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The only additional spin off I could see us getting from the Bat-verse at this point is a Zoe Kravitz Catwoman spin off.


With Arkham Asylum show being canceled, I'm starting to think the Batverse will not last as long as the Penguin show and a Batman trilogy or Quadrilogy. This makes me wonder why James Gunn even made the Elseworlds label if he's not even going to properly utilize it. Like, he's ending Superman and Lois, and The Batverse is being cutshort. Why even have the label if your not going to utilize it properly?


Because The Batman and Joker films were too successful to outright cancel without major backlash.


We do not know if The batverse is cut short just because a show with zero development was canned. Can we please just be forreal


Watching this sub overreact over the cancellation of Arkham Asylum post is quite funny, you guys are panicking over The Batman 2 which is literally being written as we speak. But are going crazy over a show that was reworked from a cancelled Gotham PD show Reeves’s didn’t like, Arkham has literally no real development whatsoever literally nothing. We didn’t even know a writers room existed, but you guys are losing your shit over it as if it had a writer room and was done writing all the script and almost close to filming . Shits weird, but that’s DC fans for you the most random projects be having y’all acting like the world is ending. Projects with no development at all. The Batman part 2 has been stated weeks ago by Gunn do be written by Reeves who’s taking his own time. Andy Serkis week or two ago spoke to Reeves and even stated they start filming early 2025. But a show with zero development have y’all going insane, shits crazy. Y’all treat The Batman part 2 like it’s MCU armor wars which was announced in December 2020 which has literal no development


Another day, another time where the situation with the Batman IP is confusing.


I think this cancellation has actually cleared up some confusion. The Arkham show started as a Reeves show, then was said to be developed for the DCU, which was confusing. And now it's gone. So all cleared up. It does suggest to me that they're pulling back on the whole Reeves-verse concept we had been hearing about. Likely just Penguin as the spinoff and then Reeves finishes his movies. I do wonder what will happen to the rumored Clayface movie that Mike Flanagan wanted to do? It's not really a Reeves movie, and could fit with the DCU. But not sure it'll be a priority.


> It's not really a Reeves movie How is it not a Reeves movie if its being produced by Reeves?


Flanagan pitched it to DC. It's not like Reeves pitched it. Flanagan is big on horror and actually mystical/fantastical characters. Reeves is clearly aiming for something more grounded and realistic with his universe. Reeves was also technically producing the Arkham show for the DCU, not his own universe, last we heard. I don't think Flanagan's Clayface movie is, or ever was, part of Reeves' universe. If it still happens, it'll definitely be DCU.


Do you think Matt Reeves was waiting on how Superman 2025 will be received before making a decision to integrate his Batman version into DCU? Before people said it will never happen, this is just a hypothetical question. Personally I wish Matt Reeves will be involve in anything to do with Batman property mainly because I don't want people to constantly make comparisons between Battinson & DCU Batman which will ultimately lead to toxic discussions.


No. Because that's too much of a delay for both franchises. If Part II is coming in 2026 it'll need to be written before Superman releases. I don't think that they'd delay making the decision until July 2025. Because if Reeves decided not to do it, they'd be back to square one with the DCU Batman. It just doesn't make sense for the DCU to wait on Reeves like that. And Reeves would have like 15 months to rewrite and film Part II if he did want to be in the DCU. Which doesn't seem like much, but Reeves is a slow worker. And Reeves seems fairly confident that he doesn't want his Batman in the DCU anyways. Which is fine and better to get that out of the way early. Yes there will be some comparison. But if the DCU takes their Batman in a new direction, one that is much more akin to the heroes we see in Superman, it'll be very unique and different from Battinson. Which will be better for both of them than having two similar takes.


I doubt it, I think he just wants to do his own separate thing regardless of how Superman will perform.


And just like that, Shadow of the Erdtree has been beaten


Anybody see this just get announced: Reeves Arkham Asylum spinoff no longer in development.  https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/arkham-asylum-tv-series-not-moving-forward-max-antonio-campos-matt-reeves-james-gunn-1236060412/


Article says “But according to an individual with knowledge of the situation, Campos’ version will not proceed. It is still possible, though, that a new project set within the infamous Gotham City asylum could be developed in the future, the individual noted. Thus ends (at least for now) the show’s complicated path to the screen” So I guess it matches up with what Gunn said in December


Based on a post I saw on DC cinematic, what do you think the action scenes will look like in Superman’ 25? I think Man of Steel had great action sequences what do you think Gunn’s will be like, I can admit when comes to action directing Gunn isn’t really on the level of Cameron,Bay, or Snyder. But he’s fine


You’re right, Superman ‘25 won’t hit MoS levels of all timer action but I think it’ll be on par with Guardians 2 and 3 which had solid/dynamic sequences (especially the hallway battle). I also appreciate that - at least in Guardians - Gunn likes to go all out with finale scale. The battle on Xandar, destroying Ego’s planet, Counter Earth being blown up and then the Arete space battle. Excited to see how the final fight turns out (presumably between Superman and Lex/Bizarro)


I think the sequences in Peacemaker and GOTG3 in particular show Gunn's growth in the action choreography department, although it's fair to say he hasn't dealt with Superman level characters except Adam Warlock. For me personally, the Man of Steel fights are a high bar. I don't need it being immitated, I just need Superman to feel powerful and not like Thor in the early MCU where he didn't feel very strong. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Idk man Gunn’s come pretty far with action scenes. That one shot hallway fight in Guardians 3 was truly something else and should tell you something 


Yeah he’s improved a lot from TSS to Guardians 3


Hopefully Gunn seriously ups his action sequences in Superman because what he did in GOTG 3 was not it. Adam Warlock's flight and action sequences were too slow.


Ok disagree dude. That hallway fight was dope as f. 


The one-shot hallway sequence alone cleared most DC action scenes for me.


good for you.


Thank you! Have a great day!


Action sequences in GOTG 3 weren’t bad, warlock flight scenes weren’t the best. But I wouldn’t say guardians 3 had bad action it had above average action. Like better than most mcu action but could be better. He’s not Russo level action director but he’s good


Never said his action scenes are bad. He is just fine at it. I liked his action in Peacemaker but those were hand to hand combats. I chose Adam Warlock as an example because thats the closest character comparable to Superman that Gunn has directed.


I was thinking just now. There's probably a universe out there were from 2008 to 2019, DC has been awesome despite the fact that they didn't have the rights to Superman, Wonder Woman, and (at least until 2015) Batman, and had to use lesser known heroes like Green Arrow, The Flash, the Green Lantern, Hal Jordan as there big three instead, and despite the quality not being what it use to be now, can still have there occasional good flicks. Meanwhile, Marvel had the rights to all their characters but wasted them by being too inconsistent with their tone and rushing everything, but that will hopefully change with James Gunn's MCU.


I have this feeling that such a DC Cinematic Universe would have Barry Allen as The Flash as the main protagonist. The rest are hard to bounce around. Marvel did fine without Wolverine, Hulk, and Spider-Man because they were always written as loner rogues while Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman were always written as leaders.


Idk, I kindof think Green Arrow would be the main protagonist.


Not sure why so many people seem to think the guy in the chromakey suit on set is going to be Metamorpho. It is a bit surprising that we haven't seen him yet as Anthony Carrigan was one of the first cast members announced, but I highly doubt they'd just CG him in the whole movie. Especially when Carrigan already captures the character's likeness as is.


Gathegi, Fillion and Isabela were announced together while with Anthony Carrigan they did it days later, My theory is that he starts out as an employee of Lex Luthor with the latter being a replacement for Simon Stagg.


Good points. I think most people are just assuming Metamorpho because he's the last of the major heroes we know is in the movie and he's someone who will require a fair amount of CGI. Who do you think it is instead?


It's just someone that helps the actors while they are hanging in the wires


If you look at the crowd extras on the Superman set, their fashion is ‘70s. It’s weird.


Not only that but take a look at Mr. Terrific's jetpack. It has a very retro design.


A teaser trailer for BATMAN NINJA VS YAKUZA LEAGUE released. It'd definitely a sequel to Batman Ninja. Looks like what you would expect.


https://youtube.com/shorts/mfHEQja6nxc?si=tcnXKeuc6PH-OHuh I don't like Doomblazer, but I think this is one of the few times he got it right. Really hit the nail on the head with this one.


It’s a good theory. I’m guessing Ultraman, The Engineer, and Rick Flag Sr. work for Lex?


The same Rick Flag Sr. who is expected to confront Peacemaker and Amanda Waller for the death of his son? Please, Engineer is the one who aims to be a LuthorCorp employee.


Probably. At least Ultraman anyways.


PlutoTV has a channel dedicated to Mister Roger’s Neighborhood and it’s just so wholesome to have on the background


Question, why does everyone call the guy in the black suit Ultraman or Bizarro? he clearly is modeled after Ulysses Were there some story leaks that I missed??


>he clearly is modeled after Ulysses Is he though? The only think they have in common is having a "U" on their outfit.


He's similar in appearance, but I feel like there wouldn't be much of a point hiding his face if the dude behind the mask didn't look more like Superman appearance wise. That, and considering almost every leak keeps talking about *Ultraman* and Ulysses hasn't been brought up at all, it just seems more likely to me it's Ultra behind the mask.


There is a rumor that's been around for a while (id say 6 months or so prior to the set photos) of the villain for the movie being a clone of Superman, a combo of Ultraman and Bizarro. The suit in the set photos has the U of Ulysses, but could always stand for Ultraman. The suit is black, like Ulysses, but it also covers his face. Which doesn't really make sense for Ulysses as a character. It does make sense if he's a clone of Superman though. Another interesting point (which doesn't really point to one side or the other) is that the mask resembles Doomsday's biosuit. I don't think the character is Doomsday, but I think the resemblance is intentional. Overall, I just don't think the character is clearly Ulysses. I think it has some common features but there are a lot of other aspects that suggest otherwise.


It is also that Gunn talked directly about this rumors a couple of times and specifically did not deny Ultraman being in the movie when he had the chance.


What Gunn did not deny was that there was no clone of Superman in the movie, No serious insider has said that Ultraman will be the name of clone, It's just people throwing mud against the wall, if you know the most basics of DC and you think of an evil Superman, Bizarro and Ultraman are the first things that come to mind.


If there was no character named Ultraman in the movie, when asked "Is Ultraman in the movie?" Gunn could have just say "No". He didn't do so. DanielRPK and others talked about it being Ultraman since months before the set photos. Literally nobody has ever mentioned Ulysses until that point. Also, if you concede that there is going to be a clone of Superman and we have seen it has a gigant U in his suit, it is clearly a version of Ultraman.


Gunn won't say because it would directly confirm details of the movie ahead of time, Gunn never denied that the plot with the clone was true but he was not going to confirm it either. Gunn likes to use semantics and be ambiguous when it comes to leaks, For example, Gunn never denied that the movie would take place in the Middle East at some point in the plot, He only said that it was false that there was a terrorist threat, Months later (via Bassem Youssef who had supposedly been casting to be Rumaan Harjadi, a dictator of Bialya) it was confirmed that the movie would take place in the Middle East at some point and through an update on IMDB it is known that it will be Jarhanpur since some actors are credited as villagers from that fictional country. Unless you show me a tweet or a post from them where they say that their sources explicitly confirmed that the name of the Superman clone is Ultraman, To me it's just them throwing out random names, they just saw the guy in the black suit with the U on his chest and quickly came to the conclusion that it's Ultraman when before that they are not so sure if this was either Bizarro or a combination of both. The "U" might not mean anything in the end (could even be deleted in post-production), the design is reminiscent of Doomsday's containment suit and this one came to have the alias of The Ultimate, Does that mean it could be Doomsday? Not necessarily but I give it as an example. Even during the filming of TSS, no one knew which character Idris Elba was playing, His suit was not reminiscent of any character existing in the comics and to avoid leaks, in the script he was referred to as Vigilante, (later it was revealed that he was Bloodsport, a Superman villain), could be the same situation here 


I noticed it's resemblance to Darkseid's hazmat suit too and wondered if people were calling him bizarro because in superman & lois they gave bizarro a human sized doomsday suit. What you're saying is all valid but honestly I would hate if they went for the name Ultraman, as this would kinda invalidate earth-3. I'd rather they just call him Ulysses even if he's just a Superman clone that turns into Bizarro.


I mean, no offense but this seems to be the whole basis of the Ulysses theory. People that don't want it to be Ultraman so they found some other character with an U in its name.


The problem is that if you introduce Ultraman, so you hide his face? The real Superman being pointed out as an impostor and being escorted by the clone would be to get straight to the point. It makes more sense to include Bizarro than to try to mix him with another character with similar characteristics.


I’m pretty sure it originated on Twitter. Someone taking set photos said that name on Twitter and people took it as a fact and spread it like wildfire.


Most of those people had probably never even heard of Ulysses before that. I know I certainly had not.


Me too. Ulysses has a cool look. It would be a shame to get rid of that if it is him.


???? Literally the suit is identical to that of ulysses minus the mask


Minus the mask, the white parts in the arms and legs, the gloves, the belt being totally different; the U having a different location, size and shape (more similar to the Ultraman U). Just to name a few. It is "identical" by being mostly black. With that criteria it might as well be Batman.


It bears no resemblance to any Ultraman "U", it's missing the crest. The suit overall has 1000% more resemblance to Ulysses than Ultraman.


Removing the "U" from the suit, the only DC character (or rather a character from Wildstorm) that would match the design is Blackash, https://dc.fandom.com/es/wiki/Marc_Slayton_(Universo_Wildstorm), they both wear a black suit and wear a mask but this one usually has his hair uncovered.


>calling him bizarro because in superman & lois they gave bizarro a human sized doomsday suit. The similarity is very odd. If it does end up being true, it'll look kinda like he ripped it off.


[Maybe](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MgOfx8pHZfc&pp=ygUac3VwZXJtYW4gYW5kIGxvaXMgYml6YXJybyA%3D ) I’m exaggerating a bit but it looks similar to me. Could James Gunn be using the same idea!? I mean, why would a character have his face covered like that?


Agreed. It just makes a lot of sense. My main question is what the clone's purpose would be? Frame Superman? Replace him? Be his own hero (like Ultraman)? Personally, I think the clone is intended to replace and pretend to be Superman, like what happened in Superman: Doomsday (the animated movie). But he has a mind of his own and goes rogue, actually believing he is Superman. That way it won't be full blown Bizarro, like in Superman and Lois.


Does anyone know danielrpk discord link?


You need to buy his Patreon to get access to it


[Just beautiful....](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Corenswet)


[DanielRPK:"Jason Momoa may return to the DC Universe as Lobo in #Supergirl"](https://x.com/KnightEdgeMedia/status/1808945093404958829?t=PuaNwjLaxNN2LBf9PFl6Xw&s=19)


Worst kept secret


Majority of the internet has said Lobo in Supergirl, how is this a scoop ?


sure is definitive


I rewatched War for the Planet of the Apes, and seeing the way Reeves handled Nova's character in that film I really hope he introduces Dick Grayson into his Batman trilogy.


Hopefully, by Part 2 itself


Here’s my take on what the set photos have revealed: The DCU’s JLI already exists, and is a UN-backed global organization that licenses and regulates superheroes. It’s also a brand that uses its association with public superheroes to sell more products to consumers. That means that the JLI ultimately serves the interests of its shareholders and supporting nations over anything else. The logo on the heroes’ suits is not the LordTech logo. The ad on that store showed a separate logo for LordTech and it even has a different style. It’s not the Terrifitech logo either because it does not look like an obvious T. It’s the JLI’s logo. The JL is pretty obvious and the I is in the middle. That means there are literally JLI products being sold similarly to Vought’s products in The Boys. The Terrifics (Mr. Terrific, Hawkgirl, Metamorpho and Guy Gardner) is just one team under the JLI. That explains why the 4 heroes each have uniforms styled like the Terrifics in the comics but with this JLI logo. Mr. Terrific probably thinks he can change the JLI from the inside. Meanwhile, Superman wants no part of it, like Cap with the Sokovia Accords in Civil War.


It's definitely the LordTech logo, one of the store ads in the set makes this very clear, the ad only shows the "LordTech" logo and the symbol is right above it.


You got a link to that? I think what’s really going on is that the JLI and LordTech are affiliated with each other, like Disney/Pixar. https://www.brandsoftheworld.com/logo/disney-pixar So JLI/LordTech, instead of just JLI, which makes a lot more sense anyways in terms of branding. I just don’t see how that symbol is representative of LordTech exclusively. The lettering should match the style of the logo at the very least if it was just one corporate entity. Meanwhile, you can very clearly make out a J and an L in the symbol. And why is “LordTech” even under it at all if that symbol is the company’s logo? It’s not as if Apple has the word Apple under its logo lol. If LordTech is a necessary part of the logo despite the symbol already there then that’s a failure of branding. The symbol itself should already make it clear what company it is in-universe. Why would Mr. Terrific, who has his own massive tech company, wear the symbol of his competitor, too? That seems reductive of his character. It’s like if Bruce Wayne was supporting LexCorp products. I’ll also add that Booster Gold, a character strongly associated with the JLI, starts his own company called Booster Gold International, so JLI being a corporate entity being is something that tracks. Maxwell Lord literally forms the group in the comics, and the comic is known to be a “workplace comedy.”


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/weeklyplanetpodcast/s/sv6BxFvB28) On slide 13, it seems clear to me that the symbol is part of the LordTech logo. Even I thought people were misinterpreting it and the logo would be from TerrificTech and unrelated to LordTech, but now that kind of buries my theory.


I still think it’s a case of co-branding. What’s undeniable is that Maxwell Lord actively supports superheroes and that this symbol is associated with his LordTech company. In the comics, he starts his campaign of influencing superheroes by forming the JLI. The set photos show a version of The Terrifics wearing this symbol, which spells out a JL as clearly as Superman’s symbol is an S. The simplest conclusion is that what we’re seeing is the JLI and that the Terrifics are just a part of the JLI, kind of like how DC is a part of WBD. The JLI actually expands to become an international organization made up of multiple teams (JLA and JL Europe) in the comics too.


Co-Brand would make sense, either way, it is undeniable that LordTech and this organization are connected.


I'm not the only one noticing the eyebrow difference between battle damaged superman and non battle damaged superman pics right?


I think it’s just the low quality of the pics.


Even in the suit reveal posted by gunn they look different from the non battle damaged suit leaks tho


His eyebrows got blown off /s (unless?)


Ngl, all this talk of "Superman will be an anti-mcu movie" is reminding me of that Schaffrillas video where he says Gotg vol 3 is an "anti-disney" movie. Lmao, CBM Twitter just project their personal opinions on Gunn


>Gotg vol 3 is an "anti-disney" movie I mean, are they wrong? At least with regards to Orgocorp basically being Disney?


When people say that Superman 2025 will be anti-MCU, what exactly do they mean?  That it’ll critique how heavily corporate and samey the MCU is? I suppose that would be interesting, but it might run the risk of coming off as hypocritical.    Hell, the She-Hulk finale basically did that, albeit in a way that came off as self-deprecation. 


The problem with she hulk was that it was unfunny, written by Rick & Marty writer no less.


Deadpool & Wolverine seems like it'll be much more of a reverse of what MCU/Disney normally hashes out than Superman is likely to be. Blood & violence/gore everywhere, homo-erotic humor and subtext, inappropriate dialogue.   What would be a "pro-mcu" Superman movie? Superman being PG - PG13, having a lot of comedy and having a villain whose powers mirror Superman's?   Unless you mean it'll be the movie that puts DC above Marvel in popularity. That'd probably take a few big hits to do.


[A second Green Lantern in the Superman film? ](https://x.com/homeofdcu/status/1808897480743883146?t=73Q1BDIV8u-vYhbhtd6qiA&s=19)


Whats your prediction for avatar 3 boxoffice? Will it follow the star wars fate? Avatar 2 had lot of factors in advantage that avatar 3 lacks. Comment your predictions


never bet against James Cameron.


It'll do better than other movies this year since IMAX tickets cost more and avatar is 100% about top of the line visuals. Overall will do worse than avatar 2 since GA response to 2 seems to basically be "it looks super pretty, but the story is very average" (novelty may wear off for a decent % of audience), but it will still sweep every other movie this year unless someone else makes a high profile film that looks like it needs to be watched on the fanciest screens possible


Even if it decreases in the US, it has room to grow in China. I don't see it going under 2 Billion.


So I think it's safe to say that Guy Gardner and Hawkgirls' costumes confirm that we will be seeing a Lord Tech funded JL International. Some people are saying it's a jab at The Boys, and while I do think that could be the case, I also think it's meant to be a satire of The MCU (or at the very least, modern superhero franchises in general), with Terrific, Hawkgirl, and Guy Gardner all having overdesign costumes that corporate thinks will look cooler and more hip with the kids, and are a team funded by a big corporation. With Superman coming in to show them and the people what a true superhero looks like and SHOULD look like, opposing the modern and cynical world. Really like the set photos of Superman as well, especially him interacting with the children as well. Seemingly preferring Superman, as they know true innocence when they see it. Also, they'll more than likely have their comic accurate costumes again at the end of the movie. Also, also, Hawkgirl just looks so, so hot and THICC, even from these photos. Not surprisingly, because it's Isabella Merced, one of the most beautiful women on the planet....Guy Gardner don't look too bad too, especially with the bowl cut. Also, also, also, I'm assuming Hawkgirl will join the Authority at the end as well, since there's no real point in having Swift when you already have Hawkgirl.


God I hate job interviews with a passion 😫


Do you guys believe, characters like dr fate, rocket red and mr miracle will appear in james gunn's dcu? Comment your opinions.


If there’s ever a soft reboot of the MCU like what Gunn is doing with the DCU, what would be your 5 movie plan?


X-Men The Ever-Loving Hulk Screwball (I think I could make it work) Pym v. Van Dyne Super Hero Squad (basically an Avengers film)


The MCU was very much centered on The Avengers as a core team, so if there's a soft reboot, I would make X-Men and The Fantastic Four as more central characters, the one central point that will stay throughout it all is Spider-Man and probably Hulk.


Though I would also suggest Avengers and Guardians as secondary focus for a soft rebooted MCU.




Also, the Starjammers could possibly take Guardians’ place as the galaxy-protecting team of the MCU


> I would make X-Men and The Fantastic Four as more central characters, As they should be.


I don't necessarily think so, although they are the most popular of the bunch. The Avengers as a team was much more ripe with very distinct superheroes with their distinct characterizations (as opposed to X-Men, and even more egregiously, Fantastic Four), so they made the most sense for being the central focus of a drawn-out cinematic universe in the same vein as the Justice League is for DC. This suggestion is more out of necessity than a choice. The Avengers stories have been run dry, so that leaves time to explore others at this point while we're at it.


X-men centric. That’s where the money is.


None offence but hard rebooted JL is not soft reboot it IS HARD REBOOT.


When people say they're getting bored of the "superhero formula", what do they mean? What else do they want from a superhero film?


Just good films that happen to star super heroes/villains. Not just simply superhero film #127 that follows the same basic 3 act structure, that ends with a big, often times completely unnecessary, cg battle between hero and villain, with the exact same mix of drama, action, and comedy (same exact style of comedy too). That wears a different genre as a mask to pretend to be something different when really its more of the same with a new coat of paint. Legit genre films that tell different stories, some that focus more on action, some that focus more on drama, some that are actually serious, some more light, some in-between. That's what a lot of people are wanting at this point.




Last I was here, this place was buzzing…. Noone chats here anymore!!!


Oh, I've been through emptier chats...


Anyone who prefers Snyder's style over substance just because they don't like what James Gunn is doing can jump ship if they want, but don't let anyone come with that shitty revisionism that Michael Wilkinson's suits should be the norm in superhero movies. Also anyone who thinks that in Superman they will use the name "Justice League International" is getting the wrong idea, what we will see will surely be a reincarnation of the Justice Society of America with Maxwell Lord leading them (and perhaps also being sponsored by the United Nations ) or it is even likely that Gunn will adapt the concept of the Super Buddies (from the "Formerly Known as the Justice League" miniseries) only replacing Ted Kord, Booster Gold and Mary Marvel with Mister Terrific, Guy Gardner and Hawkgirl respectively: the name "Justice League" will be for when we see Superman found the group. By the way, I don't know why I feel that Engineer started out as an employee of LordTech and that Luthor will be involved in the origin of Metamorpho instead of Simon Stagg (I mentioned the latter months ago), of course, at least until we see photos of Anthony Carrigan in the set and see if he's also wearing a LordTech suit.


> the name "Justice League" will be for when we see Superman found the group. they're literally wearing a "JL" on their chests in these photos from the set


This is the logo of LordTech.


no. this is the logo of Lordtech... https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fjust-in-case-the-lordtech-logo-v0-t7ljpg7dmbad1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4a21a33e9222db0a9f6b708f533199ec28cde19f


It's the same LordTech logo that they show off on their suits, it looks like a J and an L combined but it's just a coincidence.


Like i said don't expect DCU to do 100% faithful adaptation of the comics, but also don't expect a Secret Invasion situation where nothing is same expect the title.


There aren't any 100% accurate adaptations of Marvel or DC.


People act like DC must do 1000% faithful adaptation all the time, otherwise is the biggest mistake in existence for them.


There has literally never been a completely faithful adaptation of a DC film ever. Some were just worse with it than others.


Literally none of their live-action adaptations have been faithful. Superhero comics aren't adapted like manga. They're not direct adaptations. Even with the animated adaptations, I'm pretty sure very few of the animated films are near one-to-one. Not even Judas Contract was a source accurate adaptation of Judas Contract.


I don't expect any movie or TV adaptation of anything, comic book or otherwise, to be more than "inspired" by the basic idea of its source material.  Lucifer for instance was a really good show, but comparing it to the comics is like comparing a hamburger to wine. 100% different, but both are good stuff if you're into them.


Shit everybody let secret invasion slide, I’m just confused on ppl especially cbm fans getting mad off of DCU not being 100% faithful when mcu Thunderbolts roster doesn’t even Zemo or anybody from the comics. Not one person freaked out shits weird


Secret Invasion is one of the most hated MCU products ever released. One of the biggest criticisms of Thunderbolts is their lack of comic book members and how boring the roster looks. The only people who don't mind such important changes are the people who don't care about those storylines in the first place. We already went through 10 years of terrible portrayals of DC characters, no one who actually cares about them wants to go through that again.


Yesterday cbm twitter turned upside off of the set leaks of those two suits. I don’t remember Secret invasion and Thunderbolts roster turning cbm twitter and comic book fans upside down and I was online around that time. Ppl happily defended secret invasion from critique even on different subs. Thunderbolts roster doesn’t even Zemox the way ppl are flipping out about Terrific is far worse than the way ppl reacted to the Thunderbolts roster. All ppl said was “ Man there’s a lot of super soldiers on this team wish they could’ve added more heavy powered villains or antiheroes” and moved on with their day. Like y’all are rewriting history now. Shit even secret Invasion ppl didn’t turn the social media upside down over it, they just let it slide and moved on like nothing happened. Even when MCU disrespected a huge storyline not one comic book fan gave a fuck. Like come on.


Secret Invasion was poorly received on every account by both fans and critics, and you can check it for yourself. I have yet to see a single person defending it because that show has 1 decent episode at best. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt13157618/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_in_0_q_secret%2520invasion https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/secret_invasion People reacted poorly to the Thunderbolts precisely because of the super soldiers and everyone who actually liked the team from the comics complained about the lack of Zemo. The only reason there hasn't been any major discourse since the announcement is because it barely generates any discussion besides stuff like the Sentry controversy. The MCU receives tons of criticism every time they screw up a character or storyline, and that has become far more common after Endgame: Black Widow, Eternals, The Marvels, Secret Invasion, Miss Marvel, She-Hulk, Love and Thunder, Quantumania, etc. If people are criticizing the looks of the characters and the way they might be portrayed in the DCU, it's because we already have 3 cinematic universes known for butchering characters, especially lesser known heroes. Superman having to teach these random characters with barely any connection to his mythos how to become heroes is a terrible idea. Superman himself gets screwed all the time to make heroes like Batman look better, and the other way around doesn't make it better. I hope that's not the case, and we can't know for sure until the movie arrives, but you can't blame us for being worried when even the people in this sub agree that that's probably the case and act like it would be a good idea. The only scenarios I can picture where those characters don't get ruined is if they are being tricked or forced to work for whoever is running that corporation.


The Secret Invasion comic is absolute trash too though, in that sense the series was faithful to the source material. The only good version of that story was Avengers: EMH.


For the MCU fans, trust was built from the starting phase itself, enough to make it immune to criticism for creative liberties in some fans' eyes because, in many cases, those liberties ended up working, especially in Phase 3. And DCU, just for that reason alone, combined with the DCEU fumble, has a lot more at stake to win fans back.


Which fans DCU must win back? DCEU fanbase?  Part of the DCEU fanbase was Snyder fanbase majority of them wasn't fans of DC, but Snyder idea of DC . That fans we must win back ? DC fans who hated DCEU since day one?  GA who never liked DCEU movies(with few exceptions of course)?  The rest of us wasn't enough. Like it or not DCU start literally on point zero, like MCU started with Iron man in 2008. Creature Commandos tv series and Superman movie will create DCU fanbase.


>DCU start literally on point zero, like MCU started with Iron man in 2008. The difference is that the maximum baggage Marvel had before MCU began was disconnected solo films with varying levels of reception and a somewhat decent X-Men franchise. The landscape for the DCU is much different. Although they are starting on point zero, they have multiple and sizeable baggage. The biggest being the failure of the past in the DCEU, then the Snyder fanbase who are perhaps the bottom of the barrel when it comes to superhero fan toxicity, and there are people who prefer DC to be more loose, akin to the Nolan Trilogy, Joker and The Batman. For the most part, we agree on the solution and the opportunity presented to Gunn and Co. with the DCU and a chance to build a new fanbase while tapping over the leftover fans who love DC but not DCEU (aka us). They are on point zero for sure, but we can't ignore the accumulated baggage of past problems that led us to this and, therefore, the inevitable scrutiny and expectations which is affecting the discourse. The only thing Gunn has to do to win over a good amount of fans towards the DCU... is to deliver.


If anyone expects a faithful adaptation of Woman of Tomorrow, they will end up being enormously disappointed. It is even very likely that the movie will simply be called "Supergirl" to make that clear. It is the character's first movie in 4 decades and at some point of the story will have to address Kara's origins and her arrival on earth.


So what’s up with Metamorpho? Seems weird that he wouldn’t be there with the rest of the team today. He’s the character I’ve been most looking forward to seeing in live action besides Supes. I really hope he has practical effects and wasn’t that guy in the blue mo cap suit in the pictures today. Really want to see what Metamorpho looks like and hope they show him soon. 


Probably the person wearing the full blue suit.


If Metamorpho is from Lord's team, therefore he should dress the same as the rest of the team, even that would save time for the makeup and special effects departments.


Metamorpho's powers mean he is never going to be dressed in a full costume.


I’m not a huge fan of Hawkgirl suit but cbm twitter being mad that Isabel doesn’t have short hair stating that “Kendra has had short hair since 1999 isabela should have short hair” makes me realize that maybe just maybe Snyder was right about comic book fans and DC fans specifically . Becoz wtf




There's a lot of things wrong with this. It is the most recent thing in the timeline it takes place after Fallout 4. It wasn't a fusion core it was cold fusion that they install at the NCR hq. The Soviets didn't nuke it was always between China and the United States. The satellite from the show is one of the few times Russia is referenced in the series. Also it's not outright confirmed that Vault tec started it there's still room for speculation.


learn the difference between "a" and "an"


Saw this [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/DCU_/comments/1dugxxm/just_in_casethe_lordtech_logo/lbgjmad/) from u/Sufficient_Bat_5152 about the JL in the DCU. The theory's that the first JLA that existed in the DCU was the roster from JLA: Year One by Mark Waid. This roster didn't include Batman and Superman and was just 5 members: Hal GL, Barry's Flash, Aquaman, Black Canary and Martian Manhunter. Assuming this team formed and was active before Superman's debut, that explains why Gunn wanted a younger actor for Clark and an older actor for Hal. We also know Hal in Lanterns will be a veteran GL who mentors John (a new recruit) so they could reveal that Hal was part of this original JLA during his younger days. The LordTech logo spotted on the Superman set also seemingly has a "JL" so it's likely that this is an early version of the JLI. Maybe Max Lord wants to do his own JL after the original JLA disbanded.


Here's my theory...JLI is an evolved version of JSA run by the government under Lord.Superman as if now is part of the JLI, throughout the course of the movie Superman realizes how corrupted a government run superhero team is so he decided to leave prompting other members to leave and form JL at the end of the movie.I also think Engineer and Guy would stay with Lord 


Superman would have a suit similar to the others if he was part of Lord’s team. Also Engineer’s under Luthor, not Lord.


It's just a theory.Superman doesn't necessarily have to wear one and we actually don't know Engineer is working under Luthor, she is with Flag Sr who works under the government.


Oh and JLI will now be The Authority!


I miss saitmq


Not a fan of hawkgirl or guy customers.  We could be looking of a plot similar to superman/batman public enemies. You got corporate and government heroes. Both are restricted in what they can and can not do. Superman is not gonna play by the rules and the government heroes are gonna go after him.  With the authority obviously they are gonna push and go over the line with their antics.  With max lord JLI who they hell knows. But keep WW and Batman and the JL roster away.  This is obviously a commentary on the boys. But is it too on the nose idk. What I do hope is the movie is for everyone and not just for comic readers. And to end this, that cape 😮‍💨 perfection. Almost like it was CGI. 


A better look at Hawkgirl's suit https://preview.redd.it/ij3xifs1udad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca4b1888a087e33aab225002d5214585127f5f9e


I like this pic a lot, im hoping for an edit without Guy and Prod team. This pose and angle would have been dope for the first pic. https://preview.redd.it/cuzpy128odad1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08bb2531c93026e8f737733492c3e0cabdd0ba7f


https://x.com/gwenlovesmovies/status/1808529951257170392?s=46 This is why I think Superman (2025) has the potential to revolutionize this genre again. Gunn is essentially doing a deconstruction OF the deconstruction, through Superman!


It almost feels like a commentary on how these dark edgy cbm’s are popular and stuff like Superman are outdated but this movie will show that Superman is timeless and lead the way for better cbm’s. 


I don't mind the Guy Gardner costume but there are things that be improved. The Hawkgirl costume is disappointing though. But I do think they'll change into something more iconic to the characters.


I do too. But now that there's some added context, I can accept it a bit more. Mr. Terrific remains the best looking of the bunch. I think Judianna Makovsky is awesome, don't get me wrong. But I'm feeling conflicted on most of these suits. And while I wasn't always a fan of some of the decisions of Ironhead Studios, their ingenuity and high caliber was never in doubt. It works for the MCU and Guardians, but I was hoping for something a bit different. I believe it's the same costume designer for Guardians of the Galaxy/The Suicide Squad/Peacemaker which I mostly really dug! The only one that wasn't doing it for me was Judomaster. Classic, form fitted, different fabric/material. We'll see how they evolve because it's a budding universe and I know they'll change over time, but I haven't been so wowed as much as I feel I should've/could've been. That's not to say I hate any of them. I don't. I mostly like Superman's suit and Mr. Terrific is perfection. Change isn't bad but I still want to be wowed. Everything else like Superman's characterization I have no worry over. The cast is literal perfection. I'm excited to see David and the rest of the Daily Planet and know they'll knock it out of the park. It's just a minor, superficial nitpick over suits. It's the meat of it all that I'm most looking forward to.


I actually think the suit is good but I thought this was funny https://preview.redd.it/j2xyfc2sbdad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1457ceda9f3e36b22ef060f3149fe5659202a75c


Okay, that's pretty great lol


I'm gonna have to lower my expectations with Superman in case people are right about the other heroes being corporate stooges because that's just doing them dirty. If everything goes wrong at least I'll still have MAWS and some of the current Superman comics.


Dude, two years ago a movie starring The Rock was released where the JSA were portrayed as subordinates of Amanda Waller, do you think Gunn is going to make this mistake too? Let's not jump to conclusions without having seen the movie.


I mean, they'll probably not be by the end of the film, I'd certainly imagine Clark will inspire them to break away from the corporate thing by the end of the movie.


If they are willingly taking part in a corporation's schemes, they're still getting done dirty. They are not anti-heroes or even have morals that far from Superman, having them learn how to "be heroes" from him still doesn't make any sense for their characters.


>If they are willingly taking part in a corporation's schemes My friend, you do not know what the story or script is lol. For all we know Lord could have them under the impression that they are doing good and noble work, while his actual motives are evil. Superman could help to expose his treachery which leads to Hawkgirl and Guy severing ties with LordTech. Idk how you can be so sure that the two of them are willingly working for an evil corporation while being fully aware that it's evil. There's nothing to suggest that from these set pics alone.


God, people have missed the point regarding Maxwell Lord, even Gunn himself wrote this at the time when it was announced that he would debut in the DCU: "Calling Maxwell Lord a villain seems reductionist. As he was originally portrayed in JLI made him one of my favorite characters" source: [https://www.instagram.com/jamesgunn/p/C0pcs4RvFx6/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/jamesgunn/p/C0pcs4RvFx6/?img_index=1) Anyone expecting Max Lord to be directly portrayed as someone evil (at least in his first appearance in the DCU) is wasting their time, in the comics, the JLI was under the sponsorship of the United Nations with Lord leading them mainly for influence but not necessarily with bad intentions (at least at that time)


All of sudden cbm twitter is acting like Guy Gardner wouldn’t work for corporation. The same Guy Gardner who’s obsessed with attention and showing off


I mean I'd want a lot of positive attention too if my parents were so lazy they couldn't think of a better name than *Guy*


Considering his dad was an abusive a-hole when Guy was a kid, yeah. Wonder if they'll delve into that and the head injury? Not super knowledgeable on GL and Guy in general unless in other comics/appearances, but that's from what I've seen/read online.


In the comics, Guy Gardner used to be a social worker and became a teacher for children with disabilities, it is possible that the DCU's Guy Gardner sees a benefactor in Max Lord and that is why he agrees to work with him.


Undermining other heroes to highlight Superman is terrible for every character involved. This is not a Guy Gardner movie about his flaws and latter growth, which is a setting where this characterization actually fit without doing him dirty.


Even though I don’t like the Hawkgirl and Guy Gardner suits. I can’t make a statement saying Guy and other heroes will be fucked over in the Superman film till I see a trailer. Set pics are just there. I would hope Gunn doesn’t do that but who knows


I'm really shocked over the current set of allegations against Neil Gaiman. If true, this is extremely devastating for me as I hold his works in high regard.


It’s really sad


So are we thinking that Guy’s suit is a construct or is it his actual clothes?


I wish under the jacket it would be cloth like denim but it’s pleather.


I'm guessing that's his actual clothes, maybe with some touch-ups with his ring. Maybe he gets a construct suit after ditching Lord.


Def actually clothes.


Hawkgirl also has the LordTech logo https://preview.redd.it/s3fwg73accad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e049ab54bafc0ea633de77ef978ed0180e5349f


You're right. All 3 of them have the LordTech logo and their designs are practically the same. I can see, in this case, that they'll eventually change designs. Not in this particular film but further down the line. I just am not a fan, though I'm warming up a little. Not really understanding the shoulder pad type things that they're adding for just about every suit.




I wouldn't assume that Lord is going to be a malicious figure in the movie. He wasn't really a villain during his JLI years, he is just someone more morally gray. It could be like Fury in the MCU to some extent.


Gunn himself said that he doesn't see Max as just a villain. That's modern perception of the character ever since he turned bad and killed Ted Kord.


I understand that these costumes probably purposely look corporate and standardized, but that's no excuse for looking that way when Terrific's suit is perfect.


I think It looks good on Terrific because it's his suit, the design works well with him. The others are wearing essentially the same suit Terrific is with some minor differences but Guy and Hawkgirl usually have a more distinct suit in the comics that people are used to, so it probably feels off seeing the other two with those costumes. Quality wise I think they look about the same I just think people wanted and expected more unique and accurate suits for them and were surprised by the matching suits. 


did you get a copy of the script?


What does this have to do with the script? I said that I don't particularly like the costumes even though I kind of understand the logic behind it.


how do you know what the logic is?


It seems pretty obvious that they are probably a team financed by Max Lord, which explains the LordTech logo on the uniforms, the suits having the same pattern of lines and details, etc. My point is that I understand what seems to be the intention here, I'm just not a big fan of Guy and Hawkgirl's costumes which is funny since I really liked Mr Terrific's look and it follows the same pattern as those uniforms.


No excuse? thats unimaginative. Maybe Lord depends on Terrific's genius to design them. They could have technical capabilities.


Agreed. But at the same time, I will wait until I at least watch the trailer for the movie before hating on the suit. Sometimes the bts pictures just look unflattering. And, I hope all the other heroes got another comic accurate suit in the movie.


https://x.com/DCverso1/status/1808537350282043494 Another set leak video of Guy Gardner bullying Superman. He gonna get another punch..


Blue costume guy = Metamorpho, right? Has to be. And I hope it's fixed in post-production but I think the green in Gardner's jacket isn't dark enough. For a moment I thought it was white. His yee yeee haircut is perfect. Hawkgirl looks great. Modern and iconic at the same time.


He is just some dude helping Isabela keep her posture right on the wires.


Do you think DCU Wonder Woman could be like the post-crisis version that only arrives to the men's world fairly late when most other heroes are already active?


Arguably, she may even be the second Amazon to leave Themyscira since there are theories that Hippolyta would have been the first to carry the mantle of WW in the DCU (and even having been a member of the JSA)


I could see that maybe working. Them pulling from the Perez run could be really cool, and it helps that compared to Clark and Bruce where we’ve seen their origins again and again, Diana’s still has room to explore on film.


The DCU's entire existence will be justified if they manage to fully kill the idea of Zeus as Wonder Woman's dad and bring back the classic origin.


Oh definitely, I really hope we get the classic clay origin again, it’s way better than the demigod origin. Helps that Historia (which seems to be a source of inspiration for the Paradise Lost show) involves the clay birth as a big emotional moment in the story.


If Gunn are looking to differentiate from the DCEU, relying on the most classic material would be the most logical.