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I sleep until the very last second before I HAVE to get up and get ready for work. I wish I was a morning person, but my bed is just too comfy!


Check out this early bird getting up in time for work rather than ten minutes after.


That’s me. I’m not working at the moment (long term illness) but still have school run. I’ll wake my teen up. And hop back into bed for another 20 mins or so. Then a quick change of the clothes, into the car and off we go!


I lay about on my phone. Cry a little because it’s retail.


The soul sucking job. Worked retail for 15 years. Good people around me, but ass hats above me.


I did for 15 years too. Was supposed to be just for a few months but the pay in Dunnes and staff discount was good! I left in 2018, graduated 2 years later just as Covid hit. Got a trainee accountant role. The pay was shite but you gotta do your time. Then I got sick. I’ve been out 18 months. Sometimes I think I was better off in Dunnes. Then I do my shopping and think no way could I go back to that. Working with the public sucks!


Roll out after 10 minutes on the phone, shower, dress, grab beg, put on overshoes and wet gear if i'm cycling, grab keys, out the door.


You got a fleg in that beg?


Take the dog out for a 5k then breakfast and leave at 8. If I miss the walk I’m bollixed for the day


Rainy days too?


Every day. I fuckin hate the rainy days but the dog loves them


I recently started getting up an hour and a half before work, heading to the gym, getting a swim, sauna and steam room in, and I'm really feeling the benefits of it. Feel so much more awake throughout the day.


Work isn’t the main focus of your day so you feel better about it.


For sure. Feel like I'm gaining back some time, too, as I was usually crawling outta bed at the last possible minute and rushing about.


Your evenings become far more relaxing too. If you can get out at lunch time for a stroll or even just sitting outside it’s even better. Work becomes a far less dominating part of your Monday to Friday.


Absolutely correct! Cause i've gotten up and done my piece in the morning I can become a couch potato in the evening if I want and not feel terrible about it


How do you break that habit though? I find it so hard…


Being honest, I found it hard to start doing too, but once I start doing it and realised how much better I felt, I just pushed myself each morning to make sure I get up. It becomes routine then


Ah that sounds so nice, I’d say you sleep like the dead too lol I’d love to have a swimming pool closer to me!


For sure. Sleeping way better as I'm getting up earlier ad getting more active. It's great for the mind too :)


I'm thinking of doing this, couple nice hotels nearby with gym sauna jacuzzi and pool. Would be a nice way to start the day


Oh yes, gotta finish with 10 mins in the jacuzzi! Can't beat it :)


Exactly. It gives me mental clarity and helps me manage my anxiety. I don't go as hard core as you. I just go for a walk or I do a workout video, but it helps. Love that quite that says "before you go to work for someone else, work on yourself." I had fallen out of the routine for a long time.


Nothing better than a steam to set up the day


I sit at my dining table rocking back and forth drinking tea and wondering where it all went wrong.


I wake up at 6:45, chill in bed til bout 6:54 then panic get ready for work, leave my house at 7:00 and get there for 7:01


Bet your breath smells fab.


Haha nah brushing is part of the panic getting ready😂. Usually have my clothes at the ready, throw em on, run bathroom, brush my teeth, take a piss at the same time and out the door for 7:00 on the dot. It's a system😂


Working from home? Or is your job across the street?


Sleep in your clothes lol extra min in bed 😉


After showering, getting ready, prepping food for the day etc - I sit with either a crossword or my book for 20mins with a cup of tea before I head off to the office. Nice chill music playing in the background. Lush.


I have schizophrenia and I think I have a chameleon infestation, but I can't tell. So that took up most the morning. https://preview.redd.it/vtiuvvo0thmc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb09bcc0a7ca1a75829b84946627d7c4ec8c3c8e


Hope the rest of your morning is going well.


Potato waffles with an egg on top. Life is good


Wordle first, then tea and toast. Then off to the salt mines.


This morning I was sitting and drinking coffee in my slippers, and I thought to myself.. I'll have to start cleaning a few mugs around here..


Up at 6. Gross protein shake breakfast. Walk to gym for 45 mins to an hour. Walk to work then (7k) then regular job stuff. Rest of day is less productive.


Why is your protein shake gross? Mine is the highlight of my day, sounds like you're not doing it right (or else I'm the one not doing it right)


I'm not doing anything fancy to it :( It's just a bit heavy at that time of the morning. Just Myprotein chocolate and caramel. Shake shake shake glug glug glug My money is on me doing things not the best way.


If you're mixing it with water, try milk - or at least half and half. I also found a big teaspoon of natural peanut butter made it very tasty!


I have mint choc, choc, strawberry, banana, and biscoff, they are all delightful when mixed with milk (A protein shake with water does sound gross to me though)


Mine will sound pretty grim then! 150g oatmeal 150g frozen bananas 100g frozen carrots 30g frozen spinach 70g vanilla vegan protein 5g creatine And about 800ml of water. Can be a right mission to get down the hatch at times, but other times I genuinely crave it. The frozen stuff makes a world of difference!


The day I'm drinking frozen spinach water is the day I've given up hope for the future.


Sounds lovely. What brand?


All but the biscoff are NXT, they sometimes have a really good offer on for 2, and the biscoff is Naughty Boy I think. My gym gave me a discount on a shop in town and they were giving 6 bottles of drumstick flavoured like-but-not lucozade sport free with it.


Normally it would be straight out for a walk with the dog, back for breakfast and sometimes a bit of reading before a short nap and then start work at 8am. Unfortunately, that was all kaiboshed this morning due to a relentless puking puppy and a visit to the vet, he'll live but sometimes the normal routine gets turned upside down.


You must get up at 4am to squeeze in all that plus a nap before 8am


5am club is for dedicated members only😅 Honestly, if someone was to try it out for awhile I can guarantee that they'll feel way better - physically & mentally! It's not for everyone but there's just less distraction that time of the day😁


Shower, get dressed, make breakfast and lunch, watch TV/YouTube while I eat breakfast, clean the dishes I used, have a shit and leave.


Absolutely nothing. No time. I sleep until the last minute, then slowly peel myself out of bed. Get ready and dressed and head out to the office. Grab a coffee with my coworker when I arrive. On days I work from home ... same as above. Except for the heading out part. Instead, I move my ass from bed to desk. Mornings are really not my thing. My brain doesn't really function this time of the day. I dont want to talk or listen to anybody. Absolute silence or some classical music it is. No alarm, and I sleep right through until noon. I'm way more active/productive in the evening/at night, though.


Do you ever work from the bed, awkwardly crouched over your laptop?


Haha I tried and then got bad back pain from it. Guess I'm getting too old 😭 I now have one of those desks that can be electronically adjusted to work while standing. It's amazing, lol can def recommend :)


Wake up time is 5:45, we roll around for 10 mins and have a little snuggle until husband goes down to make our coffees - we lie in bed and chat until one of us has the courage to end it and go out there to suck the day’s dick.




> You as the female will generally carry the vast majority of the emotional and administrative load. That's tough to hear. I am a husband and father and there is zero chance it's true in our house. We both make sure of it and we both ensure neither feel we are taking too much of the admin load.




Those group WhatsApp groups are incessant. Thankfully they added a mute function!!!


Hah, I'm male and do all that and way more. Arrange the mortgage, the wedding, house renting, pick the schools, do the dinner six days a week, take the kids to hospital, take the day off when they're sick, all admin matters. I asked her to organise a medical appointment for our eldest. She just looked at me and said 'Why do I have to do it?'




If there's sex included then I'll scrub out the cloning vat.


Usually wake up, take a shit, get out of bed and shower, dressed, work


You take a shit in your bed?




Power move


Bed pan?




Just shit the kacks?


I sleep nude


At least you shower


If you get some layers on as long as it’s not super windy and wet you’d be surprised how nice it is running in cold weather.  Running as the sun comes up is blissful in the winter when we don’t see it much.    I’m a morning person so i could literally get up have the breakfast on and have dinner/lunch prepared at the same time. 


Wow 😱


Sometimes I get up 4-5 hours before work. I get lots done. Other times it'll just be 45 mins and I just have time for breakfast and a wash. It really depends on what shift I'm on. (Not everyone works 9-5)


For the past few weeks, listen to 'It's Not Always Gonna Be Like This' by TomCat, followed by whatever comes on next.


I work staggered shifts, all day work. Could start work any time between 8am and 11.15am depending on the week. I also do a week WFH and a week in the office. My mornings are all over the place and it's a pain in the hole


I start work at 8, I get up at 6:30 every morning, 5 minute Prayer, brush my teeth, put my contacts in, Do stretch and do mobility conditioning for 15-20 minutes (I have moderate slipped disc.). Wash my face and do skincare routine which takes another 5/10 minutes, Read for another 10/15. Change and then head to work. I usually eat at breakfast at work so that saves me time. I am a 24 year old dude. I shower in the evenings, as I gym then, and hate going to bed with sweat on me.


Feed the pets, make the wife's breakfast and my own. Then try and put a clothes wash on or in the dryer so I don't have to do it when I get home knackered.


If I get a few minutes extra, stretch my shoulders hamstrings and ankles. Sitting at a laptop most of the day has me the posture of a T-rex otherwise


Smoke a joint


My productivity is bad enough as is! Save these for the evening.


This, make one for way to work and one for the way home, along with a lunch-timer. Can't forget the cup of tea.


I prepare warm coffee with some pie every morning before anything else .I’m a coffee lover


I get up 1 hour 40 mins before I have to leave and enjoy a leisurely morning 


I get up at 6.40 every morning, leave for work at 7.45 to 8 depending on the day. It's because one of our dogs is elderly and has diabetes, blind so she needs food and a 30 min break then insulin before I go. Some mornings I play guitar quietly through headphones on the kitchen couch to a you tube lesson video so usually 2 mornings out of the 5, I also watch a show I'm only interested in the other two mornings Currently watching Shoğun on Disney on Tuesday And masters of the air on appleTv on Friday morning Make myself breakfast and start the day off.


Bathroom, change, clean face and teeth. Go downstairs. Leave dog out. Wait for her to come in. Give rubs. Sort out my breakfast and other half's breakfast. Sit for a few minutes. Go up and see if the other half is getting up, if they aren't up already. Maybe a short cuddle. Then back downstairs finish getting ready. Make sure I have everything in my bag. Give the dog another rub, give the other half a kiss and out the door an hour and a half later.


Get up, dress, make breakfast and coffee for me and the missus, eat and drink, take multi vitamins, do about 10 mins meditation then I’m on the road. This is all between 6.00 - 7.00am. If I have time I might throw on one or two songs or watch a video on YouTube or something


Depends on the day and the time of year. It's getting easier to get up earlier now, but in December/January I have to dig myself out of the bed. Usual routine is get up, have some coffee, have a shower. Then either drive to work or do some reading at home before working from home.


I do a wake and bake almost every morning, takes the edge off. Might have an aul Tom Hank if I have time lol


I couldn't do it personally, but if you made you feel good and it left you productive and positive for the rest of the day then it's definitely something worth trying. Some people are morning people but just don't realise it!




Gonna do the "woe is me" reply, official start time is 7am due to Hubby starting at 6am I tend to get up at the same time as him 4.20am not enough time to do anything extra really so I basically work an extra 5 hrs a week. Sometimes I use it to shop, sort out insurance etc. But I've colleagues across the globe so always emails to be answered.


Go to the gym for an hour or so and then it’s work


I wfh and start at 9. Try to be out of bed by 8:40. I couldn’t imagine having to get up and dressed and presentable and then go do work all day 🙄


I feed and play with my cat


Get dressed and Straight to a cup of black coffee


Alarm goes off at 6.40, sometimes i get up and sometimes I stay in bed until 7. Wash, do teeth, put on some slap , leave at 7.15 to be there for 7.30.


I'm always up hour before I need leave. No matter what time. Have hour for breakfast coffee little read on the phone. That give me relax start and composition for a day.


Swim for 20-30mins pending on the civil twilight times, but its way better now


I’m one of those annoying people that get up at 6:10 am and go to a gym class. I’m home again and eating my breakfast by 7:30.


Workout or YouTube depending on the day of the week, if I'm feeling bougey an overpriced coffee.


I work from home. Start at 9am. Wake up at 8:40, sit on phone for 5/10 mins, grab a quick breakfast and at the desk for 8:55.


Get up, prep for the gym, come back, shower, get food and get ready for work at 4pm. Sucks working nights but what can you do.


Ever since I stopped skipping breakfast and made it a priority I have noticed that when I get to work I am most chipper and awake compared to everyone else who doesn't.   I give myself ~40m between alarm and out the door.  I have 1 alarm and I get up if I'm awake before it goes off. Glass of water.  Then a glass of revive active and my vitamin tablets, B12, D and Magnesium.  Then I have an espresso/ Americano coffee with a breakfast prioritizing protein over sugar.   Take the coffee to the sofa for 10/15 minutes to look at the news/ socials whatever. Then out the gap.  Never poo at home in the morning, do that on company time.


I don't start work until 12pm but I still get up at 6am, have breakfast and then take the dog out for a very long walk in my local forest. I wouldn't change my morning routine for anything, its so peaceful. Plus today I saw a buzzard chillin' in a tree - absolute bliss!


I WFH but up at 5.45am, gym 6am-7.15am then home and get the kids ready. Drop them to creche, get groceries (some days), home for coffee and breakfast then log on. I would love to lie in longer but if I did the gym after work I wouldn't get to do family dinner or bedtime.


Get up, coffee bit of a workout when I have time and shower and out the door. Day isn’t right If I get up late and don’t have time for these things 🙈


Feed my dog, do last night’s dishes & wash my face.


Depends. Sometimes I turn around the laundry or put away clean dishes. If there's no chores and I happened to wake up early enough to have some time before getting the kids up for school I might do a little Duolingo or play on my switch.


The fucking cat wakes me up at 6.30am climbing the curtains until I get up and feed the little goblin...then I have coffee and a smoke and scroll the news and reddit for a bit, crying that I'm up so early..go back to bed for a bit, back up, have breakfast (coffee) another smoke and more reddit till 8am, get ready and out the door at 8.10am ready for a productive day in the office. I hate mornings!


Up at 6am with the small one. Breakfast, play time and out the door at 07:50.


I wake at 5am, usually get up by 5.05. Toilet, then down to flick the kettle on to boil while I get dressed. Make coffee at 5.15 and sit in my chair checking Reddit until 5.30, then drive to work for 6am.


The dog gets her long walk of the day in the morning before work - basically before the world wakes up. I do chores afterwards, then shower and breakfast. Always coming home to a clean house


I love a gym session before work. Sets me up for the day and means I can go to bed at 7.30pm guilt free


Early bird gets the worm


Crack one off, then a coffee. Breakfast of champions.


Go for a 5k run


Gym every morning before the office.


Last minute here. Not a morning person! The first alarm goes off at 8.15. Second 8.20. Mess on the phone for 10 minutes. Up at 8.30. Brush teeth, clothes on, and grab jacket. Onto escooter for the 10 min commute. Into centra for a fulfill bar and water. Outside work for 8.55. Same routine 5 days a week 🙄


I’ve 5 year old twins. I have no morning, or any other moment between 7am and 8:30 pm. The gaps between kids is my job!


If the weather is half way decent I try to get out for a walk before the family are up. It sets me up very well for the day. I try to stay off social media before work. I used to listen to the news on the radio religiously but I stopped that years ago as it was stressing me out. I would never have the TV on in the morning. Not for me and not for my 9 yr child either. No screens at all. We do have Spotify playing easy listening but turned down fairly low. When I get on the train, its usually podcasts or a few tunes. I notice people on the train watching TV on their phones. Each to their own but my brain could not handle that. TV is for relaxing after all my work is done. Watching Slow Horses before work is like having ice-cream for breakfast.


I stand up get dressed, piss get lunch, go to work.


If I were to do that I’d have to get up at 4:30 am and potter around and play ps5 for an hour. It’s a no from me.


Make the kid breakfast, get their luch together, put the washing machine on, fold and put away dried clothes, wash the dishes (no dishwasher 😕) sweep the floors, coats on and out the door. Drop them to school return home, leave the car and sprint to the bus stop where I sit for an hour to work listening to a podcast, once off the bus grab a coffee from the shop and into the office. I'm editing to say, I love all your posts of the me time you have, easy to see who's a guy and doesn't have kids 🤣


Not sure what being a guy has to do with it? Agree on having kids though, in five years time i probably wont have any time for final fantasy:(


I think being a guy is definitely a generational difference. You don't see a guys responsible around the house being different to a woman's, which is great if that's a true reflection of household work equal division, whereas my generation, women definitely do the bulk of the child rearing, housework while also working outside the home. So no offence meant by it, but definitely a different generation.


Yep - this is absolutely true, looking back my mam did an insane amount of work in the house along with keeping down a full time job. I think things are finally changing and men are more hands on with the house jobs and child rearing these days.


I wont bite as i dont have kids yet but hopefully i will contribute if and when i do!


I wasn't saying that to provoke, it's just my experience from my generation and demographic. My friends, my family, the women do the bulk of the work, it is what it is. But I'm raising my child differently so when they grow they know that a partnership is 50/50 in every aspect. Considering your first answer and really not being aware or even thinking that being a guy is different to being a woman shows that you will contribute, so don't sweat about that! I'm delighted you don't see a difference and hopefully there are many more like you x


Are you born 1980? If so im surprised its so one sided at your generation! I took no offence at you comment dont sweat.


Up earlier than I'd like to say, do some weights and push-ups for an hour at home, out for a 5k run, shower, breakfast, then out the door to work at about 6.15.


First thing I do when I wake up is drink 10 to 15 egg whites. Then I go for a wee stroll and grab myself a coffee. Then a shower and I'm good to go for the day.


Age has made me a morning person. I naturally wake up around 6. I used to be able to lie in and sleep till lunchtime. But after 40 that all changed for some reason. I wake up around 5:45. Shower, dress, attend to the cats and then sit down for a coffee, smoke and do my makeup. I leave the house around 6:50 to catch my bus. Couldn't fathom not having my morning coffee and a bit of a sit down