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Talk to me again when your country has put someone on the moon.


This doesn't work for Britain and India and Russia and all the countries which have though....


Robots, not people 


? Yes they have lol, especially Russia which goes to the moon much more often than America.


I can't tell if you're joking or not.  Please tell me the names of these people who have been to the moon besides the Americans.


Whoops ok ye there are no human landings other than America. However there are PLENTY of unmanned moon landings from many countries. Most space trips nowadays to the iss were done by Russia or Americans sent through Russia.  Also apparently a Brit will be the candidate for the Artemis program to the moon in 2025.


Yes, America has definitely slacked off regarding sending moon probes, but we have sent a lot of them out to other places. NASA has done some amazing things, often in cooperation with other countries. I'm hoping we'll get people out there again sometime!


I think it's pretty great that with such little portion of tax, space programs consistently succeed. In the UK they spent a few tens of billions contracting a friend to dropship them almost expired gowns and hospital equipment during COVID, and the waste of money and lack of funding it caused in public education and the NHS is really showing now, the house of lords needs to be abolished.  Despite all that moneywasting most space programs manage to map out the moon, send probes to mars, leave our solar system, allll sorts of amazing nonsense so I'm really happy they continue to do work.


Yeah - but that just smacks of the 50 year old guy at a bar going on about his glory days in high school.


Well yeah, but is there anything more American than that?


Yeah- but it’s hardly a comeback if it’s just sad.


That would be a great comeback if you personally happen to be very well-educated in science or engineering or at least mathematics. Otherwise, it's you taking credit for talents that you do not possess and probably never even valued.


Nice try, European


The correct word is Eurotrash.


Nice try, guy who obviously sucks at science and engineering and math, hence your defensive response.


European ahh comment


Still relying on old accomplishments that weren't even your generation I see. Some of us scored three touchdowns in a single game in high school too


That was four touchdowns ....Whoa Bundy!


Correct! Best us slobs can do is 3, Al has the record of course!


Lol, wasn't it the scientists we snagged from Germany who did that.


Yeah…that was the Nazis you brought over that did that. 😂


The guy who did press conferences and never crunched a single number for NASA, turned a wrench for them, or sat in a rocket? That guy?


If you're referring to Von Braun, two things are important to note: he was FAR from the only paperclipper in NASA, and the Saturn V would not have existed without him.


"He existed, therefore nothing he did would have happened without him."


Haha typical uneducated    American doesn’t even know who was working on their space program. 


The nazis wish they had the money to put a man on the moon. 


They would have if they won the war


They didn't have winning that war in them from the start.


You Americans paid them handsomely to do it. 😂


We've got the cash,  might as well spend it on something cool. 


This tracks. You seem adept at getting into bed with Nazis. 😂


Better to get something useful out of them than nothing


We didn’t land on the moon so the nazis failed at that too.


We've got a moon landing is fake nut job right here.


Damn you caught me


To be fair... if Niel Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon, who the fuck filmed him? If I remember correctly, the camera panned to follow him, so it's not like he set it up on a tripod and ran back to the ship. Disclaimer: I'm not one of the nuts that thinks it was faked. I just thought this was weird.


The camera was mounted on the lander.


My comeback to your comback... We rather spend our money on Healthcare and infrastructure than on vanity projects... Oh BTW it was Nazi scientists that put the US on the moon.


Typical EuroTrash.


"that's Dr. typical uneducated American"


I feel like the obligatory response is: *What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.*


Ngl tho, I'm interested in what gorilla warfare looks like 🤣


best one yet


I love this piece of Redditure. But I can’t remember the story associated with it anymore.


Lighten up Francis


Holy moly this comeback is a whole freaking novel.


Typical American thinking I actually listen to what they have to say.


Typical American *thinking*


Im sorry i couldn't hear you over the sound of muh freedom! (Fires shotgun, bald eagle screeches)


Don’t forget about the Blue Angels flying overhead to Scorpions ‘Rock You Like a Hurricane’. It’s a package deal.


Yee haw!


Meh, what country are you from? Chances are we've kicked your ass at some point. Sounds like you're ready for round 2. Usually, this insult comes from brits, so a decent amount of the time they just go silent. Edit: the dudes Australian, just pick ANYTHING from Australian history, lol. Having their guns taken away by their government after they lost a war to some overgrown birds is where I'd go.


> a decent amount of the time they just go silent How _often_ are you having this conversation with people?


Traveling the world, you meet a lot of brits, fins, and aussies, and all of us rag on each other when we cross paths, especially in sports bars. That line comes up almost every time, almost as much as my dick in the morning after I spend a night at your mother's.


Well that escalated quickly!


Travelling the world to find sports bars, share yo momma jokes and threaten the locals with America's military might until they stop talking to you is the most American thing I ever heard. Can almost picture Sam the Eagle saluting every time you board a plane.


Who said anything about locals? Most of my traveling was in Asia and Africa. Of course, you may be just trying to colonize them, I wouldn't be surprised. Make sense someone from a backwater little island would think I'd try and go visit. Not me though, I don't like getting stabbed.


Ah yes, the famous island of Finland. Good to see you repping the educated Americans in response to OP's request. I guess your insistence on visiting "sports bars" would result in you only meeting other tourists rather than any locals so that makes sense. Out of curiosity how old are you? This "banter" feels like it's from the '70s. I can picture you wandering around Asia and Africa insisting everywhere takes dollars like when you were overseas for 'nam. (Of course deaths from knife attack rates are higher in the US than they are in Finland, Australia or the UK but we can just gloss over that as we've already established your educated bonafides)


Ah, a fin, your messages read like a brit. There's not much to say about finland itself, other than your wealth inequality and high taxes, but that's a thing everywhere now. Oh, and your personal space bubble extending out 3 meters, god damn. Look at the sources for those statistics, look how they define gun and knife related injury and death and you'll have a better picture as to why, did you know if someone dies after getting stabbed in London, it can still be ruled as not a knife related death? Found that out it 2017, weird as hell. Oh, and keep my bonafides out of your moth unless you want to find a bone in your mouth.


Wow, a dick-sucking joke at the end there, I'm getting a really strong sense of why the people you meet "go silent" after you start with your hacky boomer "comeback" material. I wish you all the best in your retirement and I hope Medicare stays well funded for you


Lol, only the brits. You don't aim that type of humor at people that have no chance to understand it. Language and cultural differences should be respected, a lesson y'all should really get behind. Edit: whoops, got my comments backwards again, you're the fin. Too easy to forget fins exist.


It's cool, you're doing very well getting online and some confusion was inevitable for you as the day goes on


The irony of a post looking for a comeback for an insulted American being answered by some ridiculous clown who has to bring up dumb gun shit is just too rich. That's awesome. Keep up the stellar work, Cletus


I bet you keep your pepper spray and rape whistle locked in separate containers.


Ask them hows it like to have all your housing and government bought out by foreign investors, don't worry you'll appreciate the $5000 rent with your 4 roommates


The last part of this statement really doesn’t help with the “uneducated American” image we’re trying to dispel lol.


The emu war was in the 30s. The guns were banned in the 90s after a massive shooting. Not really sure id go with that one as most sane people think that banning guns after a school shooting s a pretty reasonable course of action for a government to take.


Please, your country is on the verge of banning knives.


You call that a knoife?!


Yes, machetes will be banned this year. Because we don't live in a fucking jungle so there's no use for them beyond violence.


Violence is the reason, especially when you live in a country that wants you to buy a license to watch TV when you don't watch cable. Not that y'all would accomish much, he'll, we're the reason y'all aren't speaking German. How many times did we save your ass? I can't remember.


Australia is literally an American lap dog don't need to point out a war they lost, they knew what would happen and didn't resist


It's not.


Is too!


Oh, got me


Have you checked what their crime rate did after they confiscated everyone's guns? My understanding is the violent crime rate has almost doubled or more.


Can't find anything definitive online comparing the two. I found that the homicide rate is 2 per 100,000 people though. USA is at 5.5.


The search I did had an article about the violent assault rate has almost tripled since 2020. I wonder what the US homicide rate would be if all gang and drug related murders were removed. My bet is it would drop at least in half and probably more.


As an American I can confirm having all these guns is the least manly thing we got


There's so much wrong with this comment, I can't decide where to start, the un-American part, the overuse of confirm, or the guns are gendered mindset. Do people really not know how many women carry 22s in their purses to church? There's a reason why it's called the sunday special in some parts of the south.


STFU, convict.


If a Brit, “Well, we kicked your asses twice, and saved you from having to speak German twice.” If French, “Say that to the tens of thousands of Americans buried in Normandy who kept you from having to speak German.”


If someone's accusing you of being uneducated and you go with the age-old "you'd be speaking German" line you're pretty well making their point for them


Why do you say that?


Because it's a very old, hacky trope (I remember the Dad from Friends using it) that betrays a lack of historical knowledge or understanding of nuance (two things that would fit the "uneducated" stereotype we're trying to combat with a good comeback) Historically there's a lot to unpack but I guess a few toplines would be: * In WW2 any German aspiration to conquer places like Britain were gone by the summer of 1940, there was no credible threat of invasion from then on. With the benefit of hindsight it becomes clear that Germany's odds of taking over even mainland Europe were pretty well nil by time of Operation Barbarossa. The US didn't enter the war until late 1941, well after both of these events. * The war on two fronts and the eastern front were bigger factors than the US' active intervention in terms of Germany successfully invading and holding lands in order to exert enough control to 'make everyone speak German' * More of a fussy aside but even in the lands they did invade and control they didn't mandate everyone speak German. Polish people still speak Polish despite being occupied by Germany and then the USSR over the course of decades The US played a crucial role in WW2 and the war would have been longer and worse without US intervention but the idea that the US saved places like Britain from being subsumed into some kind of Europe-wide German super-state where everybody spoke German is a cartoonish myth. Usually a fun exaggeration like that can work as a clever comeback but if you're specifically pushing back against being called uneducated it's probably not the best choice in this context.


It was intended as a partially tongue in cheek “fun”, quick comeback, not a perfectly historically accurate statement (with benefit of historical hindsight). What would your suggestion be?


Yup, that's why I addressed that in the final paragraph, if the accusation is a lack of education giving the age-old historically inaccurate joke response doesn't really help you with that. As for my own retort, ideally you know their nationality, if they're throwing a lazy stereotype at you just throw one back in the same format


Fuck that noise. Don't use a witty comeback just give them a history lesson and they'll fuck right off.


As a Brit I wouldn't call someone "a typical uneducated american" because I don't think Americans are uneducated. Having said that, I think I should inform you that we don't care that you won your independence. None of us know any different to us being separate nations and don't feel any personal loss about it. There's no sting whatsoever in reminding us it happened. Also, unless you personally fought the nazi's; claiming someone else's sacrifice is a weak defence especially when it's not relevant to the insult.


Thank you for knowing and acknowledging that not all Americans are uneducated. It is true that many Americans don’t know a lot about things outside of the U.S., but that’s partly because we are a huge country, and generally don’t need to care about anything outside of our borders. And while I did not personally fight Nazis, my mother did in Naval Intelligence, while my father was flying against Imperial Japan in the US Navy. But regardless, it’s not a strong defense if the insult was directed personally rather than a blanket statement about Americans. Perhaps better would be: you are clearly uneducated yourself if you think that the United States is the only “American” country. Tell that to Canadians, “the polite Americans”, and all of the others in Central and South America. Happy 4th of July! Or “Happy Traitor’s Day” if you see King Chuck.


Respect to your parents. Happy 4th of July to you. Happy to support your independence! Say something like "yet you're communicating with me on social media created by students at a US University."


Thank you! We traitorous Americans do appreciate the UK as the foundation of much of our culture, and in particular, the rule of law. And being fairly steadfast allies for us (after the War of 1812.) BTW, one of the best 4th of July's I ever experienced was in Regents Park in London. Great party! I don't get into flame wars with social media denizens, as it isn't fair to fight with the mentally challenged. I was responding to OP assuming he was asking about in-person comments, of which I've had a few similar during my travels and living in the UK and Europe (never in Asia).


I apologise on behalf of any rude brits you've encountered. Glad you had a positive 4th of July experience here though.


There are actually rude people everywhere, and there's no need to apologize. Some people get uptight about themselves/their own nation, and feel the need to try to take others down because of it. The UK has plenty to be proud of, such as establishing the greatest legal system in the world, utilized to this day in multiple countries, as well as birthing and educating fantastic philosophers, economists, scientists, musicians, Dame Edna and Benny Hill. (Okay, maybe you don't have to be proud of Benny Hill). And the French, on the other hand... have cheese to be proud of.


"Ignorance doesn't make me stupid, and at least I can correct my ignorance. What are you going to do about your stupidity?"


“Yet ur ppl transfer to the US specifically for a good college education”


This one's pretty country-dependent though, given global university rankings it doesn't really work if they're from the UK, Switzerland or Singapore


And they end up in six figure debt, not really a good one, especially since most citizens you're arguing with either had better universities free or price capped at 9k.  Also people don't really go that much, I think it's only to like MIT. Considering their size many countries in Europe definitely get more especially England.




); not the tomatoes 


Would you like some ketchup?........ it's Heinz.


“Oh come on, I was just Yanking your chain.”


“Yet everybody wants to come here”


Not even remotely true. It doesn't make my top five and all of those countries speak English.


you speaking for everybody?


No, but I was replying to someone who claimed that "everyone wanted to go there" I don't and I know quite a few people who feel the same way, so obviously "everyone" doesn't.




So you want me to be specific in my exact number of people who want to come here? Let’s just say the United States has been the #1 migrated to country since the 70s so yes, most people migrating to another country want to come here. Thats not even a debate.


But that isn't what you said. I agree that large numbers of people DO want to go immigrate to the US. However, even LARGER numbers of people do NOT want to go there (except maybe for a vacation) and are perfectly satisfied with where they live now. So definitely not "everyone."


If my swag gets in the way, just say so.


Where are you from, and how much money in US foreign aid does your home country receive?!


Not sure if you watched KOTH but one of the last few episodes of King Of The Hill had a Canadian family temporarily live across the street from the main protagonists and they end up getting in to a passive aggressive debate about the countries and the Canadian asks the dad to name the Prime Minister and he just replies "Why?" with so much attitude that it's one of my favorite lines in the show.


Hank is da man


Quite possible but your arrogance makes you weaker than my ignorance!


"Typical stuck up loser."


Typical racist bitch


"Typical foreign snob, pretending to be superior while unable to survive without our handout."


Typical irrelevant European country.


"At least we can keep our colonies."


If it’s such a problem, help me pay for my tuition! (Around 50,000 USD per year).


“You’re right. The truth just hurts is all.”


Typical weirdo European.


If they are British and don’t speak the queens English, say “fitting for someone who can’t properly speak their own language” French - “then why do the majority of French migrants go to the United States if they think we’re stupid” German - just give them a look and say “with out us you wouldn’t be here” Australia- “without the US being one of your biggest investors, your economy would be nothing”


I see, you’re one of those people.


There’s a reason why we are talking in English and not in your language, peasant.


Something that proves them wrong.


I'd rather be wordly base than spiritually blind.


Wait. Wha...


Well, that doesn't make me a bad person.


Typical dim-witted un-American


I would think having to ask other people for a comeback, rather proves the accusation.


Clearly *your* education is paying off soooooo well, as you use this American invention to shout at me from across the world.


But most are. The best most can do is say, "Dur?"


Typical brainwashed redditor. Rejection of toxic brainwashing shows intellectual strength, not a lack of education. That was a lot of big words for an enfeebled, incognizent mind, so... Translation: Get off the internet, touch grass, and read a book.


In the local language ask them what their level of education is, their profession, and their acquaintance with Americans at more than a very superficial tourist level. Be sure to include your own level of experience, and the time you have spent learning about their country.


Sorry what was that? Couldn't hear you over the sound of freedom.  Edit: Before anyone goes off, I realize alot of aspects of America aren't as free as they used to be


comeback with some research


Suck my gun...


Edukashun ain't everythang.


I know.


are you sure because I can make pots, shoot bows, swordfight, paint, ride horses, use chemistry at home, build robots, use grammar although I do prefer British spelling, perform first aid, garden, make a great cup of tea and sculpt I am pretty sure I am closer to being a Renaissance man than a typical uneducated American


“I hope my intellect still doesn’t intimidate you “


Uneducated? Buddy you're undereducated, all the important universities are here, Harvard, MIT, Berkely, Yale. Do you guys have any place you're actually learning, because the nobel prizes and comparative lack of inventions clearly don't reflect it.


Typical pretentious European.


That’s typical America yeah. Now tell me something I don’t know.


im dumb so id probably say some shit like, "Donate to the cause or shut the fuck up."


"I'm not a typical uneducated American. I'm an exceptionally uneducated American."


At least we can handle your heat waves…


Typical hearie


Pull out your Willy and slap it in their hand


Land of the free home of the ignorant


Tell them…. Don’t like it…. Leave. The border isn’t far away


Ah shit... It sounds like you think I care about your opinion.


There really is none these days... we're not really looking too bright at all.


What country are you from? If they say france tell then that they dont have any real culture and that it was all stolen from the rennasance italians. Oh and that they should learn better english because french is a dieing language If they say germany tell then california alone has a higher gdp. Or just say nazi If they say uk just say bottle of water and laugh If they say spain call them arab If they say any northern euro country bring up suicide rate If they say canada bring up housing prices or justin blackface tredeu being an actual dictator If they say italy call then nazis again. Or call them mario and put on the accent


Americans make up 4% of the world population but 40% of the Nobel prize winners


" South or North? " I like to play along with people


"Typical stuck up European who will beg for my help later "


“I think you meant ‘typical willfully ignorant and obstinate American’ TYVM!”


Uneducated.   Pfft we're actively stupid.    Get it correct sweety.


Typical underpaid Pablo


OP The fact that you are outsourcing this just tells me you are


Sorry I wasn't born gifted anyway😆


What is the republican voter turnout?


It’s so funny how so many of the responses are from typical uneducated Americans lol


….the irony of this post


You’re an American, who gives a fuck what they say 😂 I’m kidding, but most of these responses you’re getting just further compounds the stereotype.


Did someone say you have oil?


There is no comeback when the typical American is uneducated


Oh yeah? You are! I mean, you aren't...worth it.


I’m not a typical uneducated American I’m an exceptionally uneducated American! /s


Then how else do you explain our position?


At least I have better manners....


I’m sorry… Can you speak slower when you talk to me? I don’t understand your college words.


If they’re British you can just go “didn’t our like 50th most powerful propagandist get you to toss your relationship with the EU in like 2 years?”


"You know what kind of person you call uneducated?" "The kind that can kick your ass." "So everybody.""


Jokes on you, I’m Canadian( I’m totally not)


For English person: Hey, you guys blew a 13 colony lead!!!


Sorry, come again? I can’t hear you over the echo of my three college degrees.


Well you could get an education.


"I'm educated enough to not blame your bland, unoriginal, brain dead insult on your nationality. I'm sure that's just how you were raised."


“Typical upity, douchebag foreigner.”


"Typical overeducated englishman"


How many US Presidents can YOU name?


Typical non-American, arrogant douche bag


At least we admit we do f'd up stuff, like nekoshima. You remember that?


Quick, name all 50 states.


Why? They weren't wrong: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-educated-countries](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-educated-countries)


Take the L we are uneducated

