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Creepy af. No one asks to text roleplay like that. Even after you’ve met. Sexting usually happens naturally not like this weirdo is trying to orchestrate.


He was being really creepy if I'm honest...


He's probably just a lil 'tarded man 😂 honestly he dropped the ball, if he was gonna get the chance to come over 9/10 times he's gonna get the chance to have intercourse lol there was no need to say more than necessary.


Dude is desperate and knows not how to communicate. Kinda sad


Yeah and I'm down, and he was cute but he communicated like a 16 year old on msn.


For all you know he might have been 16 and using someone else's photos. Last guy I dated lied and said he was older (he was in his early twenties and not late twenties like he claimed).


Honestly the guy couldn’t close to save his life. The woodworking, going out for drinks, etc. there were so many openings for him to flirt with you cutely.


“I’ll give you some wood to work. 😏” /s


Yeah, you sounded like a chill, open, and reasonable person in all those messages, and he sounded oddly and particularly needy in a way that prevented him from actually having a convo.


I was sitting there reading to myself and thinking 🤔 there's no way this guy is getting play with how he types and/or talks. Bro was legit desperate to have sex right away before even. I honestly didn't think dudes did this stuff until seeing numerous chats posted on here. I'm over here thinking damn men suck as a man 😆. Ruining it for the rest of us.


Yea. This conversation was creepy and it felt like a near repeat of some I’ve had with guys I’ve talked to through OLD.


I'd like to say something, but at least this guy gets to talk to women at all on Bumble.


Ugh! I'm so sick of the "get me off via text messages so I can determine how willing you will be in person" messages. This is gross AND desperate.






He was desperate and he also didn't like that you kept asking him questions, was throwing him off and started with the guilt stuff of "oh I guess I just suck at this" in hopes that you would change it around.


I would have unmatched after the first message about “pleasuring” you. Guys like this are the worst. Once they steer the interaction towards sex, I get immediately grossed out.


Not to mention, they are rarely able to deliver on that.


Omg... Yes!!!


Thank!👏 You!👏


"Please say no if you're not feeling it" *acts like a total creep the multiple times you say no*


Totally gaslighting


We'd been talking for two days, he'd already invited me to his family farm and been really excited about movie nights. Aah dating.


You were never gonna leave that farm alive. 😱


I saw that movie.




I had a dude do this, making grand plans for travel and things we would do together. He was just saying it to pretend he was more invested in building a relationship, when in fact he was looking to hook up. This dude is out for some strange and was trying to speed up the process, realized it wasn't going to plan and bailed.


I had a guy do the same bs. It taught me to meet up with someone before I invest too much of my time and energy into talking to them on the phone or through text. It’s all about the in person vibe.


I dislike when someone is planning something big or offering things before we've even met. I had a guy saying I could come over and use his pool. When we finally had our first date I wasn't feeling it and neither was here 😂 it's way too presumptuous, and such a turn off


You should shoot him a message at some point and ask if it's cool to use his pool.


And you haven’t met irl? Run girl 🚩


Dw, I ran.


I also hope you keep trying there are good ones out there


How do you know?


Cute. Leatherface also invites you to his family's farm. Good times.


This is one of the grossest and most desperate things I’ve seen in a very long time.


Haven’t even met irl yet and that’s the convo he chose. 🤦‍♂️


That wasn't a convo, it was her trying to have one and him desperately clawing at it to try to get what he wants.


What a weird conversation, it’s like I was reading 2 people with broken English try to communicate with each other


"You're not helping me have a quick wank so now I won't take you out on a date and you'll miss out" ... dude...


Who the f••k wants to role play “kissing and cuddling”? That’s new


I drape my right arm over you and press my hand on your stomach. Then I have to maneuver it up to my head to move some of your hair out of my face. I want to go in for a kiss, but my left arm is falling asleep under your body, so we have to get up to shuffle around. You lean in and in an almost whisper say, "I have to go to the bathroom."


"OK now roll for initiative."




Add your cha bonus for this one.






Oh this session is just getting started. Wait until we get to the "tentative, almost ear nibble." That's when things really get wild.


the “im woodworking” sent me 🤣 guys are always trying to sext when you’re like walking the dog like bro chill 💀💀💀


"Walking the dog, eh? Are you wearing underwear?"


I always "loved" the "what are you wearing?" messages at like 2pm from guys. like, dude, WTF do you think I'm wearing, a foxie onesie? gtfoh!


Without me?


Yeah it was like 5.30pm on a Sunday, I'm doing stuff then I'm gonna make dinner, not sitting around eating bonbons and texting you.


Right 😂🤣


You played along way too long. Are you guys both 17? Creepy vibe


He did you a favor and weeded his crazy self out. Kissing and cuddling shouldn't be a first date thing unless you're just looking for an easy f**k. People can hate on me all they want but that's how I see it. First date is getting to know the actual person before you go hands on. It's cringe to me that guys think they can even walk in, just pleasure, then walk out. It's narcissistic and ego-mania. Honestly, the whole role play thing without really knowing somebody (key point to those who will get upset with this, actually know somebody well). is usually for swingers. This guy is giving you more than pleasure, you're gonna get a side of HPV with that likely.


Ffs. You were nice about it. It's a pisstake and bordering coercion idc. Cheek of him


What the fuck is this weirdness what the fuck.




Well put 😂


You dodged a bullet. When I was OLDing, any hint of sexual chat was an immediate unmatch. Only spend time on guys who want you, not a sex worker.


If anyone I'm talking to on the apps makes any comments that are suggestive of physical touch/intimacy before we have even discussed scheduling a date, I immediately block and move on. Same if we have a date scheduled and he starts insinuating that he wants to hook up on the 1st date, I cancel the date, block, and move on.


He never planned to meet up just wanted to sext


I agree


Roleplay kissing and cuddling? What? I mean you just meet and do it if you are into it, where’s roleplaying in that? But I think someone asking you before they even meet if you are planning to get physical with them after is a manipulative and red flag. You can’t say yes because what if you don’t like them. And if you say no they act rejected and offended.


Too desperate. Too cringe. Disaster.


I look into your eyes, what a gem, I lean in for a kiss and right as I do I hear it. The horn of Gondor. The orcs, they're back! I roll a d20 to see if I remember where my horse is. Fail M'lady I've misplaced my stead may I ride the into battle against the orcish horde?


“It’s over Sauron, I have the high Grond!” “I am not role-playing a siege machine for you.” “What? I thought you were going to bash in my gates! 😉”


I’ve tried sexting before even meeting guys when I was younger and it was always a bad idea. Some guys just really wanna push you to do it and now it really turns me off. Someone writes smth like that and I’m out. Sexting can be good when you’re already in the dating phase, when you’ve already been intimate, before that it’s just awkward. Meeting someone for the first time when you’ve already been intimate online is just awkward, especially if you don’t feel the chemistry IRL. I have no idea why some guys just really push it..


I'm surprised you even entertained the conversation a second longer after the "pleasure" part....


I was thinking the same thing, why even continue the convo…


girl was on point and played it cool, guy has no game 1. by that initial effort but 2. how he felt defeated when she didn't wanna sext


When a man you’ve never met uses the word “cuddling” just go on and unmatch.


Yuck... this guy bro its a no go


Don't entertain this nonsense just bc he's attractive! JFC, I was cringing extremely hard reading his texts Don't entertain this shit lmao


This is a common trope I've experienced repeatedly. It usually starts in the middle of a mundane conversation. It always feels like they're working up to it right from the start, looking for their opening. It's gross, presumptuous, and deserves a quick unmatch. I'm not even polite when they do this.


this is... not good i'm not sure why either person here was bothering to continue this conversation dating is supposed to be fun, engaging, and exciting


Ben bumble music guy lol


OMG! I have always wondered if I was the only one who gets the creeps "I am a giver" I am middle aged and have been hearing that on and off for as long as I have been on the apps. I finally deleted them. What some of these dudes don't understand is if they would just go with the flow. Their chances of actually making out or hooking up greatly increase. 🙄


Code for 'hey I'm really good at lacklustre oral '


100%! It's like let me meet you and see if I even want that. Also, vice versa...it's too much pressure!


As much as I constantly fail at dating and talking to women, it's always nice to see when there are guys that are SOOOOO much worse at it lol


Lulz, dating apps


Bro why is it every time I see a post here it’s some guy who acts like a child? Honestly I am so curious as to what these guys must look like for y’all to stay matched with them past these obvious red flags.


hahaha and I thought I had it bad. This guy couldn't flirt to save his life. Sexting is only fun if no one brings up what actually it is we're doing. It comes up naturally and it escalates to that fantasy without asking can we fantasize. So stupid. You dodged a bullet. He seems weird.




wtf? 🤦‍♂️ sometimes I feel like I’m weird and then I see shit like this and I don’t feel so weird now 😂😂


That went so fast from I want to cuddle and kiss to yea I'm not feeling u bye 😲


Yea and “I’m falling” to “I’m not feeling you bye.” It was the “I’m falling” that was the weirdest, to me.


You should have bailed the second he invited himself over for sex at your place before you've ever met. Holy shit this guy was creepy as hell.


tbh he may not have rescinded the offer. instead i think he maybe never intended to go out on the date. as in, lets say you did roleplay... there is a distinct chance that after the roleplaying he'd have ghosted or otherwise gotten cold feet. i know op says he was attractive, but remember that guys catfish too. dude seemed desperate so i wouldnt be surprised if he catfished to fantasize and roleplay with his matches. lots of hypotheticals, but basically im saying OP didnt actually lose out on anything. bc to me he might not have wanted more than sexting in the first place.


I agree, I don't think he ever intended to go out.  His photos weren't hot enough to catfish, but who knows.


that was the equivalent of a d\*\*k pic, which in the history of mankind, has it ever worked out for the sender?


Yeah, that’s a little cringe! Da fuc?


What a bummer that he became so weird so fast. You were more than reasonable and he was just too hyper-focused on his momentary desire. Big creep vibes forsure.!


Who role plays kissing and cuddling? Anyone who texts like that is a real weirdo.


Nah  hes gross


WTF is text roleplay? Smh.🤦


I get responses like this too, and then men have the nerve to complain how we are "difficult"


All he had to do was go for a drink with you and see where the night goes. I don’t understand. It’s not that hard. But you dodged bullet.


ew what a creep


Bro is giving 13yo vibes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude could have had the real thing is he wasn’t creepy




What a dope, he talked himself right out of a date 🤦‍♀️


The weirdest part to me is that you didn't block him and move on with your life after the first of like 7 red flags. You haven't even met in person yet!!


That's super creepy to request some sort of weird role play over text like that.


Very creepy. Big loser vibes


This whole conversation made me cringe




This person is acting very needy, almost in an outwardly fake way. They are trying to instill little bursts of guilt to keep you hooked in, and seems to be trying to lead you somewhere. When you weren't biting what they were offering, they made one last ditch attempt at guilting you, and then realized they wouldn't succeed and backed off. It reeks of catfish or scam. Better you moved on.


Wow what a weirdo. You gave him a lot more slack than he deserved and he was pushing you away




I think he was only interested in the sexting and you were never actually going to grab a drink with him. Guy gives major catfish vibes


jeepers creepers😨


Ben Bumble Music Guy


Bullet dodged


He is a certified creep. No doubt about it. But girl…you should’ve ended that conversation ages ago.


Clear weird unsettling borderline creepy vibes from the start. Isn’t asking to sext before you’ve even met just an automatic red flag?


How horny do you have to be to talk about this stuff so soon? 😿😿😿🚨🚨🚨🚨


Fucking creepy. Why are people like this?


OHMYGAWD this is awful. You could be a serial killer... ONE DAY ROB THESE MEN 😭


What a weirdo


Sounds like you got catfished by either a virgin or a child.






He must have been really attractive for you to go along with it as long as you did lol


Honestly this is all a little weird to me, but also you were both pretty clear and respectful and ultimately maybe just not compatible. Seems like it’s for the best.


Some people are plain weird. Period. Don't do weird. Unless you are into weird.


There are two very different types of weird. Charming weird and creepy weird. Charming weird is liking nerdy games and getting really obsessed with a totally innocent topics like certain parts of history. Charming weird can be having anxiety and needing reassurance that you aren’t fucking up for the other person. Creepy weird is OP’s conversation. Too much, too forward, too extreme, everything taken past the point of it being acceptable. Creepy weird is all about taking things too far. Charming weird is completely acceptable, normal, and loveable. Creepy weird is none of those things. That’s the distinction you’re looking for.


"Sure I'll lead a role play, I put on my Rob and Wizard hat.."


He doesn't want a date. He wants to fuck.




Subreddit rule #1: Do not insult, harass, threaten, discriminate, or use derogatory language towards other users.


Look at that. All these red flags and still had to be the one to rescind the date offer.


This made me laugh ngl but why did you egg him on when he got weird


How often is this shit? 1/5 matches? 1/10?


Is this a first date?


Keeping all that aside OP, show us the woodwork you were doing. We love a well crafted beauty.


Wayyyy to much. Glad you put your foot down


Stupid guy. Shouldve not pushed it. When you said depends on the vibe thats maybe so what a guys should do is make you comfortable enough and have fun to make you kiss him. Right?




Chodu creepy ladka 😃😃😄


You were totally down to meet and he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


Eww. You're safe.


Is this guy trying to steer you toward some D/s stuff without actually coming out and saying it? Whatever he's doing, he's going about it terribly.




Wow such a creepy guy.


Weird as hell ngl


Wtf? Not exactly a "man's man," is he? Jfc. Okay, let's role play how our kiss will be.. who will lean in first? Will there be french kissing? Should we discuss that? Hehehehh...should.we dress up like furries? Oh, gotta go... Mom is making my favorite meatloaf!


Very strange exchange. Read like neither one was ready to take the lead or take a chance on saying what you really wanted. Next time, be clear, don’t play so many games. Unless that’s what you’re into.


The whole conversation felt strange to me, but I haven't seen the profiles. I don't find any of this funny. I'm starting to wonder about Bumble users now. I don't wanna judge anyone harshly here, but I feel both lack meaningful relationship experience and are lonely in some way. One missing human contact but avoids real intimacy and the other seemly so depraved that they seek a role play with a random stranger without seemingly knowing there's probably better place for that than bumble.


I'm continually amazed how Reddit users extrapolate entire personalities and backstories from a couple of text messages, incredible.


Not a back story more of a very light character analysis.... one person says they like to be alone but wants people over. The other well, I think, get the picture. I'm not attached to them. It's that I have seen it so much. I feel sorry for this guy but it's probably a good lesson he doesn't talk this way to strangers but he doesnt even know his conversation is in the internetim sure. Maybe it is a little funny, tho. I am jumping to a conclusion, yup, but that is half the fun for me.


He'll be facepalming when he grows up and realizes what he left on the table. Poor bastard.


I mean he was like 32 so....


How do guys like this get matches and I don't. I don't understand it. Was he just super attractive?


He was attractive to me, but seemed interesting, intelligent and easy to talk to. Once we moved from bumble to Whatsapp it quickly went off the rails.


Got it. Well, I know it's cliche but it is his loss. You're probably pretty great.


Well seeing as you’re and android person and he’s a creep, I’d say this match is made in heaven but he is a little TOO creepy


Americans and their weird anti android thing lol, I thought that was a meme.


I have yet to meet someone who is American with an android voluntarily and isn’t a weirdo. It’s just a correlation I have seen. I have been to other countries and understand most don’t have iPhones.


I 100% have been strictly an android user. Born and raised near st louis mo


Today, he's just a creep. In a couple of years, it sounds like a sexual predator. Dangerous.


Sounds like he tried to back door consent! In an attempt to measure your level of attraction to him… definitely comes off as tactless maybe even crass! Creepy really depends on how attractive you thought he was! I defense of men: (Not specifically this guy!) Men have an ever changing ground to walk on in dating… and it’s also why so many are deciding to opt out! Consent ruins the magic we’ve heard! But not getting consent could very well have a guy arrested! Now even on Bumble the requirement for women to reach out first has been removed… which at least to me speaks to the anxiety of approaching someone; women had a taste on an app and essentially refused! There’s so much risk in dating that men are waiting for women to approach them first. It may not be the equality either side wants, but there are no hard rules that can be agreed upon. If you think he’s cute you’re gonna have to make the first move ladies… At least he’ll know you’re interested. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I see his side. When it doesn’t flow, it seems like it’s being forced because you need to keep explaining, rather than continuing to flow and it’s kind of a turn off. When you’ve already dealt with women who just submit, its not easy to deal with one that doesn’t let it be and go with it. But it just depends who you’re dealing with. That being said, role playing is corny and childish.


Y’all deserve each other.


This reads like the dude is in year 5


He wanted something and you weren't delivering. Nothing creepy about that. So he took his show elsewhere to a woman who was ready for it.


Ok? That’s the entire point of talking before meeting. You aren’t compatible, obviously


How are all of these posts in English, but also broken F


Well that's his discretion you sound like a killjoy anyway


If you prefer being alone then why are you on a dating app?