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She was the first person who told chris no, which is basically his kryptonite, that and basic hygiene and boyfriends


Mary Lee deserves a statue on the PVCC campus.


She told him no and did not back down when he had a meltdown or when Borb pulled the “Get Out Of Jail Free If You REEEEE” card. Same as Michael Snyder and Chris is still probably mad about that.


Because she imposed actual consequences


Simply put, Mary Lee Walsh was one of the few people, if not *the* first person in Chris's life who was in a position of authority to not only hold Chris accountable for his actions, but she actively told him "No" several times. Nothing earns Chris/the Chandler family's ire faster than being told "No". But you gotta remember: for most of Chris's life, he pretty much got away with just about everything. The only people who gave him a hard time were usually "the male population", but women, on the other hand, were "caring and sweet" to him (likely out of pity and not because of genuine care/affection). I mean, based on Chris's early testimonies, we saw that this more or less happened throughout his entire life where he was able to get away with just about anything. That is, up until college... In comes Mary Lee Walsh, a woman who not only tells Chris "No" to his antics around campus, but she pretty much tells him to pound sand. To Chris, this is literally the worst thing to have ever happened to him because it completely breaks the mold he was so used to. So how does he react to this? Simply, by applying cartoon and fantasy logic and getting banned from the campus for over a year and eventually banned entirely after graduating. Fun fact: Chris tried to "apologize" to Mary almost ten years after the incident by visiting the office and leaving a note. Her response? She issued Chris a Trespassing notice and, supposedly, called his parents to explain he was still not welcomed to the PVCC campus.


I think that at that point he was still super upset that high school was over, and hated college because he didn't have his gal pals with him. He views Mary Lee Walsh as a physical embodiment of college and the end of high school.


Above all Chris seems to hate authority figures who tell him no and stop him from doing what he wants, Mary Lee Walsh being among the most despised since she put a hamper on Chris’s Lovequest. [Chris also prowled around another college he didn’t attend from his mid to late 20s looking for college girls as well as attending events and even hung out at their library and cafe playing his DS while leaving business cards with his details for the ladies](https://sonichu.com/cwcki/University_of_Virginia#2017_events) so he must have considered colleges a good place ~~to creep on women~~ to find a true and honest heartsweet.


She was the first person who wouldn't let him get away with his shit


MLW was the first person to respond correctly to Chris' nonsense. Middle and high school teachers and admins were quick to take the path of least resistance. MLW let Chris know that he was going to follow her (reasonable) college rules and a lesson that should have been learned at 10 was learned at 18. Or arguably never really learned. Also, Chris made it personal. Yelling at MLW in her office, talking to Sonichu in front of her, repeatedly ignoring rules before all that too. The villain was no longer a faceless college, or a concept (Count Graduon), but a real person that personified his struggle.


Chris does not respect women. He feels entitled for all women to be nicer to him than men. So it's jarring to him for a woman to lay down the law and tell him "no." He struggles really hard to cope whenever any woman tells him "No" really. I'm reminded of those Twitter rants when he got pushback for using familiar terms ("darling" "dear" etc) to refer to women on social media.


She wouldn't let him loiter while holding creepy signs. 


In addition to what everyone else here said: she was the *first* person to 'troll' Chris (by being a reasonable authority figure). Snyder, Schroder, Stackhouse ... and all the *actual* trolls ... all came years later.


Like Snyder and to some extent Megan, MLW was one of the few people that got in Chris's way to obtain a 'goal'. Keep in mind, Chris was spoiled rotten by his parents, giving Chris this mentality to do whatever he wanted without any resistance. Any normal person would find other paths to get to their goals, but Chris isn't normal. With his goal of getting a boyfriend-free girl via the attraction sign, Chris should've just done what normal people have done and put down an ad in the personals. I think with Walsh in particular, it was the amount of interactions. Obviously, Chris was grossly underprepared for college, and he thought PVCC was going to be like Manchester High all over again. It isn't like going to the Game Place every now and again; Chris had to go to classes every day, and every day MLW had to say to herself: "Now I have to deal with this guy again?"


She stood in between him and whatever shiny object caught his attention at the time, which to Chris is tantamount to a violating his human rights.


I think a big part is because Mary Lee Walsh was a woman. Chris has always lived in a fantasy world where women are magical special creatures who treat people with love and kindness. A woman who DARES to tell him not to do something is almost incomprehensible to Chris, especially classic Chris.


I think you are onto something. Despite considering himself something of a Feminist (though more he fetishises Femininity itself), Chris seems to reeeally hate women who fall short of his standards of what women 'should' be. Like how he turned on Megan once Barb convinced Chris she was behind the trolls, Chris became especially vindictive and spiteful towards Megan. And we can't forget Chris wishing death on Barb herself during the Jail Saga under the false impression that he'd be allowed to go home once she was dead.


Chris hated Mary Lee Walsh because she dared to tell him “No.” She also had the attraction signs removed from the PVCC campus. He (Chris) saw that as a hostile act and freaked out/made her a villain in the Sonichu comics. He also carried/carries a longstanding hatred of Michael Snyder because he banned him from the Game Place. And, he had been effectively coddled in high school.


I bet if Chris had just a smidgen more comprehension and critical thinking skills, he would realize how wild it is to hold grudges for decades over simply being told no—you know, like a child. When you're a kid, you create villains out of those you perceive to wrong you, or why you don't play with so and so because so and so took your toy or told you to stop. Never mind what you did; it's that they wronged you. Chris has always been this way, because Walsh was an adult telling another adult no, instead of immediately coddling Chris's ego.


Chris wouldn’t be Chris if he had comprehension and critical thinking skills.


Chris hates being told no or being punished for his actions, both of which Mary Lee Walsh did.


Because she dared to tell Chris no, which is the ultimate injustice to Chris Chan.


And this was coming out of high school where Chris was basically coddled by the teachers, especially the female teachers. Going from that, to PVCC where Mary Lee Walsh, another woman, was trying to hold Chris responsible must have been like getting hit with a brick for Chris.


Lot of good all that coddling did. It ensured that Chris could never be part of society.


She held I'm accountable for his actions in a way that actually affected him


Because to Chris MLW was someone in his immediate life who he saw as a roadblock to losing his virginity.


Because Chris thinks she cockblocked him. She didn’t actually, no woman in their right mind would look at Chris’s deranged sign and go “yeah, you know what, let me give that a chance.” But slow-in-the-mind Chris can’t wrap his mind around that and thinks MLW took away something from him. And we all know how entitled Chris is.


Heck, even BARB thought that Chris selling himself like a used car looked ridiculous.


Because he actually met her in person


He claims it was because she was a hindrance to him finding a sweetheart, but she seemed to object to how he was going about it, advertising his virginity like it was a car and his racist tastes


Chris has always had a particular anger towards people who tell him “no.” One of his lifelong archnemeses is Michael Snyder, another person who barred him from doing whatever he pleased. He’s also still salty about Megan constantly telling him to keep away from her.


While I agree Michael Snyder aspect, I don’t quite agree with the Megan bit. I think his resentment was less related to that and more that the trolls got in the way of his “relationship” with Megan. Which, I believe, eventually turned into him viewing Megan as a troll as well. Well that coupled with Bob’s views on Megan as someone who made Chris’s life hell, which he also likely vocalised around Chris.


What we know is that Barbara told Chris that she heard Michael and Megan talk about how creepy and weird Chris was. This around the same time he got kicked from the game place, so Michael was likely trying to build a case against him. At the same time, Michael, likely spoke to Barbara about this, and instead of taking it for what it is, interpreted it as an attack against Chris, who interned relayed it to Bob.


>What we know is that Barbara told Chris that she heard Michael and Megan talk about how creepy and weird Chris was Remember that Barb is also more than a little malicious. Its quite possible that did happen, but it’s also possible that Barb told him it to make Chris stop thirsting after Megan or even just to hurt his feelings.


I don't believe Barb was lying about Michael Snyder, because she was an accomplice in running him over.


Because she specifically cockblocked Chris. She interfered in his sweetheart search, so she clearly was the avatar of evil.


She was a woman, which is what Chris wanted, keeping him from fulfilling his desire for women (or at least that’s how she was in his eyes). Both the object of desire and the obstacle preventing him from that desire. It’s also important to note that Chris had been nothing but coddled by teachers and school staff up until that point. Then comes Walsh, who creates and strictly enforces strong boundaries for his behavior. He didn’t know what to do because he assumed she would coddle him like he was used to, but was met with a cold reality check instead.