy phrases back and forth: "I ramble." "You ramble?" ... long speech... "And so I say, I ramble." "My garden is in bloom." "Your garden is in bloom?" ... long speech.... "And so I say, my garden is in bloom." A little formulaic and very clearly Shonda. It even infected the "farmer George" stuff, which otherwise I would think is a sweet nickname and then twists in a nice angsty way. The problem is that the writing just overuses this device.


It had its problems, story-wise. But hands down they were the best leads.


The one thing I’ll say, is that they could’ve done a better job with Lady Danbury’s story. Other than that, I thought it was mostly a flawless show.


I’d like to hear more about this


QC was so powerful and the cast phenomenal. I have only watched it the once as I don't think my poor heart could take it again any time soon.


This was genuinely the only season that made me outright cry. Seasons 1 and 2 also gave me some feels, but man, I *bawled* at the last ep of QC. The casting and acting was impeccable, the story written so well, and all of the side characters' storylines were engaging too. Honestly I wish that the main series could provoke such strong emotions in me as well. 


I’ll be honest. I didn’t find the series engaging. I tried to watch it through and had to fight the urge to skip parts the whole time 🤷‍♀️


For me I just found it weird putting it into historical contexts and being like “oh… so this is the guy that was taxing the hell out of the American colonies? This is the head colonizer? Alright remind me why I care about his wellbeing”


I have yet to finish it


* I thought the actor who portrayed George pulled off a very moving performance. I just wish he didn't get so >!distracted being tortured during the middle of the season!<. * I liked how the King's footman seemed like a side character at first but then you realize how crucial he is to George and how much he cares for and supports him when needed. One of my favorite characters of the season. * The season just overall had more weight and emotional impact, though I love all the other seasons. * I'm on team Lady Danbury (*raps walking stick on the floor*) so I loved her younger arc in this show. The actress was fantastic and gorgeous. * Charlotte herself was great, the actress crushed it and probably did the best at portraying a younger version of a character. * George the Farmer. The scene where >!Charlotte realizes his condition and just takes control and helps him!< lives rent-free in my head.


QC was just a lot more sad to me


i can't re-watch it unless i'm in the mood to cry ugly tears. it's beautifully well done 11/10 and i still can't get over india's acting. brimsley's storyline made the show's character make much more sense. the casting is, *chef's kiss.*


In some ways, but not completely for me. It was too sad, too much madness and not enough scenes showing the love between them. Bridgerton season 1 I watched multiple times, QC has only been once




Absolutely it’s the best! The other seasons of Bridgerton were about falling in love. Queen Charlotte showed us characters that not only fell in love, but stayed committed to each other, even when it’s extraordinarily difficult, which we don’t really see in the other seasons. I’m not saying there weren’t challenges and troubles for the other characters, just that we don’t see that play out across multiple decades.


Hands down, the best one


“Yes, Farmer George. I am Farmer George. These are the hands of a king and a farmer… farmer king ☺️” I rewound that line like four times because it was silliest and cutest delivery hahahaha this season makes me cry!


Not one of the best. It’s the best!!! 😆


Loved it ❤️❤️❤️


It was the best!


Ten thousand times, yes


I feel like you should watch it before season 2 because there are many connections and Easter eggs that are easy to realize if you watch it before


I really enjoyed it, but there’s such a disconnect between Queen Charlotte as a young woman and later. Charlotte as older woman, and perhaps it was the Kings illness that turned her into a gossipy meddlesome person who has no other interests except for figuring out who should marry, who and then she’s always wrong lol


Absolutely! I have no idea why it took me so long to watch it. It was so beautiful.


QC, S2, S1, S3 for me. QC is heartbreakingly beautiful


I can recognize it was a well told story but it’s been my least favorite. Found myself getting bored halfway through and have never rewatched it (while I’ve rewatched S1-3 a hundred times). The ending was very heartwarming but otherwise, the buildup to the end kind of dragged for me. But I also have no real connection to the QC character and am not really interested in a sad story (too close to reality). I also didn’t really feel chemistry even though I loved both actors on their own.


My absolute favorite thing to come out of the Bridgerton universe.


Me. It was my favorite season. None of the others compare to how emotional this one made me. It was so romantic and good, as corny as it sounds , it made me want to believe in love again.


100% ! Favourite season, favorite cast, best chemistry, love the declaration scene, love the steamy scenes, absolutely beautiful yet heartbreaking.


The costuming in QC was just sublime. Her dresses were 🔥.


I think we all collectively wish we could watch queen charlotte again for the first time


Queen Charlotte made me cry several times. The other seasons didn't tug at my heartstrings the way Queen Charlotte had. For me, this is the best season, closely followed by The Duke and I.


It was the best, because it had depth and consequence. The setting wasn’t set dressing. The story and its characters are tied contextually to the time period/ setting. It doesn’t have to be historically accurate, but logical consistency was there


My heart broke for George and Charlotte over and over. It was a wonderful season and the cast was amazing. Definitely the best


Their cast interviews are iconic. The chemistry is so strong!


i think it was THE best of the bridgerton collection


I started _and_ finished it all day yesterday, I was riveted. I'd have thought it might come off a bit like a foregone conclusion, but they managed to hold the tension of it even though we know how it works out. I don't usually have an opinion about sex scenes, but hot damn, did they all put in the work on that season. I do find myself pondering the notion I saw when reading up later that it's not a HEA ending. On one hand, it's extremely bittersweet -- but man, I don't know, it seems like a pretty happy outcome to me? Like, as happy as their circumstances could have possibly allowed -- that feels like a HEA to me. But I also love a bittersweet conclusion, so. Might just be me.


It was sooo good. It’s one of those shows I wish I could delete from my brain so I could watch it anew all over again.


Queen Charlotte was fantastic


QC easy, but will admit I wasn’t too keen on the idea at first. QC exceeded my expectations by far. Loved seeing the character background and how each are the way they are. Especially Lady Danbury!


It was a spin-off series and yet it managed to have the best cast, the best story, AND the best male lead like none of those Bridgerton boys or other love interests can compare to George. And his love confession??? I was floored like lord when will I ever meet a man like this. Also the main leads chemistry??? *chef’s kiss* Only complaint I had was them trying to explore the whole “racism but not racism” thing (which imo ruined the “fantasy” of a seemingly non-racist 1800s England society).


It’s 100% the best. I BAWLED. I never get emotional while watching tv but I BAWLED. All of the love stories were so well formed, written and acted. It was a masterpiece.


It was the most interesting story by far, and had the most complex characters


Its sooooooooooo much better than all of the Bridgerton seasons 💯. Even the TikToks still make me cry.


QC is head and shoulders above the rest of the seasons. It's almost a different show.


Sometimes for no reason at all I think about them under the bed and I start tearing up. She loved him so much and he loved her right back.


Seems I need to give it another chance some time. I watched 1 or 2 episodes back when it came out and got kinda bored tbh. Maybe I was frustrated with my own dating life at the time, who knows.


I would recommend going back and trying again. At first I only watched the first like 5 minutes of episode 1 and dipped. But I tried again and it’s now my favorite of the series ✨


I think it was better because it was different show runner than season 3


Absolutely my favorite of all the Bridgerton universe!! It’s heartbreakingly beautiful and both QC & KG were played to perfection. I love the sensitivity and grace shown towards PG’s mental illness and the love between them is one for the ages.


Hands down.


I don’t


It wasn't one of the best imo, it was THE best


Yes, it's a well told story with an appealing cast. I mean, all of the casts are appealing, but this one really found the right actors to play younger versions of our beloved characters.


Me. I made my husband rewatch it with me ( his first time) and thought he was doing it out of obligation 😂, but I fell asleep and he told me he finished the series without me. It’s just goooddd, and not overdone like with some of the other. It’s real marriage and love, through death and beyond.


Yes. Yes it was. My most favorite, with season 1 bridgerton a second.


Queen Charlotte changed me emotionally 😭😭 it was amazing.


I still feel the butterflies whenever I come across it Edit: It is THE best for me. :)


Deffo.Their love story had jeopardy from the beginning .There was the massive story arc of the gradual hinting at and then the ultimate reveal of the King's mental health . And Queen Charlotte's love for him remained steadfast throughout.It also helped that the actors in the 2 lead roles were wholly believable.


Yes I do. Not one season of Bridgerton has topped it for me. Plus I think QC has better romance/sex scene🤭🤭. India and Corey chemistry was insane


QC was a spectacular love story. A standalone spinoff show. But I agree the story was majestic. Love Bridgerton too


Ya I made a mistake of watching this first, before any other Bridgerton season … and the other can’t compared. I couldn’t finish watching season 1. It bored me


I do. I loved the lead actress she was amazing.


It's my favorite. First, it was written completely by Shonda Rhimes. She can bring emotions like no other. Also, while there were side plots, the main focus was on the main couple. It made a big difference.


It's #1 in my book even though it's a stand alone.


It’s what made me fall in love with Bridgerton!


Many of us agree.


yes! it was amazing.


It is. Facts


The best


It was absolutely the best. I’m not a massive fan of bridgerton (I watch it while looking at my phone 😂) but QC had me hooked. It was such a beautifully written story, and had me in tears many times.


The casting makes my jaw drop. The younger actors are spot on with the older actors in the main series


I absolutely loved it and would love to see another adventure from them!


My favorite season in Bridgerton series and its not close


Came here to type this after my re-watch. Yes yes yes.


I enjoyed it much more than any season of Bridgerton.


It’s my favorite piece of Bridgett in content. I love a show that makes me cry both happy & sad tears and this one certainly did


The best! To me


I liked it better than any Bridgerton season


This series made me love Queen Charlotte so much


I couldn’t watch it because of Lady Danbury’s husband. Too depressing


It was the best but it was so painful to watch any scenes with that horrendous “doctor”. I loved their story but I cannot rewatch it like I can with Bridgerton.


Yesss Bridgerton Season 3 had too much going on IMO. I did like how both stories connect though.


It’s THE BEST! That line i will stand with you between the heavens and the earth is ✨✨ i recite that line in the mirror 🪞 pretending to talk to king george eheheheheh


It is THE best!


I think it was *the* best. Period.


Still in love with Corey Mylchreest, always my King.🥰


The way it was shot, the costumes, the scenery and the actress is SOOO beautiful. Btw George was a lil too fineeee


I will vouch even though it’s a stand alone for it to be as amazing as it was beating all the couples in the series to me is insane. I was so invested in it compared to any of the storylines in Bridgerton. It was least toxic one to me because it was based on mental health and learning to love someone based on something they can’t control wether than cheating and stealing someone’s man to also assaulting someone to get even like …


I didn’t even finish it. It was boring 🥱 imo. 🤷🏻‍♀️




It was amazing. From the chemistry to the plot the characters everything was top notch. But maybe I liked it so much because I knew it would have a bitter sweet/sad ending.


One? It was THE best show out of that whole universe


100 percent. Queen Charlotte was brilliant. I thought it was the most thoughtful, the best written, and really touched on very important issues. I also loved that it was based on the real love story of Queen Charlotte and King George.


Definitely, if you count it as a "Bridgeton season", its definitely my favourite, I love the relationship between Charlotte and George, but it's still apart from the original series


It is the best one, hands down!! The writing, the costumes, the acting. I just rewatched them all and there is no comparison 😍


Queen Charlotte>>> Bridgerton S1+S2+S3 I love Bridgerton, but Charlotte and George's story is just ::chef's kiss::


QC and season 1 outdid all the other seasons by miles, there’s not much that will even come close to QC.


It was the absolute BEST it was the reason I even started watching bridgerton!


Yes?! Is freshly sprouted grass green?!




yes it’s definitely my favorite!💗🥰




i cried a lot watching it. so much heart. so much emotion.




The casting was incredible, how did they manage to find such perfect younger versions of every single character?! They didn't miss ONCE. I'm sure it isn't but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a Young Sheldon/TBBT situation where the mum on YS is the daughter of the mum on TBBT.


Absolutely adore QC.


I wasn't sure how it would be but I decided to watch it. I'm glad I did, I loved it!


For me: QC> S2> S1> S3 Kanthony had the best chemistry but Charlotte and George made me cry so hard


I liked and it was a nice connection between the second and third seasons of BRIDGERTON