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This is /r/KitchenConfidential As an ex-chef, I feel you.


Indulged n spoilt


Child was a weak bitch obviously




If I ordered something my kid ended up not liking I would either way it myself or ask if I could box it up to bring home. It's not the restaurant's fault.


When I was twenty six, I went into a wings restaurant and ordered the hottest wings and they said to me, these are the hottest wings, can you handle it? I said yes. I couldnt fucking handle it but I ate every wing on that plate just so not to give the staff the satisfaction. It was very painful and unenjoyable but I survived with my fragile masculinity intact. I reckon the child who ate spicy chicken wings will also survive. No need to call Tulsa for this meal.


I absolutely hate when people return food because it's too hot and demand refund/different food. For me it's a challenge. Went to this Texas style restaurant near Kildare, and had their hottest wings, managed to eat 5 out of 10 and admitted failure, but thanked them for the challenge and encouraged them to not change the recepi as I will be back trying it again soon enough


Did the same in an Indian place once. Waiter, an Indian guy, tried to talk me out of ordering something. I ate it. Didn't enjoy it. But I ate it. In your face genuinely concerned for my experience Indian waiter.


Brother in law did this once, the chef pulled up a chair to watch him eat the whole dish. It was one of the funniest nights we ever had. Bro n law suffered but will never forget. It just emboldened him.


Never order the hottest thing in an Indian restaurant. You will breathe fire and die. Luckily, I have an uncle who serves as my family's cautionary tale in this regard.


I bet your arse wasn’t intact a few hours later…


Like a wet japanese flag


A wet Japanese flag flapping in a gale.


Ring of Fire😃


Tulsa, Oklahoma?


But would you call Tusla?


That child is not a man and therefore has too much consideration for the health of his bowels.


He eats everything is very different to he can handle spicy foods. But what a waste of food due to the parents disregard. Where are the hot wings located, so I can torture my partner?


Most ppl I personally know shouldnt be/end up not wanting to be parents.




You’re some pain in the hole.


Hah, probably one of the folks we're talking about.


I need the name of this restaurant. I need to see how hot these "hot" wings are


Coming soon to the Cooking Channel: *Man Versus Food Versus Child Versus Food*




I think you need to work on your comprehension skills if that's what you took from that comment.


Least miserable redditor




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We have had to remove your post/comment as it breaks rule #3. Mods will remove posts or comments that are non-constructive, antagonistic, or not fitting in with the casual theme of the sub. Be kind to each other! Modmail is always open if you have any questions


This is fucking ridiculous. My 9 year old orders hot wing because he likes them, staff try to talk me out of it.  I make foods at home with fresh Habanero and Reaper so he's more than used to spicy food. No way on earth would I send food back. If the kitchen warn us it's hot, that's on me. I'd eat them myself and order him something else


I think if you say "I'll eat them if he can't handle it" they'll be happy.


Ah yeah but, also, sometimes they just don't want to see a kid in pain because their parent is a knob


I mean I hope the restaurant still charges for the wings.


I've worked in restaurants all over Europe and find the Irish are terrible at this. Ordering things and sending it back for the most rediculas reasons and don't even get me started on special requests I've had here. Very hot coffee = burnt, someone asked for the fat to be cut off their pork belly, split fucking checks that nearly always lead to something that everyone refuses to admit that they had?!? I see things like this all the time. Yesterday I had a whiskey sour cocktail, very sour. I made it and they sent it back. I then just made it normally and they loved it? But the point is that I did the request and they casually sent it back like it wasn't a big deal and I was happy to take it off their bill? Most other European countries they'd be charged for it and told "you asked for it that way"


I get given out to by people I'm with for never asking for any changes to the menu despite having very good reasons for doing so.  What kinds of changes are easy? Is there a way to tell?  It's usually some ingredient I can't eat that I would like removed or substituted. But instead I'll order something I don't want (like a boring cesar salad) because it's the only thing on the menu that ticks every box.  If you tell me to just keep doing that I will!


Hate parents like this, not the restaurants fault at all


Not defending the parents, they sound like idiots. But I find in Ireland what's advertised as hot/spicy/buffalo wings is often a sweet bbq or sweet chili sauce. I remember going on holiday to America in the early 00s as a kid and ordering "buffalo" wings and getting the shock of my life. I was lied to about what buffalo wings were back home! Though we are more cultured here now. I recently accidently ordered spicy Korean tenders for my 18 month old instead of plain ones. Know how I handled it? I just scoffed them myself 😅


This is very true. I'm a pussy when it comes to heat but I can handle most places that describe their dish as very spicy. Irish curries are a perfect example with this.


That's a fact. They are all a fraction of the heat in countries that grow chillies. It's hard to decent heat / spice in Ireland unless you cook it yourself or beg the waiter. People in Ireland think tabasco is hot for christ sake


True Buffalo sauce sadly hasn't made it this side of the water, as far as I've seen


Jesus Christ. - Couldn’t HAVE - BEING told - THEY’RE very hot - HE’S a fucking baby


Parents should have eaten the wings themselves and not made it the kitchen's problem. Our eldest's first meal was a curry, that child has a savage spice tolerance. Still wouldn't order spicy wings for them now though...mostly because the child won't eat chicken for love nor money.


Sending any food back because your child won't or can't eat it is stupid. Although not sure what you mean by the last sentence. Babies can eat spicy food. My 18 month old has been eating curries, chillis, spicy wings etc since around 7 months.


My kids spice tolerance increases with time. I consciously build it up for them. I had a very fussy eater and I wouldn’t dream of sending something back. We would just eat it or take it away and order him something else. The only time I would send something back would be if it was not as I had ordered.


Exactly. People don't realise children can eat non-bland food and _not_ grow up to be one of those adults with a terrible beige diet.


I order spicy food for myself and get the kids to try it or put an increasing amount of spice in the kids' food. I wouldn't order hot wings for the kids, though.


This is great


Well it depends. Some kids genuinely have sensory issues. Either the food tastes very strong and foul to them or there's a texture issue making them gag.  If you use tough love on these kids (e.g. You can't leave the table till you eat it. Or. No food unless you eat it) they end up with ARFID. If you let them play with food and try things without pressure and let their tastes change and sensitivity reduce in its own time, they might or might not always be fussy eaters, but they won't get ARFID.


This happens about once a month. Someone orders hot wings for very young kids. You have to train your pallet. Ive seen adult struggle with our hot wings.


I think the person needs to have a stand off with your wings.  Using their 18 month old as a proxy.   Also, where can I try these spicy wings?  I really want to have a bowl of wings that my ring still regrets 3 days later.    


I determine whether I'll continue to eat something spicy not by if I can handle it going down but if I can handle it coming out my arsehole!


Waiter: Are you ready for the next course? SlayBay1: Do I look like I'm finished? W: I'm so sorry, it's just that you have been looking at half a plate of spicy chicken wings for 3 hours. If you don't like them we c- SB1: It's a process. We must wait.


😂 Brilliant! Although for the record, it's a guessing game - I don't wait for a trial poo!


😂 regardless, I've written the next scene. **3 hours later** *[Toilet door swings open SlayBay1 staggers out, sweating, obligatory toilet roll stuck to shoe]* SB1: Take...take them away. Please bring my main. W: Certainly. *[Takes plate and goes in swing door. Muffled cheering from the kitchen]* W: And now, your Chicken Madras. Enjoy. SB1: Thank you. *[Proceeds to take 3-6 mouthfuls and carefully sets down fork]*


I'm in bed with covid and this has made my day! ♥️


Ah sorry to hear that. Get well soon. ❤️ Also, if this made your day the madras should make your whole week.


I think part of the issue here is that most hot wings are not that hot. Most might not even be at the level of Frank's Hot Sauce, which is very much medium hot. Where are these hot wings?




I'd inform them of a no return policy after a warning, to save on food wastage, let them gamble then all they want




Sounds bloody dangerous to me. The digestive system of a child is fragile and why a parent feels to need to prove something by feeding their infant with spices that could irritate that system seems like misplaced macho bs. It's not for nothing that countries like Korea have high rates of stomach cancer.


Weird take. There's nothing macho or dangerous about a baby or toddler eating dinner with their family. In fact statistically, children who eat meals together with their families as babies tend to continue to eat healthy. Maybe curry means something very specific to you and you're picturing a baby eating a takeaway or a vindaloo or something? Or maybe you're imagining a baby on a diet of just curries and chillis all week? Neither are the case in the context of the conversation so again, weird take. ETA Happy to share my recipes and you can point out what exactly you think I'm trying to prove with a bit of cumin or cayenne.




Something being 'natural' doesn't make it necessarily healthy.


Yup my son happily eats spice, too! He's 2. Hot wings aren't gonna kill a six year old 🤣


They're likely not buffalo wings most restaurants do. Staff wouldn't warn about them being spicy


Ah yeah, I mean it was a risky choice by the parents for sure. I wouldn't send them back, personally - I'd just eat them myself and get the kid something different. But I was more just commenting on the idea that kids only eat bland food. They don't and shouldn't!


Ah fair. Kids will eat anything if you show a healthy relationship with it in the home. I hate how 90% of kids menus are X & chips


Yes, this is one of my major pet peeves! Absolutely hate it.


couldnt of.


6 isn't a baby


I’ll always fondly remember the wonderful Kohinoor Restaurant in Phibsboro in Dublin back in the early 80s - I’d just come home from 2 years volunteering in Bangladesh with my now hubby and we went with another couple also back from Bangladesh and we ordered food. I thought I’m just so used to hot spicy curries I’ll order the hottest level - some kind of vindaloo I think. It was volcanic hot and I wouldn’t give in that I couldn’t handle it so I just kept downing gallons of water and went around gathering napkins from any empty tables to mop my sweating brow. Hubby and me still laugh about it 44 years later and long after the Kohinoor closed its doors. We still eat Indian food about 3-4 days a week (home made with the best sauces from Lidl or Aldi, the ones with the powder spices in the lid, and I also have a few kilos of Masala we brought home from a holiday in Suriname where the Kip Roti is the best almost National dish ever, at least it’s the most popular I think.)


I hope they paid for them at the very least it’s not the restaurants fault at all


Build up the tolerance young, you could pepper spray my kids and they wouldn’t flinch.


Sending food back unless it's fucking poisonous shouldn't be allowed. You've gone into a place to eat. There are plenty of review sites these days that tell you the place is good or not. If you aren't happy, it's most likely because your a picky bastard if the restaurant has good reviews. In Ireland we don't get away with having bad food like they do elsewhere in the world so it's usually safe to eat and palatable. You shouldn't go see a band and ask for a refund if you didn't like them. In relation to that kid, his parents shouldn't breed.


>Sending food back unless it's fucking poisonous shouldn't be allowed. >There are plenty of review sites these days that tell you the place is good or not. Chefs screw up all the time. This is a terrible ethos.


I mentioned about it being safe to eat and above board so anything after that is just a matter of preference really.. if you don't like it then don't give it your custom. If they fuck up the order then it's a different story and I don't feel like I have to mention that given my point was about the food quality or texture like in the article.


>If they fuck up the order then it's a different story So, there you go.


Again, not what the story is about or what I was talking about. More to do with food quality over service like.


>Sending food back unless it's fucking poisonous shouldn't be allowed. What you said. You put across an unclear argument. You've now filled in the blanks. We can leave it there. (Though I don't know how someone is supposed to know whether a chef fucked up or the food is just shite.)


Most people wouldn't need blanks filled in for something so trivial.


Some people can put across coherent points without having to be prompted. I guess we're all different.


It's not really that big a deal though is it? Slow morning? I'm waiting to finish a night shift, what's your excuse?


It's not a big deal. You could have just corrected your point instead of aggressively making a big deal about your point being rubbish. I'm lying in bed. About to get up and feed the kids and go about my day. Enjoy your weekend.


If there is a mistake I'll always eat it anyway if I can (unless it's so wrong it might be someone else's)