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just the Casuals tbf, i wish i was a casual, these last 12 hours has made me want to die a bit - do you want to watch the player we never should’ve let leave win? - do you want to watch the edmonton fucking oilers win i hate life sometimes


The Flames are the drug I can’t quit. I’ve tried being an NBA fan, I’ve tried other NHL teams, nothing sticks except this trash organization


That really isn't a hard question though lol. Anyone but Edmonton.


it isn’t, at all. still makes me want to die watching Matt and Benny win a cup, *not* wearing a flaming C what could’ve been…


True, true. Sucks for sure.


Chucky didn't want to be here though...


He did in 2019, just that Tre wasn’t willing to pay him. So that’s on Tre. People change their minds, and they tend to go where their value is recognized.


Tre overstayed his welcome by a good 3 years. Fuck him, he squandered our potential.


Agreed! Hate the Oil go Panthers


I found my people! Man it feels so good to be here!


Did yall forget it’s just a game. JFC give yer balls a tug.


It’s a very harsh choice to have to make. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to be in that situation. I’m kinda just mentally blocking them from my vision and replacing them in my imagination with Calgary.




Cheering for Chucky now is kinda like cheering for your ex wife to win a legal dispute with the federal gov’t no…? Difficult times indeed.


Ex wife that was honest with you and didn’t drag the divorce out. I’ll take it.


And is the last thing standing between the revival of the Nazis and a future with hope and joy...


Least hyperbolic Flames post right now


I'd cheer for a million rats before even considering rooting for the literal physical form of evil incarnate.


But they left you because they wanted someone way hotter and more succesful.


Nah, I'm a Flames fan from FL and I fucking hate the Lightning, rooting for Chucky is easy and right


We hate the Lightning too! Flames and Panthers make good bedfellows you could say.


I've always thought of the Panthers as my second team


Dallas is my #2, but Florida is probably 4th or 5th for me. I’ll be happy to see them win! I rooted for them last year too because I don’t overly like Vegas.


And good and true


This is a great point! I hate the Lightning almost as much as the Oilers so cheering for the Panthers is a gimme!


Nah it's like rooting for your son who moved out of state. He's still your son


No, eastern team. Gotta have one


I’m happy when my exes go on to have a nice life. Does it hurt a little if they get ultra rich and have a significantly better life than mine? Yeah, but that’s the way it goes sometimes. Edmonton is a dirty rat fuck city and fuck the oilers. I got no metaphor for them.


(Slow claps) Well said Brother.




Now that's what I call poetry


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Fuck that city and everyone in it


That’s a tad harsh, especially considering there’s gotta be at least 1 person living in Edmonton who I’m sure is a flames fan. At least save that person! 😂


Hear hear


Panthers are my 2nd favourite team. The Oilers are my 32nd favourite team. Hard choice there.


Can relate! Dallas is my 2nd favorite team, so I was hoping for them. But I’d rank Panthers probably 4th or 5th. Tampa is 31st, and Edmonton is 32nd. Go Panthers!


I've only seen people who are super casual say that. Everyone I know who's a proper Flames fan isn't cheering for the Oilers.


We got way too many casual fans rolling around it seems


Think you care too much about a group of men playing a game.


I have more fun being a passionate supporter of my teams. Fuck Spurs, fuck the Oilers, fuck Forge, and fuck the Elks (well, I almost pity them)


If this is what fun looks like, I’d hate to see you *not* enjoying yourself 


Sure the lows suck but it just makes the highs even better 🤷‍♂️ not like I'm being an ass or something


I'm sure you're a joy to be around.


Why wouldn't I be?


Am a proper Flames fan, rooting for the Oilers over the Panthers. Let people cheer for who they want.


No, you are not. The Oilers do not represent Canada. They represent Edmonton


100% with this. Don’t tell me who to cheer for, thanks. As if the Flames org “deserves” our unequivocal and undivided support no matter how badly they sh*t the bed… Starting to sound like Leafs fans…frig.


That's where I'm at with it after decades of watching 60+ games a year. If the Flames wanted me to be ride or die with the team they should try not having complete dogshit ownership/management that sabotages itself at every chance through money grubbing and incompetence.


Amen. I prefer any Canadian team to a place that doesn’t like hockey and no one will even show up to the parade. But would love to see tachuck get it. Let’s watch some hockey.


Genuinely, why would you want that? Imo I'd hate a Canadian team to win, because you will have to hear that fan base brag about it. When's the last time you saw a Panthers fan brag about something to a flames fan?


>Am a proper Flames fan Sorry, but no. Rooting against the oilers is a prerequisite to Flames fandom.


Gatekeep your little heart out of that's what eases the pain.


Nah. No proper fan cheers for their teams #1 rival to win a championship. Ridiculous that it even needs to be said


I don’t consider myself a casual, yet I’m rooting for the oilers…


I was born in Calgary. Live in Saskatoon now. I’ve cheered for the flames my whole life. 33 years. I’ve always cheered against the oilers. Same time shockingly. Over this time I’ve grown to hate this franchise more than most things in my life. I’m constantly badgered at work for not cheering for “the Canadian team” and I have to make a stand here. To cheer for a team I hate is tough, and to think I’m supposed to bend over and cheer for the oilers when they’re about to win a cup? I think no. This is sports. I don’t need a lecture on why I should support a team. I hate them. I cheer for one team. Fandom is built on passion and it’s not passionate to cheer for a provincial, national, or even league rival that’s not your team. I cheer for the flames only. I prefer if other teams win at times, in the case the panthers, but I’m not cheering for them to win a cup. I’m hoping the oilers lose the cup. Go Flames


This goes the other way as well. People should just cheer for who they want. Just so we’re clear I agree with you but it goes both ways.


I’d never expect nor ask an Oilers fan to cheer for us if or when we make it to this position. Agreed.


The Oilers can suck a fart outta my butt! Let’s hope for the Panthers to sweep!


Shh don’t jinx them


Might get downvotes but real proper flames fans would never cheer for the oilers


100%. It's a rivalry. I wouldn't want it the other way around either. The moment we start this alberta/Canada's team is the moment our rivalry dies


I have been a Flames fan since the day they arrived and have been through the 80's BOA. Not a chance in Hell I am rooting for the Oilers.


Oilers fan here ....I completely get it...how the fuck can a real fan cheer for their rival.. fuck that, roles reversed I'd be the same.. .. Now before any one says it, I'll kindly fuck off.




I hope they get swept and Tkachuk gets the MVP in your barn.


I would hope the same roles reversed.. 100%


Nice to hear an oilers fan admit this… all I’ve read from oilers fans is how awful all the other Canadian fan bases are for cheering against the oilers… as if it would be different if the roles were swapped.


Naw, I completely agree. If you're a diehard fan, how can you root for a team you hate in the regular season? You hate on their players, chirp em, talk shit all year, and now I'm rooting for them ? Naw, that isn't a real fan. .... I'll give you this, though. I was happy when Lanny won the cup, but I think everyone was


I cheered for the Hurricanes against the Oilers and I’ll cheer for the Panthers this go ‘round. Fuck the Oilers and their shitty fans


Hell yeah brother


I can’t do it…..I just can’t gather the strength to say it or cheer for them.


I’m in Minnesota so maybe I’ll just never understand, but amazing hockey is about to be played and I am way too excited to care about past rosters, no one is guaranteed anything in this league. One of these teams is getting their dreams decimated and will be an afterthought in no time, flames might still win won before the oilers, I’m cheering for good hockey


Let’s go Panthers!


Anyone but Edmonton. Anyone. Absolutely anyone. It makes me sick they are in the finals.


I’m not cheering for Edmonton but I’m not interested in gatekeeping fandom and saying you’re not a true fan if you cheer for the oilers in the playoffs. Let people do what they wanna do


Better the Russian Red Army than the oilers 🖕🏼


I’m cheering for Benny!


I can’t imagine an event that would make me cheer for the Oilers. If the Flames moved to Albuquerque tomorrow and changed their name to the Isotopes, I would still cheer for them over the grease stains 🤮


If they did that, at least they could count Mike Ehrmantraut as a fan 😂


The current Albuquerque Isotopes were originally the Calgary Cannons, up until 2003 😉


Yes they were indeed! Wish that Calgary would get Triple A baseball again!


I am very happy to cheer on Mathew and Sam. Fuck McDavid up boys!!!!


Casuals buy into the whole patriotism angle pumped out by the media. The hardcore fans know country of origin is meaningless in a city based franchise league.


I'd sooner stab my own eyes out with a rusty spoon


I've got family who are Oilers fans and they wouldn't root for the Flames just like I'll never root for the Oilers, I hate their team but I respect their loyalty. Anyone who is an actual Flames fan that actually cares about this team, had passion for this team would never cheer for the Oilers. I was in Montreal in the airport and saw a couple Oilers fans walking around and it made me so irritated lol. I've got that Kendrick type hate haha.


Oilers fan here. Cheered for you guys in ‘04. I’ll always take the Canadian team


Man I went down to cheer with my Calgary homies on the red mile back then. It was great time. Loved to see the city so hype. Everyone can support whomever they want however they want, but I had a way better time partying with flames fans and being jazzed about their chances than I would have had bitching about them on the internet from yeg.


The gatekeeping for not being a "true fan" in this thread is cringe. Let people cheer for who they want.


Your only going to get a distilled slightly toxic outlook on stuff like this here, it is by no means representative of the majority. I've been a flames and habs fan for my whole life I don't give a damn if someone thinks having multiple teams or simply cheering for a team cause they are still in it is somehow wrong, I'm still going to do it. Also after so many years as a flames fan I'm also self aware enough to know just how much I despise certain aspects of the flames(cough cough, ownership) and how much I love others. Some gate keeping fans won't spoil my enjoyment and they shouldn't spoil anyone else's either.


Even more cringe is people admiring they hate seeing people in oilers sweaters, some people should probably go to therapy. Choosing to be pissed off about a team you don’t even cheer for is definitely a choice.


I hate the “bring the cup back to Canada” narrative. I’m all about which fan base is the least sufferable of the two in the finals. Oilers fans would be unbearable, quite frankly most Canada teams fan bases would be unbearable if they won.


As a fan in Toronto, I know zero (0) fans here cheering for the fucking Coilers. 'Course I only know a few...but still! FUCK THE OILERS! Jumping on the Panthers bandwagon. Watch out for former Flames legend Ryan Lomberg to show up and show out. You heard it here 1st


Florida sweep the Oilers please for the love of everything holy please win the cup Florida


We have a ton of transplants from Edmonton here. Combine that with casual “I cHeEr FoR cAnAdA tO wIn” fans and you have a recipe for disaster. What really bugs me is the bars that are turning into Oiler bars and the teachers in school promoting the Oilers (not to pick on specific industries, these are just two examples relevant to me personally). Just horrific representatives of our communities. Home and Away became Oilers bar in 2022 and Trolly 5 is doing it now. I refuse to support either of those businesses.


These people saying they are proper Flames fans and rooting for the Oilers is bullshit. You are NOT a proper Flames fan if you root for the Oilers in ANY situation. Period. End of story. A “proper” Flames fan, like myself, is currently mapping out the bridge or cliff that I’m gonna drive off of if the Oilers win the cup.


Casuals that only watch maybe 20 games a season. True fans KNOW that Edmonton sure as hell wouldn't be rooting for us if we were in their spot.


Not even a true fan just a true calgarian you'd think


No gumption


I'm also an Avs fan, so I'm glad Dallas went out. Now, it's time for the Panthers to finish the job.


Oilers fan dropping in. If Calgary was in the Stanley cup finals, I be cheering... why? Cause why the not? Sure, I dislike flames, but cup going back to Canada is good for the sport.


Too many people getting brainwashed by Boston Pizza.l commercials. I will never eat again at BPs (not that I would go there currently) because of them suggesting I cheer for the Oilers.


100%, Brad Treliving is behind it too. Wanted everyone to cheer for his new team


BPs was founded in Edmonton ofc theyre going to say to support the oilers lmfao


I haven’t heard this at all. No Flames fan is cheering for the Oilers.


If anyone is on the fence, the oilers screwed us out of two higher picks because of the teams they played. You should always cheer against them but especially this year.


the oilers would have to be playing a team named "hitler's nazis" or something just as sinister before I would root for them.


Even then, would you?


Get a life people. Who cares.


Cheering for Van just felt so wrong. Not enough showers in the world to get that stink off. I’m OK with just waiting till next season to watch hockey 😊


Coming in peace as a Canucks fan but it’s so obvious who the bandwagon hockey fans are particularly when more than one Canadian team makes it past the second round. All rivalries are “forgiven” for nationalism. F that (and F BP too); I want Edmonton to lose just so it can further the narrative/joke of the new era Oilers having multiple 1st overall picks but no cup wins 👀


Fr , do they think Edmonton fans are gunna be humble if they win? Nah they gunna tattoo on their chests "only Canadian team in 30 years" Tf would I root for that


They ain’t Flames fans, they’re closet Oilers fans.


I was 10 when the Flames came to Calgary. I can't change now. I've been through too much with this team. I think I could handle pretty much anyone else winning. I mean Vancouver and Toronto would be tough to swallow, but seriously anyone but the Oilers. I'm exposed to several Oiler fans in both my work and personal life and I'm not really sure I'm going to cope if they pull off the unthinkable. As much as Chucky leaving hurt, at least he tried to do the right thing (unlike others that we won't talk about). LFG FLORIDA!!!


We don’t talk about Bruno, no no no! 🎶


Fuck the oilers go florida go


Oilers fan here chiming in. Yeah I don’t get that, I’m not cheering for you guys to win if the scenario is reversed 😂. You guys should root against the oilers it’s only right I also like to add I hate the “fans” from a city with a nhl team that root for other teams… like what. My cousin lives in Edmonton and cheers for LA.. born and raised in Edmonton… cool bro


I'm from London, ON. I don't have an NHL team here. Leafs no thanks. Been a Flames fan since 03


I'd run the length of Stony trail barefoot three times while it's covered in 5 billion Legos before I'd cheer for the Oilers.


Fuck the Oilers. Go Panthers. 'Canada' doesn't win a Stanley Cup... only the team does. NHL Rosters are typically 65% Canadian anyways... the cup visits here every summer.


By that logic, the Vancouver Canucks are a Swedish & American team since most of the roster is Americans & Swedes.


They are a professional hockey team based in Vancouver, Canada. That’s it


As a leafs fan I originally wanted Edmonton to win, and then they actually won and saw the fans going wild and was like “you know what, fuck Edmonton”.


These colors don’t run. Anyone. ANYONE but Edmonton (yes even Toronto)


If it was Toronto and Edmonton in the finals, I'm cheering for Giant Meteor.


It's not super hard to understand. First of all, it's just a game. Also, Canadians would like to see the Cup come home. I'm not an NHL fan, and it didn't take me long to make it make sense.


It’s been 30+ years since a Canadian team has won the cup. I’m willing to stoop as low as cheering for the Oilers to see that happen again.


Agreed. Cup in Canada would be nice. They are fun to watch because they have the best player in the world. Anyone but Toronto. I’ll never tell my oilers fans family members but if they lose I sure will rub it in lol


Not true flames fans


I’d cheer for the Devil (or the Devils) before I’d cheer for the Oilers


They’re Oiler trolls the lot of em.


Not rooting for either team but Panthers winning is lesser of two evils


“Former “ flames fans and not ever a real one


If a Canadian team had won in my lifetime, I’d feel a little bit different.


I'm a longtime flames fan who lives in Ontario and has never been to Alberta but I've seen quite a few Flames games in Toronto, Detroit and Buffalo. No fucking way am I rooting for the coilers. Florida in 7


Florida is 7 sounds like there is a part of you rooting for the oilers


Nah I just think it's going 7 every round lol. Especially the final, both teams will have back and forth wins and then Florida wins it at home when Bob steals the show and gets the Conn Smythe


Because supporting one team doesn't mean they have to shit on other teams? All the doom and gloom posts because they've made a cup final are downright embarrassing. They've got two of the best players in the world. Their success has nothing to do with us.


Rooting against your rivals is like one of the biggest aspects of sports lol. Doesn't mean squat that they have incredible players, they wear the Oiler logo, which means I don't like them. Helps knowing the Oilers are the same about us...you'd think they would want to see us succeed if we were in their spot? Zero chance


Oiler fan here. I rooted against Calgary in 04 until they made the final. Had an "oh, fuck whatever" moment and figure some guy who has seen snow in their life deserve the cup more than a fanbase worried about sunscreen year round. Most of the city was pulling for the Alberta team. Honestly don't think Oiler fans hate Calgary to same level than Calgary hates Edmonton.


I softened on the Oilers around then, and was kind of pulling for them in 06… it took until about the middle of the second round for the Oiler fans in my life to be so obnoxious that I remembered why I hated the Oilers. Never again.


I think it depends on how much exposure to the other teams A-hole level of obnoxious fans somebody is exposed to that limits how open you can be to their success. I'm rarely around flames fans so perhaps I'm not so annoyed. The Tkachuk/Kassian BoA games were a blast though, right? It's better if both team are good.


> The Tkachuk/Kassian BoA games were a blast though, right? It's better if both team are good. Absolutely. It's way more fun when you guys are worth hating, and vice versa I'm sure. I'm old enough to remember the second half of the 80s when the Flames and Oilers were arguably the best teams in the league, and the Alberta road trip was known as 'Death Valley'. Would love to have a time like that again.


It's very very difficult to HAAAAATE a team that realistically isn't much of a threat to you or your success and hasn't been for a while now.


There is rooting against your rivals when we play, and there is being ridiculous when we aren't playing. Some of my funnest games to attend were BOA playoff games with friends. Three of us went, two flames, one oiler buddy. It was all good natured. Everything I saw those nights were good natured. I'm not saying, "you should root for Edmonton", all im saying is get some prospective on what's going on here. Funny meme lampooning the oilers? That's fine. All these "I wanna die cus they're doing well" posts are embarrassing.


I just unfollowed this sub because it's gotten so pathetic. I'd never cheer for the Oilers or their sex offender owner, but But this obsession is too much. I'm not going to cheer for a team I hate in the Panthers, just because they are playing the Oilers. I'm just not going to watch and I really don't care what happens.


I mean, their fans will be absolutely insufferable if they do win. But like I wouldn't be entirely sad to see the cup return to a Canadian team, in theory. Even if it is them. Begrudgingly. I mean, either way, it's not like we have an actual horse in this race or anything. "Rivalry" doesn't equal "Unyielding, irrational hatred in all situations"




Im cheering for the Oilers because my wife is from Edmonton and I like seeing my wife happy. Sorry guys.




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I have a couple of friends who are rooting for a Canadian team to win and even though it’s the oilers it doesn’t matter.


This may be unpopular but I’m happy for my Oiler Fan bros but still not cheering for them. I’d love to see Benny win in Florida and hope Chucky stubs his big toe after each game.


I said I’ll root for the Oilers, but mainly because except for Dallas-Vegas, Vancouver-Nashville, and Boston-Toronto, I’ve managed to jinx every team I’ve cheered for in the playoffs this year. They’ll receive my Kiss of Death, if that helps.


Call me a fairweather fan, casual or whatever but I like the flames cause I lived in Calgary for almost 10 years and I want to see them do well but they're not my ride or die team. Its been painful watching them the last few years so I have no problem cheering for the oilers to have success. I love Alberta hockey and the rivalry makes it super exciting but I've never fully jumped on either bandwagon and mostly just like watching good hockey.


As a very casual Flames fan, I tune in for the big games but don’t catch everything. I get disappointed every year during playoff season, I would at least like to see the cup come to Alberta or a Canadian team in general. Not cheering for the Oilers, just not gonna be pissed off if they win.


Bandwagoners. They want an excuse to celebrate and take ownership of what's the flavor of the month


I keep hearing it on 660. Heretics.


Over my dead body…


Canada must want it bad after all these years...


It's almost like hockey is "Canada's Game"


I'm in Red Deer where we're pretty split, and I thought of a silver lining in "if the Oilers keep winning, at least the pubs will be busy and I can root for the local economy (fake smile and thumbs up). But bartender friends say nobody's going out anyway, so I can happily cheer for their downfall.


The cup doesn’t belong where the water doesn’t freeze at least 1 week a year


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism_of_small_differences This doesn't explain flames fans cheering for the oilers. It explains the people all mad about it.


The Boston Pizza propaganda worked


I like McDavid. And hate Bettman's agenda for the South.... (and I don't mind Skinner and Hymen) Also hate Perry. But what ya gonna do!


I’m a Flames fan but honestly they suck right now. As a hockey fan I’ll be watching and I’d like to see Florida win. Tkachuk and Bennett were both players I really liked watching and still do. Will I be so angry if the Oilers win? Probably not. Am I enjoying seeing seeing some Flames fans acting like the sky is falling? Absolutely. People are unhinged over this.


I cheered for you guys in 2004. As much as we’re rivals, I’d rather see my neighbours win it than some American team. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Everyone’s acting like they won the cup ffs. I don’t think they’ll beat Florida but I hope it’s close and entertaining


Go Panthers!!!


Edmontons team and staff has the most canadian born members of any nhl team so of course as a canadian routing for them to win the cup is a common sense thing over routing for an american team to win again. The cup needs its parades around canada. The battle of alberta rivalry can pause for the nation to enjoy a cup.


Every time you cheer for the Oilers you knock a year off your life, I don’t make the rules; just ask Scorch!


Go Panthers go!


I still hope for nuclear war in the next week or so. Come one Kim! Come on Putin!


If it makes you guys feel better, some make a wish kids might see their team win before they go, and that does soften the heart a bit.


It's casuals man. These people weren't even watching hockey until 2 weeks ago.


Won't cheer for them i'll root for matt t, sam b, and fla in that order. If Edm wins that's good for Canada as a whole I guess but fuck em anyways. Can't wait for the NFL season to start


Cheer for the Canadian team. Plus McDavid is Canadian.


I’d root for the leafs before rooting for the oilers. I just can’t bring myself to not be that petty. Good look or not. Got cats


It makes no sense. You wouldn't see a Liverpool fan cheer for Manchester United or vice versa. They're our rivals. We're supposed to cheer against em


Habs fan who lives in Edmonton. It's obnoxious how many "diehard" fans switch so easily to a team that's winning. I don't care if the cup stays in the US another year, so long as the fucking Oilers don't get their reward for their years of tanking for the next great 1st overall pick. Tired of Oilers fans blowing eachother over McWeiner or Douchesaitl everytime they touch the puck. Also, you can thank the Habs current GM for that Nurse contract...gonna be tough to field a playoff team and keep 97 and 29 on the roster with that beauty of a contract on the books lol.


Yall take Sports way to serious... honestly... its a game... dont hate life over spoiled rich men playing hockey... Its a fucking game.


Jeez, as a die hard flames fan, y’all are a bunch of babies. Downvote this all you want, but you guys are some of the most insufferable people out there. Been a flames fan my whole life, went to games, bought jerseys, know even the most obscure players that played here, and even though I can’t stand the oilers, I’d take them any day over the panthers. Hell, I grew hating the ducks more than the oilers because we couldn’t win in the fucking Honda centre.


Don't want to cheer for the Oilers but I do want a Canadian team to win the cup.....it's tough 


Spoken like someone who fights outside the arena. Sometimes sports can just be sports, you don’t have get an aggression erection. This is Calgary, we don’t have playoffs here.


As an Oiler fan who had to endure living in Calgary for over a decade for school and then work I couldn’t agree more. I’d happily root for the Devil himself before I’d EVER cheer for the Shames and I have zero respect for any Lames fan who jumps on the Oiler bandwagon


What a strange comment. It's a game. People just want to have fun. We're prouder as Canadians.


Man you guys got triggered by flames fans cheering for the oilers get a grip cause you're starting to lose it badly


It’s all these BP commercials. I swear they’re sponsored by oilers fans