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Wake up babe a new 9/11 angle just dropped


I know it’s morbid but that was my first thought too. “Oh I’ve never seen THIS angle before”


It's from a documentary, but the image has been flipped.


Holy script


Plane going 700km/h, the length of airplane is 33m. So from the nose of the airplane touching the tower to obliteration of the tail took 0.17 seconds. The human response time is about 0.2 seconds. The people inside that airplane died before even realizing the plane hit something.


Somehow that looks a lot slower than what I'd imagine 700km/h to look like. Probably has to with the enormous size of the plane warping our perception of speed.


Also distance. a car traveling by you at 700 will look a lot faster than a train in the far off distance doing th same speed.


The fact that this is more than a quarter-mile away also distorts perception. If this were hitting a building 50ft above instead of 1,500ft above it would look very different. This being 2 very large objects a long way away makes it difficult to comprehend.


Yeah you could fly these slower with flaps and headwind but it was going 700 and 900 kmh got the second plane respectively.




quick maths


Armwrestling cameo


Yeah but they realised they were gonna die after the whole kidnapping and many called their family's to say good bye.


Which is kinda weird right? In 2001 a lot of people didn’t even have cell phones let alone cellular service on an airplane.


Most adults did have cell phones at that time, they were just Nokias and Samsungs. Or a Blackberry. My family was lower middle class at that time and even my parents had cell phones. Matter fact that was the first year I had a cell phone too. 9th grade


But not one that would work in an airplane at 20,000 feet.


Why not??


Because it doesn’t really work now let alone 23 years ago.


You can easily make phone calls when not at cruising altitude in a metropolitan area. You could do it back in 2001, too. Cellphones work on electromagnetism, and that does not give a single fuck if you're cruising along in an aeroplane. If you're near enough a tower, you can make a call.


Had to do a quick Google search and it was possible but the success rate of those calls varied a lot. So that probably took panic mode to like 10,000 because they probably had to make several calls to get through and some people may have never gotten through. Damn.. imagine that


Various technological reports between 2001 and 2004 indicate that, given the cell phones available in 2001, cell phone calls from high-altitude airliners — meaning ones above 20,000 feet – were very unlikely. [18] The most extensive of these reports were by Canadian mathematician and scientist A. K. Dewdney, who for many years had written a column for Scientific American. [19] In 2003, he published reports of experiments he had carried out in single- and twin-engine airplanes, showing that at 20,000 feet, there was a one-in-a-hundred chance of successful calls from a single-engine plane, and in a twin-engine plane (which has greater insulation), the success rate at 7,000 feet was 0 percent. He also pointed out that cell phone failure would occur at even lower altitudes in large airliners, which are even more insulated. [20]


They weren’t at 20,000 feet though… they were at the level of the twin towers which is a few hundred feet and is probably why so many people did get through to their families


When the times of the reported phone calls are compared with the official flight data paths, it is clear that some of the cell phone calls reported in the mainstream press occurred when the planes were above 40,000 feet, and all of them occurred above 20,000 feet. [21]


This is shockingly dumb You genuinely think that you could reliably make a cell phone call on an airplane in 2001??? Lmao damn dude, life must be bliss


So when the US govt lied to us, you are saying they overlooked this in their cover up story?


What the fuck are you talking about dude


Pretty much every chair had a phone on the back instead of a tv


I had a phone in 2001, I was at high-school and my family is in no way rich, they were pretty common.


Sounds like you're referring to how long it takes the average person to react to something in a test where you press a button in response to a light flashing or sound playing but that's different from how long it takes for your brain to register stimulus which is more like .1 seconds. Granted it's still not much time to have a meaningful understanding of what it feels like to get blown up.


True! Most people were probably not siting in the very tail of the plane though but maybe those at the very end may registered something


You mean they didn't feel anything during the crash ?


No, they felt it, they just didn't have enough time to realize what happened.


They may have died before *feeling the initial impact*, but unfortunately most of them were very aware of what was about to happen in that moment. There's also the fact that just because the plane was destroyed in half a second, doesnt necessarily mean the passengers were, although one can hope. Its grim to think about and I apologise if its upsetting to anyone.


Yes especially since they likely saw it out the window as it came


Didn't realize but sure as hell were terrified seeing the skyscrapers getting closer and closer, that is worse than a painful death.


You can't really see what's in front of you in an airplane. Unless you're the pilot


Planes have windows, and I didn't necessarily mean the twin towers, there are plenty of other big buildings to see


Yeah they knew they were done for. Just no real pain or even awareness at the time of impact at least..


Yea. They knew they were flying low and fast and in an area you were not supposed to be flying. Terrifying.


You sure they felt nothing?


A severe head injury could feel like nothing at first.


Why is it that every year, there's a video that's closer and closer. I'm just waiting for the video of the guy in the building or on the plane.


 I believe. It was a woman who was exiting the building with her mother who filmed it. They were fleeing and didn't look at the footage for a while.


Can't fucking blame them for not looking at it for a while. I'd burn that footage. That shit would be traumatic. It's honestly insane that people can do shit like this and believe that they are in the right.


[You mean the 19 Arabs with box cutters? That never happened.](https://corbettreport.com/911suspects) E: derp


Mate, I'm not watching a documentary. What's your point?


Can't believe it has been 23 years now since 9/11 and I keep seeing footage I have never seen before, just like this one


And they found the passport of the dude on the street right!


Not everything disintegrated upon impact. I went to the museum and they have lots of debris from the plane and passengers on display. Even the wallet of a passenger with three frequent flyer cards showing how much he loved to travel. Very chilling to see.


As someone who was very young and across the pond, it’s hard to imagine what this was like, and in a way that’s easier to accept. Going to a museum and seeing people’s possessions and feeling that personal connection to everyday people that died in such an unjust way would be hard to bear I think. Hopefully you came away with some good things as well though?


The museum was very well done. They kindly ask you not to take any pictures inside the main exhibit hall and everyone I seen respected that. It was astonishing the amount of artifacts they have on display. Clothes, ID cards, firefighter equipment, damaged rescue vehicles etc. It's quiet in there, and you will hear a lot of sniffling and people trying to hold back tears. I walked into a room where they have victims bio displayed on a wall and audio of a family member talking about them. It hit me hard when the one on display at that time I walked in literally had the same birthday as me in 1980. He was 21 and worked on the 101st floor. Here I am well into my 40s and this young man's life got cut short. Really heartbreaking.


Every single time this dumbass comment is made. A plane is essentially a tube full of air. When it gets compressed suddenly, air rushing out is going to take very lightweight things with it, such as paper. It’s really not that hard to conceive. Unfortunately you weren’t either.


>It’s really not that hard to conceive. >Unfortunately you weren’t either. Holy FUCK..! 😳😂


You know those missiles and bombs that are designed to go very big boom right? Even after those go boom, you can still find so many parts of the bomb and missile, that you can piece together the model and type used. A plane is not made to boom, and its fuel aka the part that goes boom, is outside the passenger compartment. Yes it looks like a massive fireball, but the fuselage is allready inside the building at the point when those fuel tanks ignite. Its not hard to debunk the conspiracies with some common facts and logic, the hard part is convincing all the "believers" and foreign bots who always try to stir up the pot on these posts. "Oh i dont believe the pentagon neither should you!" - Ivan Ivanovskij, from Murmansk. Yeah Ivan, i am sure you are totally not biased.


What about building #7 is it not weird for you ??


The one right next to about a million of newtons coming straight down, two times? The one with shitty foundation right next to those massive hundred stories high towers burying themselves like a root system within a blink of an eye? I dont see the issue. Yeah i like some conspiracies from time to time, but nothing about how those buildings came down are in any way weird. The circumstances leading up to those terrorists hijacking the plane might be questionable tho.


Funny how things work out like that sometimes...


Funny how anyone could possibly believe that




Please continue. Tell me about this pop and squirt zone


Yup. Makes me question the whole thing and the pentagon attack.


Steel beams can't melt jet planes.


Here is what Dan Coleman, FBI said: > : ...first day we had the passport of Satam al-Suqami. That was given to a New York City detective from the fifth precinct that was down there, trying to talk to people as they were coming out to the buildings. And it was handed him [but] by the time he looked up again, the guy who had handed it to him [had] run off, you know, which made sense. And that passport was given to a detective on the Joint Terrorism Task Force. So, by that evening we had it, the detective Marty Mann, from a detective of fifth precinct had given it to him and it was bagged up, and you know. But it was also -- we realized by then, because we'd gotten some communication back with headquarters that this was the passport of one of the people that headquarters had identified as one of the 19 probable hijackers. We couldn't have done any of that, because basically, the 212 telephone exchange, the building that housed the exchange was on fire and was... didn't work anymore.


Explain like I’m 5


A detective is trying to talk to people coming out of the buildings around WTC after the towers fall.. A man comes up to him and hands him a passport. By the time he looks up at the man, he's run off down the street. That passport was one of the hijacker's and is one of the pieces of evidence used to connect him, and thus, OBL to the hijackings.


So the didnt “find it”. It was “given to them”


Personally, I think it makes the passport even more dubious.


Yea that's weird as hell. I didn't know that detail


But how did he find it


Who knows. The person who handed off the passport has never been identified.


Is there a place or website where all the point of views from 9/11 are posted?


Lately, Reddit.


it’s so weird to see how the explosion happens a half moment after the plane finishes hitting (not a conspiracy theorist, just weird how explosions work)


All that fuel is moving at several hundred miles per hour in the opposite direction, so yeah, it takes a second for it to come out the back side.


Look at it hitting the building. You can see the planted explosives go off as the computer generated image hits the building.


Computer generated images made Lara Crofts tits triangles in 2001 and people believe they saved the good shit for this.


Is this sarcasm or are you actually implying that planes didn’t fly into the World Trade Center?


It's obviously sarcasm.


😂 Oh wait... were you being serious?


youre on some good shit my friend, please share


wait i’m stupid, the explosion starts immediately, it just takes a second for the fireball to show. Also weird how the color grading of ye olden camera makes the fire look pinkish


A lot of the fuel also dumped right down the elevator shaft (middle building) and burned several people, with that in mind it would make sense that it took longer for it to reach outside.




plane go fast, plane go in, plane not fall down


I remember this day. Watching the news, I saw an ambulance covered in dust with a bloody hand print smeared on the side of the truck… what a sight 😔


I broke down sobbing when they showed the people jumping. A horrific day that will never be forgotten.


I have to stop watching these videos. Everytime I do I feel the exact same way I did almost 23 years ago.


I’m sorry. I know how you feel, the jokes and the videos always tend to crop up in batches especially at certain times. I always tell myself I won’t look. It becomes difficult to manage, but with time, it’s been easier for sure. My gut reaction isn’t to attack everyone anymore, I just try to educate people that discuss it - that the day itself signifies the loss of a ton of important people, in a horrible way, for so many. It’s not something everyone will enjoy seeing discussed. For me it’s best to let it wash over me, because sometimes, I’d love to forget. People make sure that will never be possible though, and with an act this large it’s understandable. A lot of people were killed. A lot of families were changed forever. Those lives weren’t just “lost” either, they were taken. There’s a distinct difference, to me. A lot of those kids grew up without parents or the guidance or support they would have and now, they are navigating life with their own kids and figuring things out in a world that enjoys making light of things like this. Especially on the internet. It’s wild…


Looks like a Pegasus missile. /s because I don’t trust people to not think I’m being serious.


Ahh yess the daily 9/11 video


That thing was goin fast as fuck


Planes usually do that


Oh ya, that’s a plane. Faster than a car if you can believe that.


No fucking way! What about a train?


I prefer slow planes.


Genuinely asking: With the rise of AI generated materials, how do we confirm this video is authentic? Edit: 911 is real, no doubt. I’m not questioning if the event is true or not. My question is how to determine if the videos are legitimate, since AI generated content is on the rise


You can tell if the plane’s fingers are weird. 


Bro, I love how ppl misinterpreted your comment 😂


😅it is what it is


Why would anyone Down vote this question? It's very legitimate thought




"about 6 months" is completely arbitrary. There were a few prominent videos that didn't come out until years later. The ["What We Saw"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BhAgjjjAiw) video from Bob and Bri (I don't know their last names) wasn't released by them for 5 years in 2006. [Here's a blog they made about it.](https://wtcbpc.blogspot.com/)


If you were alive on 9/11 you’d know it’s real


Oh I was and yes it’s real. I have no doubt this one is real too. My question is just about the “new angle” videos continue to surface, which to me is a continuous education on the subject, but how do we examine it being real or AI generated.


I get what you're saying and was thinking about this exact thing today with AI in the near future. We basically wont be able to trust any form of media. How do we know what's real?




This is quite helpful! Thanks for sharing


This is a real clip, but it’s been mirrored. There was a documentary crew filming the NYFD. It’s definitely not new. It was in the original 9/11 doc.


Thanks for the input!!!


You could cross examine the event from different angles.AI could get trajectories wrong. If 2+ or more videos of the same event someone smarter than me could cross reference them


Yeah I get your idea. My thought as well. Where do all these "new" angles come from? Also it could be AI generated or just made by a 3D artist, renders get more real every day.


Cool, now let’s see the angle from the Pentagon.


The jet fuel made the buildings fall straight down on itself


Alr now I'm waiting from the planes perspective angle


Remember college kids, we lost our friends and family members from that, while some palestinians celebrated.


Here's the video, watch before downvoting. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UucjbGmJILk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UucjbGmJILk)


Looking at your comment history, you’re clearly some kind of conservative weirdo and have the same anti-PC rhetoric as other folks who lack empathy for anyone outside of their sphere. Gaza has been decimated and basically the entire infrastructure of the region is rubble. It’s important to note, in reference to your comment, [most of the civilians that have been killed in Palestine weren’t even born yet or likely weren’t old enough to remember 9/11](https://www.reuters.com/graphics/ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS/GAZA-CASUALTIES/xmpjlaberpr/index.html). In Palestine, the median age of the population was 19.6 years in 2023, meaning that almost half of the total population is comprised of children. Please, try to not let your hatred of brown people in the desert be so brazen and obvious…


But no one talks about tower 7 anymore. 🤔


Israel 🇮🇱 did it


this is so fucking surreal didn't know the lizardmen could fly so precisely that days


That is a crazy fucking video


Any suggestions for a thorough documentary/movie on the events leading up to 9/11? I’ve seen a few but I’d like to view something really in depth


There was a miniseries with Jeff Daniel's called "The Looming Tower" that covers a lot of the buildup to the attack. Pretty good and informative. "Road to 911" is a documentary that covers a broader look into the past leading up. If you are looking for a documentary on the the actual event there are many... "911 - Minute by Minute" covers the flurry of communication to put you in the shoes of people as it unfolded. "911- The filmmakers commemorative edition" follows the fire department that got the only footage of the first impact as well as tower collapse from inside. "911" (2002) narrated by Robert Deniro was one of the more thorough ones I have seen. "911 - One Day in America" is sounds like a thorough one as well but I have not seen it.




Olympus has Fallen


Why are people commenting saying tower 7? What is that


Building 7 is the third building that fell that day.


Tower 7 was another Trade Center building that collapsed that day. It seemed relatively intact and it was not struck by an airliner, so many people were skeptical and it is often cited by conspiracy theorists as a controlled demolition. The reality is it caught fire from the nearby twin towers and burned uncontrolled for a very long time for obvious reasons, and the fire caused it to collapse. There were little to no casualties in Tower 7.


Wow big sound delay. Doesn’t look that far. But I guess he’s 3 seconds away at the speed of sound.


I don't think I've seen this before.




I am so sorry but why is that pink flame so nice looking…


The towers ordered a pepperoni pizza, but all they got was plane


We still trynna prove this wasn't planned ?




The US did learn its lesson though. Now instead of letting terrorists time to build up and plan, we destabilize and misdirect. Make them fight each other. How many terrorist attacks on US soil since 9/11?


Multiple. Dozens even. Not all terrorist come from a foreign land.


Dozens per year tbh. Every mass shooter is a terrorist.


Yup and none of that helps, it just creates more hate. The US created these enemies and funded them and now you think being bigger bullies won't backlash?? Delusional


Thinking the terrorists will never try to terrorize is delusional.


Show me where I said that at all???


What's really crazy is people still think that 2 planes can make 3 skyscrapers collapse in on themselves. Truly one of the, maybe THE greatest cover up ever. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects_%26_Engineers_for_9/11_Truth


Put the crack pipe down


What a predictably braindead comment


If you use a finger or thumb to control playback of the video, you can slow it down and see how fake it looks when the plane hits. Here’s some screen grabs: https://imgur.com/a/v0TxPr3


Are you a 9/11 denier or are you just saying this particular video looks sketchy?


I believe 9/11 happened


Funny how they fell perfect... Like a demo.....


And how the building that never got hit collapsed as well.


And how there was no plane at the pent... 🤯




I was just reading a book to children...


Tower 7




We’re getting downvoted by people who think the US would never do such a thing to invade countries and make people give up rights.


Fuck em.. embrace the down votes! I eat that shit for breakfast.. MAGA!! Watch that get down votes lmao


Gonna get hate for this, clearly these planes hit the buildings and many people unfortunately died. The size of the plane and the size of the buildings, it would have toppled the floors above the strike. Not below. The world trade centers were 110 floors. The second plane looks like it hit *maybe* the first 20-30. If you’ve looked at any real demolitions *80-90 FLOORS* would not be toppled by the weight of 20-30. It would be like a bullet penetrating a body, detrimental but not enough to make somebody crumble completely. Edit: if anybody cites any videos of those silos getting demolished, they’re *also* demolished at the base. Any buildings under about 20 floors would also completely crumble. You honestly think 100 stories of concrete and steel just *fell* like that?? Maybe we should question the structural integrity of all of our buildings. Not to mention the buildings that were hit by KRAKATOA that also somehow maintained some semblance of structural integrity. Notice how the first building isn’t crumbling *at all*?? It’s just on fire, smoke, regular things that happen. Structural integrity seems just fine as it’s being supported by *90 STORIES OF BUILDING* Edit 2: The fact that many people unfortunately died is getting downvoted? Way to piss on their graves patriots. Funny how it’s happening with only a couple people here.


The buildings didn't JUST FELL LIKE THAT. They were burning for hours. Add galleons of the plane fuel to it. It produced extreme heat and that heat got transferred till the bottom through the steel beams. Heat forced steel to expand and lose its strength. Think of heating steel before bending it to desired shape. These weakened steel beams could not bear all the load. Add to the fact that the center of gravity of each building was shifted due to the extreme impact. The terrorists hit exactly where these effects would take place. Don't forget the master mind was a structural engineer. They knew what they were doing. The buildings fell after hours, not minutes.


There’s already two downvotes as of posting this😂 GET ME TO A HUNDRED, A THOUSAND. BURY THE TRUTH.


What is the truth? Break it down for me please.


Bruh looking at the other comments pretty much questioning the same thing getting downvoted is hilarious and telling. Edit: yes I commented on my own post it’s called a continued narrative. Also funny how the impact of the second plane really didn’t seem to do anything at all. Put a giant hole in the building yes, but *THAT* impact toppled it?? *OOOOOOKAAAAYYYYYY*


No comments though? Nothing refuting what I said?? Also telling.


I don't think most people are interested in getting into a debate match with a 9/11 truther, that's been done to death for years now, and neither will change their mind. Downvoting random shit you see and moving on is fine. I'm sure you don't stop to argue with everything you see on the internet that you disagree with either.


Tagged with [Injury]. I knew they hyped this whole 9/11 thing up.


I spent 23 years drawing the render.


Holy shit! When did this happen!?


Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams


Any uncontrolled fire can compromise structural steel members. Why tf do you think we have to put fireproofing on all of them? Hopefully you were just trolling.


Free fall demolition? With explosives setting off different floors? Beans on the base cut slanted .. idk I’m just dumb forgive me if I’m wrong


The day when Aluminium was stronger than Steel.


Damn, when was this?


How was this recorded? A camera 📷 😳 ? Cuz aint no phone recoding it right




Jet fuel doesn't cause purple onion flames... Or whatever