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Fuck the Oilers. How is that negative?


Yea, I'm not seeing it. Fuck the Oilers.


Fuck em!


You need a reality check here. At the end of the day it doesn't matter, but "hating" your rivals is part of the FUN of sports fandom and this rah-rah "we're all in this together" BS is for people who don't really care either way. We've got a villain to root against and that's part of the drama.


Hating rivals is certainly part of the sport, and I’m not saying we’re all in this together. But instead of just being butthurt, can we accept there’s nothing we can do about it and just appreciate watching one of the best hockey players of all time play some hockey? I’d like Florida to win, but it’s going to be hella entertaining either way.


I tried to be butthurt. But then I saw how happy my childhood best friend was last night. I remember playing street hockey with him in his oilers jersey and me in my flames jersey when we were like 12. We're both in our late 20s now, it's been a long dark time for both franchises. I'm not happy the oil is where they are, but I'm happy as hell my friend gets to experience this. He's been ride or die for his team his whole life, I know he'll be the first one to text me when the flames get to the promised land one day.


You have two choices. Edmonton posts or no posts. If you want no posts, mute the sub until July


Fuck the oilers all day. Was telling wife this if the oilers did win it would be unbearable for the summer. The positive to them winning is that mcdavid and draisatl will be getting a substantial raise that will price the team out to getting any depth. But like I said F the oilers j


We’re jealous.  We want them to fail.  It’s petty, but since the Flames org hasn’t given us something real to cheer for, we found another way to stay engaged during the playoffs.  Even if they do win, it’ll be a fun ride. Praise Scorch.


Shut up. Fuck the Oilers 


Feel free to not take part.


Trust me if they win we won't hear the end of it


With all due respect, don’t read it then. Yah we’re jealous, yah we’re petty, yah we’re annoyed and yah it’s not going to change anything. It’s part of being a sports fan, fuck the Oilers. And frankly Fuck the Flames rn.


I'm tired of people trying to tell me to cheer for Edmonton because they're "Canada's team", so I guess we're both sick of something.


I appreciate where you are coming from. I find we as Flames fans are more focused on the opponent than our team at times. Examples being the ahmric(sp) curses against Dallas, and gamed against EDM where we chant "Oilers suck" instead of "Go Flames Go". BUT, I can't say I want to support anything to do with the Oilers. Nothing would make me happier than seeing their 2 superstars leave without any cups short of seeing our boys bring one home. Seeing the oilers do well isn't going to have any dramatic change on ownership. Murray doesn't live here, doesn't care what happens up north.


Feel free to see yourself out.


Honestly, Edmonton is due for a cup. If they never win one with McDavid and Draisaitl, then there's something fundamentally wrong with the organization and it would go down as the biggest failures of a pro sports team. There are many elite athletes that go their entire careers without winning a championship, but when you have not one but two generational talents on your team, you *should* have at the very least one championship already. As a biased party, nothing would make me happier than to see Florida wipe the floor with Edmonton, but I've made my peace with the likelihood of Edmonton winning this cup. Doesn't mean I'm content with it, but objectively speaking it was only a matter of time they got one with McDavid on their roster.


To be fair I wouldn’t call drai a generational talent. There’s only like 1-2 generational talents every 20 or so years. Mcdavid yes


That's as bad a take as saying they deserve it. No they don't and no they aren't.


I'm not saying they deserve it. They got rewarded for playing mediocre hockey and wasted years of quality players like Hall and Eberle locking down on "Intangibles" like Lucic et al. When teams draft players like Crosby, Ovechkin, Kucherov, MacKinnon and others, the sentiment isn't that you have a better chance of winning the cup, it's *expected* that you should win it. Anything less and you'll get run out of town. If (God forbid) Edmonton wins the cup, it won't be because they built a solid team from top to bottom, it will because they have McDavid and Draisaitl to make up for their deficiencies.


Ban this man


How very mature of you calling for someone to get banned for having an opinion.


Thanks I agree


I mean this is a Flames sub reddit and there is nothing to be positive about with the Flames right now, so what do you expect people to be posting? Our team is arguably at an all time low (terrible roster, no blue chip prospects, the worst contract in the league, just at the start of a forced rebuild with a meh draft position) while our biggest rival looks like they will likely win the cup. Its never been a worse time to be a Flames fan.


THANK YOU!! It’s really not that big of a deal if the oilers win the cup.


Good on them. Edmonton has nothing to do with my supporting Calgary.


People treat the rivalry like it’s the Old Firm Derby but it’s not.


can't you guys just be happy your real estate prices are up huge? My home in Edmonton hasn't went up at all in 12 years! This is all we got


Really?? I thought Edmonton house market was going up too??


Why the fuck would we be happy about that? Higher rent. Higher property taxes. No one is selling rn.


Hey! Nazim Kadry is makin commercial money AND ‘recharging’ during this time…. He’ll be ready to roll next golf…. er.. hockey season. There’s positives in this.


Who cares? I live in Calgary and I’m rooting for oilers. They’re a Canadian team as well as an Albertan team.