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Thermal scopes are pretty cool, wonder where he got it


Most likely the US military


I would be fucking hyped if I am a small insurgent group and I got a fucking thermal scope


I just hope the Taliban doesn't get more thermal scopes.


Small insurgent army that beat US military's ass and brought them to their knees lol


Ummm no… not really


That's clearly not a US thermal. I get there's this knee-jerk reaction because a lot of US gear got left behind in Afghanistan, but most of that was more basic stuff. Whereas the Taliban had a long history of smuggling in Chinese and Russian supplies via the mountainous land borders, including small amounts of Chinese-made thermal sights that their special forces "Red Unit" would use to attack ANA bases at night.


Highly unlikely. The Pakistani Taliban doesn't get their equipment from the Afghan Taliban, they're basically two different organizations. Plus, this doesn't look like a US thermal. If anything, it's probably a Chinese thermal. A LOT of. Chinese equipment is available in Pakistan, with them being close in proximity, as well as the Pakistani army buying a lot of equipment from China.


Oh boy, you don't know how much TTP and TTA are related.


This is a paki army talking point. They are 2 different entities who operate independently.


They are the same, Pakistani intelligence supported and equipped TTA and they hid and funded their leaders... who happily made friends with the TTP.... Ethnic allies after all. Pakistan is getting just what it deserves, and their razor wire boarder fence isn't going to stop their war with the TTP and TTA.


No, they're not the same. Agreed that pak is getting what they deserve the 2 faced hypocrite snakes. They stabbed us in the back and they stabbed the Afghans in the back, and they brag about it. Karmas a bitch. But...they are 2 different organizations with differing ideologies and different strategic aims. Afghan Talib are nationalists who want their country free and strong and built up. TTP only took on the name "Taliban" to cash in on the notoriety after 9/11 as they joined the Afghan insurgency. But TTP ideologically follows al-qaeda salafism. Al qaeda nurtured and grew the TTP. Thats why, fun fact, the US in 20 years of open war, never designated the Afghan Taliban as a terrorist organization, but did so designate the TTP, partly to please Pakistan to gain their cooperation (futile), but also underscoring that the 2 organizations are seperate with different aims. TTPs fight is with the Punjabi dominated pakistani state and army, which conducted a near genocidal campaign in their tribal homelands, killing 60,000 men women and children and rendering millions as refugess for years and years. TTP naturally want revenge and to take over their home territories again. Afghan Taliban have no such interest. In fact, Afghan Taliban are hell bent on economic development and want ties with all neighbors (and are doing a surprisingly good job on that according to all observers), but the TTP-Pak fight has made things impossible on that front. So they've given up on Pak relations for now, as pakistan it seems also would prefer to make Afghanistan an enemy and to have fighting along the durand line. This way the unimaginative paki strategic planners can recreate the conditions of the past 20 years and attract american dollars and strategic attention. Or so they think. Part of this strategy is the lie that "TTP and Afghan Talibn are one and the same". LOL no, no they're not. But thats what they would like us to think.


Yeah no. Us military thermals are way better than whatever this Chinese crap is. You can easily buy thermals.


No expert, but this looks like just an IR sensor and IR illuminator, not thermal. You can see the cone of illuminator move when he moves the aim point.


It's thermal. Possibly a hybrid. You don't get heat contrast like that from IR alone. The sensors (decent ones) go on Aliexpress for a few hundred. The tech is abundant. Low-resolution sensors can be had for $20 (though this one seemed more like a mid priced 640x480/800x600 sensor).


Interesting. You say possibly hybrid, but if it isn't why they IR illuminator. Wouldn't it just make the contrast worse? I tried to compare individuals who are in view but outside IR illuminator cone. I also tried to check if brightness decreased with distance. I think the car hood and tires being hot, clearly speak for some type of thermal ... but in some images, the non exposed parts of body is much darker than in the closer one. I do know that the cheaper aliexpress thermals are a blended hybrid, so maybe 640x480 IR sensitive (but not thermal) and then the thermal sensor is less, maybe 256x192 or something like that. And the software superimposes the thermal, creating the appearance of higher res.


> I think the car hood and tires being hot, clearly speak for some type of thermal Yeah, the car was the give-away for some form of thermal. > why they IR illuminator. The illumination effect seems consistent but doesn't seem to illuminate the trees, so it could be an optical vignette rather than illumination. > but in some images, the non exposed parts of body is much darker than in the closer one. Maybe inverted the hot zones to see if it provided better contrast? These are all guesses. I'm no authority on the matter.


ugh, thought that yea, no bullshit went away a couple years ago


You can buy this stuff on Amazon and Alibaba.


If by U.S. military you mean Chinese you’d be right.


Nah, china is way more likely nowadays, you can grab a cheap thermal and toss it on smth for less than a grand


Nah. We rarely/never gave regular ANA thermals because they'd sell them/lose them. This is ISI business.


You act like it's hard to Google the words [thermal scope for weapon](https://shop.opticsplanet.com/armasight-prometheus-2-thermal-imaging-monocular-flir-tau-2-640x512-30hz-core-50.html?_iv_code=0A-THM-TAT163MN4PROM21-REFURB&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwp4m0BhBAEiwAsdc4aJ_Pa4XJnLmqiJeBB_HSFRzUj7gl9KU_la0kKEIu8Y4jOVYLuaxlCRoCRRoQAvD_BwE), add to cart, then get some zip ties and strap that bad boy on with a go pro. It's 2024, terrorists can shop online... At least I'm 95% sure.


You realize all of this stuff is extremely regulated when it comes to exportation. It’s hard to ship a red dot magnifier from US to Canada let alone somewhere in Europe and the Middle East. Anything military grade coming out the US is under ITAR which most companies won’t bother with dealing with.


For US military grade stuff, yes. But this is a cheap unit, probably straight out of China. You can see the IR spotlight he is using, which just screams low quality.


There is no regulation in Chinese thermal market. You can buy a Chinese ECOTI copy for $3500 on Alibaba. (vs American PAS29B that costs $10000) [InfiRay Jerry-C Thermal Monocular Helmet Mount](https://www.infiray.com/products/jerry-c-thermal-monocular-helmet-mount.html) [Jerry C5 640 Core Thermal Monocular Helmet Mount Clip-on Thermal Imager - Buy Infiray Jerry C5 Helmet Mount iray Jerry C5 Thermal Imager jerry C Thermal Imager Clip On thermal Monocular Jerry C5 infiray Thermal Imaging Binocular helmet Mount Clip-on Jerry C5 thermal Imaging Attachment Product on Alibaba.com](https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Jerry-C5-640-core-Thermal-Monocular_1600998553050.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_title.137d52045HQDm3)


“Extremely regulated” Imagine believing that gun control is effective especially on an international scale lmao.


You don't think they can manage to smuggle it out? You know how much shit gets brought in, and taken out? We're talking a decent sized terror organization... I think they can manage to sneak a few cameras across international borders.


This is the exact industry I work in. I’m not saying stuff doesn’t get smuggled out. Optics planet and any other reputable source isn’t participating in this. Most if not all of military grade equipment smuggling out of the US is done through straw man purchases not shipping across borders. I was arguing against the idea that these guys can just shop online and have this shit shipped to there house which is basically what you said… the idea of criminals being criminals is nothing new.


Yes you can. It’s not hard at all.


Just cause a source is reputable, doesn't stop your average consumer from buying and then taking it themselves.


China doesn't give a fuck about any of that


Probably Chinese supplied. The Taliban got a lot of their equipment from Russia and China, smuggled in via the nearby land borders. Their special forces "Red Unit" made a lot of use of such Chinese-made thermals to take out isolated ANA bases in the later stages of the US presence there.


Taliban scientists created it at a research lab inside a cave


With a box of scraps!


This is an atn thor.


They are cheat codes


CIA 4D chess lmfao


Unlocked after 50 kills with that weapon.. duhh Or maybe Murica left some load out drops.


Gift from Trump


That marked room key paid off




My heart goes out to all beings who truly want peace


Now watch this drive


see you at church.




Sure thing bud




Countless times. Genocides happened across the globe and the population usually dwindled so much that it was no longer capable of organized armed resistance People tend to forget that during the victorian era, hundreds of indigenous groups completely perished from the face of the earth. I'm not standing behind such a problem solver, but it is possible and it was done throughout the history


Cant aim for shit


His weapon isn't zeroed to the distance he's mostly shooting at. He's forgotten his holdovers and is using the centre retical when he should be aiming above or below the target. But he's still effective. If the Pakistanis had night vision, this guy would stand out like dogs balls. He's using an IR torch ffs. But alas, when you finance terrorists, don't be surprised when they start terrorising you


This IR scope actually emits a beam?


Yes. You would stand out like a guy holding a million lumen flashlight. It’s not the scope but the IR light he has turned on that would give him away.


Look like a god damn death star


The scope itself doesn't emit an infrared beam, but he looks to be using a secondary IR emitter. A cheap low quality one from the looks of it. Night vision devices are decently effective on their own, but to get the best view you need an infrared light to better illuminate the area. The major downside to using an IR emitter is that you light up like a flashlight to anyone else who has night vision.


The scope does not, it's just a digital IR camera behind normal glass. However the scope usually has a pic rail on the side where you attach an IR torch. You can see the beam from the poorly aligned torch on the ground in front of him. I have a Sightmark 4k Max myself for night time ratting on a farm. A military version would not have the torch because anyone with NVG will see you like you're shining a visible light torch at them.


They have the option built in, obv situation dictates


Forgotten his holdover? That would imply that at one point, he knew what a holdover was/is.


The issue isn't the hold, it's the fact that he's a terrible shooter. He's yanking the piss out of the trigger and pulling the gun off target. He would have doubled his effectiveness if he had a steady press rearward.


He's definitely yanking that trigger, I agree. But if you look at around the 3 second mark, from where he was aiming to where the shot went, you can see the trace of the round fly off high and to the right of the retical. The rifle is likely not zeroed at all!


I think that is the round zipping off to Timbukto after hitting the vehicle. I do agree that the sights are far from zeroed.




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Hes likely also using garbage ammo, so that is not helping either.


Yes, not a thermal.


It is a thermal, the glow you see on the bottom of the screen is the heat from his barrel.


It’s IR and the glow is from an IR torch he’s using to illuminate the space. Edit: this is wrong, apparently it’s a thermal scope not IR.


But he’s using a thermal, in the white hot setting, the targets are white hot, the vehicle is white hot. Thermals don’t pick up any illumination, whether it be white light or IR light. I have multiple videos from both of my thermals where you can see this exact thing happen. It’s also why I use silencer covers, they exaggerate this. Look at the last frame of the video, he points the gun straight up, you can still see the glow. It’s 100% the thermal sensor picking up the heat of his barrel.


But it doesn’t seem to correlate with his shots, I would have thought the glow would intensify after a shot and quickly diminish if this was the case?


It doesn’t go away quickly, barrels stay hot for a while. Also on the up close shot, on an IR scope with an IR light, it would’ve been washed out. I’ve been hunting with thermals for over 8 years, own 2 currently and have used a total of 6 different models. I also own digital night vision and a PVS14, I’m trying to get a video to load of the same thing happening to me after shooting at a large sounder of pigs, you can see the white glow


I am happy to be corrected by you, it just looked more like my experience with IR than what I expected thermal to look like (I haven’t used thermal but I have used IR)


I think he actually killed most of them except the two at the end.


You watching the same video as everybody else?


I think he did not zero at all. Looks likr he just threw the site on there because some of those shots was on target and clearly missed. He scored many hits but some that were off should not have been. 


Have we been watching the same video?


His holdover was low left with shots landing high right it seemed. I dunno, I thought he was doing pretty good considering a rapid engagement at night.


yes redditor i bet you could aim better in that situation




What date/year is this supposed to be from?


Lmaoo yo thermal is such a cheat code on the battlefield


How many people have to die before you realise they have thermal equipment. Any military men out there??? You'd have to suspect at all times the opposition has thermals?? How to spot.? How poor was this effort??


Yh I mean.. when you're in the dark and you're trying to cross a road and the first 5 in front of you a mowed down and you somehow think "I'll be alright doing the EXACT SAME THING" then I doubt they'll think he has thermal.... Not the brightest soldiers this lot that's for sure


Well, Pakistan literally has the most consanguineous marriages in the world[⁽¹⁾](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/inbreeding-by-country)[⁽²⁾](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346199/), with 50.3% of women aged 15-49 being married to a first cousin. Add marriages to second cousins and it's 61.2% of marriages, add 1.3% for other consanguineous relations and you have only **37.5%** of marriages being between non-relatives. I'm not saying there's a connection, but [there may be a connection.](https://www.dw.com/en/pakistan-cousin-marriages-create-high-risk-of-genetic-disorders/a-60687452)


Christ... I knew they had problems but that's an insane amount of incest going on over there... But it's okay, because religion won't let anything bad come from it 🙄 Poor girls over there getting forced into these marriages to their cousins 🤢


Yeah, it's pretty bad in the middle east & africa in general, but Pakistan leads the pack by 7%, with the 2nd & 3rd being Kuwait and Qatar respectively at ~54%, but those are both smaller nations. The UAE is at the top of the baseline for larger nations at 4th with 50.5%. So yeah, compared to UAE with its 9.4 million population and Pakistan at 235 million and being 11% over them, it's just crazy how bad it is. Sudan is at 50% as well with its 46 million population and they're even less developed than Pakistan.


>religion won't let anything bad come from it 🙄 Islam has nothing to do with it.


It has EVERYTHING to do with it wtf you on about. They literally can't make it illegal due to religious pressures. It literally says it in the link the person above posted. They think religion will keep them safe and that it calls for first cousins to be married.


>It has EVERYTHING to do with it wtf you on about. Give me an islamic source that states you must marry your first cousin or that you can even force your daughter/son to marry someone, I'll wait. >They literally can't make it illegal due to religious pressures. Why should cousin marriage be illegal? It's not even illegal in most if not all western countries. The problem is repetitive forced first cousin marriage which results in genetic defects, something that islam has nothing to do with.


Arranged marriages are a thing bud... Which is massively the reason why cousins are married to each other and women rarely get a choice in the matter. Are you actually asking me why marrying your cousin should be illegal? Like I don't even know how to respond to that? Fucking sicko




Have night vision gear and actually return fire and not run around like morons.


Scope not zeroed? Multiple shots that should have hit didn't.


Not one returned shot? Not even some suppression in the shooters general direction from cover? Fuck me, this is painful to watch. Goes to show training and repetition are imperative to not just fall back to blindly running in the dark.


Plot twist he missed every single shot


He went to the starship trooper school for shooting






Hes playing COD frfr damn




Woah, we can both agree with shooting the generals that are plaguing our country but aiming this hatred towards our jawans that fight for our protection is not the right way to think.


Rule 1: Comments that are hateful, rude, offensive, inflammatory in nature or "bait" are disallowed here. Nor is heated tit-for-tat quarreling or any soapboxing allowed here.. Multiple infractions may result in a ban.


Oh those poor bastards.


Storm Trooper level of accuracy


only clearly missed 4-5 shots. Practically that entire force was killed, and the two that seemed to escape are possibly injured


Yet he killed most of them.


Concerning the illuminator seen in the video. The conundrum here is ordinarily (LED/Laser Diode) IR Illuminators (850+ nm) do not work with (uncooled bolometer LW) Thermal Weapons Scopes, but I² NOD only. You need a LWIR (Long Wave InfraRed) Illuminator...& those to the best of my recollection are rare, restricted & rather pricey...IIRC. Either that or the TWS being used is multi-spectral?? Which is even stranger. Or a realistic video game?? Anyone here know of any TWS with a built-in LWIR illuminator?


You’re overthinking it. It’s just heat from his gun.


Don't think so. Especially as the "illuminator" pattern is circular. Maybe a (rather extreme) center-weighted sensitivity differential? FWIW...I own multiple TWS (going back well over a decade) & also other thermal imagers, I² NOD/IR Lasers for 3 decades, use Thermal Imagers frequently & have sold/demo'd Thermal in the past as a 07/02 FFL/SOT. But....the more I look at it, especially the leg motions/gaits of the "soldiers" downrange...screams VIDEO GAME/CGI. Shooter's POA is all over the place at 1x, but high powered zoom is rather rock steady. Wouldn't be the 1st time (or the 50th🙄) where CGI/Video Game was passed off as reality. Remember these.... https://youtu.be/NWbKrtW3KPg?si=G851LNLEIfvPp-iM


The glow you see is almost certainly the heat from his barrel getting caught by the thermal sensor. The more he shoots the worse it gets.


Nah in the second half of the video you can tell it's an illuminator of some kind


Look at the last frame of the video, gun is pointed straight up in the air, it still looks like an illuminator but there is nothing for the illuminator to hit. I have multiple videos from both of my thermals doing the same thing.


So at what points are these guys considered fleeing


Hey folks, just a friendly reminder: don't forget to bzo your weapons often!


I dont get it, I just dont get it.. I completely understand "the fog of war" but after your 4th comrade dies from crossing the same road, you might think "probably shouldn't cross that road"




Didn't they help these guys hide from us ?


Terrible shooter holy cow


A-stan was lost in great part due to Pakistani support for Afghan Taliban. What did the ISI imagine was going to happen?


Sometimes, we got this lucky during the fight for Bahkmut. Night operations were usually a turkey shoot when it wasn't vdv or Spetnaz. -ILDU🇺🇦


What a shitty sniper!


His ideology aside, he single-handedly inflicted considerable death and damage to a military patrol at night without support without getting a single scratch.


What would cause the thermal to be useless? a strobe light?


No type of light would mess with a thermal, you would see the hot light bulb from the flashlight, that’s about it. Only thing that defeats thermal is a barrier like a tree or a wall, there is some clothing that will block your heat signature also.


I love how often he missed


Hiw close is he to them, cant they see the muzzle flash and fire back Or is pakistan army shit


More thermal footage!!


Nightmare fuel


So is there a war between Pakistan and Afghanistan now or just a skirmish to keep the muscle memory ?


doesn’t look like the thermal scope helped his aim


Bro... I'd be so pissed if a blind man with Tourette's got me...


Why play Battlefield when you can go out and Battlefield.


Goddamn I just want bf3 remastered


As a Pakistani, BRO WTF IS THIS!!!


This is the repercussions of Pakistan harboring and funding the Taliban for so many years


Probably gear that the US left behind.


Or some new shit they've purchased with the money we continue to ship to them so they can fight isis. Classic fund the terror group to fight the terror group we funded to fight a different terror group we funded to fight a different terror group.


This is a cheap thermal, probably got it from AliExpress


How the F do the taliban have access to thermal optics?


Cheap Chinese shit most likely


You can literally buy this on alibaba and they ship worldwide. [InfiRay Jerry-C Thermal Monocular Helmet Mount](https://www.infiray.com/products/jerry-c-thermal-monocular-helmet-mount.html)


Courtesy of the U.S. Army?


The Americans did just leave 7 Billion dollars worth of military equipment in Afghanistan.


This guy sucks.


Video is pretty old, I've seen it on Funker530 like 2 weeks ago


Fuck talibans.


Putting all that shit we left in Afghanistan to use


Pity Pakistan spent so long supporting the Taliban! That’s what we call blowback


They see the Taliban as the lesser evil between them, and Isis so they choose to use them as a proxy. We can’t forget America started this with Pakistan back in the Russo- afghan war. I agree they need to start turning away from Taliban, but I can blame them for using the Taliban as a sponge to soak up most the major fighting intended for Pakistan. The USA does stuff like this all the time, for example, Timber Sycamore, north Vietnam, Russo/ Afghanistan war, etc. it’s just the way the game is played.


>They see the Taliban as the lesser evil between them, and Isis so they choose to use them as a proxy. ISIS didnt exist back when Pakistan was sheltering/sponsoring the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.


You’re absolutely right they did. But it’s complicated in Pakistan with the tribal region being lawless as it is. They’re between the devil and deep blue sea - trying to support the war with the coalition whilst trying to not to stir the nest and invoke civil war in Pakistan from the tribal areas. PBS did a good documentary covering it.


Before Isis it was the soviets… still stands true. They have been military partners for a long time


Are you dumb? This is most likely bla(balochistan liberation army)(which are also referred to as talibans) Idk about supporting afghani talibans but ik they dont cause much trouble to pakistani patrols..


Title explicitly claims otherwise and Pakistan does have a huge Taliban insurgency separate to their Balochi issues


Im a Pakistani myself I know where my country stands with afghani Talibans and balochi ones we hate balochi talibans. Afghani talibs, not so much.


Sounds pretty racist


Actually no.


Where’d they get it from then? Or are those two words the only thing you can come up with


That’s a hog hunting thermal sight that you can order online worldwide. Do you think that military grade thermal sights would have an SD card slot so you can record your fun day out? America uses the AN/PAS-13B.


Not sure why your getting downvoted If it’s the truth.


He missed everything lol


As others have stated, I wonder where the Taliban got their hands on these new toys...


The irony


Biden gave it to him!!


Um ok so I do follow the wars around the globe . So um "Pakistani Taliban " what is that???? I thought Taliban's are only Afgans !!!

