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Amazing how this was Chris’s reaction to a fellow comic creator (of course this was how it was supposed to be for Chris’s version of reality) simply requesting him to write off/kill off a character that he blatantly stole from another artist. When you really put it in perspective like that, it just goes to show how psychotic Chris’s deepest fantasies really are lmao. Honestly I miss Classic Chris, we don’t get wacky gems of laughter like this from smug and arrogant modern Chris.


I've disliked people before and sketched them looking dumb, but I never hated someone enough to give them the electric chair. I wonder if people with his level of autism are quicker to hate?


I would've loved to see Chris attempt to take a law class.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Honestly, I like the framing of this page. Each Sonichu/Rosechu/Whateverchu having the same foreground in the same position, but each acting differently.


It's the closest his comic has ever been to organized


Notice how Magi Chan doesn’t say anything, he’s just sending purple waves at Alec, Are the waves supposed to add towards the damage, or are they meant to represent Magi Chan telepathically saying his final words to Alec? If it’s the latter, I guess he really wanted him to know how angry he made him (even though it looks like the waves didn’t even reach him by the time he got electrocuted).


Magi-Chan making an angry emote/face with his mind is pretty funny.


Mfw I get throw into a labor camp for the crime of smoking a cigarette


Or you could just pay the $200 fine...


Every utopia bases their justice system on blood feuds, eugenics, and homophobia. Dontcha know


Remember, this is how Chris reacts to the death of a fictional cartoon character.


Life in prison or $2500 the choice is yours


Lemme get my Credit card. Do y'all accept CWC-Ex?


No we only accept bank of CwcVille.


Damn....hey! Wait a minute! I thought they were owned by the same CWC-glomerate! I thought was part of the bail out deal during the Financhu Crisis!


Look dude ever since the mayor fucked his mom this city has been in the dumps because that scandal killed tourism and there’s too much going on to keep track of all that. This is Almost as bad as the liquid Chris debacle.


Hey, I get it, I'm not blaming you, personally. I get it, serving the government is an exercise in futility. Just cut a guy a break, I already had to move into a soup hotel and I'm just trying to stay outta jail.


Yeah jerkopps have just been harassing me lately. I think our lord Chris will be back soon


*leans in and whispers* i don't think the dimensional merge ever gonna happen....I mean there is some evidence to suggest there are other dimensions, but so much is theoretical!


"Case dismissed"


Imagine wanting to take part in the horrific murder of someone just because they called you a robot. These creatures truly are a bunch of naive, soulless, inhuman monsters.


This kind of stuff is why Chris should NEVER get any kind of power.


“I am not retarded!” Wellllllll, I don’t know about all of that. 😂


BIonic, "I am not a robot".


Bionic is such a nothing character that making him a robot would have been an improvement anyway


I know, right? Also, Chris just couldn't fathom why people would assume Bionic was a cyborg.


So I recall why Evan and Alec were executed, or at least Chris’s wild reasoning for why they were executed. What did Sean and Mao do again?


The Judge opened the hearing by gloating about his bias against The Asperchu Four, then invited the Prosecution to launch into a speech mirroring Chris's irl resentments. The Prosecution accused the Four of "portraying death upon" Chris and his characters, and disrespecting him and his "GREAT WORKS". *After* which the judge stated the charges, for the group as a whole, not individually: YOU FOUR HAVE BEEN CHARGED OF [sic] THE MURDER OF MISS SIMONLA ROSECHU [a character plagiarized by Chris who he'd falsely promised he'd kill off in the comics himself]. AND THEFT OF CITIZENS OF CWCVILLE, VA. [i.e. satire] MOCKERY OF SAID CHARACTERS AND CHRISTIAN CHANDLER, AND PROFANITY TO THE MAX... Then the Prosecution continued:   I PRESENT EXIBIT [sic] "A", VIDEOS, PRINTED PAGE AND PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE ASPERPEDIA WEBSITE AND THE "COMIC PAGES" THEREIN. OF THE "COMIC PAGES", DRAWN BETWEEN THE DEFENDANTS, ARE CLEAR, UNACCEPTABLE AND UNAPPROVED DEPICTIONS AND PORTRAYLS [sic] AND FALSE TALES OF OUR LOCAL ELECTRIC-HEDGEHOGS, PLUS PORTRYALS [sic] OF DEATHS IN HORRIFYING, GOREY DETAIL, SETTING CHRISTIAN ON FIRE [in their comics]. FALSE WITNESS BEARING [sic], NUDITY AND TV-MA WORDS. EXIBIT [sic] "B", THE REMOTE CONTROL THAT ACTIVATES THE SENSOR FOUND ON THE VOLTORB THAT BLEW UP THE WOMEN'S ROOM TOILET, AND MISS SIMONLA ROSECHU. AND OF COURSE, THE PSYCHIC EYE-WITNESS, MAGI-CHAN SONICHU AND HIS FINDINGS FROM WITHIN THE DEFENDANTS' MINDS. In summary, the Four were tortured to death for making fun of Chris, satirising Sonichu characters, and wrongthink.


Mao was putting “gay ads” on the Cwcki, if I remember correctly. I’m not sure about Sean.


Sean August Watley made comics making fun on Chris and Sonichu, including [Sonichu Is Gay ](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/File:SonichuWhoring.JPG)and [Moon Pals](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/Moon-Pals).


How’d I forget about the gay ads, those were hilarious.


punchy sonichu is so based


Punchy is aguably the best character in the comics. Followed by Inos.


Chris tried to write (or rather, rip off) a knucklehead and ended up writing a relatively level-headed character that, unlike the rest of the hybrid aberrants, is not a complete dork/Chris personality cultist. It would be impressive somewhat if it was not on complete accident.


When Geno narrated that issue my head completely went blank. I can’t imagine how his brain works writing this shit. I would totally watch an animated version just to see how depraved it is.


I completely forgot what that second to last thing is, is it like a dog or something


That's chris' now dead dog patty


The ten button electric chair is my favorite insane detail. How does it work? Does each button kill them a little more?


Probably like a firing line. Only 1 button actually causes the result while the rest is a placebo so they don't feel guilt.


Chris wouldn't of thought of that. It probably worked if they all voted unanimously. Showing there was no sympathy


He probably stole the idea from some movie or TV show. If that’s the case, there’s a good chance he wouldn’t have understood how the concept was supposed to work.


Man I couldn’t imagine reading all of his work.


We knew it would get bad when we learned some punishments carry a penalty of years in prison, or a two-thousand dollar fine.


Rape is a 5 years or 5000 dollars in Cwickville


I hope Chris can cough up that five grand for each time he took Barbussy, he hasn't mentioned paying that fine yet.


Importing tobacky/alcohol: 10 years in prison or a $1,500 fine Being a catfishing troll: 20 years prison or a $2,000 fine




Punchy got whitewashed in that picture, the azn erasure is real