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Is this a kitten? It's very common for their adult fangs to come out before the baby fang has fallen out, so you have this strange period with 4 fangs sometimes. The bleeding one will fall out eventually. This looks perfectly normal to me.


Roughly around 5 months old


Yeah that makes perfect sense. Nothing to worry about OP šŸ‘


Name checks out


Itā€™s the same thing that happened to my kitten just a few months ago. It lasted 2 weeks or so then fell out on their own. If she got past a certain point without them falling out she would have needed them removed but thankfully they fell out.


Thanks for clearing that up!


The back fang is a kitten tooth falling out. If it's still there in a couple weeks or her gums swell up I'd take her into the vet


I had this with my kitty recently. Called vet and they said itā€™s pretty normal. Literally the next day one of them had come out, and then the next day the following one was lost!


Yeah, sheā€™s just getting her adult teeth. The only thing you need to watch for is infection, but Iā€™ve only seen that happen twice in 30 odd years.


Just went through this with my tuxie kitten. Give it a week and it will fall out on its own


Heh... looking at that, kitten teeth definitely are sharper than their adult fangs.


Should fall out on its own and be okay!


the only consideration is he might need braces when he hits teenage age :D jk


OP your kitty has feline acne


Thank you for pointing this out. Made me research it, so I plan to treat it.


Ceramic plates and metal bowls. It should clear up on its own


I have always used ceramic plates and metal bowls and my kitten still has acne. I am using an antibacterial (pet safe) scrub on her chin every day. Itā€™s been two weeks and she still has the black flecks.


Same with my boy! I even used those cat acne wipes and it didnā€™t get rid of his acne. Already had ceramic everything and wash daily


I personally had acne most of my life so I just say she takes after her mom hehehe I think as long as theyā€™re not infected itā€™s okay???? Like itā€™s just an overproduction of keratin.


Oh wow, I didnā€™t know this existed. Does it bother them or is it like when we get little blackheads that are painless?


I donā€™t actually know the answer, Iā€™m just making a guess. But I assume itā€™s itchy (like human acne) which probably causes them to over scratch and end up potentially causing it to worsen, get sore, or cause infection. Again just a guess though


I'm a vet. This canine tooth is likely retained. When the adult canine tooth is almost as long as the baby canine and it still hasn't come out, it's probably stuck and needs to be manually removed by a vet. How old is your cat.


Does the tooth wiggle at all or does it seem firmly in there.


Its pretty loose and wiggles And around 5 months old.


Cool! Wiggling is good. Just keep an eye on it. I commonly have to remove ones that are firmly in there but if it wiggles it may be almost out.


This. Thank you.


Aw new tooth replacing old oneee, mine had 4 upper fangs for like a week šŸ¤£ it will fall out and he will probably eat it or lose it around the house šŸ˜Š


But then the tooth fairy won't be able to give them any money (at least that's what my mom told me when I left a tooth I lost at my cousin's house).


They have a treat fairy instead!


The double fang look is always fun.


It's a baby tooth


Puppy I am babysitting lost it's puppy tooth today. I couldn't work out what it was chewing on and grabbed it out of it's mouth. I think I helped remove it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Just like us they loss their kitten/puppy teeth, I wouldn't stress unless you notice it's stuck or the animal is distressed


Cats have baby teeth just like humans do. It will fall out soon. Just keep an eye on it and if it doesnā€™t come out, the vet can remove it.


Those are baby fangs.




Infinite good luck if you find the kitten fang after it falls out!


Your little baby is growing up, that's all. The adult teeth push the baby teeth out, but almost always takes a few days. If that baby tooth doesn't fall out on its own, you'll have to have the vet pull it.


Kitten? Looks like the adult fang erupted while the baby one was still falling out. Pretty sure that's not an uncommon occurrence, just make sure they have things to chew on that aren't your appliance wires or anything, because they sure do love to go for those.


Bring her to the vet and have them take the bleeding one out




It's a baby tooth on its way out my kitties had double fangs like this for a bit


What a cute lil fella, also normal like everyone else said it will fall out


After the teeth fall and new ones grow in start brushing their teeth daily with enzymic paste. You will save yourself alot of troubles later.


Don't have to do anything. It will fall out on its own. You can help this by giving her some kibble. But she will either swallow it which is fine or it will fall into the floor


I'm actually proud of myself for knowing about this because this happened to my sister's Yorkie. To both his top canines. Some teeth take longer, if it wiggles it should come out soon.


Nobody else is mentioning this but it also looks like the cat has some cat acne on her chin! I see a vet already responded on instructions for the tooth.


Looks like your little one is teething. Often second fangs emerge before the first ones fall out. They should be just fine.


https://preview.redd.it/c4o710xo97kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8078778397a8c12a2658af905007165b4e9572df same thing happened to my kitty! it didnā€™t seem to bother him much, unless it looks infected id just leave it alone until it falls out itself :)


Baby teeth or milk teeth. They will eventually fall out. Same as a human baby.


My car has these as a kitten, they fell out and no adult teeth replaced them. If it's an issue as an adult,, they need to be surgically removed. As a kitten, they'll just fall out.


Your catā€™s teefies look so healthy!


Baby toof alert Sorry couldnā€™t help myself. Itā€™s perfectly normal. It will fall out


Thatā€™s their adult teeth coming in. Itā€™s probably bleeding because itā€™s about to fall out. Just give it some time and it will fall out. Hopefully you find it and get to keep it!


Adult tooth has come in but baby tooth is still there. I would bet the baby teeth fall out by the end of the weekend


baby teeth


Sorry if this is in poor taste but I can't help myself but to suggest leaving cash under their pillow


Mine had that too and it fell out recently!! He's about 7 months old now


It's the new tooth. It sometimes grows in 1st before the other one falls out. It's an important tooth!! Your kitty has nice string white teeth. Yay!! ā™”


Exactly same situation with my almost 6m kitten, he has 2 set of fangs and one missing.


Have to say - beautiful teefies


Kittens and pups like humans lose teeth- if sheā€™s still real young it could Be that, they start losing their teeth around 5-6months sometimes as late as 7 months


I remember when my kittens had this happened i watched them like a hawk and made absolute sure I caught that tooth for my own weird trophy. I now i have 2 of his baby teeth hanging on my wall hahahahahaah