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Civic, Accord, Altima - the holy clapped out trinity


Flapping bumpers add HP


In many cases you are lucky they even have bumpers or doors that fully close.


From the holy duality of Manchester and East Hartford no less.


nissan gives its most generous credit to their least sober drivers




Every single day on my way to and from work I see multiple cars driving 100+ mph, swerving and weaving in and out of traffic, I've even seen them drive in the breakdown lane. These people are a menace and highly dangerous. You know what I don't see? CT State Police running radar or pulling anyone over.


I have a good radar detector in my car (I’m NOT one of those reckless idiots) and it’s rare that I get any activity from CT Highway Patrol. The NY State Police are always active


so are massachusetts. this place is like mad max.


This is exactly how I’ve been describing the difference between driving in MA and CT. Some post-apocalyptic shit


I was just in Massachusetts driving all around Sunday. It was definitely madness.


I commute on 91 from the Vermont border all the way through MA down to New Haven CT 5 days a week, and it always goes something like this: in MA traffic usually averages around 70MPH early in the morning because there are state troopers all over the place. Once I’m south of Springfield and into CT traffic bumps up to around 75MPH or so until Hartford. Between Hartford and New Haven it speeds up again to around 80MPH. Even with the flow of traffic moving at that speed there are always a few cars that are FLYING past everyone, weaving between lanes, and just driving recklessly in general. I can’t wait until I no longer have to do that drive every day.


Yeesh, that’s a brutal commute. I recently moved within 5 miles of work and have been biking in 3x a week. It’s made such a huge difference; my commute is now the best part of my day, versus before when I feared for my life driving on I-84.


I had about 3 months last year where I had a nice short commute like that and it really made me question some of my life decisions, but I really like where I live and I wouldn’t be able to replicate my house & the surrounding area anywhere else so the commute is the price that I pay.


We used to live in northern CT and had a place in CT VT pre-Covid. We spend Friday-Sunday in VT and then Monday-Thursday to work. We drove the 150 miles twice a week. Once the quarantines lifted and things started up in person again in about 1/2021 we started doing that again but it became terrifying. We finally moved to VT in 2022 partly because I was sure if we did not we would get killed between Holyoke and the Bradley connector. We both have family in many places on CT and cape cod. So we still have to do that drive at least once a month. It’s crazy but I am always watching my rear view mirrors because I’m worried about getting hit from Behind. I try to either tailgate someone to make it impossible to squeeze between me and that car or I try to leave lots of room around me so they can weave around me. Something needs to be done about this.


Moved from NYS a few years ago and the biggest difference in police coverage is that in CT troopers have to cover the smaller towns that don't have police forces 24-7. In NY that response is handled by county sheriff's. The troopers main area of coverage is highways and as backup for sheriff's at night.


Connecticut does not have counties as a political entity; haven’t since the late 60’s.


I don’t think the person you’re replying to is questioning that.


Exactly, there is an entire enforcement agency missing which then spreads the troopers thinner and they aren't manning speed traps that slows down traffic generally.


NY definitely has small towns covered solely by state troopers, a huge chunk of Dutchess County is like that


I lived in Cattaragus country and got to know city, county cops as well as Troopers. The troopers and county cops shared responsibility.


It can vary wildly from county to county. Dutchess and Ulster absolutely have towns where the only police are state troopers.


Same with motorcycles.


Don't even get me started on the motorcycles. I gave one the motion to slow down one time and he flew into a rage driving all around me and swerving into my side trying to run me off the road, then he started following me home until I pulled into a trooper station and he sped off while giving me the finger. Also, why does every boomer aged man who gets a Harley think he's now in a biker gang? Cool it, grandpa, I saw you in the parking lot and you almost fell over trying to get on the thing.


Wow. Scary! I had one the other day pass me screaming fast on the right while I had my right blinker on (highway). It was a miracle I saw in time. He squeezed between me and a work van which was in the center lane.


Good thing that trooper station was there.


I mean, I purposefully drove there and they're all over the place so yea...


Thats good thinking.


I just took a trip to Maine last week, and the transition once we came back to Connecticut was astounding. All throughout Maine and New Hampshire people drove the speed limit, had good lane discipline, used their turn signals. Then almost as soon as we entered Connecticut, people are doing 20 over, cruising in the left lane for miles even if it's holding up traffic behind them, swerving in and out of lanes without signaling... it was pretty embarrassing. I know Connecticut driving is some thing people complain a lot about on this sub, but it's for good reason. The complete lack of enforcement has made people more reckless and unsafe than ever.


People drive over the speed limit in Maine and NH all the time. There is less congestion because there are fewer people.


Are they allowed to enforce speed? Even if they were caught speeding all they would get is a slap on the wrist.


Over 85mph is reckless driving which leads to a suspended license and a very unhappy insurance company. If you drive with a suspended license, you go to jail. The laws are clear, they just need to be enforced.


A friend of mine got nailed for driving 90 somewhere in CT and he basically got a slap on the wrist. He hired a lawyer though. He didn’t have his listens suspended, I believe he had a fine and had to take an online class in safe driving.


You assume they're gonna stop. Or that they have insurance anyways. Failure to insure is minor, though they can tow the car for it


25 over the speed limit is an automatic court appearance


I dont get it. Do they hate money?


The problems is in those particular areas the state troopers also act as the town police because the small towns in that area do not have any. So they’re not only responsible for the highways but also patrolling the local towns nearby. Something definitely needs to be done and either increase the number of state troopers in that area or something else.


Cops have unions. Unions protect lazy assholes next


Anti union FUD. Cops unions are abusive because politicians let them. Most other unions are just trying to give their employees a fair playing field.


What are police unions protecting the police from? The public who fund their checks?


accountability is a big one


Unions protect bad employees. Period. *All unions*.


Unions are for assholes. Pass it on. ( No, seriously. Unions are for assholes. If you need a union, you're an asshole. )


Like hotel cleaners? That makes sense


When other unions try to earn a better contract through collective action the police are sent in as strikebreakers. The Trooper did not have collective bargaining rights until the state employees' union fought for them to get that right in the 70s. Then the Troopers broke off when the state employees' union wouldn't put the State Troopers' needs above all other union members. They're not a union, they're a cartel that abuses its monopoly on law enforcement and its monopoly on sanctioned violence.


Why pull people over, get out of your car, walk to their car, talk to them, walk back to your car, run the plates, write the citation, give it to them, and walk back to your car, when you can just make up citations?! It’s sooooo much extra work enforcing the law!


They can do all that for real, just for the courts to throw the charges out. Happens every day at our prestigious houses of law


It's called AFMSCE. Former member; it's a "hard hatter's" union. What's a hard hatter? Nixons Union Laborers. See the Hard Hat Riot of 1970.... We have been split since.


Not every union is a part of AFMSCE


It's because it's illegal for police to pursue them, and even if they were arrested they'd be back on the streets out in a matter of hours anyway. Lack of consequences leads to people violating the law.


Maybe we need to just ban cars? 


Maybe if we had the amount of police presence for a cops funeral out doing their jobs and patrolling the roads and highways at any given time this would happen less, and more reckless drivers caught.


State Police reports show they are constantly patrolling. They're not but their reports do show that.


Just like those tickets they issued?




I moved here from Florida just over two years ago. I have seen less cops in 2 years than I would see in 2 months in Deltona which is basically cow pastures with some shopping centers in between.


lol, no kidding.


You mean all those cops who went on their time off to a funeral? That’s why there were so many. An issue you run into in CT is you also cannot pursuit someone for just speeding. Sure they can try to stop them but if they don’t stop nothing cops can do. Then getting rid of qualified immunity. Why even bother trying to stop that car if they then crash and blame the cop and sue the cop.


Excuses excuses excuses, maybe when a speeding/reckless driver winds up crashing & killing a cops kid they’ll start taking our roadways seriously.


If only the troopers did the job they are paid to do


Waaait… the story first talks about four vehicles being involved but only lists the two Hondas and a Nissan I guess the one that isn’t named should be called the winner? Edit: I guess the vehicle not named wasn’t involved in the crash- so maybe call ‘em “lucky”


>No injuries were reported. Dang.


Cops legitimately don't care. I saw a guy pass a cop going 85 - 90. Cop just let him go.


Cop was probably off-duty. Edit: 'off-duty'.


I can just picture all the aftermarket parts strewn down the side of the highway... Folgers coffee can exhaust, erector set rear wing, bondo body kit, and shards of glass clumped together by all those performance stickers. The fact that these fools slow rolled & crashed one some relatively minor corners, with zero traffic in the way, tells you all you need to know about the performance of these cars & the talent of the drivers. Hope the next time they venture off the roadway, they find themselves adding some bark to their paint job & skull


The fallen police officer was killed by a woman who was: Under the influence  Unregistered (I believe had a suspended license) Uninsured  Unlicenced vehicle.  Probably like the dickwads that caused this shit.  We drove through that area towing a large trailer last year. It was a harrowing experience. Man I really have cut back on my travels because of this.  Please let them get incarcerated. They need to be put in a cell and stay put for a long time.  I drive a big truck. I can't believe the crap they try around me when I'm driving. It's insane. Too many video games. I want to ask them if they realize they could be maimed or dead?  I do not wish harm on others. But this...they need to me and examples of these people.


So you want to race a Nissan Altima? Ok, you know this person hasn’t probably made a payment on that car in months, they more than likely have no insurance. That car probably isn’t even registered, not that they give a fuck if they crash and or the cars motor hand grenades, and you want to race this person? Good luck.


Yup pretty much a daily occurrence on 91 and 84. It's unusual if I DON'T get passed by a car going 100+ mph on 91 south especially. Usually Altima, G35, or a base model BMW.


Had two jackholes do the slow roll 3 cars in front of us on \*The Merritt\* at 7pm on a Friday. Subaru and an Audi came to a complete stop before taking off in a race. I was stunned there wasn't a pileup behind us. Sadly, we did not end up passing their crumpled cars.


Maybe if they actually policed the highway they wouldn't need witnesses to come forward, they'd actually have been there. Instead the police only show up after someone has crashed.


That is the problem is there is just zero fear of getting caught in CT because you rarely of ever see a CT state police car. Every surrounding state you see them out and about everywhere.


Why, so they can issue more fake tickets? Police presence isn't the problem, it's the police themselves.


It’s always those shitbox cars as well. I see nicer imports tailgating, which I’m guilty of as well but the bs 90+ treating the highway and cars as a slalom course is always the same shit cars.


While I agree about crazy driving in CT, I realize that it is just about everywhere. I just drove to North Carolina and see the exact same stuff here that I see in CT. Only difference is blinking turn arrows and red light cameras.


Can someone please tell me what a slow roll is? Thank you.


I could be mistaken, but I think it's when they intentionally slow down to a crawl, across all lanes, so they can take off without any cars in front of them. It fucks all the traffic up behind them, as you can imagine. The best part? It means these dipshits crashed their cars going around a few corners, without any traffic in their way. They think they have race cars (that top out at commuter car speeds), but can't even handle a turn.


Thanks again.


I see rice burner honda cars weaving in and out of traffic doing 85 - 100MPH all the time.. I don’t understand this concept of shitty Hondas being used as street rods or the idea of weaving through traffic doing 100MPH like you’re some sort of race car driver.. these cars handle like shit.. I secretly pray those idiots end up losing control of their vehicles and flipping their cars a dozen times.. One almost clipped me the other day, I was hoping he would have clipped my truck and ended up spiraling and losing control of his vehicle..


it's always the cars not even capable of a real race that decide they should race.


Yesterday they had the whole big press confrence about driving safe and all . But am I the only that feels the true answer is Gov getting on tv saying we will be extra staffing state pd putting a significant presence on the roads Inforcing traffic laws strictly and setting up DUI check points on a regular base . That are roads will not be free for alls anymore 


You're not the only one saying that. And more important than the government saying it, is it actually happening and seeing people getting pulled over in real life. That's the only thing that will change behavior. There's a urban myth going around that the police got their feelings hurt by BLM and stopped doing their jobs as a form of protest. I don't know if there's any truth to it, but if there is the state should be rebuilding the police forces with people who actually care about public safety. And I also believe that traffic cameras are needed now. 


I think which people don’t talk about is there was also a if big argument from BLM that traffic stops were a violation of rights   There is a lot of rebuilding that needs to be done with police and community relations to having good people on the forces 


Ok, I've lived here for the past 13 years and there have been so many accidents here, it's fucking crazy. Chria, Troop C is 30 sec tops off the highway. Why aren't there cops posted 24/7 between these two exits? Between the reckless driving and tractor trailer accidents this is a literal death trap.


What's crazy is people always make the excuse that because the PDs got "defunded" (they really didnt) that that gives them and excuse to stop doing their jobs


Average Altima enjoyer activities


Not race cars,just idiots with too much testosterone.


You don't seem like an expert on testosterone.


But I know idiots when I see them driving.


Don’t complain and claim the police aren’t doing their jobs when the echoes of “defund the police” can still be heard… especially in blue states. They deal with so much nonsense and violence.


Did they get defunded? No, they didn't. So what's your point- they don't have to do their job because their feelings got hurt?


💀 World's slowest racing. I'm sure they were passed by a scooter while doing their "highway pulls". How the hell do they manage to crash with the car in 6th gear, rev limited bouncing off the red line, car going 45mph 😂


Cars were a mistake.


We need automated enforcement.


There is no way those cars were speeding unless they had no exhaust and a hot air intake for the extra hp. Lol


Don't forget the stickers! Each one adds 2 HP.


All you need to do is just stay in the slow lane


Yea. I'm older and when I hear union I think this is the place all the whining kunts gets ahead


Nah fuck that drive hard


You see someone speeding coming up on u don't swerve out of their way at the last moment


It starts at the top. Blame Ned Lamont for not getting the troopers to enforce the law.


When did he do that?


I hate driving to Hartford. I have been driving there and found myself surrounded by jerks on motorcycles, ATV’s etc… blocking the road, speeding, driving recklessly, popping wheelies and cutting people off. It’s dangerous. It pissed me off so much, I just stopped my car and sat there laying on the horn until they all passed me. Then just as I was about to make a left turn, another bike came speeding from out of nowhere and I nearly hit him. They all looked at me like I was the asshole. I can’t afford to lose my car to dipshits. So I just refuse to go there anymore.


Shit fun as hell love cutting up on the highway in my M2 yall have probs seen me before nice and metallic grey I cut one of yall off by now for sure.


Altima? Racing? Yeah, fake news


dude these people are scum losers, usually with no education and a job at sonic. all they can afford are 200k miles accords civics and altimas and try to race eachother. its pure room tempurature IQ activities


Lmao you think they got a job at sonic? Only job they can pull off is swiping $20 from mom's purse.