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Personally, i think everyone deserves choccy milk, and not just trans people.


Nah whenever I give choccy milk it’s to all people. I don’t care what or who u are or identify as. U can get choccy milk like everyone else


Everyone is complaining about how they came for the funny memes but I tbh came for the top comment decides x post but now this sub is nothing but let's go trans kerma farming


I am trans but holy these posts are just annoying


I am cis, and these posts are wonderful


Not trans but queer and this is what it’s like when I’m constantly hounded by sexy lady pornbots and Herero ads and stuff so I imagine it’s similar for trans people. Use the opportunity to learn to be uncomfortable and sift through things that aren’t for you.


That's me. I didn't really know how to phrase it without it sounding mean. You can have any belief or sexuality or anything you like. I do not care. I won't care if you're straight, I won't care if you're trans.


How do I claim the choccy milk? 💕💕


I think what people tend to forget with subs like this and r/196 is that the focus of them is not necessarily to post funny memes. Granted, people do like to post memes on here, but this subreddit is merely about posting anything to count up a number (see the name of the subreddit r/CountOnceADay). The same applies to r/196 and the likes, for r/196 the gimmick of the subreddit is that you must post something before you leave. In this sense, neither subreddit is actually made to be for posting memes like r/shitposting. They are for posting random stuff, and that can vary from memes to a random cat photo to trans flags.


So with these kinds of subs it's always either spiraling into blatant racism or overwhelming amounts of unfunny trans propaganda. And I'm glad it's the latter


Racism is a maybe and if it’s there then it’s rare but if a shitpost sub gets bigger its usually just going to be unfunny and dank memes tier of humor. Also idk what you mean by overt racism even r/shitposting doesn’t have overt racism maybe an edgy joke including black people or whatever but it’s not anything that racist, there aren’t memes on shitpost subs that are saying how they want to murder black or similar stuff.


Survivorship bias babyyy. Remember r/GamersRiseUp?


Fair enough point but that is really only the one sub that had overt racism even on subs like PCM or shitposting with their very very loose rules on free speech It doesn’t even reach that kind of stuff on a big enough level where it’s a problem.


Yeah, because when they do the sub gets banned. I've seen many satire subreddits growing only to be taken over by people who take the satire too seriously and too far and ultimately bring it to its downfall.


I am a Muslim that joined this subreddit for the goofy memes but now I might leave because of all the karma farming.


I'm of the opinion that it's fine If there's not too much of it


Dw you can have choccy milk too


Cis inclusive radical choccy milk




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stfu clanker


"Clanker" is their word but you can say "clanka"


But... I wanted a choccy milk too :(


Here you go! :D *choccy milk*


Top right is a meme. The rest are just transrights karma farms.


It's really more of a point to stick it to the bigots who killed the sub for half a month because *god forbid* someone posted the trans flag once.


I have never seen a single bigot on this sub.


You do realize the previous owner of the sub tried burning the sub to the ground after saying that "Having trans people post here is a net negative to society", right? And after him trying to promote the transphobic comments via defaulting the comment sorting by controversial, he realized people aren't going to stop just because they're getting hatred thrown in their face, so he took the sub private for half a month.


Basierter Besitzer.


I think he meant if he didnt then every post on the sub would just be trans right shit, which doesn't sound very fun


That is absolutely not what he meant.... And even if he had, how is "being against trans rights shit" not bigotry? He complained that the few trans posts that were made originally, reached top post. He didn't complain about too many trans posts. He complained that people *liked* the few trans posts. He then went on to promote transphobic comments in an attempt to slow down any traction, hoping that trans people would stop posting in a hostile sub. That didn't work, people started posting trans stuff out of spite, the posts were still upvoted, so he took the sub down, stating "the continued existence of the sub is a net negative to society". Actual quote. The only reason it's open again, is because he's not staff anymore.


I was sure that this subreddit was about memes but then I looked into the comment section and maybe it’s not for it


Since we're here,is it kind of trans to think that i would've liked more to be born a girl?like i know that women have to deal with a lot of terrible things just for being women,but I just feel like i would've really liked to have boobs,and cause i think women usually look better than men,but it's not a strong enough feeling to do the transition surgery,so is it still something regular or is it kind of pointing towards trans?


You should use a new social media account and act as a girl to see if you like being called she more


I’d have a little think about it, personally. That’s a pretty trans-y thought - doesn’t necessarily mean you’re trans, but a lot of trans people could definitely relate to feeling like that.


Yeah girl live your truth! I could never afford surgery, and I don’t think hormones are for me, but there’s a million ways to transition. I started growing my hair out to the length I always wanted it to be and that was such a healing thing for me. After that I have slowly started wearing more fem outfits and getting into make up a bit. Sometimes all I do is paint my nails. I work in a shop so I don’t really live “out” yet, but just knowing that’s me, even if I’m the only one who knows, that’s enough. edit: here are some subs that really helped me too /r/nonbinarytalk /r/egg_irl and /r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns


You know that there's not one "transition surgery", right? First, there's hormone replacement therapy, and if you're really trans, you will feel after your first dose that it was the right decision, and if you don't, you can just stop. Any kind of surgery comes way later and is nothing that you should worry about right now. That being said, cis people hear about transitioning and think "damn that's interesting", and move on. If you keep questioning your gender, you're probably trans.


It depends on how strongly you feel about it, if it's just a passing thought and doesn't bother you, then it's just curiosity. However if you end up like me and you start to lean towards self-harm due to these thoughts, then you probably ought to go to talk to a therapist instead of Reddit.






I Said that it doesn’t make you trans, that’s a common thought many people have even though they aren’t trans, but people will cut a child’s D off if it says things like that and has the wrong parents. Apparently that’s a bad thing to say, even though it’s not discriminating anyone and it’s absolutely true


Do you have a source to prove your dumbass claim cause there's never been an epidemic of children getting SRS despite what conservatives tell you


It’s not what conservatives tell you, it’s also what affirming parents post and brag about on tiktok. Also I know some trans people personally, some went through at least hormone therapy at a very young age, that told me about the process. Additionally, there are many trans people online who gladly talk openly about how easy it is to get hormone therapy or gender affirming surgery. And if you think that there aren’t cases where parents of poor mental health push their kids into these decisions, you are quite naive. To make it clear: I have no problem with trans people, depending on the person I’m usually quite supportive. And while I do think there are super rare cases where children are better off getting SRS at super young age, I also think that most children are in no way able to fully understand the concept of being trans and surely can’t understand the weight and the consequences of getting SRS or pre-puberty hormone therapy. But, you know, doctors gladly do a lot of questionable things if there’s money involved. After all people shouldn’t forget that it’s a big business for many people.


Ok so basically what you're saying is that your source is that you made it the fuck up. Good to know. Get back to me when you actually have anything to substantiate that instead of talking out of your ass


Oh god of course it’s some lgbtq nerd girl dismissing reality 🤡🤡🤡 the source is trans people you degenerate


What trans people are you talking about. The ones you make up in your head? You people get worked up over issues that don't exist just to have an excuse to shit on us and act like assholes cause "facts and logic dont care about your feelings lol!!!" Well guess what they don't fucking care about yours either and the facts all pile up against your dumbass, shit for brains rationale that I feel like I can barely even call a rationale cause you just blindly eat up whatever conservative talking points are shat out that contribute to an incoherent belief system meanwhile there have been papers of countless efforts of research and studies done about trans people that support the reality of our existence, a reality that ironically you purposely choose to deny in favor of your again, shit for brains ideology wholly manufactured by people who's agenda wholly relies on fuelling hatred as its priority rather than gaining knowledge for the betterment of others and educating people. It's really pathetic honestly, more pathetic than you obviously think I am. Even if I had linked some examples of said research though doubt that you would read shit cause it's clear with the provocative tone of your comment you're just out to "own de libtards xd!!!!!" and get a reaction out of me, so yeah good day to you. P.s. eat shit Edit: just realized that this is the same person that replied to me earlier lmfao it's funny how you just resort to insults when your bullshit arguments fall apart


Are you fucking illiterate? Lmao 2 digit iq mf, learn to fucking read clown girl


It’s not what conservatives tell you, it’s also what affirming parents post and brag about on tiktok. Also I know some trans people personally, some went through at least hormone therapy at a very young age, that told me about the process. Additionally, there are many trans people online who gladly talk openly about how easy it is to get hormone therapy or gender affirming surgery. And if you think that there aren’t cases where parents of poor mental health push their kids into these decisions, you are quite naive. To make it clear: I have no problem with trans people, depending on the person I’m usually quite supportive. And while I do think there are super rare cases where children are better off getting SRS at super young age, I also think that most children are in no way able to fully understand the concept of being trans and surely can’t understand the weight and the consequences of getting SRS or pre-puberty hormone therapy. But, you know, doctors gladly do a lot of questionable things if there’s money involved. After all people shouldn’t forget that it’s a big business for many people.




That is normal. Just ask yourself if you would like to be a woman, never change back and also never have children. Maybe science will become better in the future.


If it's a passive thought, very egg. If someone asked this and only then did you think about it but forget it later, not really


That's kinda something you gotta discern on your own but it's definitely an egg take lol. A better question might be, "if you could press a button to wake up tomorrow as a cis woman and couldn't change back, would you do it?" (hint: most cis people say no) Also you don't have to want surgery or even experience dysphoria to be trans, sometimes it works better to focus on what makes you happy instead of what makes you miserable. I personally don't have a ton of dysphoria (or at least I don't think I do but repression is a bitch lol) but gender euphoria when presenting as you like can be a great gauge. Asking myself if I would be happier as a woman was really eye opening for me. If you're still confused/interested/etc I'd suggest lurking or asking questions in any trans spaces here on reddit or maybe checking out some youtube videos. Hope this was helpful!


Explore your sexuality more if your curious. Go at your own pace. No one can tell you your trans except you.


You don't have to go with surgery. I and a lot of other transfems are perfectly happy with just HRT and no SRS. I also thought the same as you prior to coming out as trans, with particular focus on the "wanting boobs" part. But now I'm dangerously close to violating the Egg Prime Directive so I'll just let you figure out the rest on your own. 💜


Don't forget that some people only socially transition.


i see more "every subreddit turn into transposting" complaint memes than i do transposting. feels like the reaction to a percieved problem is more of a problem than the actual original thing. ignore it and keep scrolling. doesn't take too many brain cells to realize not everything is about you


I don't know what kind of content your algorithm provides but if you see more anti trans posts than trans posts sounds like a bit of an exaggeration. Most of the posts are not trans related, but all trans posts get a lot of upvotes so they end up on the front page. Some say that trans posts are so popular because people who hate them are commenting on them but I doubt that few hate comments makes difference of hunders of upvotes when there are so many positive comments on them anyways I unfollowed this sub because my egg gets weaker every time I see trans posts when I try to make it stronger. (unfollowing didnt stop them showing on front page tho) Maybe not healthy, but my life situation is like this now, just being an ally


From what we've seen on a lot of social medias, outrage absolutely sparks engagement, both against and for the original poster. I'm wondering if both pro and anti transposting both get mass upvoted or commented on because they both seem to be contentious within this subreddit. I didn't actually count the number so I could have been wrong. Maybe I just react more to seeing the anti-trans posting than I to seeing the trans-posting, but for me, the anti-trans posting is more of a nusiance than the trans-posting. But regardless, respect for knowing your limits and what makes you the most comfortable.


People complain about transposting because out of the posts that get recommended to you over half are transposting. Some guy made a diagram about this on this sub not long ago. But yeah there are way too many posts just complaining about transposting. Personally i don't mind a lot of them but some of them that are just an image with trans rights written in paint are kind of dull


I'm straight, don't care, trans people are cool.




And you call yourself Russian?


Does being russian somehow mean that I'm against everything LGBTQIA+? Not all of the country is like that.




Damn, this comment section is *spicy.* Trans rights btw.


I think my choccy milk got lost in the mail :(


I'm straight... Can I have some Dani approved milk?


Man how long has it been since he last posted


Yay another Dani fan






We want the milk without switching sexuality :(


plenty of trans people are straight!


I replied to the wrong comment




a trans person can be atracted to the oposite gender


Hear let me explain it to you. So basically when a guy/girl is gay and feels that they are the opposite sex(they shouldn't it's just a disease but I'm not getting involved in that) they have a sex change,but that doesn't automatically change their sexual preference, so if a lesbian girl is now a boy and likes girl they are now straight. Tl;Dr Just because you change your sex doesn't mean your sexual preferences change as well.


I think you got “sex” and “gender” mixed up there


>it's just a disease And what is the proven treatment for that "disease"? You know... The treatment that doctors have been prescribing for decades and so has decades of evidence to verify it's effectiveness? Go ahead... Share with the subreddit what that treatment is. 💜


Gender affirming care is what it is.


i think you just bamboozled yourself


You were so close. So, so close.


what do you mean?


Same but im still here for it


Literally every other space is for straight people, we gotta go SOMEWHERE


I don't know man I think many or even most subs can be equally enjoyed by straight and lgbtq+ people alike. Sure there are ones that only straight have or whatever but so do yall have ones for yourselves, but these are my thoughts as a straight person so I could be wrong


There are millions of subs for trans people, most of the subs I’m in are now trans dominated, not mad just confused


Says who? You have every right to public spaces. Nobody should be barring y’all from anywhere.


Cough Florida cough


I used to live in Florida for five years, so I’m kind of glad I’m not part of that right now.




If we want to go there, there's like, most of Africa and the entire Middle East too, and much of Eastern Asia. But yeah. Allyship is important.


It's always "You uppity queers need to be happy with the rights you have because \[western country\] kind of tolerates your existence, you'd be put to death in half the world just for being the way you are" until we gather somewhere where we feel accepted, then straight people gotta come and ask [why that space doesn't cater to them specifically](https://i.imgur.com/tDA2ZTK.jpg)


You know, if you didn’t [pick a version of this comic that excludes the fourth panel,](https://twitter.com/reactjpg/status/1272042422340669440/photo/1) you’d have had the perfect comic to show how someone who just wants a subreddit that’s not either transposting or a cesspool feels on Reddit nowadays.


>someone who just wants a subreddit that’s not either transposting or a cesspool Boo fucking hoo. I have to move out of my state because trans people aren't welcome here and increasingly ridiculous laws targeting people like me make it unsafe to live here, but I'm sure the PCM poster who "doesn't want a cesspool" is the real victim of the struggle for queer acceptance because they had to see pro-trans posts on a sub with no coherent theme. It's the flavor of the month, which is all this sub ever is. Get the fuck over yourself. The fourth panel is very clearly a third-party edit, by the way.




Guess i gotta check the fire escape


I’m thinking of going trans, can I get free choc milk now or must I wait


U can get one now but you should have your decision supported by loved one/s regardless of whether u go through with it or otherwise🗿👌


Ok. I’m still thinking tho


u take all the time u need 👌




You dont go trans.


Why r they downvoting you 💀


Sry for bad grammar, I mean transitioning


You don't just become trans. That's not how it works


That's not what they said They had bad grammar and corrected themselves They are a trans person who is going to transition not a cis person choosing to be trans


I talked to them more and I understand now.


Wow, I was unaware that we were GATEKEEPING BEING TRANS 😒


You cannot be cis and then one day decide ti be trans. It's not a decision.


Whilst this is a true statement it's also a meaningless one, as the vast majority of trans people either believed that they were, or were meant to be, cis before realising they were trans.


It sounded like the original commenter is cis and said they were going to be trans for a joke. Sorry if I was defensive but I see that shit entirely too much


Yeah I meant I was deciding on transitioning still


Then I hope everything goes well for you!


so? you went to a gay bar and see them gays, whadya expect


The transposting wasn’t here first so how can you make this argument?


This comparison is fucking garbage considering the sub itself has nothing to with trans. There is literally not a single reason to expect that this sub is almost a trans sub.


Prolly at *least*, like, a makeshift gloryhole in one of the stalls


We have more class than that. Check an anime convention.








Im trans can i plss have some chocolate milk?? :((


Yes 🧋🫵


that's boba liar


Omg thanksies boo :3


I would not trust chocolate milk from someone with that username.


Good choice. (it was diharea)


Twitter in a nutshell


And if you're trans you get all the transphobic stuff shoved in your face Twitter sucks


okay and


Lol same


thsi si how i feel


Where do I get this chocolate milk? I didn't know there was free chocolate milk!




Ooo ty.


The transposting will get a bit old, but it’s their right to post such and upvote. I don’t really mind it, but I tend to scroll past it. I’m here because the state nuking thing 2 months or so ago was kinda cool with Greg the moose and all that




Let's nuke ohio again


That will only make us stronger


^^^ This is how cisgender people should treat trans-positive spaces


It’s not trans-positive, it’s called basic respect and decency for others.


Your welcome here my good sir or madam :3


A surprise, for sure, but a welcome one


I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear I’m cis I swear


El Salvador or La Salvador?


*joins a subreddit that’s always been full of trans content* Hey guys, I’M CIS.




Why are you booing him, he is right


Because Eggirl is a shithole


Could you explain?


From what I remember they call any feminine presenting man an "egg" which only reinforces the gender binary. It might have changed


That has changed now, now it actively supports ppl like n0ahf1nnce (i might be getting mixed up, but im talking about the femboy with noah in his name not the trans guy) and femboys and deletes posts calling people like him "eggs"


Well that's good


I havent seen that happens, nowdays at least its just trans postin sub, where rarely there anything egg related, commonly its just People postin New Milestones In their transition


I haven't been there in a while. Left a year or do ago and haven't returned


i used to do it untill i realised how trashy that is




I thought I was on the egg memes sub for a moment but very happy to see counting once a day has become a trans allyship


Actually, that's wrong This is a trans pirate ship 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🦜🚢


Can i get a honorary pirate pass


there be treasure


ARRR!! As long as there's booty, we be sail'n the right seas


Honestly I don't mind it


como chingan esos putos


You can have my choccy milk cuz I can make my own :)


I’m assuming that you support them then




https://i.redd.it/a75465wkx23b1.gif :D


I feel for homer


I know, the fact that this trans bar has no fire exit would upset me too.




I’m me.


hey two of those are mine :D






I thought that was testament


I love bucket








i, as a trans man, do not condone the ones who are only posting to cause war. the other trans posts, however, seem just fine. although it seems people are posting out of spite…


It's pretty warranted spite, I think.




from what i got its because a certain mod has left so this is still a celebratory wave of trans positive posts. i really think that it will die down after a while (though i welcome any trans or other lgbt+ positivity always)


i don't think i will died down especially tomorrow will be their month


but there will be more diversity in pride themes i guess


Not just a certain mod, whole ass transphobic owner of the sub


i joined after that, so i dont rly know what happened


ive been here before the shutdown and i have no idea wtf happened


Subs go through cycles. This one is just on a trans kick. Give it like a month.


If people stopped complaining, it would probably be over already, lol. I legitimately see more furry posts than I do trans posts. It's just the controversy that's recommending the trans ones.