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Lines ? LINES !! Mate , in the UK we queue


We also have lines in the UK, generally within a pub toilet though.


You mean Houses of Parliament toilets [https://www.businessinsider.com/cocaine-traces-found-uk-parliament-including-near-pms-office-report-2021-12](https://www.businessinsider.com/cocaine-traces-found-uk-parliament-including-near-pms-office-report-2021-12)


Pretty much every toilet other than in peoples homes and that's just coz they can use their kitchen worktop instead.


Unless its lockdown, then you do it on zoom in the bog for the nostalgia


That moment when you log off zoom and you're just sitting in your living room by yourself completely off your tits.


I'd be slightly disappointed if there wasn't


Is this the appropriate dessert after some fish and chips and a crispy pint?


Lines and lines and lines and lines and lines! What do they mean?


Are you local?




Grab us a nettle soup, preferably with more than a day of expiry


Try and go on a week day a month or so before a new series comes out. Seems the quietest time


I get that everyone wants to visit the location due to being massive fans of the show, and possibly even get a chance to meet Jezza, Kaleb and Lisa, however I wonder how many farm shops all these people have driven passed and ignored on their journey there? Local farm shops need custom too, not just the famous multi millionaire ones.


That’s the beauty of the cooperative that has been proposed. Clarkson offering guaranteed foot traffic for his neighbors to sell in his shop. For example the Cow Juice dispenser…would Emma have half the business if not capitalizing on Clarkson’s fame. He gets that he is famous and uses it to better those around him. I can’t be mad at that. Someone is using their fame to give others a step up and I love that


I believe that Clarksons farm shop only sells local produce, so any surrounding farm shops can sell stuff from the shop too, I do believe this what he is aiming for. There are 10 farm shops in this surrounding area (including Clarksons).


I know the show tends to avoid the 'meta' (besides Clarkson acknowledging that he'd be screwed if he didn't have Amazon money), but I'd be really curious to hear from the owners of the surrounding farm shops about the impact the show has had on them - positive or negative. I've seen a few posts where people have said they ended up visiting nearby shops too, so I suspect it'd be a net positive, but I'd still be curious.


I mean once people have travelled some distance go get there its a huge queue then not a lot inside. Presumably there's an amount of standing about hoping someone from the show pops up but then apart from a walk about the place, that's it. Now they are in the area and looking for something else to do


>I believe that Clarksons farm shop only sells local produce Just about every episode with the shop, Charlie's in there pointing out things that aren't local and need to be removed


Sure, that’s true, but those are things *not* made locally (Clothes, trowels, etc), so it doesn’t impact other farm shops per se


I'm assuming (and this can be confirmed by someone who visits) that a lot of that is scripted because the councils rules would actually shut then down if it wasn't for a bit


The council did place an enforcement notice on the shop due to, in part, selling non local goods. Since then Clarkson has been selling what seems like solely local goods.


Surely pineapples are sourced locally in the cots, avocados too!


Australian wine is made just down the road... Another road... A motorway... A road... A 24 hour flight... Another road... A highway... And a farm road. I challenge you to find anything more local than that.


Thats the odd thing, its unlikely that a lot of that stuff he points out could be made "locally" for a given definition of local. Like if no one could make those T-Shirts in Chadlington why couldn't he get them wherever?


That's stuff like mugs, fridge magnets etc more like tourist souvenirs. Imagine making them in England with the cost of products, its far far far cheaper to mass produce in China and have it imported in.


If they can’t pull the customers then they don’t deserve the business.


That's great, it really is, however I am talking about the hundreds of people who are not from the local area, who drive hours to make a visit. Not saying "its a local shop for local people". Just curious as to how many of these people support their local farmers too. There was an interesting post on here a week or two ago about the poster's visit, and it was very clear from their experience that many other people there had driven from miles and miles away, and was obvious that they never been to a farm, never mind a farm shop before.


Your right, we should just ban tourism completely and only allow people to go to attractions local to where people live, to support local farmers. I do get what you mean, but diddly squat is so much more than just a farm shop, it is an attraction at the end of the day, it's just that the only thing you can do there is go to a tiny shop (as the council won't allow a bigger one) and get some food. Also so many people go there as its advertised. I couldn't tell you where my nearest farm shop like diddly squat is (we have lots of garden centres though) as they are all truly terrible at marketing even in the local area.


So in that case, how many of these people visit any farm shops at all? All the farm shops and farmers markets that I know of are all hugely popular, always busy and personally I don't really think it would make much of a difference to foot fall anyway.


Exactly. And people coming from far and wide are doing so as it's become a tourist attraction. So the shop part is largely irrelevant in that context. People buying a pork pie from Diddly Squat isn't hampering the trade of their local farm shop. People don't travel the length of the country to buy there every week. For the majority, it's a one off to see what it's all about and say you've been. And I doubt locals will prefer it due to the queues.


If anything it may have increased traffic from locals to the surrounding shops as they will try to avoid those queues


It sounds like you are complaining about “an economy” Growth requires the inflow of resources from outside of the local area otherwise you are simply recycling the same fixed amount. It seems that the area around Diddly Squat is heavily reliant on farming. So, large swathes of land populated by a few people working it to provide staple goods. What the show does, and it has been an issue for decades, is highlight how difficult it is to make money by providing the commodities that we all take for granted, and that is wrong. Without diversifying and attracting money from further afield, how much longer do you suppose that the area would last as farms? One, two more generations? Many farms rely on children picking up the mantle. Would you want to do it seeing the hardship, lack of reward, stress, potential bankruptcy it had brought your parents? Now, they have a rallying point, other ways to supplement their income, other ways to utilise talents that might not be a good fit for farming. The parochial attitude of the local council, is echoed in what you’ve said. I appreciate that you are highlighting the fact that people need to support their own local farms. The show is creating discussion and enabling that, providing inspiration for other farming businesses that are also struggling across our green and sceptred isle. The volumes of people that are willing to travel demonstrates that, no matter how divisive a character Jezza might be, a great many people respect, listen and buy in to what he is saying, and selling.


Anyone believing jezza's account of the local council is dim to say the least.


I’m sure there was some hyperbole, however, the failure of a governmental body to recognise and work with him, a local business owner is outrageous. There was a prejudicial attempt to shut down any and all activity associated with the farm as it (and the increased footfall) was a blot on the landscape of the gentrified and privileged few. And for the sake of what? Protecting the ego of some over blown, self inflated, arrogant mirror of the persona he plays in his shows? Seems that people of that nature, and I include you in that group, with a couple of sentences attacking my intelligence, have an abject failure to critically evaluate and be trusted to have the greater good at heart when applying their decision making process.


such a simpleton take


People from London don't necessarily have local farmers


I don't support my local farm shop because it costs more than shopping at M&S


If they can’t pull the customers then they don’t deserve the business.


You are very right. For. Other hand, I was driving around here, just enjoying the views and I have not seen any shop/driveway to something that I could possibly stop and visit.


Tbf if you're actually looking for some decently priced farm produce, you are probably still getting that elsewhere. Folk are buying something from this farm shop because they want something *from this farm shop*, I would imagine. So I'm not sure the demographic/clientele necessarily cross over


Only if they have cafes, But then farm shop cafes around here are all insanely popular. Not as popular as Diddly Squat, but still always busy.


Even Garden centre cafes are full, Burford Garden centre which isn't far, charges £6 for a cup of tea, and it's still packed.


yep anywhere like that that is half decent is always packed out.


A big problem is traffic as well, the roads around there were not built for a popular tourist attraction. The traffic is why I can understand the councils position (well some of it), despite how it’s portrayed on the show.


I went a couple of Sundays ago and the traffic wasn’t even that bad. They do a pretty good job getting cars into the secondary lot.


It was last year I was there, I arrived Sunday evening just after it had shut, I had planned to arrive a little earlier but after seeing/hearing how busy it was, I decided not to even bother trying. I had been on the road with work for about a week so I was pretty shattered anyway to be fair. There was still a fair bit of traffic about an hour or so after it had shut.


As a non I’m resident, driving around here is let’s say interesting. Very narrow roads…no space on shoulders, it’s fun!


But these people wouldn't have gone to those shops either way. He isn't stealing other shops business. At most, he is creating a general interest in shops like these. Maybe next time these people want some organic produce, they will go to the nearest shop, now that they have experienced Clarksons.


I went there two weeks ago, the queue was long and because I’m not stupid enough to stand and wait for 2 hours we visit a lovely little farm shop about 10 minutes away and has a nice lunch. I agree. It’s fun to go there but there’s so many wonderful farms with shops and cafes in the area that you should visit instead.


There's a farm shop not too far away that Clarkson went in, in the first series. It's outrageously expensive. Car park was full of range rovers and porches. Sure they're doing fine.


"Sure they're doing fine." A local farm shop to me also had a full car park of range rovers, and was outragedly expensive [It closed down](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-68049954) .


Awesome! More houses!


I went there and felt extremely poor and out of place hah!


Found the Council account.


None if West Oxon Council had anything to do with it…


Not a farm shop though is it 😂


Too expensive


We went there recently with friends that lived nearby and have been. Drove in, saw the line, left and went somewhere fantastic about 15 mins from it (The Cotswold Guy). Happy to see the site and then went and had much better food by all accounts.


"A rising tide only lifts jezza's boat"


I was there the other day. If you want to try the food, make sure you're in the correct line! Someone told us you can order at the food truck itself and the line is usually small but turned out you need to be in the 2nd huge line that goes into the old lamb barn where you order the drinks.


There’s a separate line for drinks only, which is nice.


The guy in the shades: “I’m Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I’ve learned after 21 years – you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.”


Haha! That guy has definitely been asked if he’s the pawn stars guy 😂


Why are people like this? It can't be that great is it?


You should see the Silos at Magnolia in Waco, Texas on a Saturday. TV shows that do stuff like this rake it in


People throw pizza on the breaking bad roof. If I lived nearby I would absolutely visit. I don't think I could justify travelling for it but still.


From the area... Never been, the queues put us off, that and there are lots of other places similar. If people get there and don't fancy the wait there is a campsite with a nice cafe and restaurant just up the road called The Old Shed even has an 18 hole disc golf course. Ironically we saw eating Kaleb there a couple of summers ago while the queues were huge at the farm.


The obsession with celebrities folks have baffles me. It's a farm shop which is cool but there's a hundred that are similar or even better down the road. Just because it's on tv somehow makes people go mad. Heck, ater breaking bad there were tourists in Albuquerque which literally has nothing to it. Mad


I think it's the off chance that Jeremy might turn up that makes people go. And then it's something to talk about to. "Oh I went to Jeremy Clarksons Farm shop at the weekend".


Love the show and the Clarkson, Hammond, May, et al, but S3 made me feel a bit different about the celebrity element. Can’t put it into words exactly, but seeing so many people fawn over Jeremy and the benefits it gives people like him is…unsettling. It’s also frustrating that it seems like you have to be someone with all that influence to really make a difference anywhere.


Indeed and I bet it feels off to many folks. Can't imagine Clarkson respecting someone fawning over him instead of treating him like a bloke.


Really cant understand why so many people are so desperate to queue up just to get ripped off. Also maybe have a 5% chance to see the back of Clarksons head from a distance. Insanity.


What are you buying?


Bought some oils and pork pie!


Don’t know yet..something for sure.


Get the chili infused rape seed oil. It’s great.


I was staying in Chipping Norton with work not long ago, I was initially planning to try and slip a quick visit in, but after seeing these sort of pictures it saved me a wasted journey


I did the same, but managed it. Even then, it was a 30min queue but now I can at least say I've been - ticked it off my list


My employer still has the contract I was there for, I just don’t like travelling for work to be honest so have been trying to avoid another visit but I might get there this summer.


Rick Harrison in the queue


Ha! I saw him too and was scrolling to see if anyone else found him 😂


Love folk so willing to queue, and the Councillors veins throbbing on their temples 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"the dip is not opened yet"....what is a "dip" ?? (Yank here...er...I mean, American)


Think it's a typo for "shop"


Ok, wow, thanks. Quite some typo.


So glad I live close so can go in off peak times.


Was this mid-week or a weekend photo thanks


It was live one, Thursday 9:35


Last I was up there (After Season 1) it was empty and they were scrubbing some graffiti off the shop :(


So smug we went the week before series 1 aired and were the only ones there 🤣


Probably annoys the fuck out of the locals


Was planning a hike in the area - decided to go elsewhere this weekend as i had a feeling the crowds will probably block the roads and be very busy.


It pays to show up early. The queue is real!


The time to go is when it’s absolutely miserable out. I went on a downpour and the crowds were small.


Go to Daylesford… the people watching is just as interesting


diesnt take long to get through that


Love the series. The shop experience is a major disappointment. Its just an overpriced farm shop with massive queues and a muddy car park.


I don't really get what people expect, though. People go to a farm shop and expect to see something else?


My question is are most the people there UK residents or is it a lot of international?


I absolutely fucking hate lineups/queues. As enjoyable as the show is, I just couldn't do this. Carry on.


Tbh, I can see why the council is against his plans. Massive queues for one area, people don't seem to go and visit the local town so really it's just causing inconvenience for locals and not helping local businesses that actually require the help (Clarkson has massive income from other sources) Don't get me wrong, I've been there and seen it but, 6 quid for a glass bottle for milk! Massively overpriced compared to other places, all his stuff seems to be extortionately priced.




The show raises legitimate concerns about farming in the UK, I am not questioning that. My issue is that the farm shop is taking away trade from the local area, which could be ok, but we are talking about a rural area, the roads aren't designed or fit for the sheer amount of traffic his shop brings, this causing issues for locals going day to day or even other tourists who are just trying to go to the area and not visit the shop. The second point about pricing, you could look at was buying an overpriced item from the shop and then going "well, maybe let's not spend anymore today as we spent X already". My comment about the glass bottle for milk is because it costs 3X more than other glass bottles from other local dairies (the price of the milk is on par however) I said "seems to", but really I know, the weekends around that area can be horrific so I detour.


Yeah, you can understand why this annoys locals to be fair.


That shop is a disgrace for the area.


Stay home, buy local, order a gift online!


That’s a no from me chief.