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Blown up and drown, what a way to go.


Reminds me of that one video where that Russian drowned in freezing cold water on his back when it probably wasn't even 3 feet deep because he had an injury from a drone dropped grenade.


That's probably the most disturbing video so far.


Nope. The one with the civilian father and son driving with two dogs in the early part of war . If you see that one you will never feel sorry for another Russian soldier; never !


People forget too quickly what the Russian army gets up to if you let them. Whenever I see such videos I remember the torture cellars and mass graves they left after only a few weeks of occupation and I feel nothing for the Russian soldiers meeting their ends in Ukraine.


For real, saw it basically when it first appeared during the first days of the invasion. It's pretty much the only video that's *really* stuck with me through everything. I can't say that it *haunts* me per se, but holy shit it really left a mark.


For me it was the [girl on a bicycle killed in the first hours of the attack](https://funker530.com/video/nsfw-russian-missile-kills-14-year-old-girl-on-bicycle/). This video catches the rocket impact, but not the aftermath. There is a different video which shows that as well. In it you see the impact. Then she falls off her bike. The girl tries to raise her head. Then she dies.


I think about this one constantly. The dog dying in the car from the first volley, his dad getting hit, the son dying. I also got to see the aftermath of that with the surviving dog sitting on the side of the road next to his former family, lost and alone. Idk why it stuck with me for so long.


Well, I didn't saw that video or even knew that story. Now I don't even have to see the video to experience the disturbingly harshness as you provided me with a very effective synopsis. Thank you kind stranger; though I probably was happier before.


For some reason that whole episode summed up the feeling of the war for me. It's just so fucking horrible.


I'm not sure I've seen that one. But if they're civilians then to me that's a separate category.


Yeah it's worse.


It's certainly worse. Just saying it's not combat. It's kinda as if a boxer punches a random unsuspecting person, it's not boxing.


Exactly !




It's not combat, that's different to me.


They were civilians, which you usually don't get a gruesome POV on. Plus the one dog gets as the first few bullets hit the car and is quite audible. There's also an aftermath video of the lone surviving dog sitting next to a pile of it's former family, which makes it all the worse.


For me the one you mentioned was significantly worse than that one.






I remember the one of the ruskie that was jumping away from a drone strike and straight head first down a well....no follow up info but there's no way he survived without drowning


Yea I remember that one. I'm happy to say I have never experienced what drowning or being burned alive feels like, but from what I've learned from the stories of people who've survived horrible burns over most of their body, burning alive is so excruciatingly painful that most would gladly choose just about any other kind of death, including drowning, if there was even a slight chance of that being an option. If I were that soldier, I'd be hoping for that well to be deep and there to be no water at all so I'd just die on impact.


That was one of those where I've only ever watched once in it's entirety and have no desire to see again.


I unfortunately rewatched it to somehow try to figure out what exactly was wrong that he couldn't raise his head just a little so he'd be above the water. I still didn't understand though.


The Russian backpacks appears to be really difficult to remove. Occasionally, there is a video of someone with the pack catching fire and they can't manage to get it off.


My guess was that he had some sort of back injury, but I'm not a doctor and I'm sure as hell not going to go analyze the footage to try and figure it out lol Probably plenty of good theories in the comment section tbh


When my lower back really flares up, I can’t move at all without 10/10 pain. I can only imagine what sort of pain they must be experiencing. But I’m sure they are not in control of their bodies.


Not even close to the most disturbing one lol


There are worse ones, where the entire speed boat was blown up and Russian soldiers were seen flying into the sky. Half of them survived and got onto shore. Although everyone was injured and stayed put. They were all finished up by Ukranian FPV drones.


I don't believe I've seen that one.


Here you go. Let me know your thoughts. Enjoy \^\_\^ [Recent video of Russian soldiers boat hitting a mine with a bit of extended footage showing then clean up operations. : r/CombatFootage (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1d0gr6i/recent_video_of_russian_soldiers_boat_hitting_a/)


I didn't find this one as bad. Though still pretty bad.


Yeah...... there are more.


Any more links?


That's the thing dreams are made of.


Sam Spade?


Yea that’s one of those videos that stay with you forever


Tad dramatic


Have u seen it?


I have. I can't say it's any worse than the hundreds of other similar clips iv seen on here and elsewhere. Maybe I'm not wired up right, but the graphic injury and death in these videos doesn't bother me at all. Compare that to clips of parents grieving over lost children, pulling bodies out of rubble etc. That shit tears my heart out. I watched some of the Oct 7th footage and couldn't sleep for days. I guess i find it easier to empathise with the drowning soldiers' wife's emotional pain in losing her husband than with his physical pain in dying, if that makes sense.


I can't speak for others, but what makes that video hard for me to watch doesn't really have anything to do with the amount of empathy I have for the person or whether or not it's gory/graphic. It's just a brutal way to go and it went on for several minutes. That's several minutes of watching a person pretty much involuntarily thrashing around and struggling to avoid his impending death. It's the suffering aspect of it that makes it hard for me to watch because it looked like a pretty horrific way to die. That's totally fine if it is an easy watch for you. When it comes to videos regarding death and suffering, I don't think there's a way you can measure what's considered reasonably "dramatic" or not when it comes to how a person responds to watching it, though.


That's true, I can't speak to others' responses to watching this stuff. I apologise for that remark. It's been a shit day


That video makes my fucking tummy hurt.


Sounds fine by me. Stay home or drown in my rivers if you please.


Can't argue with that!


It started in a swamp with no history, it ends in a swamp with no history.


For a long time I've been convinced drowning was the worst way to go. Getting the drowning process started in this fashion seems to be worse.


The way some guys drowned in ww2 was the worst. For some, when their ship would sink all the fuel oil would coat the surface of the water that the guys evacuating would be in, then ignite. The guys on top predictably burned to death, the guys who got below the surface in time (without a life jacket) got to see their friends burn to death, then decide if they would rather drown.


I don’t know, slowly burning tops the list for me


Slowly choking on my own blood is the worst for me. Basically slow torturous drowning, waterboarding type of shit even.


Laying paralyzed in a crater while drones drop bombs on me is my tops now.




Can confirm. My most painful death in my past life was when Sue the T-Rex ate me. Then I spawned in Mario Party 8 almost instantaneously.


Man, talk about having a shit day...


Oh boy imagine seeing the water around you turning red immediately, you know you're fucked


That appears to be shadow on the water rather than blood Edit: I really not sure, it is a bit tinged red so it could be


Sure looks like blood pouring out of flesh to me


Was this timed to detonate right above the surface?


Nah simple impact fuze 


Thank you!


Hitting water from high enough is like hitting a hard surface.


No but for the sake of conversation, iirc the pole thing that extends from the tip serves as a trigger but it also means the grenade will be at least a few inches elevated when it goes off, increasing frag spread. I think I read this on Reddit though so, grain of salt


You are 100% correct. Those specially designed standoffs do exactly what you said - they ensure the grenade explodes a few inches above the ground so the shrapnel isn't blocked and is free to fly outwards.


In the case of water, this ironically probably reduces effectiveness. Sure the shrapnel is right at eye-height to anyone in the water, but if the grenade detonated once fully submerged it would be basically instant death to anyone remotely close. Water is *extremely* good at transmitting shockwaves. Have a look at some videos of small firecrackers going off in buckets and completely annihilating the bucket. A grenade would turn your insides to jelly.


What’s worse than getting a frag dropped on you … getting a frag dropped on you in water and drowning


Man. The last place you want to be around a grenade is in the water with one. That pressure wave underwater is deadly


Daaaamn I can’t imagine trying to swim kitted out


Explosives are bad enough in air, in water the organ rupture is even worse


Highly doubt this explosive has anywhere near enough energy to do that type of damage. It also detonated on the surface of the water.


On the latter, yes, it probably detonated just above the surface. The water's surface would have been very poorly matched to the impedance of the shockwave, so most of that energy just gets reflected up. On the former, no. A hand grenade is easily enough explosive power to do utterly horrific damage to anyone unlucky enough to be caught near one in an underwater blast. Water's about 5x more efficient than air for transmitting blast energy, it really doesn't take much.


Oh damn, you're right.. [here is a good video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4DnuQOtA8E) on exactly this scenario. TIL


Water is really good at stopping ballistic projectiles. I think Mythbusters did an episode on it and I was surprised by how quickly water dispersed the energy.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the pressure originated by the shockwave a much bigger danger in a water explosion than shrapnel?


That's why fishing by grenade works.


Just remember, energy propagating between mediums always results in less energy in the second.


Grenades are not ballistic *or* projectiles, so that property of water does nothing to protect you. The property that matters here is how effectively shockwaves are transmitted, which is dramatically higher in water than in air. It also impedance matches the shockwave to your body (since you are also water) meaning you absorb more of the energy. You really, *really* do not want to be in the water near an explosion. You will get fucked all the way up.


Bad advice, you want to be under water if the explosion is out of water, and out of water if the explosion is in the water. Impedance matching isn't a play here because you can't have an elastic collision, the shockwave loses 10x energy when it has to propgate to a new wave medium. Just remember, energy propagating between mediums always results in less energy in the second.


We got a leaker


Learnt something new today - drone bombs detonates on water surface.


wow and we thought getting blown up by drown hunkering down in an open field is bad.


The physics behind this are kind of crazy. You'd think being in water would soften the blow or protect you; in fact the density of water allows the shock waves to travel more efficiently. The lethality of the explosive is actually higher.


That grenade blew up pretty much at the surface so most if the blast energy is diverted into the air


May need to call up the top plastic surgeon from Blyatly Hills if he survived that one.


Should have dropped it from 15' and gotten at least 2 of them.


That's cold, right there, and I don't mean the water. Dropping on them in that situation is rugged. But for the record, if it kills Russians, I'm all for it.


anyone got the full vid?


Air burst, fuckn hell.


shouldve swam below ... prob didnt want to be dragged by the cureent with the equipment theyre salvaging


That piece of shrapnel hit that man directly in the head. What an awful way to die, for anyone.


Damn that’d be hell


The only thing worse than this situation after getting hit by drones and getting drowned is to get bit by sharks and then forced to listen to Taylor Swift songs while agonal breathing away


Found Trump's Reddit account


You alright bud?


Not very effective I presume


You presume wrong. Explosives are way deadlier in water.