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https://preview.redd.it/dkyl2smf2z9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b6ab61d9482cda83ede4d9d47372b65d7576ec So many expressions, he’s gonna nail it


The neckline is now like in the reveal pic. What’s going!? Two suits with different necklines? How will it look in the movie?


Oh nice catch! I didn't even notice how they were changing the costumes. I wonder if the other one was for comfort and they meld the two into one in post production


david looks absolutely incredible as superman. love him. and the costume... its gorgeous


Fly, my boy, fly


I hope we get some graceful takeoff flight in this movie, but this looks great for an angry/determined takeoff. David really does look great.


Clean/graceful take offs go hard


That was one of my many issues with Snyder's Superman. I think out of the three films Cavill was in, there was like maybe 3 or 4 times where he took off and landed gracefully. All of the other times he took off like a bottle rocket and landed like he was trying to put a hole in the ground.


I agree. I personally hope his flight and powers are more like Ikaris. Maybe the best looking version of that powerset I've ever seen.


I wonder if they will try to explain his power to fly. I personally enjoy the whole “force field” type explanation in modern comics but I get if they don’t want to get bogged down in that


I bet there is no explanation. I think people are familiar enough with Superman there is no need to get bogged down by the small details that don’t serve the greater story.


Yea there is no need but modern audiences do enjoy hard-“magic” so it could be nice. Totally agree tho it may not be necessary or worth it


I really don't think so. Gunn isn't really that type of writer/director. He romanticizes comic book characters, there is no need to ground them.


He definitely has a similar mindset as Grant Morrison does. >People say kids can't understand the difference between fact and fiction, but that's bullshit. Kids understand that real crabs don't sing like the ones in The Little Mermaid. But you give an adult fiction, and the adult starts asking really fucking dumb questions like 'How does Superman fly? How do those eyebeams work? Who pumps the Batmobile’s tires? It's a fucking made-up story, you idiot! Nobody pumps the tires! Maybe not as aggressive as Grant though.


Grant's scottish, the entertainingly unnecessary swearing comes with the territory.


Yes true enough. I personally enjoy Superman’s powers explained personally. I geek out with that fan theory that he’s basically just an incredibly powerful psychic but doesn’t realize it 😆 Superman is so well known tho an explanation isn’t needed


People don't need that kind of thing with Superman. The Boys did a solid enough dissection of how a realistic Supe wouldn't be able to save a falling plane, but when we're watching an actual Superman movie, we not only don't care when he saves that plane, we cheer even harder when he does it with one damn hand.


This fight scene with Swamp Thing is going to be lit!


I was thinking Poison Ivy but yeah, Swampy fight will be dope.


Now it looks just like the MAWS suit




I think it is intentional that this suit doesnt fit or they have problems to have a suit that fits him


His facial expression reminds me of me after eating a fajita


Superman flying is as iconic as Ronaldo hitting the siuu. I really love these moments 😂


Or crying when missing a penalty 🤣🤣🤣


Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player the world ever saw. The finest goal scorer ever. The Machine. The Boss of UCL. The only player who proved himself in PL, La Liga and Seria A. One moment doesn't define him. You would had get I meant that he is The Superman of Football if you weren't trying so hard to be smart. Anyway, already reported you




Man looks like bootleg version of Henry Cavil.


Cornswet looks like he is only pretending to fly for the camera unlike Cavill who spent months training to actually fly for real. This movie's gonna suck.